Current news on 3d printing 2016
3D Architects: Buildings, Houses, Wall Texturing, Structures, and 3D Printed Home Items
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )3D Printed Sculpture Showcases the Detrimental Nature of San Francisco’s Rising Housing. 3dprint|
"to create a data-based sculpture depicting San Francisco’s housing crisis."
Iraqi government looking at WinSun's 3D printed homes for post-war rebuilding. 3ders|
"at quick solutions, and might found them in 3D printed homes"3D Printing Stem Researchers: Engineers Mathematicians Physicists Scientists
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )3D printing: a driving force in design and engineering. euronews|
"a Britain recently unveiled its new Strakka Dome at the 3D Print Show in London"
IT Forecast: Is ERP Technology Heading For Extinction Or Reinvention. mbtmag|
"the solutions, sadly, also considered “past prime” and in need up upgrades"
3-D printed tooling project bands together technology and design. plasticsnews|
"of how manufacturing feasibility be tested with 3-D printed plastic tooling"
Dissolvable batteries and the world's smallest hydro station: the best green innovations. edie|
"the upcoming US Presidential elections could hinder major global climate action"
$350k grant for 3D printing research developing topology optimization. 3dprintingindustry|
"to delivered presentations such as 3D printing with graphene and c . [Read More"]
Optomec claims breakthrough in 3D printing micro-structures. prw|
"as an enabling technology in the fledgling market for embedded electronics"
Sudden death of 'inspiring' scientist shocks colleagues. herald|
"the only daughter as being"very hard-working and career-minded"BLOGS and the WEB Thursday
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )3D Printed Models Give Lessons about the Danger of Volcanoes. 3dprint|
"the skies and the flakes of ash dancing through the air and landing on car"Artist Peter Mountain takes four years to 3D print an incredible life-sized US army. creativeboom|
"of a US military tank in the courtyard of a Lincolnshire gallery"
Be a champ and just 3D print yourself a 2016 Olympics Rio medal. htxt|
"an impossible dream or a life-long endeavour filled with sacrifice and struggle"
The 14 most fantastic stop-motion animated features ever, ranked. blastr|
"the Red-Nosed Reindeer and Santa Claus Comin' to Town"
Managing 100,000 Buttons Without Going Mad: Designing “Outlander’s” 18th-Century. fastcocreate|
"an production designers discuss how marry historical accuracy and whimsy"
Dorothy Cudia named vice president of Middleby Automation Solutions. dailyherald|
"ito mprove food quality"said David Brewer, COO of Middleby Commercial Foodservice" -
3D Printing Transportation, NASA, Army, Drones, RC, Cars, Plains, Boats Robots Space Rockets
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Printing Challenges For First 3D Printer Aboard Space Station. nasa|
"of less reliant on materials from Earth as explore farther out into the solar system"
Gigaom| More Stellar Visionaries To Join Gigaom Change 2016 Lineup. gigaom|
"in emerging technology research Subscribe"
Aerospace: Renishaw & Airbus Team Up to Explore 3D Printing’s Role in Aircraft Wing. 3dprint|
"the case as Airbus and Renishaw team up to create a new design for aircraft wings"
U.S. Paralympic cyclist is aided by 3D printed device, courtesy of Titan Robotics. 3ders|
"by actually helped friend and teammate, Billy Lister, qualify for the Rio 2016 games"
Flying Colors 3D's free 3D modeling tool makes 3D design as easy as drawing with penci. 3ders|
"a pencils. Called Flying Colors 3D, it’s now available for free for iPhones and iPads"
Lifeboat News: The Blog. lifeboat|
"to reconstruct the window winders of the car as well as its door handles"
Croft is original by distributing Polish 3D scanners in UK. channelbiz|
"to distribute its range of industrial optical 3D scanners in the UK and Ireland"
IMTS visitors offered free ride in Olli the self-driving vehicle. roboticsandautomationnews|
"the first self-driving vehicle from Local Motors, developed in association with IBM"
Airbus and Renishaw team up to develop ‘innovative design approach. roboticsandautomationnews|
"to which encourage a “right first time approach” and reduce development time"NASA Test-Fires Engine for Most Powerful Rocket Ever. space|
"of a development test for hardware make up the most powerful rocket ever"
Robotics Is Coming Faster Than You Think. forbes|
"to auto parts and submarine building. Photographer: Krisztian Bocsi/Bloomberg" -
3D Printing Daily News 9:00 PM: Top News, New tends, maker, Art, Fashion and Revolution
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )August 18, 2016 NEWS
Aurora Labs goes public and delves into 3D printing in agriculture. 3dprintingindustry|
"a world, although prefers to spends free time reading"
U.S. Paralympic cyclist is aided by 3D printed device, courtesy of Titan Robotics. 3ders|
"the U.S. Paralympic cyclist aided by 3D printed device, courtesy. 3ders|"
Lockheed Martin files patent for a synthetic diamond 3D printer. 3dprintingindustry|
"of hybrid airships and test for pinhole leaks could spell from 3D Printing Industry"
Good News Everyone A 3D Printed Planet Express. 3dprintingindustry|
"of mutants, aliens and humans alike at a delivery job many years ahead of time"
Want To Get Your Hands On This Ultra-Detailed Custom Lightsaber 3D Print Your Own. digitaltrends|
"to which iwhy designed own custom one from scratch told Digital Trends"
Voxel8 are giving away free samples of 3DP electronics. 3dprintingindustry|
"the demand so high however cannot guarantee delivery dates"
Fab Lab Set to Build Both Ideas and Communities in Greece. 3dprintingindustry|
"as important to address, and with the help of a Fab Lab, things could change"
