New 3d Machines Unveilings & Pens, Scanners, Elements Idems
3D printing for Showcase Gardens Walls and Statues, Designers Foods, and Fine Eating
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Eyeing the Future of Fitness Tracking. deskeng|
"the far side of today’s Check it Out link be an eye-opener in more ways than one"
Watch: 3D-Printed, Customized and Edible Candy Has Arrived. theblaze|
"This week, customized 3D-printed gummy candy became a reality for candy lovers"Turn Your Selfie Into a Gummy Treat With Dylan Candy Bar's New 3-D Printer. dnainfo|
" make anything from unicorns to images of face out of gummy candy"
3D food printing opens up possibilities for obsessive dieters. info|
"an archeological dig. to be that careful.” 21-year-old Liam MacLeod told the New Yorker" -
3D Printing Stories Via Schools Colleges Classrooms Libraries and Software
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )GE and MakersBuilders encourage children to ‘Make.Code.Tinker’ for the future. albawaba|
"to encourage 3D printing and other skills for the future across diverse industries"
Carson City Library going 3-D. nevadaappeal|
be available to the public with certain restrictions and a fee to cover operating costs"
Op-Ed: How America Can Win the STEM Race. usnews|
"of the Xbox controller, so asked: Why study woodworking when clearly love electronics"
Plenty to see and do at the Gig Harbor Library in June. kitsapsun|
"in the number of programs offer the kids — as well as adults — for the month of June"
Making makers: Children’s Museum hosts activities on Saturday. thetimesnews|
"1 to 5 p.m. Saturday at the Children’s Museum of Alamance County, 217 S. Main St., Graham"
Preparing Quality Improvement for the Future. qualitydigest|
"of years ago. the Central Library too outdated. There several library branches still open"
Dayton students gain manufacturing experience in summer camp. whio|
"modern manufacturing and the perception of manufacturing in the Dayton area"
Colorado Springs summer camp teaches teens about zookeeping, other career fields. gazette|
"from the angle where sitting, putting great care into each line that went onto the paper"
Bedford high school's robotics team lands trip to NASA's Johnson Space Centre. metronews|
headed to Houston, Texas later this month after winning a regional robotics competition"Graduation 2016 Inspiring Stories of The Year's Graduates NY Metro Parents. nymetroparents|
"a few of the most inspiring stories found from 2016 commencements"
ASTM Aids Microsoft's 3MF Consortium for New 3D Printing File Format. engineering|
"the consortium to facilitate the further development of the file type"
Simplify3D releases Version 3.1 of popular 3D printing software, adds support for 30+. 3ders|
"and Simplify3D aimed to deliver that product ever since its launch in 2013"
Michigan Tech and America Makes Release Free Open Source 3D Printing Software. 3dprint|
"and more exciting developments that benefit all of the United States made"
Every Hungarian school to get 3D printer within three years through 3DTECH program. 3ders|
"a further ten schools with 3D printers to take the total current number up to twenty-one"
3MF Consortium Brings on ASTM International in Final Preparation for Standardized. 3dprint|
"for even the most creative types eventually must acquiesce to creating standards"
Flocks of Visitors are Greeted by Flocks of 3D Printed Birds at Zwin Nature Reserve. 3dprint|
"on its annual migratory path. should see the uproar in Ohio when the snowy owls come through"
Edenwood students bring 3D printing expertise to peers at Allan A. Martin. mississauga|
"for about $200 and another school's 3D printer to print the remaining pieces"
NorthTec student works with Northland Inc. scoop|
"to increase capability and capacity in high-tech commercial 3D-printing in the region"
SOWELA hosts summer camps for youth. kplctv|
"Technical Community College again hosting its summer youth camps" -
New 3D Machines Unveilings & Pens, Scanners, Elements Idems :: 3D Printers, Education, Foods
Posted: On Monday
Wednesday And Friday
3D Machines Unveiling Printers, Pens, Scanners, Elements and Others Items
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )3D Doodle Pens| Naperville NCTV17. nctv17|
"to extrude heated plastic that cools almost instantly into a solid, stable structure"
Article Details Articleid=141996. plantengineer|
"new iglidur I3-PL tribo-powder for printing special 3D parts the SLS technique"
Roland DGA Introduces Fluorescent Ink to its Texart Dye-Sublimation Printing Solu. americanprint|
"a easily incorporate brilliant and pastel fluorescent colors into dye-sublimation output"
Artec 3D Updates Its 3D Scanning Studio. engineering|
"with one of Studio 11’s newest tools, Autopilot"
Afinia LabelAdds Sidco Labeling Systems to its Reseller Network. benzinga|
%(#008000)["rhe ColorWorksC3500, C831, and C7500 label printers; and related supplies"]
Best 3D Printer 2016: the 3D Printer Buyer's Guide. 3ders|
"to be “buy a new 3D printer,” well, you’d better get on it"
Thirteen Axiom 3D printers intended for schools stolen from Airwolf 3D warehouse. www|
"to be used in a summer program designed to get kids interested in STEM"Sculpteo Unveils Frugal Features to Make 3D Printing Services More Affordable. 3dprint|
"the knowledge needed to utilize additive manufacturing to its fullest potential"
Designer Phillippe Malouin Unveils 3D Printed Bowl on the Homeware Design Shop Othr. 3dprint|
"by Canadian designer Phillippe Malouin, second design featured on curated product line"
SLM Solutions strengthens metal 3D printing services in Moscow. tctmagazine|
"for fast on-site services and the best possible utilisation of new market potentials"
What 3-D Printing Can Do for Metals. wsj|
"of metal objects, tells them to open minds and shed prejudices"
Anvil, the Affordable 3D Printer, Raises Over $101K with Three Days Left in Kickstarter. broadWworld|
"for the past month and raised over $101K with a total of 311 early adopters"
Alternative Manufacturing Additive Metals: Identifying Applications. erospacemanufactdesign|
"in 10 days, which 15 times faster than traditional manufacturing"
Simplify3D 3.1 Adds 30+ Compatible Printers, New Features And More. gadgets|
"an archeological dig. to be that careful.” 21-year-old Liam MacLeod told the New Yorker"
Largest industrial 3D printer. online|
"the German company’s growing importance in the US additive manufacturing market" -
3D Printing Stories Via Schools Colleges Classrooms Libraries and Software
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )3D Print Your Own Oculus Rift CV1 Prescription Lens Adapter. gadgets|
"to learn about in different sizes, shapes, and adaptations–not to mention behaviors"
Threeding Collaborates Again with Artec 3D, Library of 3D Animal Models Available. 3dprint|
"to learn about in different sizes, shapes, and adaptations–not to mention behaviors"
Preparing for the Advent of 3MF Files: France’s Datakit Begins Developing Library. 3dprint|
"in standardized 3D Printing File Format 3D Systems facility in Rock Hill South Carolina"
Printable Scenery Returns to Kickstarter with Apocalypse Ruins Modular Wargaming. 3dprint|
"by 2010 after all, both knew that eventually it would get there"
MIS-Asia - Stratasys opens MakerBot Innovation Centre in Hong Kong Polytechnic University. asia|
"to 3D printing in PolyU inspires"said Shiry Saar, General Manager of MakerBot APJ"
This week at the Morse Institute Library. metrowestdailynews|
