Cloudy hedge
Hi guys,
I need to render and animate some garden designs.
But i'm in search for some good plugins ore ways to draw ''cloudy hedges'' like on these picture's.
The texturing and stuff is not really important because i'm going to put the sketchup file in lumion and they can make the texture all leaves.
So the most important thing is how to create such shapes;;Ce8ez_1RlbyPMIjjxC-G6n-Xedxkf6e60R39IID1z60Hgnblw2zbU8wzXnOnmN1Db-3aei3xRjlzB1EEWXGvpkATWYyoSCfEL4bqf5d53EcIcW8HyFeXoKhIJGR_1p7rRHf0gRubtDY8e6HAoqEgkgPXPrQeCduRGp7SrVCpqYUCoSCXDbNtTzDNecEZUu4pK5mWX5KhIJ6eY3UNv7dp4RbLfNG_1sga5sqEgmLfFGOXMHUQRGI4irnNaoHJCoSCRZca-mQBNZjESeHCUlSrMAv&tbo=u&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwixqZXd6MrbAhUOK1AKHXWeD7MQ9C96BAgBEBs&biw=2560&bih=1286&dpr=1.5#imgrc=8Qvhup_l3ndQIM;;Ce8ez_1RlbyPMIjjxC-G6n-Xedxkf6e60R39IID1z60Hgnblw2zbU8wzXnOnmN1Db-3aei3xRjlzB1EEWXGvpkATWYyoSCfEL4bqf5d53EcIcW8HyFeXoKhIJGR_1p7rRHf0gRubtDY8e6HAoqEgkgPXPrQeCduRGp7SrVCpqYUCoSCXDbNtTzDNecEZUu4pK5mWX5KhIJ6eY3UNv7dp4RbLfNG_1sga5sqEgmLfFGOXMHUQRGI4irnNaoHJCoSCRZca-mQBNZjESeHCUlSrMAv&tbo=u&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwixqZXd6MrbAhUOK1AKHXWeD7MQ9C96BAgBEBs&biw=2560&bih=1286&dpr=1.5#imgrc=hd7FmoKoMd3yMM; -
My DIY Hedges and the Skatter plugin maybe?
Not sure if the leaves in DIY Hedges will do it for you but at least the technique would work.D.I.Y. Hedges | SketchUcation
3D SketchUp Community for Design and Engineering Professionals.
hi guys,
Thanks for the fast answers.
But i know the skatter plugin, but that's not really what i need.
Because this is needs a render plugin that works whit this.
But i use lumion to do this so the main thing that i need to know is how that i can make these cloudy hedges in sketchup.
Here you can see how it works in lumion: i just want to know ore see a tutorial how i can make these kind off cloudy shape hedges.
Now i'm working like this see attachment, these are all domes but i think there will be a faster and better way to create this.I want to be able to create shapes like in the google links in my first post.
Thanks in advance,
FYI. Skatter can also create geometry inside SketchUp. It will probably be heavy but it's doable.
Hi Pixero,
Thanks a lot for the really fast answer this is great.
So i can make this form (see attachement) a cloudy hedge whit skatter,
because i thought skatter was really a addition to some render plugins i didn't know it was also used for modelling.
As a searched yesterday for some tutorials on you tube i didn't find any that really explain how to fix ore create the things that i'm searching for.
Don't you just need to apply a suitable Lumion leaf material to the SU geometry?
Your model should work - perhaps just intersect the groups and clean it up.
Is this info relevant? [~5.15mins]