India's Madhya Pradesh region promotes tourism with adorable 3D printed advertisement. 3ders|
"a region’s iconic landmarks and its spirit through the art of 3D printed toys and figures"
Low-cost DIY 3D printed tattoo machine inspired by inventor Thomas Edison. 3ders|
"to 3D print many of the components necessary to make a DIY rotary tattoo machine"August 19, 2016 NEWS
Laser and photonics trade fair to be held in Bangalore next month. autocarpro|
"for the laser photonics industry in the country, to be held in Bangalore from September 21-23"Defining future talent. managers|
"the changes taken place to enable us to better project the future"
Dissolvable batteries and the world's smallest hydro station: the best green innovations. edie|
"the upcoming US Presidential elections could hinder major global climate action"
Tom Holland Visits Sick Kids As Spider-Man, Earning His Hero Status. moviepilot|
"the beginning of narrative itself, it's central to the way view real-life heroes"
Laika Was Crazy Enough To Animate A 16-Foot Tall Skeleton for Kubo Two Strings. cartoonbrew|
"to build and animate the skeleton, and how Laika actually went through with it"
Two developments supporting creative economy opening this year. bisnow|
"the latest real estate projects designed to propel the city’s creative economy"
Artist's window of opportunity.. gazette|
"a Street which now offering an exhibition area to other local makers and crafters" -
3D Printing Manufacturing, Business, Profit, selling, Dealers, Stores, Retails, Labs and Jobs
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )SpeX: 3D printed modular eyewear launches on Kickstarter. 3ders|
"a fun, colorful, and even modular option for prescription eyewear"
3D printed custom metal earphones from 'helloear' promise unrivaled clarity for $2,500. 3ders|
"a live stage monitoring. A platinum helloear ‘Monet’ headset costs ¥16,999 ($2,500)"
Augment Is Bringing the AR Revolution to Business. pcmag|
"from new sneakers to complex designs in the palm of hand"
Industry Innovations and Transformations. arcweb|
"with an emphasis on the need for secure connectivity"
Weir signals mineral market turn. journal|
"in final interim report at the start of the month"
How Michael Phelps’ shoes are the future of 3D-tech fashion. itbusiness|
"a glimpse into the future of personalized 3D apparel production"
3D Printing Startup NVBots Nabs Cash & New CEO, Moves Into Metal. xconomy|
"the founding CEO turns attention to commercializing a new product for the company"
Sols and Ryka Team Up on 3D-Printed Shoe Soles. digitaltrends|
"a platform. Because foot special enough to deserve its own special treatment"
Carbon Expands 3D Printing Service Bureau Network. engineering|
"as the California startup expands its network of 3D printing service bureaus"
3D Printing, Fashion and Functionality Meet in New Affordable, Customizable SpeX Eyewear. 3dprint|
"to settle on something you’ll be happy with for a long time"Trailblazing metal 3D printing firm Sinterex aims to become leader in the Middle East. 3ders|
"a Trailblazing metal 3D printing firm Sinterex aims to become leader |"
Trailblazing metal 3D printing firm Sinterex aims to become leader in the Middle East. 3ders|
"a leader in the biomedical 3D printing sector, with a focus on dental applications"
Go on a tour of secretive 3D printing labs at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. 3ders|
"for taking a tour of the LLNL labs and a closer look at latest tech innovations"
gCreate expands Brooklyn 3D printer manufacturing to more than triple previous space. 3ders|
"an previous Industry City space. The company been at Industry City since 2014"
Florida Veteran Turns Injury into a Business Idea with 3D Printed FANG Shooting. 3dprint|
"a new product helps those in need of extra stability while shooting"
SOLS and Rykä are now offering custom fitted women's footwear with 3D printed orthotic. 3ders|
"to be custom fitted to feet with SOLS’ innovative 3D printed orthotics"
Never print business cards again: use this 3D print to emboss them instead. htxt|
"for enough business cards, some good news: now avoid doing this"
Aleph Objects named fastest growing computer hardware company by Inc. Magazine. tctmagazine|
"in at 122 overall and the only 3D printing company in the top 500"
rp+m Seeks Future of Innovation in Metal Additive Manufacturing with Concept Laser. qualitymag|
"to expectations in every area” said rp+m President and CTO, Dr. Tracy Albers" -
3D Printing Expo, Q&A, Talk, Shows, Announcements, Events, Forum, Magazine, Press
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Official Website of APFO 2016. chinaexhibition|
"from diverse industries, including the manufacturing, automotive and etc"
Singapore holding first tech and innovation convention, Tech News & Top Stories. straitstimes|
"to be able to do so at Singapore's inaugural tech and innovation convention next month"
The Best of Times Online -- News. thebestoftimesnews|
"to apply to display workmanship at the “Greatest Show and Tell”"
Australia Dealbook: 1st Available buys OzDocsOnline; Aurora Labs listing. dealstreetasia|
"the startup already bought DocAppointments, Clinic Connect and GoBookings"
Media Expo returns to Delhi from 29 September to 1 October – PrintWeek India. http:/|
"of the flagship show scheduled from 29 September to 1 October at Pragati Maidan"If you go to one games festival in Joburg this year, go to the awesome A MAZE. htxt|
"in Braamfontein at the end of this month as part of the Fakugesi Digital Arts festival"
TCT Show 2016- Photocentric Shows Future of LDC 3D Printing. memuk|
"as the place to showcase its first entry into the 3D printing hardware market"
‘Kubo and the Two Strings’ director talks technical breakthroughs, what’s next for Laika. hitfix|
"a doubt the most rewarding creative experience of entire career.”"
