[Plugin] Texture Resizer (1.5.6) β updated 15.05.2013
I've also got the same problem when Using the plugin , it just says "Processing" when I click "apply" and nothing more appens.
That problem occurs on my PC with SU 2014Pro and SU 2013Pro running on Windows XP Pro Sp3.
To Fix that problem on my PC I've done the following :
In ImageMagick.rb file located in ae_TextureResizer folder, I've made the following changes to Windows script host object ( adding in Run Method of WshShell a third argument "bWaitOnReturn=true") and add WScript suffix to CreateObject so lines 660, 661 and 664 have been revised as follow.
Line 660 : Add WScript. to CreateObject("WScript.Shell")] like that:
f.puts %[Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")]
Line 661 : Disable the code in this line like that:
#f.puts %[WshShell.Run """#{fbat}""", 0]
Line 664 : Enable the code in this line like that :
f.puts %[WshShell.Run """#{fbat}""", 0, true]
Previously, I've observed that the batch file named "commands.bat" create by ImageMagick.rb at C:\Documents and Settings\User\Local Settings\Tmp\skp_textureresizer\xyzabc folder is not lauched by the Visual Bacic file named "commands.vbs" create also by ImageMagic.rb file at line 657.
When I double click on the commands.bat file , the TextureResize plugin finalize the processing and then delete all components writen in C:\Documents and Settings\Jean\Local Settings\Tmp\skp_textureresizer\xyzabc folder.
It doesn't seem like this is in works with 2017 version.
Any plans for being updated?
On Extentions Store still version 1.5.5 (windows)
- Extentions Store still has v.1.5.5, which does not work on SU2018
- To work on SU2018, install extension from this post
- You will need imagemagick. During installation, select "Install legacy tools" to obtain convert.exe, which is used by this extension.