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How to export a SU model to a GIS software
Hello !
I'm desperately looking for a way to export my sketchup power plant layout to a GIS format usable by QGIS.
I tried to export to KMZ/KMZ/DWG/DXF... But none of them were imported into QGIS.
The best would be a plugin to export directly to .shp.
Would you have any idea/suggestions ?
Thank you very much,
What's your SU version, and What QGIS version? There used to a shp tool very long ago.
Also have just found this, which may be a solution, or a path to one:
https://forums.sketchup.com/t/importing-shapefiles-shp-to-sketchup-skp/59032/10I can't help you more than that at moment. Haven't used SU for a while so it looks like folk are still doing interesting things with it.