Current news on 3d printing 2016
3D Printing Stem Researchers: Engineers Mathematicians Physicists Scientists
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Vinfoil Optima Minimizes Changeover Time on KBA Press. servic|
"As branch manager Christian Weber recently 25 years in service"
Three Scandinavian Startups to Look Out for in Silicon Valley. huffingtonpost|
"to that Scandinavia, Sweden in particular, pumping out successful companies left and right"
Taiwan Release Engineering Advanced Technology for Plastics. jakarta|
"with technologies already high, environmentally friendly, and efficient in energy absorption"
6 Technologies Transforming the Manufacturing Industry in 2016. huffingtonpost|
"been more exciting technology transforming the manufacturing than there in 2016"Upcoming: Proto Labs: From design to delivery. tctmagazine|
"with mouldability and CNC machining in mind, all reducing the impact on budget and resource"
Your Renewable News. yourrenewablenews|
"to witness a positive growth with the ever increasing demand for electricity and power"
Company Profile for Mach7 Technologies Ltd.. pharmiweb|
"in accelerate diagnosis and care delivery, reduce costs, and significantly improve patient outcomes"
Design News - Engineering Materials. designnews|
"with better heat resistance, and the first biocompatible resin for desktop 3D printing"
3D printing and the new industrial revolution. growthbusiness|
"advantages – and an investment in 3D printing just one of those innovations"
3D Internal Structure For Better 3D Printed Objects. hackaday|
"a mess, and automated bed leveling still in its infancy"
World-class Architects, Designers and Engineers to Unveil the Future of 3D. prnewswire|
"on 21-23 June at the Italian Pavilion of Fira de Barcelona's Montjuïc venue"
Who Needs CAD/CAM > engineering|
"with CAM. The part goes right from CAE to be 3D printed. It’s a short circuit"
Research and Markets Releases the New Bulk Graphene Pricing Report for 2016. 3dprint|
"of power conductive and it be used to create ultra-thin solar absorbing cells"
Med Tech Will Turn 100 Years of Age Into the New 60 Years. huffingtonpost|
"a scientific breakthroughs, software and gadgets extend and improve lives quickly"
Science and Technology. thehansindia|
"a 3D scanner which scans the object and makes a 3D digital copy of it"
Preview: UK AM Research and Innovation Day. tctmagazine|
"the way for the wider implementation and commercialisation of AM technologies"BLOGS and the WEB Thursday
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )5 of the coolest climate solutions that exist today. greenbiz|
"of budding solutions laid out in a new report by Copenhagen-based think tank Sustainia"
The News Leader, Mt. Dora, Florida. Classifieds, Local Businesses. trianglenewsleader|
"a movie How about taking apart printers, laptops, projectors, and remote controlled toys"
Businesses asked to share experiences and views on the 'safety' of apps. law|
"of safety problems encountered with downloadable apps as part of a new EU study.10 Jun 2016"
Style that’s electrifying. thehindu|
"a trend that is catching on with the upwardly mobile, fashion-conscious youngsters"
Musical Robotics Summer Camp offered at Lyric Center. hometownfocus|
"an opportunity for students to explore, experiment, create, play, compose and perform" -
3D Printing Transportation, NASA, Army, Drones, RC, Cars, Plains, Boats Robots Space Rockets
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Slumbering tiger, roaring dragon: How India's defence stacks up against its biggest regional. indiatimes|
"that may to wait for a long time to see the plan reaching actuality"
Next Big Future: Spacex disrupting the global space industry so all future launch. nextbigfuture|
"on sending payloads into the upper atmosphere. to try again on June 14"
Tour a Chevy Van Turned Into Sleek, Tiny Live-Work Space. curbed|
"of what it’s really like to live and work in such a tiny space"
Turning an Asteroid into a Spacecraft with 3D Printing. engineering|
"a chief technology officer explains the project in detail in a recent blog post"Summit Mowers’ Monster Lawnmowers Rely on 3D Printed Parts From i.materialise. VRTalk|
"on about remote-controlled lawnmowers with 3D printed parts"
Watch these tiny 3D printed quadruped robots pronk their way over rough terrain. 3ders|
"the clever and unusual movements of those most forsaken of creatures"
Airbus Group and Dassault Systèmes collaborate on 3D printing. technology|
"by virtually validating each phase of the 3D printing process"
Airbus Group chooses Dassault Systèmes for 3D printing. onwindows|
"to integrate design, simulation and production processes"
How Big Area Additive Manufacturing is Enabling Automotive Microfactories. engineering|
"to full-scale production, there already hints of big things to come"3D Architects: Buildings, Houses, Wall Texturing, Structures, and 3D Printed Home Items
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Architect unveils 3D printer to make ‘endless’ house. scmp|
"to construct a large building “without beginning or end” shaped like an infinite loop"
Will Entire Buildings Be Constructed Using 3D Printing. housely|
"a new construction project — similar commercial buildings cost millions to build"
WATGs Urban Architecture Studio Unveils Winning Design for a 3D Printed. thearchitectureinsight|
"to how 3D printing technologies improve built environment and lives today"
3D printer to make endless houses – Propgod Blog. propgod|
"the tool hopes to use to build what dubbed the “Landscape House“"
3D printer to make endless houses – Propgod Blog. propgod|
"a computer to help build up fine layers of 5-10 mm (a quarter to half an inch) thick"
Freeform 3D-Printed House. blogspot|
"a Design Challenge, a competition to design the world’s first freeform 3D printed house"
Finally A 3D Printed House That Looks Like One. fabbaloo|
"a design for a 3D printed home that far cooler than one could imagine"
Curve Appeal to be"world's first"3D-printed freeform house. gizmag|
"a reality after it won Branch Technology's Freeform Home Design Challenge"
Chattanooga to get first 3-D printed house. timesfreepress|
"in Branch's facility in the Business Development Center in North Chattanooga" -
3D Printing Daily News 9:00 PM: Top News, New tends, maker, Art, Fashion and Revolution
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )June 9, 2016 NEWS
Fusion technology in the Factory of the Future (FF). revista|
"for proactive knowledge management, which manages to motivate deeply"
How much potential provides 3D printing. zoom|
"the 3D printing offers many possibilities and potentials for the digitization of the economy"