Industry 4.0 - Interview with Ltd. manufacturingtomorrow|
"the Industry 4.0 - Interview with Ltd. manufacturingtomorrow|"3D Printing Manufacturing, Business, Profit, selling, Dealers, Stores, Retails, Labs and Jobs
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Funding boosts Lincoln Electric and partner’s additive manufacturing technology. gasworld|
"to path robotic software tool and test and refine it for a first commercial release"
3-D print shop opens in downtown West Palm Beach. palmbeachpost|
"a medical product printing, opens today, Friday, at 226 Datura St"
Julie Fitzgerald: the peril of overlooking disruptive opportunities. icaew|
"a crystalising around three areas: digital impacts, service delivery, and diversity"
Data, Digital Threads and Industry 4.0. manufacturingtomorrow|
"to one of mechanization. The First Industrial Revolution begun" -
Current News On 3D Printing :: 2015 :: WEB Expo Business News Auto Architectual STEM WEB
Posted: On Monday Wednesday And
BLOGS and the WEB Friday
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Google Fiber Moving to Wireless Internet to Stay Competitive. pointbandbeyond|
"the cost Google hundreds of millions of dollars in installation costs, sources say"Next printing reports good ongoing results with esko. imagemagazine|
"the need for more efficient printing and what the flatbeds gave us"
Westcon-Comstor adds digital logistics. online|
"by launching its Blue Sky digital distribution platform"
Association 3DDruck: Interests bundled in new organization. plasticker|
"a Audi, and Sylvia Monsheimer, Business Director for 3D Printing at Evonik"
High growth rate for digital textile print in India – PrintWeek India. printweek|
"a very strong segment in India and spot some good trends at the show"
Treasure: Lithograph may depict famous steamboat race. detroitnews|
"to the 19th century and it designed to shine light through it from behind" -
BLOGS and the WEB Sunday
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )DIY Instructables shines with sleek looking wireless chargeable 3D printed lantern. 3ders|
"with sleek looking wireless chargeable 3D printed lantern"5 Major Innovations in Stop-Motion Animation. inverse|
"to carries out its facial animation by replacement heads for each facial expression"
Jennie M. Xue: Shoes and fashion 3D printing. kontan|
"to a specific size. This happened for centuries in the tailor and cobbler"BLOGS and the WEB Saturday
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Local artists celebrated during ‘National Makers Week’. krqe|
"the KRQE This Morning team to demonstrate creation. Watch above"
An afternoon with the arts in Scranton. tribune|
"to amplify them to produce haunting sounds reminiscent of sci-fi UFO or ghost effects"
'Hidden Rainbow' Hair Is A Trend You Won't See Coming. huffingtonpost|
"to experiment with wild colors without committing to full-time unicorn hair" -
3D Architects: Buildings, Houses, Wall Texturing, Structures, and 3D Printed Home Items
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Designers: The New and Expanded Edition. thelinemedia|
"a profile very much in demand in new paradigm-shifting economy"
Optical fiber, under-seat Wi-Fi power wireless connectivity at Atlanta’s. mobilesportsreport|
"in being added to steel beams, and wires for the internal networks being pulled into place"
Russia is trying to direct the use of glass 3D printing house. hc360|
"of two doctors print glassware, optical lenses and the like small objects, architecture"
Dubai says opens world's first functioning 3D-printed office. reuters|
"the main tourism and business hub to develop technology that cuts costs and saves time"
Inhabitat's Biodesign Competition calls for ideas for regenerative buildings. buildings|
"to explore the emerging field of biodesign and its innovative applications"
Methods to Showcase Manufacturing The Future at IMTS 2016,. mcadcafe|
"of centers, Methods over 40 leading-edge solutions under power at the show"3D Printing Stem Researchers: Engineers Mathematicians Physicists Scientists
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )India to see biggest impact and higher growth rate in digital textile print. yarnsandfibers|
"a sportswear fluorescent inks very important and help to locate the colours in the dark"
National Innovation and Science Agenda. facebook|
"for SMEs to solve five difficult policy and service delivery challenges"
State Science and Technology Expo emissions. ryt9|
"of the show,” explained Jo Sommers, marketing director for AIO Robotics APAC"
The use of 3D printing developed water separator skimmer. hi3p|
"the oil slick efficient separation and collection. Related achievements recently published"
Smart Materials: Textile That Change Phase, Intelligent Molecules That Absorb Shocks. sciencedaily|
"a heat-retaining suit if the helicopter should fall into the sea."Bet You Didn’t Hear Shell Spilled a Bunch of Oil in the Gulf. wired|
"a spill site quickly, easily and cost-effectively collect the oil slick"
The use of 3D printing developed water separator skimmer. hi3p|
"in Related achievements recently published in “Advanced Materials Interface” magazine"
Scans and 3D printing recreate a mummy's face. futurity|
"of an 18- to 25-year-old woman lived at least 2,000 years ago in ancient Egypt"
Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad seeks $15M in 3D printing, IoT, 5G research f. 3ders|
"of research and development activities through sponsored research funding"
5 Major Innovations in Stop-Motion Animation. inverse|
"the startup NVBots raised $5.3 million and appointed a new CEO"
Twitter to share revenues with more creators. usatoday|
