Is a GPU upgrade worth it?
Hey guys.
I'm thinking about upgrading my GPU (Nvidia 750ti 2gb) to a Nvidia 1080 8gb.
I use sketchup 2018 with Vray, and have an i7 6700k with 32gb DDR4 and 2 fast SSDs.
So, for sketchup and rendering I dont really need a GPU upgrade, but I want to try Lumion for the animations, and a 750ti won't cut it...
My question is:
Will I notice a viewport improvement in sketchup with that GPU upgrade? And also a will my CPU+GPU rendering times benefit from that?Or is that upgrade (750ti to 1080) only worth it for other 3D software, like Lumion?
you'll surely see improvements in SU too, at least w/ high polycount (aka big) models.
a GTX 1060 6GB might do it already, the GTX 1070 very likely:
PassMark Video Card (GPU) Benchmarks - High End Video Cards
Video Card Benchmarks - Over 1,000,000 Video Cards and 3,900 Models Benchmarked and compared in graph form - This page contains a graph which includes benchmark results for high end Video Cards - such as recently released ATI and nVidia video cards using the PCI-Express standard.
thats good to know, because my 100+ mb files lag a bit
but I always thought that it was "normal" and that Sketchup was mostly CPU/RAM intensive, so I kept my old GPUdefinitely going for that upgrade then, thanks for the reply
Do you have room for 2 GPUs? If you do then I would go with a EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti FTW3 GAMING, 11GB GDDR5X, made to run in dual mode later on (when you need another upgrade
@jonfar said:
thats good to know, because my 100+ mb files lag a bit
...that Sketchup was mostly CPU/RAM intensive...SU is CPU intensive (single-thread performance ), nevertheless for a balanced system an appropriate GPU (as well as enough RAM) is of course required too. Don't invest to much in a GPU, at least for sole SU modeling purposes, otherwise you will be disappointed.