Getting rid of grey border on 2d graphic save
Just tried disabling vray but it didn't make a difference so Im thinking this is on sketchups end
Think Ive sorted it - i reset advanced cameras in the tool menu and i think that has solved it
In Vray you can open the Asset Editor, go to the output options and disable Safe Frames. The current version of VRay 3 adds these boxes by default as soon as you interact with the extension and doesn't wait for you to manually turn this feature on. This is a change to the model that is kept in the file even if VRay is uninstalled or the model is opened on another computer that doesn't have VRay installed. I have already told the VRay people that this is NOT an OK behavior by their software but the more people that tell them, teh more likely they are to fix it.
@ apple85:
I have the same problem, but not in all scenes. I can't find a tools menu to reset advanced camera. Please describe, how you do that exactly. -
The best way to fix thus is by pasting this command into the Ruby Console: = 0
There is also an option in SkIndigo render settings window, which will do the same thing.
Thank you, Anton!
I used an old plugin by Rick Wilson "fixAspectRatio.rb", but it does not seem to work in SketchUp 2017.
The problem is, my original scene has no gray bars. After using your line there are dramatically changes in FOV and focal length.
But there are no gray surfaces in the exported 2D-image - a first success!Edit:
One possible solution is to restore the old FOV values in the menu Camera Advanced (plugin tt_camera) after entering your code line into the Ruby Console.