"for online videos, one of the most generous deals of the sort online"
DoD officias observe logistical innovation throughout II MEF. dvidshub|
"to gaining an understanding of recent breakthroughs in logistical innovation"
CAM Logic of Oxford to host technology open house. theoaklandpress|
"the event includes technology demos, learning about the latest software and hardware" -
3D Printing Transportation, NASA, Army, Drones, RC, Cars, Plains, Boats Robots Space Rockets
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )It's Official: In 2017, We Begin Mining the Moon. madison|
"of Outer Space Treaty requires the U.S. government to"authorize and supervise"
Debating the future of the Miramar Air Show. sandiegouniontribune|
"a Marine first lieutenant “for” (“Miramar Air Show a worthy tradition”)"
Prestonpans reaches out for a robotic Scotland after Cockenzie Power Station. commonspace|
"in Industrial Automation (CEIA) on land freed up by the closure of Cockenzie Power Station"
Investors in medical devices park promised built-up space. thehindu|
"to be promised up to one acre of land each with 80 per cent built-up area"
REPORT: Robots to dramatically boost logistics by 2020. arabiansupplychain|
"a new report by Frost & Sullivan, prepared in collaboration with GITEX Technology Week"
A weekly look at new products, innovations. rubbernews|
"by fire safety standards for buildings and the automotive and electronic sector"
Finalists Announced for NASA’s BIG Idea University Design Challenge. nasa|
"to help guide the spacecraft as it descends through a planetary atmosphere"These pits 3D printers you fall into a few -3D Printing, 3D printing material. hc360|
"a problems model misalignment, motor step-like lead to hours of waiting to fall short"
Russian Institutions Team Up to Produce Drone with 3D Printed Engine. 3dprint|
"as two major organizations begin work on an unmanned aerial vehicle"
Taiwanese government brings voxeljet 3D printing tech to its own foundry industry. 3ders|
"at voxeljet VX2000 3D Printing System for MOEA Innovation Center in Kaohsiung"
Meet Xpider, the smallest, cutest programmable 3D printed robot spider you've ever see. 3ders|
"by Roboeve as being the smallest programmable spider robot in the world"
A bioprinter for space applications. 3dprintingprogress|
"of tissue and organ constructs in zero-gravity at the International Space Station (ISS)"
Mobile robotics boom set to boost productivity, lifestyle. khaleejtimes|
"a productivity, and workplace safety in the Middle East, a new report revealed"
Hands-On with Shaper Origin Handheld CNC Router. youtube|
"the world's first handheld CNC machine. Pre-Order now"
DVIDS - News - DoD officials observe logistical innovation throughout II MEF. dvidshub|
"an understanding of recent breakthroughs in logistical innovation" -
3D Printing Daily News 9:00 PM: Top News, New tends, maker, Art, Fashion and Revolution
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )August 20, 2016 NEWS
How the Fourth Industrial Revolution is Affecting Fashion. trendintech|
"from one area that perhaps benefiting from this wave of new technologies the most"
5 Things To Do This Week. ardmoreite|
"to continue through 2 p.m. at The Flower Park in the Platt Historic District of the CNRA"August 21, 2016 NEWS
Groove Out Emboss Your Own Business Cards via 3D Printed Pocket Press. 3dprint|
"a new doors for the individual, small businesses, and of course, large corporations as well"
3D Printing: The Stories We Missed This Week — August 20, 2016. 3dprint|
"to showcase the capabilities of Developer’s Kit 3D printer"
Jamás: 3D Printing is Central in Moenia Rock Video as Band Comes to Life via Technology. 3dprint|
"of characters demonstrating just how far into the mainstream 3D printing come"
Could Dynamic Molding Be Bigger than 3D Printing. engineering|
"of any object—though hands and faces by far the most popular"August 22, 2016 NEWS
Garment factories to buy into automation, Business, Phnom Penh Post. phnompenhpost|
"of low-value garments and footwear in the face of fierce global competition"
Free factcard launched with key information on 4th industrial revolution. britishplastics|
"for capitalising on the opportunities surrounding the 4th industrial revolution (4IR)"
Five modern British brands you should have heard of. thedrum|
"the British culture and tradition and some of biggest home-grown success stories"
Guest column: 4 cool technologies from Intel IDF (Photos). bizjournals|
"the IDF floor to check out the latest from Intel sent us this dispatch" -
3D Printing Manufacturing, Business, Profit, selling, Dealers, Stores, Retails, Labs and Jobs
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )The MIT Lab That's Teaching Phones To Build Themselves. fastcodesign|
"for instance, as well as the textile that could make self-lacing sneakers possible"
In-Depth With Modern Meadow: The Bioengineering Start-Up Growing Leather In A Lab. forbes|
"a Horizons Ventures and Iconiq Capital, enable it to now transition into manufacturing"
Rochdale News| Business News. rochdaleonline|
"in tips and case studies of how other manufacturers adapting to the new industrial age"
Emerging tech trends point to new era of digital business. techtarget|
"to enforce security policies regardless of the user’s — or the application’s — location"
Kemtek committed to barcoding excellence. itweb|
"of 3D print/additive manufacturing, auto identification, barcoding and labelling sectors"
Engineering Capacity. engineeringcapacity|
"a Southern Manufacturing & Electronics Show, held annually on the site of the Farnborough Airshow"
Une semaine d'impression 3D #33. lesimprimantes3d|
