SketchUp 2019 release
Release notes: -
This is a joke! :[
So the new "features" for this year are a subscription based model, a bundle with Sefaira, dashed lines and Marc? Can this be true? Really?!?
So depressing. Where to now? Any breakaway developers fancy going down the open source rip off route? Surely the SketchUp team are disillusioned with it all too?
@rv1974 said:
You forgot coffee. They drunk lots of coffee last year
Yes... you're right. And i forgot the shiny new tape measure tool... Finally! I always thought that the old one wasn't usable anymore...
huge list of changes / fixes, will have to salute the dev team for that
to be honest, I can imagine utilizing the linestyle per layer thing, I wonder (or wish) we could set it up differently between different scenes (and it is remembered per scene a style / fog / camera / etc. would be).
layer naming logic change is also welcome, although I've long since dealt with that problem with workaround conventions
I'll probably only be able to fully appreciate / explore improvements in time, as I use it
So I’m confused
Does that mean that sketch up has gone the adobe/AutoCAD subscription
I need to read the sketchup site but I guess that means if you get a 1 year m&s you don’t get to keep version 2019 (or other) once it runs out?
That really sucks if that is the case
@gameongrant said:
So depressing.
Yes, very sad. And i thought it couldn't get any worse after the last years...
@gameongrant said:
Where to now? Any breakaway developers fancy going down the open source rip off route? Surely the SketchUp team are disillusioned with it all too?
Like i said before, it would be great, if someone could develop the key features of SU (inferencing, push-pull, double click to open instance/group,...) as add-on for Blender or Max.
I don’t know if I am telling old news but Looking at the current Sketchup website I get the sinking feeling that there will be no annual releases anymore and only basic subscriptions. The only new software development seems to be an additional very expensive version that includes a Sefaira bolt-on. Can anybody tell me I am totally wrong please....?!?
If this is true than I think it would be nice if Trimble had prepared the Sketchup community and users about it in advance... but maybe they are not nice anymore?
@numerobis said:
Like i said before, it would be great, if someone could develop the key features of SU (inferencing, push-pull, double click to open instance/group,...) as add-on for Blender or Max.
Someone is working on something for Unity. It would be cool if they would adopt it to Blender 3D.
This is certainly more disappointing then i could have imagined.
Having waded through the sales patter on the page:
@unknownuser said:
Best of all: we’re using this opportunity to challenge ourselves to earn your business every single day by constantly improving the tools you need and love throughout each year.
@unknownuser said:
This shift in our business will keep us accountable to retain your business, by releasing new features as often as possible. We are proud to take on this challenge and move our process from an annual update cycle
These statements personally offend me.
Surely a subscription license, where you are unable to continue using the software if you don't renew every year, is the exact opposite of keeping them accountable to retain our business? -
@applemango85 said:
I need to read the sketchup site but I guess that means if you get a 1 year m&s you don’t get to keep version 2019 (or other) once it runs out?
Click through the classic license link. Still $120 annually to keep your perpetual licenses. (for now)
They are definitely following what Adobe and AutoDesk have done. As a company that has transitioned through both, my advice is to hang on to those perpetual licenses as long as you can!Edit: By that I mean pay the M&S every year. Don't let it lapse or your TCO goes up by 2.5x
@glitchdesign said:
These statements personally offend me.
Yes, this really sounds like mockery to me when i look at the "improvements" of the past years.
@numerobis said:
So the new "features" for this year are a subscription based model, a bundle with Sefaira, dashed lines and Marc? Can this be true? Really?!?
I can't believe any company with a soft like Sketchup can do this shit !!
After soooooo many time. -
@numerobis said:
edit: The thread is from January 2017. Do you know if this is still in development?
Last update on Twitter was from June. I just sent a message to them to see if they are still actively working on this.
@glenn at home said:
Someone is working on something for Unity. It would be cool if they would adopt it to Blender 3D. looks very promising. Thanks for the link.
The push-pull is already better than in SU.Hopefully someone can adopt it incl. a good numeric input and the other good features of SU.
edit: The thread is from January 2017. Do you know if this is still in development?
edit 2: I've found something... at least till July 2018 he was still posting updates
nice progress...
I am saddened by this.
I’ve been using sketchup for about 14 years and it was the modelling software for everyone. To the extent that it took a while for some to take it seriously as a professional design tool.
Adobe and auto desk, etc were expensive to start off with so a subscription license was understandable to an extent.
However this decision really alienates the freelancers and small businesses who can’t afford to go subscription, who over the years helped sketch up to grow and become the widely used tool it is today.
I’m still waiting to hear more info on classic and a comparison of that and pro and studio. But right now I’m not a happy bunny (excuse the term)
Over time, much as I like some software, I've come to realize that if I don't like how it's done (or NOT done), I can just go start my own software business. So there.
@glenn at home said:
Last update on Twitter was from June. I just sent a message to them to see if they are still actively working on this.
Thanks! I just found it