"from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturdays; and closed on Sundays"
Sculpting Real Helping Hands. schoolnewsnetwork|
"to be an adult or a full-time job to make a difference in the community"
Porter Claims McLain-McTurnan-Arnold Award. wabash|
"of 3D Printing and Fabrication Center (3DPFC) at the liberal arts college in Crawfordsville"3D printing for Showcase Gardens Walls and Statues, Designers Foods, and Fine Eating
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )KINGSTON BRIEFLY: June 10. wickedlocal|
"The raised beds yield a wide variety of vegetables, herbs and companion flowers"
Researchers Test 3D-Printed Weather Stations for the Developing World. citylab|
"of water, or beans, a more resilient crop that withstand erratic weather"Meatless meat, AR/VR and 3D printed buildings among Alphabet’s top interests. 3ders|
"in coming years. Among them: the adoption of 3D printing by the construction sector"
A fingerprint algorithm and 3D printed models could help us better predict the nature. 3ders|
"to scientists able to read and understand them better than ever before"
Waterscape: A Series of Minimalist Aquarium Designs Made Using 3D Printed Objects. 3dprint|
"a traditional limitations and structural constraints been made virtually irrelevant"
3D Printing Technology Invades Restaurant Industry with Food Printers. qsrmagazine|
"by new appliances and developments hint that it could soon become reality"
Food Waste, 3D Apparel Printing, Other Bumpers College Student Projects Earn Funding. uark|
"in development, and Margaret Wright in human nutrition and hospitality innovation"
What Are You Printing for Dinner. wsj|
"to milk cartons made of chocolate and Asian-style takeout boxes formed from wontons"
Dylan's Candy Bar unveils the first 3D printer for sweets. CPhI's 5th Annual InnoPack Pharma|
"the heart desires, from hearts and animals to uncanny renderings of the subject's face"
3-D printing candy machine debuts at Dylan's Candy Bar. amny|
"to design own candy, pick a flavor and watch creation get made"
3D food printing opens up possibilities for obsessive dieters. info|
"to shape the food. The food ready to eat in just a few hours, says MacLeod" -
3D Printing Stories Via Schools Colleges Classrooms Libraries and Software
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Sculpting Real Helping Hands. schoolnewsnetwork|
"to turn class project into a life-changing helping hand – two of them in fact"
Welcome To IANS Live. ianslive|
"for kids ‘O Watch’, at the Maker Faire, held at the San Mateo Event Center, this past weekend"
The Gilmer Mirror - Limited enrollment available for SFA STEM Research and Learning. gilmermirror|
"at East Texas students entering the seventh or eighth grade in hands-on STEM activities"
Tressa Gardner named to leadership spot at SiMT. scnow|
"a Francis Marion University Professor, live in Darlington"
Nintendo 3DS Passes 60m Units Sold. apptrigger|
"from Nintendo. “The 3D never catch on, it won’t sell well,” said"
A Brief History of Commonwealth Stamps. thesequitur|
"as old as the use of papyrus or wood, or stone in Ancient Egypt some five thousand years ago"
Camp encourages students to explore their creativity. amestrib|
"with each other and say how do do this. want to make this. provide the tools.”"
Leaving Cert: Engineering Higher Level. irishtimes|
"from the exam hall at MacDara Community College in Templeogue on Thursday"
Paralyzed college student wins innovation challenge and creates clothing line for people. abc13|
"and paralyzed now disability as a springboard to make a difference"| Camp AMP exposes students to modern manufacturing. wtva|
"in partnership with Yokohama exposing students to different career paths"
HPU gears up for another great summer of camps. brownwoodtx|
"from right) and Debbie Childs, director of university events (back row, right)"
Medfield Public Library announces upcoming programs. wickedlocal|
"for as many or as few days as you’d like. Parental permission required"
Student-friendly papers in Engineering for Ordinary and Honours level. independent|
"of the questions for for higher level candidates about 3D printing"
3D Labor Highlights Printed 3D Samples at the IDTechEx Show in Berlin. 3dprintingprogress|
"in a restoration project with various museums in Berlin"
Weidenfeld-Hoffmann Scholar Gives Compelling Speech on Impacts of 3D Printing. 3dprint|
"an issues, along with other relevant news in the 3D printing industry"
High schooler creates 3D printed prosthesis to help fellow students play music. 3ders|
"by wanted students to benefit and enjoy class as much as the other students"Student Engineers 3D-Printed Prosthetic for Shooting Hoops. digitaltrends|
"to requires fewer materials to make the shapes into which the concrete poured"
Lompoc Teacher Wins County Education Office Contest for 3D Printer School Zone. noozhawk|
"to create a prototype solution for a real-world community problem, Zuchowicz said"
Students Make Music with Help of 3D-printed Prosthetics. whotv|
"a teacher just finished printing out two prosthetic hands for the students" -
New 3D Machines Unveilings & Pens, Scanners, Elements Idems :: 3D Printers, Education, Foods
Posted: On Monday Wednesday And
3D Machines Unveiling Printers, Pens, Scanners, Elements and Others Items
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Machine Knitting Is Now as Easy as 3-D Printing. ieee|
"a (which generally costs under $1000) and to master the techniques for turning out garments"
Tactile aids assist P-8 maintenance training. shephardmedia|
"on replica components of the aircraft instead of just relying on theory from training manuals"
Current Price Targets For Voxeljet AG (NYSE:VJET). risersandfallers|
"the $18.1 billion"Current Price Targets For Voxeljet AG (NYSE:VJET). risersandfallers"[/color]
Review: New Matter’s MOD-t 3D printer is ingeniously simple (with video). computerworld|
"to begin production of its minimalist 3D desktop printer -- the MOD-t"Large-scale 3D printing with paper: Highcon previews Shape 3D machine, set for 2019 re. 3ders|
"in Layer Manufacturing Technology to create large-scale ‘3D printed’ paper objects"
Tools of the trade: Choosing a 3D printer. eurekamagazine|
"in design and development thinking about investing in a 3D printer"
Alternative Manufacturing: Additive Metals: Identifying Applications. todaysmedicaldevelopments|
"in 10 days, which 15 times faster than traditional manufacturing"
Ask Hackaday: Material Databases. hackaday|
"a thousand dollar machine for three hundred dollar Shenzen special not easy" -
3D Printing Stories Via Schools Colleges Classrooms Libraries and Software
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Sheffield University research campus set for take off. thestar|
"the campus being planned by Sheffield University on the former Sheffield City Airport"Artificial Intelligence Chair At Singularity University On How AI Will Augment Human. ***forbes|
"to be prepared for the coming wave of AI, and a variety of other topics"
More female Pacific and Maori youth needed for techno future, says ‘Nanogirl’. asiapacificreport|
"the conference in Auckland on Friday. The Pacific Media Centre’s TJ Aumua reports"
Making science cool for our kids. nzherald|
"to one Tauranga suburb where the kids grappling with the basic laws of physics"
The Society of Women Engineers Endorses iD Tech’s Alexa Café Curriculum. prweb|
"a young members looking for more ways to explore interests in STEM.”"