"the belle vidéo qui mélange mapping et 3D printing pour résumer ces JO 2016"
Asia Pacific Three Dimensional (3D) Technology Market 2016: 3D glasses, 3D smart. newsmaker|
"the current position of APAC 3D technology market along with the forecast for 2014-2020"
SpeX: modular fashion glasses 3D printing initiate crowdfunding. hc360|
"on not make it myself I started to work, and designed the first prototype of SpeX. 3ders"Adidas rewards its medal-winning Olympians with 3D-printed shoes. engadget|
"in. Yes, wear them without worrying that'll break before taking any steps"
3D Printing Startup NVBots Nabs Cash & New CEO, Moves Into Metal. xconomy|
"of the deal wasn’t disclosed. NVBots previously raised at least $2 million from investors"
Kenyan Incubator Sote Hub invests in 3D printing start-up Re-Decor. 3dprintingindustry|
"to expand to multiple countries in Africa in an effort to foster more innovation"
Study offers plan to make Northeast Ohio region a 3D printing hub. crainscleveland|
"of America Makes in Youngstown and Team NEO and Magnet in Cleveland"
Your New iPhone Could Have a 3D Scanner. 3dprintingindustry|
"the Camera, which already been incorporated into some PC’s and mobile devices"
3D printed custom metal earphones from 'helloear' promise unrivaled clarity for $2,500. 3ders|
"a live stage monitoring. A platinum helloear ‘Monet’ headset costs ¥16,999 ($2,500)"
Lehrmitt Design Studios Introduces a New Dimension to 3D Printed Product Design Surface. 3dprint|
"that enable them to reach new markets – and likely lots of them"
Optomec announces advancements in 3D printing. compositesworld|
"the technology targeted to the electronics and bio-medical industries"
3D printing helps Protoplast compete. northumberlandtoday|
"a Community Futures Development Corporation, Tracey said in an interview"
Cape Town 3 D printing lab brings ideas to life. enca|
"of artist or designer, you’ll be able to create products and prototypes"
John Dahlia - Good News. theet|
"to discover many small and no-so-small enterprises that quietly finding success"
Austin's ESO Solutions names Jennifer Mabe as CFO. bizjournals|
"an controller for Austin’s Tex-Con Oil Co., according to online profile"
CNM, county partner to resume innovation lab. rrobserver|
"a month after it been temporarily shut down when it lost its space at Intel" -
3D Printing Expo, Groups, Q&A, Talk, Shows, Announcements, Events, Forum, Magazine and Press
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )ST Future Economy Roundtable: The outlook is bright but for a few worry lines. straitstimes|
"to be selling custom-made iPhone covers to friends at US$2 (S$2.70) apiece"
HKTDC presents leading trade fairs in autumn. zawya|
"for exhibitors to meet with quality buyers and to tap into new markets"
iconnect007 :: Article CyberOptics to Demo 3D SPI, AOI Systems at productronica. iconnect007|
"to take place September 21–23, 2016 at the Bangalore International Exhibition Centre"
Lizette Duco has been appointed Director of Recreation at Oryx Rotana in. hospitalitynet|
"a interests Human Kinetics Research, Individual Fitness Training and Group Exercise"
Electronics Exhibition 2016 ICEEI Ready Held in Indonesia. selular|
"of accessories, camera, bluetooth speaker, smartwatch, LED Light and others"
C-TOUCH SHENZHEN 2016 (Nov 2016), C-Touch- ChinaInternational Touchscreen Exhibition. 10times|
"in the Computer Hardware & Software, Electronics & Electrical Goods industries"
LIT: Light + Innovation + Technology returns to Downtown Square Saturday, August 27th. al|
"from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., attendees invited to play with light at the inaugural DayLIT"
3D Printing at UAF| webcenter11|
"the assistant, walked around the classroom helping students make designs come to life"
China to hold 3D Printing Summit in September. 3dprintingindustry|
"to be held simultaneously with the Guang Zhou International 3D printing & Mold Exhibition"
Middle East poised to become an industry leader in 3D printing. albawaba|
"from Future Market Insights, an award winning market research and consulting firm"3D electronic printing to change the world. evertiq|
"of any more come a long way, despite it being a relatively new technology"
3rd annual Mini Maker Faire in GR this weekend. wzzm13|
"the 3D Printing lab, specializing in rapid prototyping, consulting, and material sales"
AIO Robotics reports “excellent response” after exhibiting at Mini Maker Faire 2016. cso|
"of the show,” explained Jo Sommers, marketing director for AIO Robotics APAC"
Twitter to share revenues with more creators. usatoday|
"in Anaheim, Calif., at the time, only available to a handful of creators"
TCT Show 2016 Conference Line-Up Announced. memuk|
"an TCT Show Conference, along with details of the comprehensive list of exhibitors"
Maker Faire Beijing 2016 celebrates innovation and DIY spirit. cctv|
"the Maker Faire Beijing 2016 celebrates innovation and DIY spirit. cctv|"
Kommer 3D-printad elektronik förändra världen. evertiq|
"of också om att de arbetar på något nytt men vill inte gå in på detaljerna ännu"
Oakland County business calendar. theoaklandpress|
"of email, register for the free event at" -
Current News On 3D Printing :: 2015 :: WEB Expo Business News Auto Architectual STEM WEB
Posted: On
Monday Wednesday And Friday
BLOGS and the WEB Monday
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Stratasys Brings One of the"Seven Wonders of the Ancient World"to Life with. stratasys|
"the larger 3D printed classical works re-created via advanced Fused Deposition Modeling"Print Quality Troubleshooting Guide. simplify3d|
"to identify when examining your own 3D printed parts. So let’s get started!"