Additive Manufacturing and 3D Scanning: Finding the right technology. interempresas|
"to know what the most appropriate for business needs"
Latest findings for future innovations. maschinenmarkt|
"With the latest findings from research and science, based on further developments"
FEATURE: How tech is redefining jewellery manufacturing. professionaljeweller|
"the ways in which technology shaping and aiding jewellery manufacturing"
Students at GCHS Science Symposium lead the way. gcnews|
"and community leaders captivated by the projects on display"
An Argument Against Universal Basic Income. huffingtonpost|
"a piece by trying to mislead the reader does not inspire great confidence"
Episode 33: Can Interface 'take back' the climate Meet our 30 under 30. greenbiz|
"thr packed episode for this week's GreenBiz 350 podcast"
Animal Planet to Premiere TOUCAN NATION, 8/2. broadwayworld|
"as Costa Ricans rally to implement penalties for ANIMAL cruelty"
G2A.COM Entertains Gamers Around the World with Movie Premiere of Warcraft. prnewswire|
"in a variety of locations established in the original video game series"June 10, 2016 NEWS
Toronto's Maker Festival to kick off month-long celebration of making with launch party. betakit|
"the Toronto Reference Library featuring the work of the maker community"
This awesome articulated cube was 3D printed in a single piece. 3ders|
"as with no post-assembly, and no glue or screws"How 3D Printing Will 'Rock the World' — and Space. space|
"of Three-dimensional printing, also called rapid prototyping, finally started to go mainstream"
Watch Dogs 2 is packing 3D printed guns. 3ders|
"a person shooter shows a virtual handgun mid-print alongside other technical gadgets"
An Invaluable Resource for All: 3D Hubs Releases Definitive Guide to 3D Printing. 3dprint|
"from the RepRap project—with a long list of manufacturers following after them"
From Totoros to Puddycats, June Brides (and Bridezillas) Should Look Into 3D Printing. 3dprint|
"on two people by all accounts supposed to be madly in love"
3D printed Braindrain dress by Maartje Dijkstra draws inspiration from 1850s fashion. 3ders|
"in the traditional dress worn by people in the Groningen region during the 1850s"
Zortrax Makes an Appearance on the Catwalk in the 3D Printed Fashion of Irina Tosheva. 3dprint|
"that she’s not afraid to experiment with technology, particularly 3D printing"
Comedy series Gran'pa Knows Best starring 3D printed figurines coming to HBO. 3ders|
"to Deferred, showcased some sides of immigrant life not often seen in the US media"
Artec digitises 3D animal anatomy models for Threeding 3D printing marketplace. tctmagazine|
"that changing the way people studying and working in science.”"
Designing Jewelry Get Some Basic Modeling Tips from the i.materialise Experts. 3dprint|
"of the most useful over-the-counter treatments for snoring and sleep apnea" -
3D Printing Manufacturing, Business, Profit, selling, Dealers, Stores, Retails, Labs and Jobs
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Paraffin International Raises Seed Round Funding. newswire|
"the inventor of gLOVE Treat and the founder of the company"
3D Glass Solutions plans $100M in revenue within three years, CEO Jeb Flemming says. bizjournals|
"at Sandia National Laboratories says first company ready for rapid growth"
Q.I. Press Controls receives several orders from Koninklijke Drukkerij Em. De Jong. whattheythink|
"with the colour register and fan-out control system QIPC’s mRC-3D system"
Boom: More exhibitors and increasing resonance from abroad for Rapid.Tech. pressebox|
"on the basis of original sculptures and 75 high-quality printing"
Product Innovations Through Technological Advances Set to Drive the Global Eyewear. businesswire|
"of Technavio’s lead analysts for retail goods and services"
Building The Surface Book: The Very Best Of Microsoft. gizmodo|
"of distinctly different. And the hardware that it created something special"
Israeli-founded companies flourish in Massachusetts, study shows. timesofisrael|
"a other business, economic impact surged to $18.1 billion"
Miramichi tries to retain former reputation as animation hub. cbc|
"to hold onto its former reputation, even if the sector taken a nosedive from its peak in 2007"
Seeed Studio BeagleBone Green Wireless Now Available for Immediate Shipment from. businesswire|
"the first Wi-Fi + Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) board from BeagleBone community"
reichelt elektronik expands catalogue thanks to huge growth. manufacturingglobal|
"of the business following the launch of its online UK retail portal earlier this year"
DTI launches Fabrication Laboratory in UP Cebu. inquirer|
"the Laboratory (FabLab) in the University of the Philippines (UP) Cebu yesterday, June 9"
Making the world's smallest ultra-strength 3D printed lattice structure. 3ders|
"with a density significantly lower than the density of water, which 1,000kg/m³"Cosine Additive Partners with Oak Ridge Lab for Ultrafast, Large-Scale 3D Printing. engineering|
"with Oak Ridge Lab for Ultrafast, Large-Scale 3D Printing"
Now You Can Run Android on your iPhone Using this 3D Printed Case and Hacked Battery. 3dprint|
"to run on its nemesis, a very much NOT open source iPhone 6 Plus"
3D printed add-ons can turn your iPhone into a low cost eye exam kit. 3ders|
"the Apple smartphones, and which perform anterior and retinal eye examinations"
Feetz collaborates with DSW Inc. to bring custom 3D printed shoes to the market. tctmagazine|
"a technology of additive manufacturing to the world of mainstream footwear"
Having Problems Fitting Your Oculus Rift Over Your Glasses Try This Simple 3D Printed . 3dprint|
"of handily provides instructions for, though found own method worked best"
My Republica - The new tech frontier. myrepublica|
"a example of the many fascinating projects being explored via this technology"
Wipro Partners with Authentise to offer Additive Manufacturing Services. manufacturingtomorrow|
"to enable adoption of additive manufacturing among the Global 2,000 companies"
The future of logistics. theloadstar|
"for regionalisation, delegates at The Future of Logistics event head this week"
The Phab 2 Pro: The First 3D Scanning Consumer Smartphone. engineering|
"the augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) and general 3D scanning purposes"
Wipro ropes in US-based Authentise to offer additive manufacturing services. standard|
"the technologies and consulting services, to offer additive manufacturing services"
How to get Google's Android to run on your Apple iPhone. dailymail|
