SketchUcation ideas
SketchUcation Extensions store.
Is it just me? I come to the store and the first thing I want to do is search. The search button is down at the bottom, then the search field appears at the top. Maybe just have the search field ready to go?
SketchUcation Extensions Manager.
Can the plugins and extensions Managers be combined? Or put them in one window? How would I know which is what I need? Some plugins are in both locations and only actually work via one (e.g. SoapSkinBubble).
SketchUcation Plugin downloads (from website).
I get to the plugin page and I must login (though I think I am logged in) to get the plugin. After login I end up at some other page and must navigate back to the plugin page again.
Thanks for the cool stuff and the hard work. Just ideas, as someone once said.
Hi Pbacot,
Thank you for the ideas. We are working on a major update for both the site and the extension store plugin so we'll take into account your suggestions during the upgrades. Though I have some thoughts about your last suggestion:
@pbacot said:
SketchUcation Plugin downloads (from website).
I get to the plugin page and I must login (though I think I am logged in) to get the plugin. After login I end up at some other page and must navigate back to the plugin page again.
This is because the forums and the main site including the web based pluginstore page are 2 different software. The forums are under PhpBB and the Pluginstore is managed by Jooma. Sometimes it happens when you are active in PhpBB, Joomla times out your login session. We've tried to fine-tune this timeout interval in the past but sometimes it still might log you out.
Though when you log in to joomla you're supposed to get back to the page where you were before the log in. So when I go to and I log in there I stay on that page after the log in. Could you please describe in more detail how do you log in and what other page do you end up with after the login?
Thanks for the reply. Here’s my process. I guess I learned how to navigate better in reviewing it.
Say I am looking for extrude tools. I may search the site and end up with this link:
A link on that page for downloads leads here:
SketchUp Plugins | PluginStore | SketchUcation
SketchUp Plugin and Extension Store by SketchUcation provides free downloads of hundreds of SketchUp extensions and plugins
I am asked to Login and I press the button, log in no problem. I am directed here:
SketchUp Plugins | PluginStore | SketchUcation
SketchUp Plugin and Extension Store by SketchUcation provides free downloads of hundreds of SketchUp extensions and plugins
There is no back button highlighted —the last tab I have in Firefox is the search page I originally made to find the first link above.
I guess at this point the best choice is to use History to find the download page again. Woops that’s not it --that’s the forum page. There are a couple Plugin Store links but no idea which is the one for the extrude tools (History pull-down menu doesn't say). must be the first one? Ah that’s it and I have the Download button.
Thanks again,
In Firefox I do the following...
I first get to the page I searched for...
But I'm not logged in to the PluginStore.
So I login to the PluginStore using the dialog that pops up - and after that it awkwardly reverts to a general search.
So I use the Back Arrow to return to the previously searched-for-page - there's still a login dialog showing.
I just ignore that [cancel] - then I use the Reload Page option and now the searched-for-page is accessible, and I'm logged in.There must be an easier way to do this...
I don't get the back arrow after login for some reason. It's grayed out.
@tig said:
In Firefox I do the following...
I first get to the page I searched for...
But I'm not logged in to the PluginStore.
So I login to the PluginStore using the dialog that pops up - and after that it awkwardly reverts to a general search.
So I use the Back Arrow to return to the previously searched-for-page - there's still a login dialog showing.
I just ignore that [cancel] - then I use the Reload Page option and now the searched-for-page is accessible, and I'm logged in.There must be an easier way to do this...
That is exactly how it is for me with chrome.
Thank you for the replies. Now I see the problem. The ...?pln=xxxx.... part of the URL is not taken into account after the login. So after logging in you get back to the main pluginstore page. I'll take a look into it and see if I can modify the login redirect to take into account the URL's query part as well. Will let you know about the result.
I think this one is solved. Now the Joomla login modal takes into account the query part of the URL so after login you should land at the pluginstore item where you were before. Also increased the Joomla timeout from 3 hours to 5 hours so hopefully it won't be so often the Joomla session to time out while the PhpBB session is still active.
Looks like that part is fixed...
Wow. Thanks for taking care of that. Nice job!