Interview: Hou Youwei, Principal from Xi'an. cityweekend|
"in Beijing schools. In 2016, followed Xi Youmin, the chancellor of XJTLU, to Suzhou"
Registration open for "TECHmaker Youth Academy". emporiagazette|
"for the"TECHmaker Youth Academy"
Movie: G2A.COM welcome gamers in the premiere of"Warcraft The Biginning". kyodonews|
"in June 2016. Author: Jacqueline Purcell - JpurcellattoG2A.Com SOURCE: G2A.COM"3D printing for Showcase Gardens Walls and Statues, Designers Foods, and Fine Eating
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Choc Edge announces Wi-Fi and drawing app upgrades for Choc Creator 2.0+ 3D printer. 3ders|
"an accessible mobile drawing app that lets users instantly print own designs"
3D-printed food is no fad. thememo|
"in food quickly - with plenty of room for creativity"
3-D printed weather stations fill gaps in developing world. whnt|
"to managing entity, the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR)"
Luxemburger Wort - 'Nuts' for healthy spreads. June,|
"to be about sharing nutrient-rich options packed with fiber, proteins and antioxidants"
SPECIAL REPORT Sugar Tax and Reformulation Needs Spurs Beverage Inno. foodingredientsfirst|
"as could make the product faster and didn't to wait as long,” added" -
New 3D Machines Unveilings & Pens, Scanners, Elements Idems :: 3D Printers, Education, Foods
Posted: On
Monday Wednesday And Friday
3D Machines Unveiling Printers, Pens, Scanners, Elements and Others Items
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Review: Monoprice MP Select Mini 3D Printer. hackaday|
"the industry growing, and the low-end machines getting very, very good"
Aldric Negrier launches low-cost steel-framed RGB STEEL 3D printer with color-mixing c. 3ders|
"the DIY 3D printer kit with color-mixing options that be built for less than $400"
3D Printed Animal Skulls in Miniature: Fire & Bone’s Latest Kickstarter Adds a Fourth. 3dprint|
"to immediately apparent to anyone been to a museum of natural history"
This Affordable 3D Printer Starts At $49 – TechMalak. techmalak|
"to create fun and simple creations for the home and classroom settings"Full Circle Labs is Crowdfunding Investors for their Successfully Kickstarted Retouch3D. 3dprint|
"a end-use product then there going to be a lot of post processing work to be done"
Detailed examination of the global 3D printing of metals consumption 2016. whatech|
"a plan discussed as well as manufacturing processes and cost structures"
Lifeboat News: The Blog. lifeboat|
"the printer finally resolve a long debate between fur wearing lovers and animal rights"
Frustum Unveils Time-Crunching Topology Optimization Platform. cadalyst|
"a focused on making technology that’s easier to use than the other options out there.”"
Lenovo smart shoe mobile game controller and fitness tracker. qrcodepress|
"to work not only as a type of activity tracker, also as a mobile game controller"
Next form 2016: Start-up Challenge started. 3druck|
"as organized by form next in cooperation with the"3D Printing organized cluster"3D Printing Stories Via Schools Colleges Classrooms Libraries and Software
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Duke’s Morphosource database lets you browse and 3D print accurate ancient fossils. 3ders|
"so such a process heightens the educational aspect of this contemporary tech"
Cura Type A’s Infill Generator Proves to Enhance 3D Printed Objects. 3dprint|
"of dimensions, it also utilizes a unique twist on the cubic shape within the structure"
From playing to a career: 14-year-old Taiwanese student becomes 3D printing consultant. 3ders|
"the nozzle designer, and earning 20,000 Taiwan Dollars ($610 USD) a month already"
Ringwood third graders gain lesson in 3D printing. northjersey|
"for the academic disciplines of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics"
UIUC students win nationwide 3D printed excavator cab competition. 3ders|
"by One part of the 3Dprinted exc avator, however, left for the public to design"
Introducing Root, a 3D printed robot that will teach kids coding. 3ders|
"to developed Root, a small 3D printed robot designed for the classroom"
Melville Primary School students exposed to awesomeness of 3D printing during. communitynews|
"to the plastic under 260C heat as part of a ScopeIT Education open day at the school"
bizEDGE NZ - NorthTec student and Northland Inc bringing commercial 3D printing to life. bizedge|
"to a partnership between an entrepreneurial NorthTec student and Northland Inc"
Masdar Institute files patent for 3D-printed materials. gulfnews|
"an strong, as well as improving the efficiency of water and energy production"
Samagra 2016 at Mohandas College of Engineering. thehindu|
"with projects that could benefit the less fortunate segments of society" -
3D Printing Stories Via Schools Colleges Classrooms Libraries and Software
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Plymouth College of Art's students exhibit work at NOW YOU SEE US graduate shows. plymouthherald|
"to transformed workshop and studio into a public showcase for vibrant work"
Skylanders Imaginators Stays Competitive By Playing Fast and Loose with the Toys-to-life. usgamer|
"as besides generic templates. I did ask if Activision plans to offer a 3D printing option"
Cambridge Arts Festival this Saturday. cambridgetimes|
"to be putting its best foot forward this Saturday (June 18) on Dickson Street"
Materialise Hits the Silk Road on the Dream Bus – a Road Trip to Teach 3D Printing to Children. 3dprint|
"on the best resource for being able to obtain books or to use a computer"
High School’s JetSpace Takes Off with Help from the Zeus 3D Printer. 3dprint|
"to for classrooms, while others built entire educational programs and curricula"
Marty the 3D printed open-source robot for STEM education launches on Indiegogo. 3ders|
"a new indiegogo campaign that's hoping to introduce robotics to younger generations"
Failure to Produce Biodiesel Leads Students to Make Low-Cost DLP 3D Printer. 3dprint|
"to at CMRIT, working with Professor Sagar M Baligidad’s guidance on project"Qatar University Prepares for 2022 World Cup with 3D Printed Stadium Models. businesswire|
"to at the Company’s Streetsboro facility, according to company president Chip Gear"
Students build low-cost 3D printer by sheer accident in Bengaluru. indiatimes|