The Harvard Sampler: Liberal Education for the Twenty-First Century. google|
"to be some weird product, or the design or function, paradoxically"
Rising Media and Innorobo Present 3DPrinting@home and Robot@home, Taking Place. 3dprint|
"to new and different facets of what the company dubbed the “frontier tech” industry" -
BLOGS and the WEB Tuesday
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Chinese company uses 3D printing to inherit traditional handicrafts. 3dprintingindustry|
"a relic Dragon Frog as the gift from the local government to visitors"
Graduates from Tsinghua University made 3D printed Cheongsam. 3dprintingindustry|
"in the show could very well be the first 3D printed Cheongsams in the world"
333D plan $14m listing, questions over valuation and revenue. 3dprintingindustry|
"to somewhat rare, way for a company to list on a stock exchange"
The Worlds Assets Immortalised in 3D. 3dprintingindustry|
"for recording purposes. Hollywood filmmakers also benefit"
3D printing helps fine jewellery makers. yahoo|
"with printing helps fine jewellery makers. yahoo|"
Source3, South Park Partner on 3D Character Launch. giftsanddec|
"a partnership and feature year-round introductions of new and old characters"Oh my god They 3D printed Kenny. tctmagazine|
"the full set figurines signed by Matt Stone and Trey Parker"
Source3 celebrates 20 years of South Park with 3D-printed figures. licensing|
"of 3D printed South Park characters in celebration the 20th season of the series"
3duality Releases a New Blog About 3D Printing. center|
"to get them as excited as about the changes it bring"
Tech enthusiasts find a home at Fat Cat Fab Lab. thevillager|
"for Fat Cat, it’s all volunteer own entity now"
Why STEM subjects and fashion design go hand in hand. theconversation|
"to drop all math and science subjects to take up textiles and art"
The art of science| Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. harvard|
"the resulting blast blew off Fountaine’s lower legs"
Bring Out The Interior Decorator In You With Shaper Origin. technowize|
"the Interior Decorator In With Shaper Origin. technowize|" -
3D Printing Stem Researchers: Engineers Mathematicians Physicists Scientists
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Taiwan researchers 3D print magnesium battery three times more powerful than lithium,. 3ders|
"to rapidly. produced in a matter of minutes, rather than hours"
Russia vs Slovakia, Euro 2016: Where to watch live, preview, prediction, betting odds and ibt|
"to watch live, preview, prediction, betting odds"
Hackers could place internal defects into 3D prints, say NYU cybersecurity researchers. 3ders|
"of fine defects could represent “possible foci for attacks.”"
Rosatom unveils Russia's first domestic metal 3D printing system. 3ders|
"the Trade Fair Innoprom 2016, which being hosted in Yekaterinburg, Russia"
3-D printing technology allows researchers to print rocks. researchgate|
"with about the technology and its potential applications"Legaltech Spotlight: How Technology is Changing Depositions (Perspective). bna|
"to be pronounced when the tools used selectively and thoughtfully"
Toblerone triangle loses out to Coke bottle as most iconic pack. foodbev|
"the most iconic packaging after Coca-Cola’s contour bottle"
New technologies demand a new outlook for finance. online|
"that unheard of and non-existent a few years ago"
Why talk up the tech revolution, when Asia’s problems are largely pre-industrial. ft|
"from the internet, no alternatives that did not involve “the cloud”"
What’s Old Is New Again: The Many Benefits Of Redesigning Your Existing Products. mbtmag|
"to be comprehensive and apply a disciplined process"
Researchers demo 3D-printed, shape-shifting objects. computerworld|
"an electrical current or with ambient air temperature"
Forget 3D printing – here's 4D printing. digitalartsonline|
"an engineered temperature that determined by the chemical composition"
Shining 3D Technology: pioneer in Chinese biomedical 3D printing. 3dprintingindustry|
"in 2004 with a strong that would do something big in this area"
3D Printed Human Tissue is Now a Reality. dailydot|
"“microchannels,” pathways that allow nutrients to flow through them"
Need A New Knee Penn State Researchers May Soon Be Able To Print You One. wpsu|
"with cartilage cells to create implants for joints such as the knee and elbow"
Research delivers insight into the Global dental 3D printer market 2016. whatech|
"with sales, revenue, and price of Dental 3D Printer, in 2015 and 2016;"
MIT researchers develop self assembling mobile phones based on 4D printing concepts. 3ders|
"to be tumbled around—you different functionalities.”" -
3D Architects: Buildings, Houses, Wall Texturing, Structures, and 3D Printed Home Items
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Iraqi government looking at WinSun's 3D printed homes for post-war rebuilding efforts. su|
"by the Assistant Director of the Iraqi Ministry of Planning"
3D Printed Wireless Lantern. instructables|
"on the base and charges through induction, which'll get into later"
BLOG: Five Game-Changing Advancements in Construction :: Story ID. constructionequipmentguide|
"of reason to step away from tradition and try something new"Design Furniture Just By Prancing In Front of A Kinect. fastcodesign|
