The Lilium Jet – all-electric VTOL jet
All electric, 300km/h max speed and 300 km range vertical take off and landing private yet prototype looks very interesting and promising. Will it be a new way we move around on a daily basis? Maybe not us, but our kids or grand-children.
Lilium Air Mobility - Lilium
Lilium is developing sustainable, high-speed air mobility through its electric vertical take-off and landing aircraft, vertiports and digital service.
I am surprised how low the noise produced by the fans is.
That looks awesome, I imagine the logistics of a sky full of private planes/cars is going to be a nightmare.
I think we should be going the other way. Let those who need them (and taxi services) have these. For more and more people the answer has to be bringing back quality mass transit, walking, and traveling less (the last two seem the most luxurious--fun as the flying car might be). Why should George Jetson fly to work when he can telecomute or walk to a office in his neighborhood? I don't think we'll get far filling the sky with vehicles for "everyone".
I see as well these recreational hoovercraft and hydrofoil powered surfboards. Very cool--but then there goes the quiet calm weekend at the lake and the concept of getting exercise or skill with your outing.
The new design bicyle for every one!I love the parachute in case of!