Extension on Layout for Automatic Tag ?
I'm searching for a plugin to do something like that ...
with automatic tag on components ... do you have an idea to do that ?
another example
http://www.cesiom.net/fichierdocsite/PresentationCesiom.pdf (p.10)thx
David -
Extensions/plugins doesn't work with LayOut...
But hopefully it will become an option in the future, as I see many great things that could evolve with extensions and LO... -
I'm waiting for it
let(s have a look here
it's about Sketchup pro 2016 and Layou C API
Using the LayOut C API in a SketchUp Extension
"The LayOut C API is included in the SketchUp application, meaning developers may utilize the LayOut C API from within their SketchUp extension without being required to include it in their extension. For an example of how to use the LayOut C API from within a SketchUp extension, see the RubyExampleCreateLayOut sample."source :
http://extensions.sketchup.com/developer_center/layout_c_api/layout/index.htmlanother idea to solve my problem ?
Thx Frederik for your reply