Simple new plug-in idea: import photo as STATIC background
Is there a plug-in (and if not, i reckon it'd be popular and simple to program) that helps one choose the best angle to export a jpg for then super-imposing on a photo background? i.e. import a photo background that stays static as model is rotated until both look right together.
No, I'm not talking about photo-matching...
Let me explain with an example:
I'm making an archway for a festival. I have a photo of the empty site. I've made a 3D model.
I now need to export a jpg of my model from the right angle so that when i super-impose it (in ) it will look right on the photo.Trial and error works eventually, but it would be so much easier if there was a plug-in or option that allowed me to import the site background photo (or a portion of it), and display it AS SKETCHUP'S BACKGROUND, that remains still irrespective of the orbit, pan and walk tools. This would allow me to place camera, walk, orbit, etc to get the right angle of the model.
That alone would be amazingly useful for me and i'm sure many others who use sketchup to make proposals. But some extra export options could be:
- exports just the model from chosen angle on standard background (ie no change to current 2D export option, so standard background can be removed and the model can be superimposed manually in an external photo editor)
OR 2) exports model straight onto the imported photo background, ie a screengrab
OR 3) exports as .png with no background, and even possibly keeping semi-transparency info (ie of windows)
Cheers peeps
- exports just the model from chosen angle on standard background (ie no change to current 2D export option, so standard background can be removed and the model can be superimposed manually in an external photo editor)
Pretty sure you could use the 'watermark' style for that...
Just had a very quick play and I think it works pretty well. Of course once you have the scene you can turn off the W/mark and merge model and photo post-pro.
Well done for the question, having the same problem myself, you got me thinking...... would love to see how you go...