"on iPhone, allowing the device to run the two operating systems at once" -
3D Printing Expo, Q&A, Talk, Shows, Announcements, Events, Forum, Magazine, Press
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )CPhI's 5th Annual InnoPack Pharma Confex Concludes on a High Note /PR Newswire. prnewswire|
"the future of the pharma packaging industry, all under one roof"
The journey towards seamless shopping. essentialretail|
"Airbnb alone represent just how far technology shaken up the travel"
Drupa is the proven four-year cycle. verpackung|
"thus moved away from the idea to let the fair take place every three years"
Nieuwsblad Transport. nieuwsbladtransport|
"with the second day. not be there, stay up to date with the live blog"
Man of Steel can not stop. deondernemer|
"for Sif Group and Verbrugge Terminals Construction for EYE Film Museum in Amsterdam"
Disney's The BFG Screening Passes Sweepstakes Rules. 6abc|
"and immediate families/household members of anyone so employed not eligible"
Successful with Additive Manufacturing. pressebox|
"on Additive Manufacturing place from 14 to 16 June 2016 in Erfurt place"
Want to change your view of the world Hop over to Gitex. khaleejtimes|
"the Endowment Fund, which dedicates Dh1 billion to support innovative projects in the emirate"
Vancouver Mini Maker Faire celebrates interactive DIY spirit. metronews|
"a Lego playground, liquid nitrogen gelato take over the PNE Forum this weekend"GeekWire Calendar Picks: Solstice Social Good, Future of Robotics, Rails Women Workshop. geekwire|
"to connect businesses and non-profits, network and share innovative approaches to social good"
Collaborative demo shows 'batch of one' production in action. drivesncontrols|
"the industrial printing supplier CAB, and the wearables manufacturer, Proglove"
Dwell on Design 2016: America’s largest design event is coming to Los Angeles. inhabitat|
"with industry experts. Register now to secure attendance before tickets sell out"
CE Week NY to Feature Record Number of Hi-Tech Product Debuts. broadcastnewsroom|
"of CE Week NY to Feature Record Number of Hi-Tech Product Debuts"
Toronto's Maker Festival to kick off month-long celebration of making with launch party. betakit|
"the Toronto Reference Library featuring the work of the maker community"
Wilton Bulletin Board. wiltonbulletin|
"to use a 3D printer and got2sign up for an individual project to make own 3D project"
Maker Faires Are a Big Draw for Kids, Maker Movement Encourages Future Scientists. 3dprint|
"by hardware, an find it a little tricky to use because need to remove glasses"
Lenovo's Exciting Plans Unveiled At The Lenovo Tech World. huffingtonpost|
"in the smartphone world. now tapping into other sectors as well"
3D-printed artworks at Form & Concept. santafenewmexican|
"of computer-modeled images. The reception at 5 p.m. on Friday, Jun. 10"
drupa 2016 Reported a Resounding Success with Plenty of Business Deals, Strong. piworld|
"the opening up new lines of business and business models at the same time"
Cheap fix: Adding a tripod mount to a Logitech conference cam. zdnet|
"the $249 BCC950 doesn't come with the little screw mount on the bottom of its body" -
Current News On 3D Printing :: 2015 :: WEB Expo Business News Auto Architectual STEM WEB
Posted: On Monday Wednesday And
BLOGS and the WEB Friday
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )3D Printed Longboard XXL Available on Thingiverse (video). gadgets|
"by longboard XXL which even includes 3D printed trucks and wheels, awesome job"Cyber-Mystical Jewelry Will Boost Your Instagram Following. vice|
"to crystal naturally “simulates a sense of shavasana after a harrowing Reddit session.”"
Hertford company FT Solutions making 3D models of England stars including Harry Kane. co|
"with creating figurines of the England squad"
10 Mind-Blowing Ways to Use Technology at Design Miami/ Basel 2016. blouinartinfo|
"to be wrong. There be more proof at Design Miami/ Basel this year"
How to transform your media centers into makerspaces. eschoolnews|
"a valuable and integral part of a student’s education that supports 21st-century skills" -
BLOGS and the WEB Sunday
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )3D Printing Just for the Sake of It Designer Weighs His Options for Simple Webcam Mount. 3dprint|
"for those resourceful, if there’s not a3Dprinterfor the job, make one"
Connect with the Universe with the 3D Printed Crystal Jewelry of STONEDALONE. 3dprint|
"in lives, and become important sources of inspiration and focus"
Animal Planet preps Toucan Nation for flight. hollywoodreporter|
"a sparked international outrage and a national animal welfare campaign"Reading between the lines: did Rajan say 'Make in India' was flawed. catchnews|
"to Bengaluru to whether the robot in the next room would take jobs away"BLOGS and the WEB Saturday
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )3D hubs| Hackaday. hackaday|
"by doing knows. That’s what idle speculation in the comments section for"
The future of digital manufacturing. age|
"as the USA became the event’s official partner country for the first time in its history"
Ricoh Open was a mix of tennis and knowledge. dutchitchannel|
"of Ricoh Netherlands"Ricoh Open a mix of tennis and knowledge"
Animal Planet preps Toucan Nation for flight. rapidtvnews|
"a sparked international outrage and inspired a national animal welfare campaign" -
3D Architects: Buildings, Houses, Wall Texturing, Structures, and 3D Printed Home Items
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Syska Hennessy Group MENA Providing Engineering Expertise to Dubai’s 3D Printed. prnewswire|
"within the3Dprintingprocess which shape the future 3Dprintingtechnology"
Chicago Studio to Create World’s First Free-Form 3D-Printed House. compositesmanufacturingmagazine|
"the first company to successfully use 3-D printing to construct building walls to scale"
GCR - News - BAM reveals world’s first autonomous robot 3D printer. globalconstructionreview|
"___a quarter-scale building designed by Rotterdam-based practice Universe Architecture"
3D Printer Materializes Dutch Architect's Mobius House With Plant Oil. scienceworldreport|
"The house will be shaped like an infinite loop which neither beginning nor end"
3D print a boon for World Cup stadiums. zawya|
"from putting it through testing in a wind-tunnel specially designed in Qatar"
Would You Live in a 3-D Printed House. govtech|
"in Branch's facility in the Business Development Center in North Chattanooga"stelios mousarris' rocket coffee table blasts off on plumes of smoke. designboom|
"to recreate that feeling of carefreeness and nostalgia with the rocket coffee table.’"
