3D Truss Models
I agree that offering Make for free indefinitely is not a viable business decision either. Rather than drop Make entirely they should offer it in a $50 - $150 price range for the casual user. At that price most users would be willing to bite and even the most modest income of your average middle class (non-professional) user should be able to justify and afford it. By eliminating the mid-range flagship product they are essentially eliminating a whole swath of the user base and more importantly the new up and coming user base.
Whomever is making this business decision at the top needs to reconsider and come up with a better solution.
I have been a big advocate for SketchUp and not just because I've created some plugins for it. I still firmly believe it is the most intuitive and easy to use 3D design software out there. I've used Solidworks, Catia, ProE, AutoCAD (3D work), Revit and Chief Architect. All of these other softwares have their strong points and hence are used in their respective industries but they all feel clunky and dated when compared with SketchUp.
I'm not religious about SketchUp, if something drastically better comes along then I will make the switch but I haven't found anything better yet.
I just would really hate to see Trimble take SketchUp down the wrong path.
@glro said:
My experience is that translating a software is not only about words. Wooden houses are built in each country using technics that are not exactly the same. So translating words from one language to another is not sufficient.
Maybe the first step would be to check if technics are similar or not in the country you plan and if yes, then look for a a bi lingual technicianI agree, my translation word for word is merely a start. Ultimately, I will need a native speaker in each language that is familiar with the lingo of the construction industry in their native tongue. To properly translate the plugin will involve others and I am currently seeking out those individuals.
In fact, in that vein, I am offering a free license to any user who would be willing to help with the translation into their native tongue. I am still compiling a list of words and phrases but it should only number about 100 to 150 at best.
I can make the French part for the fun like an objective tour de force!
But don't ask that for the BlackFriday!
Several specialized dictionaries are required! -
For the gutter tab my french translations are:
trans = { 'Global Settings';'Paramètres Globaux', 'Gutters;';'Gouttières;', 'Gutter Style;';'Style de Gouttière;', 'Gutter Material;';'Gutter Materiale;', 'Gutter Extension;';'Matériau de Gouttière;', 'Vertical Offset;';'Décalage Vertical;', 'Downspouts;';'Descente de Gouttière;', 'Downspout Length;';'Longueur Descente;', 'Downspout Type;';'Type de Descente;', 'Downspout Depth;';'Profondeur de Descente;', 'Downspout Width;';'Largeur de Descente;', 'Downspout Dia.;';'Diamètre de Descente;', 'Gutter Dimensions;';'Dimensions de la Gouttière;', 'General';'Général', 'Layers';'Strate', 'Materials';'Matériaux', 'Sheathing';'Revêtement', 'Gutters';'Gouttières', 'License';'Licence' }; reg_notice = '* Remarque; Les paramètres des gouttières sont enregistrés dans le registre Windows ou dans une sous-section d\'un fichier .plist sur un Mac.';
Little corrections
'Gutter Material:':'Gutter Materiale:',
'Gutter Extension:':'Matériau de Gouttière:',
must be
'Gutter Material:':'Matériau de Gouttière:',
'Gutter Extension:': 'Extension de Gouttière:','Downspout Length:':'Longueur Descente:',
must be
'Downspout Length:':'Longueur de Descente:', (if you have free space on the line)'Layers':'Strate', must be
'Layers':'Couches', (context of building), 'Calques' context of drawing, computers etc...)
And depending
if gutter(s) are visible = gouttière(s)
gutter(s) not visible = chéneau(x) -
@pilou said:
Little corrections
'Gutter Material:':'Gutter Materiale:',
'Gutter Extension:':'Matériau de Gouttière:',
must be
'Gutter Material:':'Matériau de Gouttière:',
'Gutter Extension:': 'Extension de Gouttière:','Downspout Length:':'Longueur Descente:',
must be
'Downspout Length:':'Longueur de Descente:', (if you have free space on the line)'Layers':'Strate', must be
'Layers':'Couches', (context of building), 'Calques' context of drawing, computers etc...)
And depending
if gutter(s) are visible = gouttière(s)
gutter(s) not visible = chéneau(x)Thank-you I will make the corrections. A couple of obvious errors on my part, I guess I wasn't paying attention.
Now that the template is setup, adding a language is really simple, its the actual translation that I will probably struggle with since as you've noted choosing the correct word based on the context is difficult unless you are proficient with the language.
Back to complex roofs. I've been giving some thought to complex truss roofs and how to handle L-shaped roofs and their derivatives. Basically there is three ways to frame them out, which one is the most standard or preferred?