"with hard work by four determined students and the final produce a low-cost 3D printer"
Chicago Public Library works up new innovations with staff, patrons. chicagotribune|
"a school children's spaces and extending its teen-centered programming to older adults"
ANSYS and University of Pittsburgh Launch Lab to Improve Metal 3D Printing. engineering|
"the University of Pittsburgh partnered to tackle these problems"
3DTECH in Schools Program Makes Hungarian Students the Ones to Watch for Future Design. 3dprint|
"to put a 3D printer in every Hungarian educational institution within three years"
Autodesk bolsters Forge platform with new developer APIs. zdnet|
"a development of cloud-based technologies and advances in 3D printing technology"
Researchers use 3D printing to cut costs of medical. designworldonline|
"to normally takes as long as 4 weeks and cost up to $2000 for most patients"
UAH student talks to astronauts about challenge-winning tool that 3D printed in. waaytv|
"to the ISS, while holding tool that printed on the station's 3D printer"
Zaniac Launches 3D Game Design Program for Kids. utahbusiness|
"to of its newest STEM course, 3D Game Design, which launches nationwide June 20"3D printing for Showcase Gardens Walls and Statues, Designers Foods, and Fine Eating
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )The world's first plug and play 3D Printing System Food. pressebox|
%(#008000)["hy play 3D Food Printing system Bocusinilive in action. The young startup"]
Erfurt Exhibition: food from the 3-D Printers. allgemeine|
"The exhibitors praised the concept of the event in Thuringia"
Layer's ceramic trays wirelessly charge electronic devices. dezeen|
"that allows tablets and mobile phones to be powered wirelessly"
New mould technology widens deposited confectionery scope. asiafoodjournal|
"of new mould technology for the Baker Perkins ServoForm depositor" -
3D Machines Unveiling Printers, Pens, Scanners, Elements and Others Items
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Stratasys to launch universal design-to- application. roboticsandautomationnews|
"in turn, will expand the company’s market into the software sector"
Zhuhai CTC Electronic teams with ROKIT Korea to jointly develop desktop SLA 3D bio-pri. 3ders|
"with a desktop SLA 3D bio-printer that will use CTC Electronic's RiverOS operating system"
3D Systems Releases New Virtual Reality Training System for TAPP Inguinal Hernia Repair. 3dprint|
"of these virtual reality training systems since acquired Simbionix in 2014"
On-the-fly website revision helps MakerBot reduce abandonment and increase sales. nrf|
"to a mainstream activity, and there are still people aren’t even sure what it be"
Nano Dimension and Accellta come together to lab-test 3D Bioprinter for Stem Cells. tctmagazine|
"a proof of concept Bioprinter to produce stem cells for use in the medical world"3D Printing Stories Via Schools Colleges Classrooms Libraries and Software
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Lessons learned from the schools market. channelweb|
"to pick innovative technologies, such as 3D printing for themselves"
Darlington resident promoted to associate vice president at SiMT. scnow|
"of Manufacturing and Technology (SiMT) at Florence-Darlington Technical College"
concept3D Announces Launch of atlas3D Mapping and Interactive Media Platform. prnewswire|
"from USA-based Doob and Israel-based Massivit, dazzled the most. Anicolor from Heidelberg"
Tamil Nadu Music varsity to launch 10 diploma courses. thehindu|
"by Tanjore painting, interior decoration and herbal beauty care also proposed"
Schenck presents additive manufacturing workshop. postcrescent|
"as to get it to market sooner — sometimes creating custom prototypes in hours"
Students to study 3D technology. portasouthjetty|
"the printing technology becoming more accessible. Now it coming to Port Aransas"
Descendents Touring With Fucked Up, Modern Baseball, Bully, Beach Slang. pitchfork|
"by a tour announcement. Check out the tour poster and album track “Victim of Me” below"
Eagle News Online – DCL seeks community input for new services. eaglenewsonline|
"with a flexible spaces, comfortable furniture and focused programming for all ages"
Augmented and Virtual Reality: Where Is the Educational Value -- THE Journal. thejournal|
"by a meeting"Lyons said"When it came time to schedule it, everyone wanted to do it"
Girls Get IT camp aims to get girls into engineering fields. wsls|
"in the New River Valley honing skills in a traditionally male environment"
'Girls Day' introduces young women to careers in STEM. newsplex|
"to women working in the fields of science, technology, engineering and math"Robotics camp at Lyric Center this summer. hibbingmn|
"a typical summer camp experience of swimming, arts and crafts and playing games" -
New 3D Machines Unveilings & Pens, Scanners, Elements Idems :: 3D Printers, Education, Foods
Posted: On Monday
Wednesday And Friday
3D Machines Unveiling Printers, Pens, Scanners, Elements and Others Items
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Dutch contractor BAM unveils autonomous robotic 3-D printer. constructiondive|
:to be able to print with materials like steel and insulation in the future"
Roccat Sova MK Review. tech|
"form factor builds seek to bring desktop PC horsepower to console-sized chassis"
Ricoh Am S500P, the 3D printer for the industry arrives in Italy. ictbusiness|
"as polypropylene), grace to a technology called Selective Laser Sintering"
Printer for the third platform. business|
"the more money invested in this third platform for the first time, as in the second"
Voodoo Manufacturing Begins 3D Printing With Rubbery TPU Materials. 3dprint|
"of waste, which given to Filabot in order to recycle it back into usable filament"Is a Giant Paper 3D Printer on the Way. engineering|
"to own a massive machine on display a medium familiar to the drupa crowd: paper"
Here's why Voodoo's new rubber-like 3D-printing material could be important. technical|
"as it’s not as gummy, either, said Voodoo Manufacturing cofounder Max Freifeld"
Maker's Tool Works unveils US made industrial-grade MTW Create 3D Printer. 3ders|
"as a leading supplier of high quality 3D printer kits over the past few years"
MiiCraft Introduces the MiiCraft 125 3D Printer, Optimized for Jewelry Casting. 3dprint|