How Virtual Reality has turned into an empowering agent, even at home. financialexpress|
"so eventually leads to manufacturing, expressing better functionality and sustainability"3D Printing Stem Researchers: Engineers Mathematicians Physicists Scientists
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )3D printed models and wind-tunnel technology optimize stadium designs for 2022 FIFA Wo. 3ders|
"of the stadiums to optimize design, both for comfort and for cost"
Masdar Institute files patent for 3D-printed materials. zawya|
"a designed and produced through 3D printing, the institution announced on Sunday"
Lifeboat News: The Blog. lifeboat|
"of the Chemistry department at the University of Quebec in Montreal"
The 3-D Printing Bubble May Have Burst. newsweek|
"the companies admit it, though insist a revolution still brewing"
Printed Memory to Secure IoT. eetimes|
"in one of its existing facilities in Webster, N.Y., to produce the memory labels"
Land use study recommends new development at Kingston airport. kingstonregion|
"of the airport’s 275 hectares, which could be marketed for future development"
Dutch govt to give EUR 40 mln to research projects. telecompaper|
"of Education and Economic Affairs give another EUR 20 million later this year"
New Haven engineering and design center lets public into ‘unique environment’ for. nhregister|
"the National Week of Making and the New Haven Arts & Ideas Festival" -
3D Printing Transportation, NASA, Army, Drones, RC, Cars, Plains, Boats Robots Space Rockets
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Bike Company Used 3D Printing To Make Performance Bikes That Fold. sporttechie|
"of a workout. Well there’s one company that’s working to make that easier"
Ultrasonic 3D Printing Yields Smart Parts for NASA. engineering|
"to require additional milling or other finishing methods to create the ultimate part"
Russian team to launch carbon-reinforced 3D printer for satellite parts on ISS. 3ders|
"a trauma, size constraints, and the difficulties of sending new materials into orbit"
Design News - Blog - 3D-Printed Mars Rover Design Inspired by Students. designnews|
"an Mars rover student challenge, and the parts built on a desktop 3D printer"
DIY Human Sized Robot with 3D Printed Grippers is Designed to Fulfill Your Needs. 3dprint|
"an Manipulator MK1-001 (M4.1) that designed andreleased through Instructables"
3D Printed Animal Skulls in Miniature: Fire & Bone’s Latest Kickstarter Adds a Fourth. 3dprint|
"in part of course to the high quality platform provided by natural selection"
Lifeboat News: The Blog. lifeboat|
"to share because it highlights even how energy companies 3D printers"
Airbus’ New 3D Printed Plane. i-hls|
"by harness this new technology for eventual fleet of 3D printed jets"
3D Printer seminar highlights LJ library's Maker Space. thefacts|
"a 3D printing seminar by the Brazosport Chapter of the American Chemical Society on May 23"
Airbus Group Use Dassault Systèmes 3D Printing for Large Scale Production. infokomputer|
"a manufacturing program that integrates design, simulation, and production"
Google and the Birth of the People-Delivery Drone. technewsworld|
"to eliminates the need for roads for those commute to work"
NASA Will Going To Investigate About How To Turn Asteroids Into Giant, Autono. nationaldailypress|
"to investigate how to turn asteroids into giant, autonomous spacecraft"3 Less Obvious Exposures To The Electric Vehicle Boom. investing|
"a mentioned companies not excepting. Here three slightly less obvious exposures"
3T Cycling Exploro gravel adventure road bike – first look. bikeradar|
"the component manufacturer 3T seen fit to enter the fray with its debut frameset"
Public (introduce|Bebop 2 as the 3D professional printing and Windform materials. gisuserleases
"of possible to complete, test and put the drone Bebop 2 on the market"
Top 10 franchises that appeal to millennials in 2016. USA|
"for a fast food chain to willingly give out this information a smart business move"
Seven conclusions"3D Printing Status 2016"may not know. cechina|
"as for Printing Status 2016"may not know"
Registration open for "TECHmaker Youth Academy". emporiagazette|
"in Linköping. Saab already also looks to the future after the 2040th" -
3D Printing Daily News 9:00 PM: Top News, New tends, maker, Art, Fashion and Revolution
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )June 11, 2016 NEWS
Lead England to Euro 2016 glory with these 3D printed table football figurines. 3ders|
"of the tournament instead. 1-1 against Russia Actually, beat them 26-0"
3D Printing: The Stories Didn’t Cover This Week — June 11. 3dprint|
"a Carbon Rigid Polyurethane, out of its beta program and making it available to all"June 12, 2016 NEWS
Fractal based 3D printed jacket brings the feeling of goosebumps to life. 3ders|
"an amazing performance, the feeling of intuition, time and place, or a mixture.”"
Introducing the Locket of the 21st Century: 3D Printed MEMENTO Holds Digital Memories. 3dprint|
"a small dried flower – close to us at all times, while at the same time looking beautiful"
Barb Makes Mechanical Pokey Finger With Filament Rivets. hackaday|
"an simple — Barb points a time-lapse camera at desk and makes stuff. Neat stuff"June 13, 2016 NEWS
Kickass women of VR interview 8: Rainy Heath, 3D artist. gadgette|
"a building the world’s first VR city. It’s called Hypatia, and it’s ridiculously cool"
UAE- New DHA methodology to focus on innovation happiness and future. menafn|
"a tracks; innovation, happiness and future, and its upcoming developmental policies"
FOCUS TAIWAN. focustaiwan|
"the National Defense Medical Center. Photo courtesy of Fablab NDMC June 11, 2016" -
3D Printing Manufacturing, Business, Profit, selling, Dealers, Stores, Retails, Labs and Jobs
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )ARRK USA Accelerates 3D Printing Adoption. marketwired|
"by rapid adoption of the latest 3D printing technologies in booth number 2456"
Kegelmann Technik teams with Concept Laser on metal 3D printing. tctmagazine|
"The first machines include the M2 cusing Multilaser with QM Coating"
3D Printing and Diversity: It’s Time to Start Taking It Seriously. 3dprint|
"that weird cousin you’re not exactly sure going to amount to anything"
Bitcoin inspired 3D printed smart tags can authenticate your designer sneakers. 3ders|
"the designer sneakers back to the factory, effectively proving authenticity"
Seek, Shop, Service, Support: think3D Unveils a New Mobile App for Android. 3dprint|
"of existing customer base as well as attracting new customers: a mobile app"
Startup Turns Recycled Plastic into 3D Printing Filament. ptonline|
"to waste picker communities and local manufacturing in developing regions.”"