3D Warehouse
3D Warehouse is a website of searchable, pre-made 3D models that works seamlessly with SketchUp.
3D Warehouse
3D Warehouse is a website of searchable, pre-made 3D models that works seamlessly with SketchUp.
3D Warehouse
3D Warehouse is a website of searchable, pre-made 3D models that works seamlessly with SketchUp.
Option C with a drop in purlin frame:
3D Warehouse
3D Warehouse is a website of searchable, pre-made 3D models that works seamlessly with SketchUp.
Valley sets can get a little interesting when you start dealing with intersecting hip roofs. If the width of the projection were to increase the valley set would become a combination of standard valley trusses and flat top or hip valley trusses.
View model here:
3D Warehouse
3D Warehouse is a website of searchable, pre-made 3D models that works seamlessly with SketchUp.
With the projection width extended:
View model here:
3D Warehouse
3D Warehouse is a website of searchable, pre-made 3D models that works seamlessly with SketchUp.
Version 2.0.9 - 11.25.2017
- Structural outlookers (vert. & horz.) enabled under advanced roof options for Parallel Chord truss type.
- Metal plate connectors now enabled for all parallel chord trusses.
This truss type should now be up-to-date with all of the advanced options available:
roof returns, gutters, ceiling drywall, ridge cap etc...
I was discussing the plugin with a family friend and he suggested I offer a student version of the plugin (ie. fully functional but time limited to one year and purchase requires a student ID).
I already offer a trial version (freemium model) that is limited in its functionality.
Is there any need for this?
Some sort of educational version might be good, or licensing to school or class that has an expiration so it is harder to pirate... It may be some teachers would like to use it to familiarize students with construction methods, besides the modelling aspect.
Is there some way you can incorporate a method for exporting/importing settings (user defined layers for example) in your various extensions? I'm migrating to a new machine and this seems like a useful feature, even though it may be one that will probably not be used a lot.
Version 2.1.0 - 11.28.2017
- Added Northeast hip set trusses.
- Enabled advanced options for northeast hip sets.
- Added energy/raised heels for northeast hip set (3 variants: wedge, slider and vertical w/ strut).
- Added the option for open vs. closed end jacks.
- Added the option for a drop in purlin frame.
- Enabled a graphical user interface for Truss Set selection.
I only plan on adding the midwest and california variants if requested.
I don't want to toot my own horn but these truss sets are quite complex, I'm still amazed that I've been able to finally write the code to generate all of this geometry. At first it is a bit overwhelming but when you break it down into its components and slowly grind each one out sooner or later it emerges.
I still have not added plates to the truss hip sets due to the complexity and the fact that it is low on the priority list for now. Complex roof are currently my biggest hurdle and I am still battling with how to best approach these from a systematic standpoint and then dive into the details once the overall layout is configured.
Until I have complex roofs figured out the plugin is only about halfway there, but at least I've got my foot in the door and I'm making progress.
When you consider that you can create one of these hip truss sets literally in seconds with all of the sheathing, cladding, fascia, gutters etc... and it is all geometrically correct, it is pretty cool. Manually it would take me well over an hour to try and generate this level of detail without the plugin, there is something to be said for automation.
@juju said:
Is there some way you can incorporate a method for exporting/importing settings (user defined layers for example) in your various extensions? I'm migrating to a new machine and this seems like a useful feature, even though it may be one that will probably not be used a lot.
I don't know how to do it on a Mac but if your running Windows you can probably pull the settings directly from the registry and then insert them back in on the new machine.
I will give this some thought.
The reason I am taking so long with complex rafter and truss roofs is the possible permutations is making things very challenging.
For example take the truss roof below:
I'm assuming there are no interior bearing walls and we want to clearspan the entire building outline. I can get the basic roof and truss layout by creating to hip truss sets as primitives but that is where it then becomes very interesting.
As you can see there are two mid-building girder trusses that then catch the mono pitch sub-girders which are each supporting two common trusses. Next to the sub-girders is a small valley set (half valley) that fills in the roof behind the sub-girders.
The largest span is 36', which is reasonable. This appears to be the simplest way to truss this roof out but is probably not the only solution. A good truss technician could tell me how close I am to the optimal solution.
Granted the complex rafter roof is not IMHO as hard a problem but it also has similar difficulties and issues.
View model at this link:
3D Warehouse
3D Warehouse is a website of searchable, pre-made 3D models that works seamlessly with SketchUp.
C'est merveilleux, merci beaucoup.
I will make corrections on the post above!
It's a beginning!
Have you a system of translation ?
Or I must edit some files ?