[Plugin] 3D Window for Sketchup
Hi David. I appreciate the quality of the dynamic windows you are creating. I personally would love to see more consideration toward the exterior view of the window as well. Different exterior trim options, sills and shutters would round out this plugin perfectly in my opinion and would give it the extra bit that I would need to justify the price. I don't believe the plugin is overpriced for the professional in regards to the time that is saved. But as someone who does more exteriors than interiors, I don't find as much value in the plugin without the consideration to exterior details.
Thanks for your consideration.
**Hello EarthMover,
We are currently working on a new updated version of Click-Window 3D, so your comments are very much appreciated.
Click-Window 3D offers for the time the operating equipments integrated to the Windows.
For example:
Handles, locks, decorative frames and muntins, exterior window drip etc ...
For flaps, it would be necessary to create a dedicated Plugin to propose a work with the same level of requirement.
For the thresholds, we take your remarks into consideration!
Be aware that it is easy to draw and add a threshold to our Dynamic Windows.
If you have any other suggestions or questions, do not hesitate.
David Barros**
It's purely enjoyable to see these gif you made
Never found that window can be such kind of awesome beauty
I purchased your plugin and I think it is somekind of worthy
My work is also related to exterior
So I just can not wait to see the upgrade of Click-Window
Maybe some feature to make it more easily to tweak when you want some windows to open while some closed in the near future?
**Hello Collage Architecture,
GIF is the best way to demonstrate the available options.
All this is possible thanks to the power of the Dynamic Components.
The flexibility offered by the dynamic components is not known at all.
We must unite our strength to change that!
We are working hard to offer more and more interesting updates.
If you have ideas for improvement, this is the right time.
To easily change a Window, save it in SKP6.
This will remove all dynamic functions to convert to a fixed component.
From there, you could open the windows, fold the window with Fredo's tools and much more ...
Once your window is converted, do not hesitate to use the wonderful plugin "CleanUp" to purge the invisible components.
Getting used to these methods will lighten your file while retaining high quality 3D models.
We want to create an icon that faces all these changes with a single click, and this is the object of our current research for the update.
Thank you for your participation in the future progress of Click-Window 3D.
@tntdavid said:
**Hello Collage Architecture,
GIF is the best way to demonstrate the available options.
All this is possible thanks to the power of the Dynamic Components.
The flexibility offered by the dynamic components is not known at all.
We must unite our strength to change that!
We are working hard to offer more and more interesting updates.
If you have ideas for improvement, this is the right time.
To easily change a Window, save it in SKP6.
This will remove all dynamic functions to convert to a fixed component.
From there, you could open the windows, fold the window with Fredo's tools and much more ...
Once your window is converted, do not hesitate to use the wonderful plugin "CleanUp" to purge the invisible components.
Getting used to these methods will lighten your file while retaining high quality 3D models.
We want to create an icon that faces all these changes with a single click, and this is the object of our current research for the update.
Thank you for your participation in the future progress of Click-Window 3D.
So sweet to know the DC's Power!
You open up a new world for me!
Really appreciate your magic,and all your effort!
I will defenitily have a try ASAPBest Regards
Happy New Year!
I wish you all a Great Success in your Projects for 2017.
We are happy to show you a project realized by one of our customers, who used Click-Window 3D Pro
**We would like to thank him for allowing us to publish his work.
Thanks to these friendly people, we are even more motivated to improve our Click-Window 3D tool.
Version 3 is in progress and will be available to all users of earlier versions.
Believe us, you will be surprised by the new feature.
See you soon.**
**At the request of a customer, we have created a GIF to explain how to use your own handle in our 3D windows:
Is this GIF sufficiently clear to understand the method?
All the equipment in our windows can be replaced by your 3D models.
Bring more tutorial about it, does it seem important to you?
Copyright information.
These changes are authorized only for personal use and do not give the right to broadcast.
Very Cordially
David Barros**
this looks nice
What would be great is if the architectural 2D representation of the door / window in the open position (including swing) were present as well.
We're being spoiled by the additional functionality Medeek introduced in his plugins whereby on can pre-determine the layer the various types of items would be placed on. I'm not sure how that would work with DC's or if it was possible with DC's.
**Thank you for your feedback.
Everything is possible with Dynamic Components.
We can add a 2D dynamic component, under a new layer, to display the symbols of the openings.
This is a function that we will study.
The new version of Click-Window 3D in progress brings many more improvements than originally planned.
The changes are so important, that the Plugin will be renamed " 3D Window Click! ".
But we hesitate with " 3D WinDoor Click! ".
Very soon we will propose new videos, to demonstrate the new features.
See you soon.
David BarrosPs: All our customers of previous versions, we will receive this update free of charge as well as all the others to come.**
Click-Window 3D V3 is available soon!