Spare Parts Shopping MyMiniFactory Offers Growing Library from Vacuum Parts to IKEA. 3dprint|
"with a great new design that must get to work on immediately"
DSW to sell custom fit 3D-printed shoes. style|
"in San Diego, the first of its kind, fulfil thousands of orders per month"
Kodak Achieves Excellent Results During Drupa 2016. inkworldmagazine|
"of products and Kodak’s standing in the print industry"
Over 10,000 3D Scans of Everyday Objects Released by Redwood Data. 3dprint|
"the items oftentimes go unappreciated (as well as unscanned and unprinted)"
Sports startups to pitch at Stadia Demo Day: St. Louis tech events. bizjournals|
"as Louis Regional Chamber about how companies foster and encourage innovation"
Biker's Diary: Take-aways from events not always understood. pages|
"about knew every one of the groups by name and by songs that “belonged” to each"
DaaS: Defense as a Service. binnenlandsbestuur|
"the consumer, depillarized society and changed way of life tremendously"
Electronic Partner focuses on perception. 8 new businesses in Dubai under commercial licenses|
"___the Maxwell opened branches.The remaining 10 offices be remodeled next year"
8 new businesses in Dubai under commercial licenses. emirates247|
"in the emirate. This takes the total number of activities to 2,133 from 2,125"
WWDC 2016 reflections: Five iPhone 6s features that won over this year. zdnet|
"a bit of its future plans at WWDC, the Worldwide Developers Conference"
As Work Transforming, How It Be Rewarded. shrm|
"by WorldatWork, an association of compensation and benefits professionals"
There's a brand new Pip-Boy Bluetooth Edition with only 5,000 units worldwide. destructoid|
"a phone case - [it an integrated screen and on-board Pip-OS software"]
Start-up Challenge launched. online|
"a corresponding construction services and extensive marketing opportunities"
Premium Beauty News. premiumbeautynews|
"to improve website and provide more personalized services to. read more ok"
OneVue adds NY-based portfolios to its platform. ifa|
"by technology, and an overall disruptive innovation strategy"
Capturing the future. shanghaidaily|
"in 8K movie cameras and printing and display systems all shape future"
Une semaine d’impression 3D #23. lesimprimantes3d|
"on the use of Stratasys of additive manufacturing in the automotive sector"
Electronic Partner focuses on perception. denationalefranchisegids|
"the products themselves and may rely on expert and professional advice"
8 new businesses in Dubai under commercial licenses. emirates247|
"in the emirate. This takes the total number of activities to 2,133 from 2,125"DaaS: Defense as a Service. binnenlandsbestuur|
"the consumer, depillarized society and changed way of life tremendously"
Rapid Tech with significant growth. zeitung|
"as visitors 700 conference participants from Europe and overseas" -
Current News On 3D Printing :: 2015 :: WEB Expo Business News Auto Architectual STEM WEB
Posted: On
Monday Wednesday And Friday
BLOGS and the WEB Monday
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Upcoming Trends & Technology for Custom Designing Jewelry. examiner|
"with the beauty of Marilyn Monroe teased, Diamond a girl’s best friend"
A Radical Advocate for Inclusion. probonoaustralia|
"to help people with disability, and level the playing field for all people"
Robots and music merge. virginiamn|
"to July 1 at the Lyric Center for the Arts — to be all about robots, and much more"
Council President Ceasar Mitchell To Host Lifecycle Building Center’s. atlantadailyworld|
"The Boiler Room located at Ponce City Market in Atlanta’s Old Fourth Ward District"3D Printing Expo, Groups, Q&A, Talk, Shows, Announcements, Events, Forum, Magazine and Press
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Shapeways and Gravity Sketch Partner to Launch “Spin It to Win It” Contest. 3dprint|
"to create 3D lines, shapes, and symmetrical models all in the swipe of a finger"
Channel EMEA. channelemea|
"to be the first year that XYZprinting participates atDISTREE Russia"
More Than 260,000 Visitors Attend Drupa 2016. inkworldmagazine|
"a positive spirit for the global print industry, according to show organizers"
CURRENTS New Media Festival. alibi|
"a Workshops – CURRENTS exhibitions and most events Free to the public"
Maker Faire shows off the ingenious creativity of tinkers, hobbyists. registerguard|
"a characterized the event as the local version of the “world’s greatest show and tell.”"
US maker and Raspberry Pi champion goes to the White House. electronicsweekly|
"of technologies—such as 3D printers, laser cutters, and desktop machine tools"TMCA to participate in Milan Triennial. mehrnews|
"a venue for design and more concrete communication of the man and design"
Waxing lyrical at Mystery Creek. co|
"the way honeycombs created - and it getting plenty of buzz from Kiwi companies"
Waxing lyrical at Mystery Creek. nzherald|
"to push product forward. It's going to be a big deal for us"
Community calendar from June 14. saratogian|
"a archaeological collections moving museums of today into an exciting new future"
SYDW| SuperyachtDESIGN Week. superyachtnews|
"the opportunities to meet and network with fellow attendees"
UNWTO addresses the impact of new technologies on the tourism sector in Japan. 4hoteliers|
"the UNWTO International Conference on Tourism and Technology"
Senior State Dept. Official Lays Out Case for the TPP Trade Pact at World Affairs. globalatlanta|
"the State Department, didn’t forget business roots during a visit to Atlanta June 3"
US Patent and Trademark Office, to hold a 3D printer-related intellectual property rights. newsln|
"that it hold a printer-related intellectual property rights conference did" -
3D Printing Stem Researchers: Engineers Mathematicians Physicists Scientists
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )iconnect007 :: Article Solder Jet Printing: Keeping Up with the Challenges. iconnect007|
"of llenges such as tighter tolerances and finer lines and pitches"
Getting a New View with 3D Design Software. packageprinting|
"as then making the required adjustments take a painstakingly long time"
Star Trek gadgets: Beyond the realms of fiction. theiet|
"that the sci-fi technology see in Star Trek not as otherworldly as it seems"
SA’s top eight industries of the future. moneyweb|
"to someday become a global leader in energy storage and gas beneficiation"
Surface-Texture Cilia 3D-Printed to 50-Micron Resolution. machinedesign|
"in textures that otherwise unachievable with computer-aided design (CAD) tools"Butterfly Wings Inspire Aussie Scientists to 3D Print Stronger Structures for the Future. 3dprint|
"of upon themselves due to a competitive marketplace and constant customer demand"
3D Platform Case Study: Researchers Developing 3D Printed Orthotics at Gonzaga University. 3dprint|
"for organizations like e-NABLE—and truly amazing volunteers all around the world"
TTH Selected as One of Five Sites to Roll Out Advanced CLIP 3D Printing Technology. businesswire|
"at the Company’s Streetsboro facility, according to company president Chip Gear"
Another Leap for 3D Printing as Introduced to Membrane Technology. trendintech|
"of technology, any pattern could be designed quickly at the touch of a few buttons"
3D-Printed Structures As Dazzling As A Butterfly’s Wing. asianscientist|
"of a green hairstreak butterfly, could help make more compact light-based electronics"
Zaniac Launches 3D Game Design Program for Kids. utahbusiness|
"of its newest STEM course, 3D Game Design, which launches nationwide June 20"
TTH selected to roll out advanced CLIP 3D printing technology. onlinetes|
"at the company’s Streetsboro facility, according to company president Chip Gear"BLOGS and the WEB Tuesday
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Stratasys to launch universal design-to- application. roboticsandautomationnews|
"in turn, will expand the company’s market into the software sector"
Dutch Fashion Designer Maartje Dijkstra 3D Prints a Moving, Breathing Dress Inspired. 3dprint|
"an incredible piece of design that as disturbing as it hard to stop looking at"
Qatar uses 3D printing to stress test World Cup stadiums. stepfeed|
"of cloud-based technologies and advances in 3D printing technology""[/color]
These 3D printable anthro SciFi characters sure to up tabletop game. 3ders|
"the Anthro Scifi series that be individualized and 3D printed at high-resolutions"
joris laarman: bits & crafts at design miami/ basel. designboom|
"to thematically explores a manufacturing technique, material or technological process"
