New 3d Machines Unveilings & Pens, Scanners, Elements Idems
3D Printing Stories Via Schools Colleges Classrooms Libraries and Software
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Gadgets and apps that are taking over the tech world. economictimes|
"as well as PlayStation 4 and there both single player and multiplayer modes"
Upcoming events at Duxbury Free Library - News - Wicked Local Duxbury. duxbury|
"The Duxbury Free Library located at 77 Alden St. in Duxbury. Visit duxburyfreelibrary"
Workshop - Columbia Memorial Space Center. columbiaspacescience|
"to printers Join us as create out-of-this world stuff futuristic technology"
3-D in R&D makes an imprint on automotive suppliers. crainsdetroit|
"to emerging as a practical alternative for low-volume automotive production"
Rotary honors four with scholarships. myjournalcourier|
"a Routt Catholic High School senior and the daughter of Mike and Hannah Nelson"
Wired In: Ashley Mo. news|
"of running own business, never would imagined it would happen so soon"
Knowledge is ‘not enough’ if students are to find jobs after the ‘fourth industrial. tes|
"of the digital revolution, which terms the"fourth industrial revolution"
Student’s - idea could help people with feet problems. miamiherald|
"a podiatrist, after meeting at the Moonlighter makerspace in Wynwood"3D Printing WEEKEND WORKSHOPS. airwolf|
"to learning tools available on site such as sample parts, tools, printers, personnel, etc"
Louisiana Tech team uses . uavexpertnews|
"to enable and safely manage the widespread use of low-altitude airspace"
Centre for Biodruck in Australia opened. ruck|
"of the Centre and the Biodruck- manufacturer Osteopore also involved in the center"
Past and present join forces in St Andrews -. [color=#008000:2wuk6sgy]"the 2016 e|
"on show along with and laser cutting in a celebration of local crafts down the ages"
How Crowdsourcing Brought an ISIS-Destroyed Museum Back to Life. artsy|
"on display, including an Assyrian lion carved from limestone around 860 BC"
DuPont announces new anti-counterfeiting film. _Register|
"the upcoming drupa 2016 trade fair, May 31–June 10 in Düsseldorf, Germany"
The Ministry of Education supports ECDL courses for students. portalinvatamant|
"of digital technology for them as students, employees, entrepreneurs or citizens" -
New Machines Unveilings & Pens, Scanners, Elements Idems :: Printers, Education, Foods
Posted: On
Monday Wednesday And Friday
3D Printing Machines Unveiling Printers, Pens, Scanners, Elements and Others Items
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Turn your smartphone into the Bat Signal with light blaster. ers|
"to be phone’s flashlight, now summon the only help you’ll ever need"
FormBox takes on printers with an instant vacuum former. thenextweb|
"of a cheap laptop, or go to stores like Staples to get prototypes out"
The Polysher will shine your - objects. theverge|
"The polisher works by simply spraying the piece with an alcohol aerosol solution"
Stratasys Earnings Will Shed Light On Wobbly Market. investors|
"on Thursday showed continuing struggles for the sector"
Mini by Aclen. thingiverse|
"thething was made with Tinkercad. Edit it online"
Weistek’s MiniToy For Kids Is Coming. fabbaloo|
"by highly skilled hobbyists, neither of which appropriate for children"
Stratasys Releases a Multi-Color, Multi-Material . insights|
"to speed production of prototypes, final parts, as well as tooling, molds, jigs and fixtures"
WINDFORM materials for custom production. jeccomposites|
"as well as highly-functional and beautifully finished parts for multiple applications"
The Two Dirty Secrets of Resin . engineering|
"photocurable resin be made solid in segments as small as focus a light beam"Zortrax Widely Appreciated in the Newest Trends Report by Hubs. zortrax|
"the new Trends report and once again Zortrax been greatly appreciated by its users"
The FabX 3 Demonstrates The Strength Of Regional Manufacturers. fabbaloo|
"in regions where the cost of manufacturing lower"
Anyone using PETG herer. printingforum|
"to print because it does not warp like ABS does, and it way stronger than PLA or ABS"
CS Students Are Sweet on | Department of Computer Science at Illinois. illinois|
"an Oreo—a well-deserved reward for answering questions about basic programming"
Need help for & materials. printingforum|
"to buy along with it. Am planning to make it as a small business. Any tips"
The market will triple, reaching 21.000 billion in 2020. computerworld|
"for 40% of the growth of , followed by medical devices with 15%"
Most Active Options: Systems Corporation and Abercrombie & Fitch Co.. schaeffersresearch|
" Systems Corporation (NYSE:DDD) and retail stock Abercrombie & Fitch Co. (NYSE:ANF)"
What happened to iBox. printingindustry|
"on batteries and it could knock out small scale models, chess pieces and other minutiae"
Speciality| Filaments. printme|
"in Speciality Filament range with a variety of materials and textures"
Filament climbing the outside of the nozzle. ultimaker|
"to be thinner than normal, it immediately curls up and adheres to the outside of the nozzle" -
3D Printing Stories Via Schools Colleges Classrooms Libraries and Software
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Get your children involved in 3d printing this summer.. 3dprinterchat|
"a constant need to learn new things and challenge myself and for that I am grateful"
Spotlight News – Library budget, trustees seats on the ballot this month. spotlightnews|
"an increase of 0.75 percent over last year and within the state-mandated spending cap"
Viewpoint: The education you can get at Bitterroot College provides freedom. ravallirepublic|
"to educate themselves so that operate successfully in rapidly changing world"
How the Universal Hip Hop Museum Plans to Lead the Bronx Rebirth. citylab|
"that continues to hold tremendous social and artistic influence today"
Take a Walk Over the AMC Bridge. engineering|