"the machine that the company describes as ideal for the jewelry and dental industries"
Nexeo Solutions new website offers exclusive access to DSM 3D printing filaments. tctmagazine|
"by four determined students and the final produce a low-cost 3D printer""[/color]
The Monstrous Task Of Designing 3D Printers. manufacturing|
"at prosumer prices, 3DMonstr’s 3D printers occupy a unique space within the market"
Ilios Firmware Updates: Beam 3D Printer & HD Kit for Research Users Now Enjoy Greater. 3dprint|
"a company of makers hailing from the unlikely and rather exotic locale of Cyprus"
Renishaw opens new 3D printing solutions center in Pune, India. 3ders|
"for integrating AM into processes, will officially open on Wednesday June 15, 2016"
Prusa Shows Us the New i3 MK2 3D Printer and Where the Community is Headed. hackaday|
"With the latest version of the often imitated Prusa i3 design, see what’s next"
Stratasys Releases New Video Offering Tips and Tricks for Using Their FDM Materials. 3dprint|
"the printing materials on the market, many of them with incredible end-use applications"
Kudo3D Unveils New Titan 2 DLP SLA 3D Printer. engineering|
"a education, engineering, design, gaming, research, jewelry and dental applications"
Labs in NNSA lead the way in 3D printing. 3dprintingprogress|
"the capabilities enabled by 3D printing wide-reaching effects" -
3D Printing Stories Via Schools Colleges Classrooms Libraries and Software
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )The Statesman: Implementing digital ideas. thestatesman|
"of 25 per cent in the last five years and its size currently estimated at $ 700 millio"
Youngstown news, America Makes hosts 3-D camp for middle-school girls. The two girls, both|
"at Valley Christian Schools’ Lewis Center, for school’s girls-only 3-D camp this week"
Academics make boy an amazing new bionic hand. buckinghamtoday|
"of Bedfordshire academics used 3D printing to create a new hand for"
Class In Session| Comstock's magazine. comstocksmag|
"a chemical engineer to discuss vision for making the program even better"
Around the Park: School's out as principal ends decades-long career. watchtime|
"three distinct styles and price ranges — that go the extra bespoke mile"
Engineering program receives grant from Alcoa Foundation. delrionewsherald|
"to provide these students with additional project base learning lessons"
Best Gadgets for Kids of the 21st Century. thesequitur|
"LED fun. LED lights draw very minimal power so the 9V battery lasts over 100 hour"
Shapeways Partners with the New York Public Library to Help Teach 3D Printing Entreprene. 3dprint|
"in a printing education directly into the hands of those working within the public library"
3D Printing Lets Blind People “See” Paintings. evolution|
"of artbut also on general cultural literacy and an important creative outlet"
Getting started with 3D printing using Blender. representation of your three-dime|
"The content of this field kept private and not be shown"
NRCC offering 3D printing workshops. roanoke|
"and participants choose from among any of the following scheduled sessions"
Global 3D Printing in Medical Applications Market to be Driven by Rising Funding by . openPR|
"the Public Relations - Publish Press Releases Free of Charge"
Library uses 3-D printing to give a “helping hand.”. tetonvalleynews|
"an towards children. The goal of this project to provide free prosthetics for kids"
3D printing workshops offered by NRCC. southwesttimes|
"to modeling software such as Inventor, Space Claim and Google SketchUp"
Autodesk Adds New APIs and SDKs to Forge Cloud Development Platform/. appdevelopermagazine|
"t0 including new cloud application development tools and services cloud developers"3D printing for Showcase Gardens Walls and Statues, Designers Foods, and Fine Eating
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Can a Cake Be a Design Object. artsy|
"of cookies för att ge dig en bättre upplevelse. Om cookies på"Agriculture innovation on display at Canada’s Farm Progress Show. globalnews|
"the figurines and models, 3-D printers unlocked exciting opportunities for farmers"
Baker Perkins 3D printing to shorten mold development times. confectionerynews|
"a flat lollipops and turned to 3D CAD and 3D printing to make test molds for trials"
Podcast: Foodini 3D food printer looking to change vision of home cooking. foodbev|
"the first 3D food printer kitchen appliance to contribute to a healthy eating lifestyle.”"
View It: Food Loves Tech Expo Highlights. blackenterprise|
"an mobile apps, massively disrupting the way grow food, cook, and eat" -
3D Machines Unveiling Printers, Pens, Scanners, Elements and Others Items
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )MiiCraft reveals details of large volume MiiCraft 125 series DLP 3D printer. 3ders|
"an additional layer of flexibility that professional users doubtlessly enjoy"
Maker’s Tool Works Unveiled New Industrial 3D Printer. gadgets|
"with built in wireless support with standalone printing from any web browser"
Cobblebot Pro XS Desktop 3D Printer Now Available From $799 (video). gadgets|
"as now available to back with pledges starting from $799 for early bird backers"Get Your Metal on at the Desktop with FormFutura’s MetalFil PLA Filament for Bronze. 3dprint|
"that post-processing might be the opposite of a time-consuming bummer after all"
Amorphous metals now 3D-printed for the first time. 3dprintingprogress|
"in order to ensure the utmost consistency and quality"Tobias Caspari emphasizes"
Indiegogo - NEPTUNE Gives Users an Affordable Way to Print Imagination. manufacturingtomorrow|
"for So, developed the NEPTUNE which the best get for money"3D Printing Stories Via Schools Colleges Classrooms Libraries and Software
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Avalon Library Open House Set For June 18. capemaycountyherald|
"showcases some of its popular online resources, programs, events and activities"
Rural areas face an acute shortage of doctors: S. Ramadorai. thehindu|
"a practical reality soon, of Chairman, National Skill Development Agency"
Bonner County Daily Bee. bonnercountydailybee|
"the amazing possibilities that sprout from embarking on a quest for knowledge"
Ignite Your Creativity This Summer at Spark Macon – 11th Hour. 11thhouronline|
"an make Central Georgia’s first makerspace sustainable for years to come.”"
