Designspark anyone?
I have not used it, only seen a few videos of it working, looks a bit like SU, I'm guessing it's good for mechanical engineering. Looks like it's free so why not download and try?
DesignSpark Mechanical Download and Installation
DesignSpark Mechanical download and installation
It's not exactly the same than SketchUp because it's more like "Nurbs" modeling!
Very powerful for fillets and boolean operations!It's the light version of SpaceClaim a big one of the 3DCAD
You can see my site (in French) about an old version with some little tricks!
Thx for the recalling : i will load this last version 4.0 (if it's a free one
Installed the 4.0 : it's free indeed!
(install very long so be patient!
So a new toy to test again for see if advanced old functions like Blend are present!
The old one... -
How does it compare with FormZ?
OK present!
So a very cool prog! (a little complex but...more easy than Blender
At first view I don't see SKP export just STL, PDF3D, DXF 2D/3D) ... -
At second view it can open SKP file!
But Damned!
Seems direct import of Moi STP, STEP don't works for any reasons in the DSM V 4.0! Very curious!So you must use the old version DSM V1 for import the MOI file STP then save it in rsdoc format then reload it in the V 4.0
(for the old V1 !!! )
and use the same old trick!
Go to the head of the arborescence, draw a 3D SPhere
and Right click on the head arborescence then click the enabled case Lock for "unclick it" !All will works fine!
it's more mechanical oriented than "Form'z free", and it's really "nurbs" !
(it imports not the texture from SketchUp , only colors !
But it keeps name of group/ Components!
Direct modeling always fun!
Thanks Pilou great feedback, seems you are having fun with it. Sorry did not get back sooner. Have been busy and not even allowed to download and play myself. But will get the chance this weekend
In fact "Step" files from Moi are good for direct importation! (or from other nurbs package)
(but the trick of the Sphere "unlocked" always indispensable for modify it inside DSM - 2 seconds! -
Direct export save as STL, OBJ, SKP works fine!
Only nurbs export format Sab / Sat should have the trick of the "command line" shown above! (5 seconds)
Sorry I had made a bad Install of DMS ! Now it's some much better!
PDF 3D...seems always not visible afer Savee format PDF3D but maybe i forgotten something again!
(and i am not sure to have always a pdf 3D viewer! If you a Pdf 3D on line... -
Winter-Spring with Magica!
(from the image DesignSpark above) -
Sorry Pilou, I dont understand how this relates? Interesting though
Just for show that any image can be reloaded in Magica for explore infinite worlds of forms and colors!So above with an image created by DesignSpark 2 posts previous!