Calculate diameter of sphere with fixed cylinder size
I have a friend who is welding a golf ball form as a gift.
He has a pile of 3/8" thick, 7.25" diameter cylinders leftover from another project to use, and he's thinking maybe 24" or more in diameter for the whole thing.I was wondering if SU had a tool for calculating the possible overall diameters with equal spacing between edges (even assuming there are equal-sized spacers between pieces).
Make any thing you want at any size
Then input it inside the center's cylinder wanted
Then use the Scale tool of the "any thing" "from Center" (CTRL) to snap that you want on the cylinder
If I have understand the problem, that is not sure! -
The cylinders need to be a fixed size as they already exist.
It's a matter of finding the ideal diameter where there is equal spacing @ all edges.