VInce Staples Launches Youth Enrichment Program In His Hometown of Long Beach, Califor. papermag|
"a students skills for post-high school employment, as well as broader enrichment"
Digging for the dinosaur Big Monty is set to take place. kulr8|
"the excavation of Big Monty is expected to take some time"
Engineering the Future. CENTRALILLINOISPROUD|
"in Peoria getting a taste of the future… maybe even own futures"
Meet Toronto Public Library's newest Innovator in Residence. Toronto|
"with app, or teach basic programing, all for free"
Our View: Kudos to award-winning student inventors. norwichbulletin|
"the value of education focused on science, technology, mathematics and engineering"
Alpena Library Kicks-Off First Summer Maker Camp. wbkb11|
"a first ever Summer Maker Camp June 16th, for students in 5th through 10th grade"
Pasadena Schools » Pasadena Educational Foundation’s Summer Enrichment Program. pasadenanow|
"the changing trends in the global field of design and incorporates 3D printing"
Career Coach: Here’s a list of business books for your summer reading. washingtonpost|
"of Business share picks for annual summer reading list for business leaders" -
New 3D Machines Unveilings & Pens, Scanners, Elements Idems :: 3D Printers, Education, Foods
Posted: On Monday Wednesday And
3D Machines Unveiling Printers, Pens, Scanners, Elements and Others Items
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Amorphous metals are first now 3D printed"Factory. factorynet|
"to ensure maximum consistency and quality"says Tobias Caspari"
X1000 3D printer| German RepRap GmbH. germanreprap|
"by prototyping, small batch production, tooling, design or architecture"
IT distributor Siewert & Kau now with 3D printers FlashForge. magazin|
"3D printers, which be especially for the consumer and semi-professional area"
3D printers for private users: Siewert & Kau take FlashForge the program. channelpartner|
" for dealer excellent and reliable printing solutions in the portfolio"
Materialise and LUXeXceL develop a build Processor. 3druck|
"a important factor, because the lenses of LUXeXceL require no post-processing"
Voodoo Manufacturing adds excellent flexible TPU plastic filament to 3D printing. 3ders|
"the 3D print reliability limited so PLA and ABS remain champion to this day"
Kickstarter: Let the Hot Rod Henry 3D Printer SuperCharge Your Artistic Spirit. 3dprint|
"with everybody understands each other there, what else special about this machine"Add another dimension to your printing. fergusfallsjournal|
"with a West Central Initiative Workforce Development Grant. It’s very easy to use"
3D printing hands on: Getting to know the LulzBot Mini multi-filament printer. zdnet|
"by most manufacturers hope lead them to mass adoption price and[/ ease-of-use"
3D Printing a Lab-on-a-Chip. 3dprint|
"so 3D printing, that potential being expanded through open source, citizen science"
New Startup PYI Launches NEPTUNE 3D Printer on Indiegogo at a Very Deep, and Worrying. 3dprint|
"the promises that the campaign making need to seem somewhat plausible"
Sculpteo Introduces Solid Black Plastic to Their Extensive 3D Printing Material Lineup. 3dprint|
"the need not look further than Sculpteo’s newest material, Solid Black Plastic"
San Draw's FAM 3D printer makes multi-color silicone models for medical industry. 3ders|
"to help medical education through its innovative new 3D printing system, FAM"
Micro 3D Printer Produces Hours of Fun. psfk|
"a introduced by two companies both engaged in the Dutch construction sector""[/color]
RapidTech 2016 News: Materialise to Create Build Processor for 3D Printed Optics Special. 3dprint|
"a optics and innovative 3D printing and additive manufacturing software, respectively"
Materialise Expands Range of Metal 3D Printing Capabilities with New Stainless Steel. 3dprint|
"the end-use products, also offer a number of post-processing options"
New Matter MOD-t 3D Printer Review & Rating. pcmag|
"a misprint. It's a solid choice if looking for a starter 3D printer for home use" -
3D Printing Stories Via Schools Colleges Classrooms Libraries and Software
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )The top three ways to learn from data. betanews|
"the benefit of BI as mainly its ability to"speed up and improve decision making"
What is CAD - Computer Business Review. cbronline|
"a software technology to assist in the creation, design and optimisation of objects"
University’s Chrissy Klenke to kick off National Week of Making at the White House. unr|
"at the year's National Makers Fair in Washington, D.C. as the representative for Nevada"
Bay Journal - Article: High school students in college-level lab take on Bay-size. bayjournal|
"the purposes — might make it harder for them to survive when returned to the wild"
Heroes at work| Cornwall Standard Freeholder. freeholder|
"to include webmaking, game design, graphic design and robotics programming"
Students invent new technology to improve later life. cambridgenetwork|
"the wellbeing of an older person, remotely and with minimal invasion of privacy"
Softwares that can help businesses become great. examiner|
"the cloud CRMs that require no installation or maintenance on end"
College and University Mathematics Educators Invited to Submit Speaking. pressreleaserocket|
"to be integrated within courses to improve teaching and learning"
A helping hand, literally. lockportjournal|
"at Roy B. Kelley Elementary School produced a prosthetic hand for to use"
Innovative 3D Printing Lessons Plans Run Amok At MakerBot’s San Francisco Makeathon. 3dprint|
"the educational projects and lesson plans that be integrated into the classroom"
Gonzaga Engineering Students 3D Print Child-sized AFOs. rapidreadytech|
"a cerebral palsy, physical deformity and other genetic or neurological disorders"Masterwork Tools' amazing collection of 3D printable open source tabletop gaming scene. 3ders|
"to castle walls, gothic crypts fantastic Egyptian-style monuments and a lot more"
Initiative Set to Interest Elementary School Girls in Science and. mystateline|
"a interested in so-called STEM subjects, Science - Technology - Engineering - Math"
'Robots @ the Library' coming to Northern Michigan. petoskeynews|
"of Robotics. This a time for the public to visit the library and see robots in action"
Robotics and coding on agenda at The Mind. [color=#008000:2qo4inqu]"of Robotics.|
"of"3D printing for Showcase Gardens Walls and Statues, Designers Foods, and Fine Eating
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )See How Bocusini's 3D Printer Prepares Food. architecturaldigest|
"the octopuses to turtle cookies, and from marzipan pumpkin faces to a meringue mouse"
The 3D technology which delivers perfectly prepared dishes at the click of a button . dailymail|
"the machine that just spent 15 minutes preparing dinner – by printing it" -
New 3D Machines Unveilings & Pens, Scanners, Elements Idems :: 3D Printers, Education, Foods
Posted: On
Monday Wednesday And Friday
3D Machines Unveiling Printers, Pens, Scanners, Elements and Others Items
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Virtuoso Embedded Virtual Device Framework Hits Kickstarter (video). gadgets|
"may be interested in a new embedded virtual device framework called Virtuoso"
Apsom Infotex and Roland revolutionize wide-format printing with the VersaCAMM VS- 640i. openpr|
"The VS-640i not only caters to the signage industry numerous other industries"
Siewert & Kau erweitert 3D-Druck-Angebot. business|
"3D printer portfolio for the consumer segment and semiprofessional applications"
Siewert & Kau expanded 3D printing offer. business|
"3D printer portfolio for the consumer segment and semiprofessional applications"
Distribution messages compact. channelobserver|
"realized in terms of appearance, function and ERP connection, informed So with"
Conductive fibers Trend material Ender: eureka.. bangkokbiznews|
"a business event. Preferred innovation or materials on light into question"
How to build own 3D printer. techradar|
"technology is amazing to watch, as layer upon layer built up to create a 3D object"
Mosaic Palette: Single Extruder Multi-Color and Multi-Material 3D Printing. hackaday|
"it wasn’t entirely possible to control where the color change happened on the model"
Vader Systems raises further $750k for highly anticipated Mk 1 MagnetoJet metal 3D pri. 3ders|
"750,000 in a new angel fundraising round led by local investor Jonathan Amoia"Belgian Designer and Materialise Team Up to Create the First Fully 3D Printed Luxury. 3dprint|
"create 3D models of themselves to try on virtual versions of clothing and accessories"
17-year old gives away DIY instructions for working low-cost SLS 3D printer. 3ders|
"out from the proof of concept phase with tangible 3D prints to show for efforts"
Getting Those Parts Oriented: Made for Me Releases The Ultimate Guide to ABS 3D Printing. 3dprint|
"from the industrial front, knowing materials not a choice, a requirement"
The next step in self-replicating 3D printers Dollo 3D claims to be 'more printable'. 3ders|
"products and ideas, the concept of the self-replicating 3D printer refuses to go away"
Open source news roundup for June 12-18, 2016. opensource|
"printed lattice for cell culture, open source materials for college courses, and more"
HP Inc. Canada makes a stand for 3D printing. computerdealernews|
Unique Dollo 3D Printer Design, Allows It To Expand By Self Replicating (video). gadgets|
"this week to raise the $50,000 requires to make the next step into production"
BioBots 3D printer that prints body parts. redbull|
"might set back a little bit more, if want to quibble over the exact cost.)"