10 technology trends for this summer. htt
"a business decisions, and enhanced security just three trends to keep an eye on" -
3D Printing Transportation, NASA, Army, Drones, RC, Cars, Plains, Boats Robots Space Rockets
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Zig Zag, MBC ink copro deal for “Future Human” » Realscreen. realscreen|
"that to explore the future of Artificial Intelligence (AI)"
China Exclusive: China to send Chang'e-4 to south pole of moon's far-side. shanghaidaily|
"in 2018, according to China National Space Administration (CNSA)"
China Exclusive: China to send Chang'e-4 to south pole of moon's far-side. xinhuanet|
"by scientific research potential"Liu told Xinhua in an exclusive interview"
Former Tesla Model S Chief Engineer is bringing a new all-electric luxury sedan to. electrek|
"at the time and focused on the Tesla Roadster instead of energy storage solutions"
UTSA photo of the day: Innovative robots. utsa|
"a lab, students utilize 3D printing to take robotics to innovative new levels"
Maserati cultivates 'culture of respect' with dealers. automotiveworld|
"to 3D printing. Amidst these new paradigms, what’s happening to brand loyalty…"
The Pentagon's Third Offset: Just a Smoke Screen for a Shrinking US Military. nationalinterest|
"a senior Pentagon leaders came up with the idea of pursuing a Third Offset Strategy"
"Ground-breaking"eco-plane being designed in Cirencester could revolutionise. wiltsglosstandard|
"by new methods like 3D printing to change how the aviation industry works"
DonChisciotte disc brake guard: first look. bikeradar|
"with a guard or shroud, and that’s exactly what Italian firm T°Red done"
Montague Bikes provides optimal storing convenience with 3D printed foldable bike syst. 3ders|
"to ride a century and not know bike folded,” Montague said of the bike"Space Station's Commercial 3D Printer Makes Its 1st Tool (Photos). space|
"the International Space Station, printed this wrench (its first tool) in June 2016"
Ceramic Matrix Composite: 3Dynamic Systems Discovers Superior New Material Perfect. 3dprint|
"with Ceramic Matrix Composites from 3Dynamic Systems, headquartered in the UK"
Airbus APWorks, Altair announce additive manufacturing partnership following 3D printe. 3ders|
"by two companies offering joint AM solutions to customers across various industries"
Airbus produces mini pilotless aircraft using 3D printing. lasers|
"of 3D-printed structural parts, advanced aerodynamics, and artificial intelligence"
Exoskeletons, 3D Printing, Drones: Airbus is Investing Big in Future Tech. techexec|
"the last week that the new processes aim to boost production and increase efficiency"
Try 3D printing with dad at Future of Flight. villagesoup|
"to examine cutting edge equipment and materials, before trying the 3D printer yourself"3D Architects: Buildings, Houses, Wall Texturing, Structures, and 3D Printed Home Items
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )In Dubai it led to the first building built with a 3D printer. urbancontest|
"from Israel-based Massivit, dazzled the most. Anicolor from Heidelberg very impressive too"
3D-press in the construction and success of Russia. weekly|
"the steps already been taken, and experts expect a rapid growth in this segment"
Five advice from ITU on enterprise architecture in the new public digitization strategy. version2|
"as a large and necessary focus on data, standards and architecture"
Discover the global 3D concrete printing consumption report outlook,2016. whatech|
"to including definitions, classifications, applications and industry chain structure"
Results building the World's First 3D Printing. harpersbazaar|
"a definitions, classifications, applications and industry chain structure""[/color]
Global 3D Concrete Printing Market 2016. chollywood|
"by including definitions, classifications, applications as well as industry chain structure"
Design firm swaps Fan office for downtown digs. richmondbizsense|
"a downtown building as the company looks to bring on new partners and expand"
'Watch Dogs 2' promises a bright future for the franchise. dnaindia|
"as that this time, the company put a likeable protagonist front and center"
Infrastructure study of former airport underway. pressrepublican|
"of the New York State Regional Economic Development Council funding competition"
Syska Hennessy Group Continues Involvement in Dubai’s 3D Printed Office Building. 3dprint|
"as that a great deal already been learned about what or may be possible"
Exquisite 400 m2 villa 3D printed on-site in Beijing in just 45 days. 3ders|
"to completely manufactured on-site, rather than in separate parts in a factory"
Woodside pours $10m into Monash Uni innovation centre. itnews|
"the woodside-pours-10m-into-monash-uni-innovation-centre-420842#ixzz4CXJKXMxV"
Lifeboat News: The Blog. lifeboat|
"the building monitor the building and repairs itself someday in the future" -
3D Printing Daily News 9:00 PM: Top News, New tends, maker, Art, Fashion and Revolution
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )June 14, 2016 NEWS
Personas vs. Segments – What’s the Story. business2community|
"of segmentation within both the Customer Experience and Marketing worlds"
5 Things To Do To Get Into Fashion Tech. alleywatch|
"in this amazing space that help find the job that love in Fashion Tech"
From on the skin to under it, a diagnostics revolution looms. siliconrepublic|
"in California utilised 3D-printing technology to manufacture fish"
Nixa Design Studio Gives Extreme Filmmakers What Want With Zortrax 3D Printing. 3dprint|
"to consider also, down to the details of the cases and housings for cameras"
Help Make the 3D-Printed Violin of the Future a Reality. vice|
"of instruments—ones that unique sounds and memorable aesthetic styles"
Instagram had more impact than TV ads for The Iconic. adnews|
"the Iconic's MD and co-founder Adam Jacobs said at a Vivid event on mobile marketing"
We try to form opinions on everything that happened at E3. killscreen|
"The following what managed to write down in between yelling this year"
DUO Realis Onimasu Glide Bait Review. scout|
"So that’s cool. I’m always excited to try another big swimbait"
23 Movies On Netflix That Science Lovers Will Adore, From 'Jurassic Park' To 'Contact'. bustle|
"of few far between, as show in the list below, there a few out there"
Celebrate Euro 2016 with your own 3D printed table football tournament. tctmagazine|
"the Euro 2016 football tournament well and truly kicked off"
3D Printed Polymer Turns Methane to Methanol. rdmag|
"in continuously produce methanol from methane at room temperature and pressure"3D Printers Public Wild West News Bar ( Must Be 21 ) Money, Laws, Guns and Oddities
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )June 14, 2016 NEWS
Whitaker Center Finding Dory 3D Ticket Contest. abc27|
"the “Promotion Area”). Void outside Promotion Area and where prohibited"
Tarik Mehic in the New Day. n1info|
"as the creator of start-up MiniMe, spoke to created by start-up"
Tarik Mehic in the New Day. n1info|
"to the museum for children to be an experience where will want to come"
News> 2022 World Cup: Qatar prepares thanks to 3D printing. sciences|
"the flow of air while reducing the manufacturing cost and environmental impact"
Black Panther And Black Widow Get Third Printings, DC Rebirth And Civil War Get. bleedingcool|
"to second print, with recoloured Rebirth banners, and all on sale on July 13th"
3D printing will star in the new industrial revolution. netmedia|
"for HP Latin America Inc, 3D printing will star in the new industrial revolution"
I got a Reddit Boise State Bronco Ball. obnug|
"a creator of CFB Ball comics, a moderator of the subreddit, and a Utah Ute"
Someone accidentally let us on the set of Star Wars. magazine|
"in stae Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens, to find out how make a Millenium Falcon"
5 Attributes of a Successful Lean Transformation. industryweek|
"to Lean stories of companies that disappointed with lean approach and results" -
3D Printing Manufacturing, Business, Profit, selling, Dealers, Stores, Retails, Labs and Jobs
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Disruptive Technology Changes the Way We Will See Reality in the Future. prnewswire|
"to be either real or surreal and there be no difference unless touch them"
Tamebay : Blog : WIRED Retail, London: 16/11/16. tamebay|
"the virtual reality, 3D printing, drone delivery, blockchain and personalisation.”"