**Here are the improvements:
- Annimation of opening and closing of Windows.**
*** Resize the details with the component options window.
- Realization of Doors.
- The Plugin will be offered in several languages.
All our users will receive the update free of charge by email.
See you soon.**
Coool! Thanks for your hard working!
**Hello everybody.
The new version of Click-Window 3D, is finally available HERE in preview.
MODE 1 is now General, only one parameter sufi to modify several Windows.
Take a few seconds and follow these GIF to understand everything:
01 - Interior Glass Door
02 - Change the dimensions for your next windows.
03 - Change your Windows on your SketchUp scene.
We are currently translating the Plugin into several languages.
If you would like to find this tool in your original language, you can help us translate the Options.
If you are interested in translation, please contact us here or privately.
See you.
David Barros
dynamiqueagencement@gmail.com** -
@juju said:
What would be great is if the architectural 2D representation of the door / window in the open position (including swing) were present as well.
We're being spoiled by the additional functionality Medeek introduced in his plugins whereby on can pre-determine the layer the various types of items would be placed on. I'm not sure how that would work with DC's or if it was possible with DC's.
@tntdavid said:
We can add a 2D dynamic component, under a new layer, to display the symbols of the openings.
This is a function that we will study.
Excellent news, any progress on this?
**Hello juju,
Sorry to respond so late, we are very busy on the finalization of version 3.
Good news for you!
We have added the opening symbol for the doors and swing windows.
As we like to collaborate with our users to improve our tools, we need your opinion
Option A
The opening symbols are displayed only if a Door or Window is open.Option B
The opening symbol is always there, and can be masked individually with click on it.Option C
Our toolbar provides an icon to enable or disable all opening symbols.Which option do you think is the most interesting?
Ps: We will soon open a new topic, because this one becomes too heavy and takes a long time to load.
Very cordially
David Barros**
@tntdavid said:
**Hello juju,
Sorry to respond so late, we are very busy on the finalization of version 3.
Good news for you!
We have added the opening symbol for the doors and swing windows.
As we like to collaborate with our users to improve our tools, we need your opinion
Option A
The opening symbols are displayed only if a Door or Window is open.Option B
The opening symbol is always there, and can be masked individually with click on it.Option C
Our toolbar provides an icon to enable or disable all opening symbols.Which option do you think is the most interesting?
Ps: We will soon open a new topic, because this one becomes too heavy and takes a long time to load.
Very cordially
David Barros**
I would prefer Option C for my workflow.
Can you please advise when V3 will be released (ballpark)?
**Hello seasdes,
This is good because I also prefer Option C.
All our customers from previous versions will receive by mail and preview the new version of Click-Window 3D Pro and LT.
And all our subscribers will receive the trial version by email.
For those who are not yet subscribed, do it now, it's Free!
See you
@tntdavid said:
**Hello juju,
Sorry to respond so late, we are very busy on the finalization of version 3.
Good news for you!
We have added the opening symbol for the doors and swing windows.
As we like to collaborate with our users to improve our tools, we need your opinion
Option A
The opening symbols are displayed only if a Door or Window is open.Option B
The opening symbol is always there, and can be masked individually with click on it.Option C
Our toolbar provides an icon to enable or disable all opening symbols.Which option do you think is the most interesting?
Ps: We will soon open a new topic, because this one becomes too heavy and takes a long time to load.
Very cordially
David Barros**
Excellent news, thank you! Option C would be my preference as well. When will this 2D diagrammatic follow for window components?
**@tntdavid said:
Excellent news, thank you! Option C would be my preference as well. When will this 2D diagrammatic follow for window components?
Yes of course, we have added the same 2D component for French Windows.
We have decided to upgrade Click-Window 3D, to offer real interior doors.
It takes us a little longer than expected, but it seems worthwhile to offer you a Plugin with a maximum of possibility:
Wall-mounted Sliding Door
From 1 to 4 doors, this system is ideal for a renovation of housing.
Sliding Pocket Door From
1 to 4 doors, this system is perfect in a new housing construction.
For maximum realism, we have faithfully represented the system of guiding the doors.
This is only a small example of the possibilities to come.
Ps: We will definitely create a Free Plugin called, Click-Handle with Hundreds of Handle and knobs, Window, Furniture and Doors.
Each model will be interchangeable with a simple click of the mouse.
The goal and complement the equipments of our existing Plugins.
If that seems to interest you? Say it to motivate us to create this plugin.
See you**
We are manufacturing wooden windows and doors and wondering if your plugin can provide us the following features:
1- Customized library of wood profiles,
2- Customized library of Aluminum cladding types,The images below, may give you an idea about what I am talking about:
Thank you!