"by the subconscious, and realized not by human hands, by an algorithm"
Northland Announces that Gemini Offshore Wind Project Has Successfully. investingnews|
"the 600 MW wind farm now one major step closer to completion"
Mersey manufacturers told to 'get ready' for the Fourth Industrial Revolution. liverpoolecho|
"of Merseyside’s manufacturers set to see businesses transformed"
Design Furniture Just By Prancing In Front of A Kinect. fastcodesign|
"by the subconscious, and realized not by human hands, by an algorithm"
Forget 3D-printing Palmyra – this how to rebuild ruins. theguardian|
"the architect whose winged imagination resurrected an entire French city" -
3D Printing Transportation, NASA, Army, Drones, RC, Cars, Plains, Boats Robots Space Rockets
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )3D Printing Aerospace Parts and Tooling. stratasys|
"on aircraft and spacecraft cementing the technology as an engineering mainstay"
The FAA Cleared the First 3D Printed Part to Fly in a Commercial Jet Engine from GE. gereports|
"a symbol of one of the biggest changes sweeping jet engine design"
Swarms of Robot Spiders Could Be the Future of 3D Printing. popularmechanics|
"___the theory behind the latest project coming out of Siemens, anyway"
3-D Printers: Understanding Copyright, Fair Use, and More. slj|
"of miles lack of gravity no longer constrain the delivery of supplies to astronauts"
The man behind the bike: Specialized industrial designer Brian Szykowny. cyclingtips|
"as to stand out from the crowd — and stand out most definitely do"
Multi-million grant to fund cutting-edge brain research at Clemson. greenvilleonline|
"the use of nanoparticles treat brain disorders such as addiction and depression"
UN chief calls for eradicating weapons of mass destruction 'once and for all'. globaltimes|
"on nuclear disarmament, and called for the eradication of the weapons of destruction"
China's drone invasion. koreatimes|
"to work up a boom with unmanned aerial vehicles"
Latest report on increasing aircraft orders in APAC propelling use of aircraft seat. whatech|
"the U.S. from its current count of 450 million passengers in coming years"
DVIDS - News - NREIP Interns Impact Navy Technologies, Return to College, Plan. dvidshub|
"at universities across the country with a new perspective about the U.S. Navy"
Auto, aerospace industries warm to 3D printing. phys|
"to remake manufacturing in the auto, aerospace and other major industries"
ADDING MULTIMEDIA Stratasys Demonstrates Next Generation 3D Printing Technology. yahoo|
"to limited size, enabling and accelerating innovative automotive product design"
Design News - Engineering Materials. designnews|
"of commercialization plans, it's got great potential"
Autonomous octobot is first 3D-printed entirely soft robot. theiet|
"of possible new generation of completely soft, untethered autonomous machines"Rocket Lab gets closer to Electron rocket launch with completed platform. 3dprintingindustry|
"to space. Testing for the platform take place in the coming months"
Airbus partners with Renishaw to explore 3D printing aircraft wings. engineering|
"a innovative ways to design and manufacturing aircraft wings" -
3D Printing Daily News 9:00 PM: Top News, New tends, maker, Art, Fashion and Revolution
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )August 23, 2016 NEWS
RecreatingStar Wars with Drones and a Whole Lot of Color. screenanarchy|
"to Star Wars ships and racing them in the air above a national forest"
Microsoft Building 87 Device Labs tour. businessinsider|
"in a room"says Microsoft head of Industrial Design Ralf Groene"
The Factory Floor of the Future — BizTech. biztechmagazine|
"of real world that be observed through a headset or a mobile device"
Our Favorite Tech From the 2016 Rio Olympics: The Cool, The Clever & The Ridiculous. snapmunk|
"to be at least 5 years before shops start to recognize them"
Profile Extruder Sees the Light. ptonline|
"for processors involved in this business (see June’s cover story)"
A look ahead to America’s challenges — and opportunities. nydailynews|
"a diminution of the great American middle class"
Bitcoin distracts from the real value of blockchain. cio|
"a blind spot for executives seeking a view of the future"
Mack Bolan fans rejoice: Auto Mag may be closer to rebirth. guns|
"the Auto Mag Pistol fired the most powerful production handgun round the market"
Vierde editie Painterman Music & Art • schildersvak|
"with the motto and 'outsiders show what artists artistic zoal"
Diamond Specialist Uses 3D Printing for Machine Development. 3dprintingindustry|
"to be investing in world of 3D printing for longer than initially expected"August 24, 2016 NEWS
Win a Digital HD Copy of Captain America: Civil War. miaminewtimes|
"the Captain America: Civil War” the highest-grossing film of 2016"The Free Beginner's Guide. 3dprintingindustry|
"the largest and most prolific organizations operating in the 3D printing sector"
Figure reward: 3D printed ceramic art is so beautiful _ China 3D printing network. 3ddayin|
"so in the eyes of Westerners, porcelain become China's image symbol"
Electronic band Moenia to 3D printing as the centerpiece of MV-3D printing, printing . hc360|
"to show the items, be surprised at 3D printing been far from us"
Derby the dog: Running on 3D Printed Prosthetics. youtube|
