Hi all
just by accident I got an email for a 3d DIY printer for $165 US.
(Geeetech prusa 3i clone)GearBest.com
They had meand my $$$ in an instant.
Surprise from China
Quick shipping and delivery.
Very nice and precise machining and parts and nothing was missing or failed to work.
Took almost a day to put it together but it had excellent info and vids for the build.
I added a Bowden extruder and got very lucky for help with settings and filaments from a neighbor here in Lake Forest Calif MatterHackers.com
They market a full line of printers, filaments and parts for 3d devices.
Very special gang that have helped me get up and printing as a drop in to their store for help.
Do not miss their slicer software (MatterControl $19 US donation and worth much more)for an easy way to understand and get good prints.
Even includes a quick and easy setup for bed leveling.
Just a piece of excellent software and really nice interface.
They also have a big library of 3d tech info.
Very special people and good friends too.I am an Architect here in Mission Viejo and feel free to ask for help to connect with MatterHackers or my marginal knowledge on the DIY side of 3d print stuff.
Maybe we might have a thread for the low budget print people.David Rich / Architect
links ?
For lots of 3d prn stuff and reliable to do business with.
A8 diy here
For the parts I always check for Amazon Prime offers first.dtr
Here is the link to what you are looking for and the one I have too.
Good deal @$163US and very nice.