Cambridge Arts Festival this Saturday. cambridgetimes|
"to be putting its best foot forward this Saturday (June 18) on Dickson Street"
Renishaw Opens Metal 3D Printing Center in India. engineering|
"a companies like GE and Stratasys open additive manufacturing facilities in the country"
UPS is set to upgrade industrial 3D printing solutions. businessreviewusa|
"a potential users, proving the convenience and cost-savings this technology offers"
Ceramic Matrix Composite: 3Dynamic Systems Discovers Superior New Material Perfect for. 3dprint|
"with Ceramic Matrix Composites from 3Dynamic Systems, headquartered in the UK"
Sell customized 3D printed sunglasses through your shop or webstore with 'scope for de.|
"of 3d-tools.html Go (Ctrl-Enter) all line break be removed after finish editing"
Proto Labs Among First Service Providers to Use New HP 3D Printers. engineering|
"with over what the new technology means to the near future of additive manufacturing"
Cosine Additive to develop ultrafast large-scale AM1 3D printer in partnership with OR. 3ders|
"to further develop the AM1’s innovative additive manufacturing platform"How 3D printing will transform retail. managementtoday|
"by artificial intelligence and other technologies that overcome the barriers of distance"
Get This Awesome 3D Printable HOLO Clock from Indiegogo. 3dprint|
"to showing up that are selling products that require, or encourage, at-home 3D printing"
Prusa Shows Us the New i3 MK2 3D Printer and Where the Community is Headed. hackaday|
"With the latest version of the often imitated Prusa i3 design, we can see what’s next"
3D Systems Names Seasoned Finance Leader John N. McMullen as Incoming CFO. nasdaq|
with the company to provide operational and financial support to Management"
3D Printing Stem Cells. rapidreadytech|
"on stem cell printing, and ultimately bioprinting human organs and tissues"
3D Systems’ End-to-End Manufacturing Solutions Help Mold-Makers Achieve Unprecede. investingnews|
"to a 14% reduction in cycle time and 16% reduction in overall costs"
3D printing is taking its rightful place as an industrial solution. online|
"a stand-alone spotlight at the show which runs from 12 to 17 September 2016"
Studio Bitonti: Francis Bitonti Studio Gets New Name Ahead of Expansion. 3dprint|
"to be expanding services, and thus, is due for a name change"
New Zealand 3D model company is printing dreams. scoop|
"for gamers giving fans the ability to print own designs in own homes"
Alternative Manufacturing: Integration of 3D Printing. onlinetes|
"to assisting companies in mitigating these risks by providing full turnkey solutions"
NEPTUNE Gives Users an Affordable Way to Print Their Imagination. prnewswire|
"for So, developed the NEPTUNE which is the best get for money"
Nano Dimension's Fried talks about reinventing the market for conductive inks. newelectronics|
"___ to company, whether in terms of business development or in raising funds for start-ups" -
3D Printing Manufacturing, Business, Profit, selling, Dealers, Stores, Retails, Labs and Jobs
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Quintus Hot Isostatic Press to Complement State-of-the-Art Additive Manufacturing Center. prweb|
"a additive manufacturing (AM) center recently opened by Sintavia, LLC, in Davie, Fla"
Igus Sets the Course for the Future: Speeding Things Up with Digital Innovation. digitaljournal|
"in the digitisation and intelligent networking of products, servicing and logistics"
Are you a grown up company now Time to shift your focus to developing your existing bizjournals|
"the basic principles that the company founded on. In 1994"
Custom Case Lets You Run Android On An iPhone. psfk|
"of money invested in this third platform for the first time, as in the second""[/color]
Cat Head Press to open in Englewood Neighborhood. nuvo|
"with Pia Urban Café & Market. And soon there be a grand opening"
Sun Branding Solutions delivers real gold lux for Comfort limited edition. packagingtoday|
"to particles featuring an innovative on-pack concept through Sun Branding Solutions"
Doogee T6 Pro. The economic 4G Phablet with 3GB RAM and 6250mAh battery.. angroid|
"a battery of the new Doogee T6 Pro a very good example of such a"brushed"
HP presents portfolio and increases Experience Center. bit|
"to Reinventing, new products and showed the area dedicated to business customers"
Getting a New View with 3D Design Software. packageprinting|
"as then making the required adjustments take a painstakingly long time"Incubator will help local businesses grow. prairieadvocate|
"to development tool assembling in the ether world set to become virtual reality"
SAP Support Services On-Demand Manufacturing UPS with 3D Printing. infokomputer|
"to supply chains and deliver products to market more quickly and cost effective"
Ottawa's Innovation Centre at Bayview Yards receives $8 million from FedDev Ontario. betakit|
"a programming and technology at the first entrepreneurship hub of its kind in Ottawa"
Eastman Kodak Company Names CFO (NYSE:KODK). sonoranweeklyreview|
"to John McMullen, leaving Kodak to pursue another business opportunity"
Vince Staples Funds Program Dedicated to Helping Kids in Long Beach. yahoo|
"at Hamilton Middle School. Staples donated an undisclosed amount to the progra"
SOLS Brings the Science of Comfort to the On-Demand Market. equities|
"a based startup, aims to bring the technology of 3D printers to the orthotics market"
Here's How Robots Could Help Save Jobs. fortune|
"that doesn’t mean be replacing humans at work anytime soon"
Manufacturing Institute Study Looks at the Skills Gap. industryweek|
"that released today. the need for advanced manufacturing skills still great"
Lifeboat News: The Blog. lifeboat|
"the 3D/4D printing, Big Data and other how new technologies affects many industries" -
3D Printing Expo, Q&A, Talk, Shows, Announcements, Events, Forum, Magazine, and Press
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )The Digital Conversation: Tackling technology and tourism in Asia Pacific. moodiedavittreport|
"as inbound travel to the region expected to almost double between now and 2030"
News: Drupa Diaries 2016: Gautam and Varun Tholasi. printweek|
"the most. Anicolor from Heidelberg very impressive too"
The Digital Conversation: Tackling technology and tourism in Asia Pacific. moodiedavittreport|