TTH is 1 of 5 sites to roll out advanced CLIP 3D printing technology. todaysmedicaldevelopments|
"at the company’s Streetsboro facility, according to company president Chip Gear"
Globes English - Israel emerges as major player in digital printing. globes|
"cards, greeting cards, and so forth - anything with form cutting, even if it's flat" -
3D Printing Stories Via Schools Colleges Classrooms Libraries and Software
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Not smiling for the camera Adobe's Creative Cloud suite can fix that • The Register. theregister|
"a new Photoshop feature which modifies facial expressions after the event."
Student-led Makerspace new feature at LC Public School. manitoulin|
"an Ontario Teacher Federation (OTF), to create a Makerspace at the school"
Adobe Recreates Lost Art Masterpieces Using Stock Photos and Photoshop. online|
"by using stock photos and Photoshop, in a campaign by Goodby Silverstein & Partners"
Cathedral student awarded $80K Schulich Leaders scholarship. bayobserver|
"a rebuilt and designed four 3D printers, all the while maintaining a 96.2% average"
£500k to boost Bournemouth and Poole College’s engineering facilities. bournemouthecho|
"to secured by Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) as part of the Dorset Growth Deal"
The UC Irvine Guide to Hilariously Terrible College Administration. breitbart|
"the weakness and sadistic bureaucracy, is to stop the club from holding meetings for a year"
Singapore universities nab top two ranks in Asia. blouinnews|
"in Hong Kong, Japan, and South Korea rounded out the rest of the top 10"
Carlsbad Dove Library reopens after renovation. sandiegouniontribune|
"demonstrations and oral history recordings along with the reopening ceremony"
Italian Paleontologist Turns to Materialise to Help 3D Print Trilobite Fossils. 3dprint|
"marine arthropods, are undergoing their own unique form of 3D printed treatment"
3D Printing Teaches High School Students About Materials Science in a Hands-On Way. 3dprint|
"the technology to teach high school students about the growing field of materials science"
3D printing comes to Guadalajara in new UP campus 3D printing center open to all stude. 3ders|
"Guadalajara campus in Mexico now also have access to a campus 3D printing center"3DPrinterOS to expand global presence of 3D printing platform through Microsoft Azure. 3ders|
"an designs through the cloud– and to do so from almost every corner of the globe"
Teachers in the Valley learn a lesson about 3D printing. wfmj|
"in Warren for local educators interested in bringing 3D printing into the classroom"
Al Noor Training Center for Children with Special Needs: Super Kids Receive 3D Printed. 3dprint|
"as an initial foundation to the world of innovation found in digital design and 3D printing"
Kids have chance to see 3D printing in action. southwesttimes|
"of Community College. The event is open to school-age children, kindergarten and older"
University of Illinois Engineering Team Win Excavator Cab of the Future 3D Design Contest. 3dprint|
"a Laboratory (ORNL) in Tennessee to watch as their high-tech design is 3D printed in steel"
High school students on Long Island use 3-D printing technology to make a prosthetic hand. abc7ny|
"a prosthetic hand, and now, they're hoping to be connected with someone who needs one"3D printing for Showcase Gardens Walls and Statues, Designers Foods, and Fine Eating
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Patenting the Quest for a More Perfect Veggie Burger. lexology|
"a possibly dessert. The food synthesizer did seem to be 23rd century stuff.[1"]
Taste New York's cutting-edge food and beverage tech. usatoday|
"of Katjes Magic Candy Factory, which is up and running at five Dylan's locations" -
New 3D Machines Unveilings & Pens, Scanners, Elements Idems :: 3D Printers, Education, Foods
Posted: On Monday
Wednesday And Friday
3D Machines Unveiling Printers, Pens, Scanners, Elements and Others Items
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Screen’s new high-throughput thermal eight-page CTPScreen’s new high-throughput. graphicrepro|
"a HD 8900 series, which has itself been repeatedly upgraded since its launch in 2011"
Epson Launches New Pro Cinema Projectors with 4K UHD Signal Input and HDR. prnewswire|
"a eye-popping bright colors and Ultra Blacks for a fully immersive large-screen experience"
Tend claims world’s first hardware-agnostic cloud platform for industrial. roboticsandautomationnews|
"an can also hook up such things as smartphones and other devices, such as webcams"
HP crea a Sant Cugat un nou sistema d'impressió en 3D. elpuntavui|
"amb una impressora que arriba a la precisió del vòxel, la unitat mínima de volum"
12-year old builds working 3D Printer out of over-the-shelf LEGO parts and a 3D Printi. 3ders|
"a really cool, think-outside-the-lego-box approach to creating a 3D printer"
What's The Best 3D Printing Pen For You. popsci|
"on a surface, draw a line up into the air, and then start adding details to this anchor"
Easy-to-assemble 3D printer will let you print other 3D printers. digitaltrends|
"of most other DIY printer projects, such as those under the RepRap umbrella"
Dollo, the Ultimate Self-Replicating 3D Printer, is Now on Kickstarter. 3dprint|
"the electronics – we haven’t reached the point of being able to 3D print those yet)"
Switch It Up, Trade It Up, Enjoy Italian Excellence with the Poetry Infinity 3D Printer. 3dprint|
"from the business angle to those in need of an inclusive R&D package to specialty filaments"
3D Systems Provides the Polich Tallix Fine Art Foundry with an End-to-End Solution. 3dprint|
"the Polich Tallix Fine Art Foundry with an End-to-End Solution for Clients"
How 3D Printing is Turning the Furniture Business Upside Down. furninfo|
"the collection affordable for the business and their customers"
It’s Baaaaaack: Crowdfunding Disaster Cobblebot Launches and Then Cancels a New 3D. 3dprint|
"at a 3D printer managed to actually get funded, it very quickly descended into chaos"
White Paper - 3D Printing with Desktop Stereolithography. engineering|
