CTRL and ALT modifiers on Mac (and PC) - Call to Mac users
Based on some relevant remarks by Oxer, I just realize that
I did map CTRL on Windows PC to the ALT on Mac,
whereas it's probably more natural to map CTRL on PC to a Command⌘. for instance, we use CTRL-Z on PC and ⌘Z on Mac for Undo.
The reason is that the Sketchup API imposes this mapping of CTRL on PC to ALT on Mac (COPY_MODIFIER constant).
I can indeed change the behavior for all my plugins, whether for some shortcuts (CTRL-Z, CTRL-Y) or for modifiers when you click.
My question and the purpose of this post is to get a feedback from Mac users.
Many thanks
I support that idea, in an attempt to make commands fit in better. For example, we generally see option (alt) used where a duplication is performed. To switch that to command is less intuitive therefore.