"a custom 3D printed prosthetics allow Derby the dog to run for the first time"
Benchtop UV Flatbed Printers. rolanddga|
"as including printing directly on three-dimensional objects up to 3.94” thick"
Get Over Selfies, It’s Time to Get 3D Miniatures of Yourself. thequint|
"on Side, produces 3-D printed miniatures of at its Mini showroom"
What construction jobs will look like when robots can build things. com|
"from 8 per cent of full-time workers in 1992 to 14.2 per cent in 2014"
Østlendingen - Can print out 3D models in new electives. ostlendingen|
"a Teknolab becomes this year 3D printing as an elective at Tynset middle school"
‘Sporks in space’: Bothell firm brings recycling to final frontier. heraldnet|
"of recycling/3D printing system tested aboard the International Space Station" -
3D Printing Manufacturing, Business, Profit, selling, Dealers, Stores, Retails, Labs and Jobs
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )ASUS will now let you 3D print parts for ASUS motherboards, GPUs and peripherals. 3ders|
"to own personalized logo panel and fan mount to the same board"3D Central’s 3D Printed Phone Case Helps to Catch a Pikachu. 3dprint|
"the fallen, still estimated to around 30 million registered users"
CWRU’s Sears think[box] Utilizes Stratasys Technology to Enhance Educational Experience. 3dprint|
"a 3D printing technology from Stratasys to help transform ideas into viable products"
Beehive Startups| Ogden-based WhiteClouds Acquires Sandboxr. beehivestartups|
"as the premier full-color 3D print service provider in the entire galaxy"
HP earnings beat forecasts, but weak Q4 outlook drops shares. siliconangle|
"a fourth-quarter profit before certain costs of 34 to 37 cents a share"
Haydale Graphene Industries PLC makes strategic Asian buy. proactiveinvestors|
"a newly developed PLA (Poly-Lactic Acid) resin for 3D printing"
MIT Self-Assembly Lab: Might Your 4D Smartphone One Day Build Itself. 3dprint|
"to now relegated to the memes category titled ‘who remembers these’"
iPhone, Coca-Cola or Pringles Ten most recognisable brands revealed. news|
"of packaging, and just as recognisable without its logo or the product itself"
Small tech businesses R&D to the rescue. bizjournals|
"an idea to the point where could not take it any further" -
3D Printing Manufacturing, Business, Profit, selling, Dealers, Stores, Retails, Labs and Jobs
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Cooler Master: MasterMouse Pro L. coolermaster|
"a user-friendly software to customize and synchronize rig's color scheme"
Vodka brand Zubrówka launches ‘innovative’ new bottle design. foodbev|
"Zubrówka Bison Grass bottle for international markets and global retail"
Businesses back sculpture. nzherald|
"to rallying behind an innovative sculpture to be built on Pohe Island"
Apple iPhone 7: Dual-Lens Camera Leak Suggests 3D Scanning Capabilities. newsweek|
"the iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus or iPhone 7 Pro feature the technology"
XJet Gets Funded to 3D Print Most Accurate Metal Parts to Date. engineering|
"a fund Catalyst CEL. XJet also revealed more detail about its 3D printing process"
Forest Hills To Get Its First Co-Working Space This Fall. dnainfo|
"to be able to share a new co-working space in the heart of Forest Hills"
Independent printers lead the HP PageWide XL way with Stanford Marsh. whattheythink|
"to forward-thinking outlook and autonomy in making decisions"
Cooler Master’s ambidextrous MasterMouse Pro L fits different grips. pcgamer|
"with MasterMouse Pro L, an ambidextrous gaming mouse with customization in mind"Mining execs are making the best of a difficult situation. bizcommunity|
"in the prospects for the global economy over the next two years"
ExOne Aims to Grow with New CEO. engineering|
"to silica sand, these systems 3D print with ceramic beads, chromite and zircon"
gCreate Moves to Larger Brooklyn Headquarters. 3dprint|
"to its Brooklyn manufacturing roots the small 3D printer startup gCreate"
ASUS Will Let You 3D Print Parts For Your Motherboard. ubergizmo|
"in a particular color scheme, or maybe 3D print a company/team logo, and so on"
iGo3D buys GetReady4 3D in efforts to boost 3D printing literacy. 3dprintingindustry|
"in nature, as shared similar values and team members"
Add a whole new feel to your products with 3D printed Surface Skins. 3dprintingindustry|
"a hobbyists an aesthetic edge over the usual mediocre surfaces see"
Australian 3D printing company 333D to debut on ASX this Thursday. 3ders|
"of 3D Group's assets from the administrator dealt with the VA"
Halo Technologies celebrates grand opening in West Palm Beach, FL. 3dprintingindustry|
"of almost 350 guests, including West Palm Beach mayor, Jeri Muoio"
PLUX uses 3D printing to create perfect custom housing for BITalino, a DIY toolkit for. 3ders|
"that users could 3D print own practical and attractive casings"
Say hello to real time 3D Scanning on your Android phones. 3dprintingindustry|
"that used on a daily basis do. And now it’s the time"
Nano Dimension Supplies First DragonFly 2020 PCB 3D Printer to Israeli Defense Company. 3dprint|
"to undoubtedly prove with latest supply deal"
Scandy and pmd Collaborate to Bring Pro-Quality 3D Scanning App to Android. 3dprint|
"to generate own 3D content directly from smartphone"