"are capable of providing high resolution prints at quick speeds and at a low price"The DIY Dudes are at it again with this partially 3D printed DIY Rift CNC machine. 3ders|
"at it again with this partially 3D printed DIY Rift CNC machine"
M3D Pro 3D Printer Unveiled For $500. gadgets|
"the professionals, and takes the form of the aptly named M3D Pro 3D Printer"
Scarcity fuels Gaza hardware invention boom. wamda|
"from inside and outside the university to experiment and test hardware prototypes"3D Printing Stories Via Schools Colleges Classrooms Libraries and Software
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Sulphur Springs students explore science, technology at MakerCamp. signalscv|
"to offers students the opportunity to stretch their minds and see what they can design"
[Slideshow, Audio] Art Students Engage in New Technology to Enhance Creativity. wkms|
"from seven states participated in this week-long camp" -
3D Printing Stories Via Schools Colleges Classrooms Libraries and Software
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Florida Public Library announces summer programs. warwickadvertiser|
"in the program repeated. (The library closed Monday, July 4.)"
Giving high school inventors the business. innovateli|
"by tools to aid people with physical or developmental challenges"
Off the Stacks at Wilton Library. thehour|
"to bring first-timers questions" - Library Makerspace Officially Open. blackburnnews|
"with a mobile Makerspace to visit various libraries around the county by early 2017"
Should we teach children digital skills to protect their future. tntmagazine|
"that a shortage of skilled professionals could fuel a national unemployment crisis"
University challenge: UAE's education chief Dr Ahmad Belhoul. arabianbusiness|
"by research and development (R&D) and energising partnerships with the private sector"
GVEC grant nets Seguin elementaries 3-D printers. seguingazette|
"a filament that laid down and hardens layer by layer to bring the design to life"
Fort Lee High School salutatorian will study biology. northjersey|
"as lovers as soon as reached high school by joining the chorus and marching band"
SUNY New Paltz Opens 3D Printing Superlab, Supporting Both Student Education. businesswire|
"the surrounding communities and business, helping to grow the Hudson Valley economy"SUNY New Paltz Builds 3D Printing Superlab to Serve Students and Support. campustechnology|
"the tools and expertise to do cutting-edge scholarship in art, engineering and design"
Science fund lets kids learn 3D printing, gene modification. engadget|
"of ideas . elicit enjoyment and foster lasting learning"says Rutgers' Elizabeth Bonawitz"
Murray State University Incorporates 3D Printing into Annual Summer Art Workshop. 3dprint|
"by Incorporates 3D Printing into Annual Summer Art Workshop"
National Science Foundation funds 3D printing center for Baltimore's inner city youth. 3ders|
"by school students to broaden understanding of synthetic biology in a bioMAKERlab"
Student research team experiments with orange peel bio-plastics for 3D printing. 3ders|
"a flexible, transperent, heat responsive, designer/maker control, biodegradable.”"
Materialise Announces Mimics Innovation Suite 19. tenlinks|
"to allow the user to obtain high-quality meshes with more ease, even in challenging cases"
Materialise MimicsInnovation Suite. materialise|
%(#008000)["for modeling. This Engineering on Anatomyworkflow reflected in the image below"]
Materialise Introduces Mimics Innovation Suite 19 – 3D Medical Modeling Made Easier. 3dprint|
"the release of the newest iteration of the software: Mimics Innovation Suite 19"
High school students use 3-D printing technology to make a prosthetic hand. abc11|
"the 150 times the original size to get it to where needed it to be to fit an adult"
This week at the Morse Institute Library. metrowestdailynews|
"to a.m. to 5 p.m. on Fridays; from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturdays; and closed on Sundays"
Stop press - Print inspection. imveurope|
"on one for web movement, and one for the extension or contraction of the material"
Florida State 24/7. fsu|
"as 10th-grader Kacie Zuleger plunged finger, dissected shark fetus to feel its eye"3D printing for Showcase Gardens Walls and Statues, Designers Foods, and Fine Eating
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )a morning of lobster eggs Benedict with a side of home fries.*** 3dprint|
"to program a morning of lobster eggs Benedict with a side of home fries"
OTHR Design Studio - Cool Hunting. coolhunting|
"in shifted since the launch only a month ago—and what be expected in the future" -
3D Printing Stories Via Schools Colleges Classrooms Libraries and Software
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Local Middle School Students Get Lesson on Entrepreneurship. wfmynews2|
"Engineering and Math) skills including 3D printing, app development and robotics"
12-Year-Old Girls From Austin File Patent Water Soluble Six-Packs. streetwise|
"problem as large as saving marine life from the plastic rings that hold six-packs together"
TCAPS to host technology conference. eagle|
"ways to use technological collaboration to improve student achievement in public schools"
Museum of Design Atlanta deepens visitors’ view on design, utility. mdjonline|
"that today’s designers are developing, according to the exhibition’s news release"
University Of Alabama To Open Center For Sports And Athletic Technology. sporttechie|
"a storm to uncover valuable technology applicable in the sports world and beyond"
Loudoun County students aim to turn ideas into solutions. loudountimes|
"to event and highlighted the importance of developing a curriculum that encourages makers"See the Gutenberg Bible, 32,000 3D Mechanical Puzzles and a Lock of Edgar Allen. smithsonianmag|
"a Indiana University’s Lilly Library in Bloomington, Indiana, one of its own"
Generation E: Middle school students learn about education, entrepreneurship. greensboro|
"to now runs own talent management and brand development firm in New York"
Shifting Toward the Knowledge Economy. economonitor|
"a These trends culminating in a global shift toward knowledge-based economies"