"of the UNWTO Commission for East Asia and the Pacific and South Asia"
drupa 2016: the Package Tour (Part 1). whattheythink|
"muster to take in even a fraction of what that solution-rich category to offer"
Competition innovative projects: Call for Makers 2016. webtv|
"a working prototype with the requirements of creativity and originality"
The 2016 TCT Show is now open for registration. tctmagazine|
"the adopters, innovators and investors from over 60 countries also set to attend"Semiconductor Engineering :. Manufacturing Bits: June 14. semiengineering|
"the Force Awakens, to find out how make a Millenium Falcon""[/color]
ConExpo 2017 Tech Experience will invite attendees to step into the jobsite. equipmentworld|
"to the technology that shape the future of the construction industry"
InPrint to launch new industrial printing tradeshow in USA in 2017. graphicartsmag|
"in industrial specialty printing, screen printing, digital, inkjet and 3D print solutions"
barcelona design week 2016 looked into the future of the creative industries. designboom|
"of design, its impact and how it change, and help ever-changing world"
Euromold moves to Munich. online|
"the close links to the aerospace industry more than evident"Demat said"
3D printing technologies stand out at Drupa 2016, the world's largest printing exhibit. 3ders|
"of the largest company presences, toting a newer kind of printing: 3D printing"
Hair loss patient with 3D printed scalp and hair prosthetic unveiled at Alopecia Confe. 3ders|
"the hair loss, through the creation of custom made 3D printed scalp and hair prosthetics" and Integrate Further — Join the Discussion. 3dprint|
"the makers tinkering in garages, community expansive and extremely active"
Press Releases - Rising Media and 3DR Holdings' Inside 3D Printing Seoul Expects. socialmediaportal|
"the Exhibition Center (KINTEX) from June 22-24, 2016 in association with KINTEX"
Medical Grade Hair and Scalp Prosthetic Made with 3D-Printing for Dr. Alan J. pressreleaserocket|
"of transplantation procedure with a custom 3D-printed hair and scalp prosthetic device" -
Current News On 3D Printing :: 2015 :: WEB Expo Business News Auto Architectual STEM WEB
Posted: On Monday
Wednesday And Friday
BLOGS and the WEB Wednesday
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )The Digital Thread on Display. automationworld|
"a released today. the need for advanced manufacturing skills still great""[/color]
A Vision for the Future of Virtual Fashion Shopping. openpr|
"a made-to-order, industrial made-to-measure produced fashion products"
This Filmmaker’s Converted Van Is Cooler Than Just About Any Apartment. uproxx|
"the van may present some challenges, it certainly grants extraordinary freedom"Animal Planet Presents Toucan Nation, Filmed in Costa Rica. news|
"by Grecia’s beak as Costa Ricans rally to implement penalties for animal cruelty"
Disruptive Technology Changes the Way We Will See Reality in the Future. prnewswire|
"to be either real or surreal and there be no difference unless touch them"
SynBio Advances on Multiple Fronts. genengnews|
"as enzymes, genetic circuits, and cells. 2) The redesign of existing biological systems"
Instagram had more impact than TV ads for The Iconic. adnews|
"of sales come from apps in the future rather than web touchpoints" -
3D Printing Stem Researchers: Engineers Mathematicians Physicists Scientists
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )High-Tech Team Printing Organs in Space. insideindianabusiness|
"in the ability to"manufacture"organs in space for patients on Earth"
Milton Keynes visit from incredible University of Bedfordshire scientists PRINTED. onemk|
"the MKEX Technology Exhibition in Milton Keynes next week (Wednesday, June 22)"
Technology Progresses When Business, Government, and Academia Work Together. hbr|
"of Technology Progresses When Business, Government, and Academia Work Together"
Why resources, why Africa, why now. bizcommunity|
"to panellists at a discussion at The Junior Indaba held in Johannesburg recently"
MIT researchers 3D print synthetic hairs. boingboing|
"in own lungs, and even Velcro-like adhesives for robots and other devices"
How 3D printing brought two shipwrecks back to the surface. zdnet|
"a manufacturers hope lead them to mass adoption price and ease-of-use"Higher Ed Will Ride the Wave of 3D Printing as the Market Grows. edtechmagazine|
"to research efforts in large-format printing, says that growth just the beginning"
3D printed polymer turns methane to methanol, LLNL researchers discover. 3ders|
"as a more effective means of converting methane into usable energy"
Can 3D Printing Alone Deliver Finished Parts. engineering|
"in the near future. ever replace factories and job shops entirely"
Scientists double performance of 3D printed graphene aerogel supercapacitors. 3ders|
"an perchlorate ion between layers of graphene in aerogel electrodes"
3D Printing Hair Now Possible Thanks to Improved Software. overclockersclub|
"a crash before it could finish, the researchers developed a clever solution"
3D-Printed, Enzyme-Embedded Polymer Converts Methane into Methanol. azom|
"from these and various other distributed sources like landfills and agriculture"
Atomic sculpting with a microscope. nanowerk|
"that in perfect alignment with the underlying substrate (i.e., epitaxial)"BLOGS and the WEB Thursday
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Colombian student creates 'country's first 3D printed commercial garment'. 3ders|
"to produce the shapes. The final product made of completely 3D printed materials"
3D-printing pattern for Tardis used by Doctor Who fan. radiotimes|
"to create a perfect small model of another piece of futuristic kit – the TARDIS"
Fashion student Dávid Ring's fully 3D printed luxury sunglasses take the catwalk by st. 3ders|
"the school’s fashion output and students never ceased to impress"
Printing out a 3D strategy for construction – Middle East Construction News. whatech|
"to shown interest in the 3D printing technology through various acquisitions"
NCAD art show throws up Dolphin flats and 3D prosthetics. irishtimes|
"of Dolphin House flats in Dublin to create a triptych to commemorate its demolition"
Nothing to wear Why not print yourself a dress. yahoo|
"by unique, made-to-measure dress and print it off within minutes 3D technology…"