"and product lifecycle management (PLM) companies worldwide for the last 16 years"
The perfect heists that involve stealing nothing at all. newscientist|
"_In , rtists, Nora al-Badri and Jan Nikolai Nelles – claimed to scanned the bust of Nefertiti"
Library goes high-tech. villagelife|
"a 3D printer system, which now available to anyone with an El Dorado County library card"
50 Schools in Estonia Get a Free New MakerBot 3D Printer to Instruct a New Generation. 3dprint|
"of how a government fully integrated with the internet make its citizens’ lives easier"
Dremel releases 3D printing app to round out Dremel 3D Education program. 3ders|
", the second generation of its classroom friendly 3D printer"Preparing Files For 3D Printing: A Handy Checklist. materialise|
"to those holes and close them. Sometimes this process also called ‘creating a manifold mode"
3D Printers Preserving History. wazp|
"to these masterworks forever whilst damaging them an almost insignificant amount, almost"
Wee Replicators: 3D Printing Workshop for Kids 6+ Tickets, Mon, May 23, 2016 at 11:00. eventbrite|
"at 3D printing pens and take home some 3d printed souvenirs"3D printing for Showcase Gardens Walls and Statues, Designers Foods, and Fine Eating
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )At Cibus 2016, Barilla press the dough with a 3D Printing. itespresso|
"for printing the Barilla pasta 3D developed in collaboration with TNO"
The FDA Releases Draft Guidance for Industry & Food & Drug Administration Staff Regarding. 3dprint|
"of o lives, most do appreciate guidelines when it comes to the medical field"
Future Vending Machines Could 3D Print Your Snacks. all3dp|
also convenience food that be healthy and nutritious, too"
Israel’s “Geek PicNic” Tech Event Gets Attendees Excited and Hungry for 3D Printing. 3dprint|
"the city of Haifa became the home to the largest Fab Lab in the world" -
3D Printing Stories Via Schools Colleges Classrooms Libraries and Software
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Minister of Education supports 3D type program nationwide. comunicatedepresa|
"in a structured manner by young people, to exploit all digital opportunities"
The Egalitarian : Burillo takes SW reins. hccegalitarian|
"of a center of excellence focusing on manufacturing at the Stafford campus"
Plans for $20-million extension to Pierrefonds library set to go ahead. montrealgazette|
"the proposed site planning and architectural integration program unanimously"
Jarvis: U of W may join manufacturing consortium. windsorstar|
"in an exclusive telephone interview with the Windsor Star on Tuesday"
Adrian Courage: I wish next year's exam validation of digital skills no longer be formal. agerpres|
"of graduation of a group of high school students ECDL course 3D Printing"
Registration Open for Summer STEM Camps. thepilot|
"annual Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Camps in June and July"
Holoxica hails brain hologram as breakthrough for neuroscience (From Herald . heraldscotland|
"including Alzheimer’s’, motor neuron disease, stroke, cancer, tumours and epilepsy"
Balancing act: we need engineers in research, not just in industry. theguardian|
"of sustainability, housing and an ageing population. And we need more of them.
Report on how the University of Brighton is using a Novel Printing Solution. labmate|
"of Brighton a Novel Printing Solution in its for Regenerative Medicine"
New Campaign Creates 3D Replicas of Endangered Species. visualnews|
"the frailty and of animal life, something that not so easily replaceable"
Kamloops students learning to harness technology. cfjctoday|
"to almost every industry, it’s necessary to teach tech to students"55 Year Old Employee Fails to Establish Age Discrimination Claim Against 3D Print. natlawreview|
"in Albuquerque, it also a facility in St. Paul, Minnesota"
New Ilios 3D Software Release Offers Updates for Calibration, Support Removal & Platform. 3dprint|
"at work developing something highly useful to wow dedicated following of designers"
Graduate Students 3D Print Exhibit Highlighting Climate Changes Effect on Vulnerable Oc. 3dprint|
"of 3D printing and chemistry to remove pollutants from the air and water"
Autodesk's ChronoFab creates the illusion of motion to 3D printing. 3ders|
"to firmware and software tweaks that been taking place behind the scenes along the way"
Preparing files for 3D printing: i.Materialise explains all. 3ders|
"to create printable, error-free 3D models at home, without breaking a sweat"
Materialise Integrates Multiple Solutions into Comprehensive Magics Software Suite. 3dprint|
"hat combines several of products into one integrated solution"
Report on how the University of Brighton is using a Novel Printing Solution. labmate|
"for a variety of tissues for regenerative medicine applications"
Kamloops students learning to harness technology. cfjctoday|
"to help teach students about applications of new technology, including 3D printing"
VR Headsets, Wearable Devices and 3D Printing to Dominate 2nd CES Asia in Shanghai. english|
"at this year's Consumer Electronics Show (CES) Asia which kicks off later today in Shanghai" -
3D Machines Unveiling Printers, Pens, Scanners, Elements and Others Items
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )AMUG Hosts Debut of Stratasys J750 3D Printer. stratasys|
"the additive manufacturing community on the latest applications and technology"
Centrum Druku 3D| najswiezsze informacje oraz opinie analizy branzowe -. 3dprintingcenter|
"O nasMediaReklamaPolityka cookiesKontaktEN"
3D-Ricoh RELEASE: it technology partner of TheFabLab***|
"in this project by providing technologies that facilitate the spread of printing 3D"
Peachy Printer owner embezzles 50% of Kickstarter funds to build himself. 3ders|
"in fashion, Peachy Printer asking its 4,000+ backers: “is it too late now to say sorry”"First looks: The Stratasys J750 3D printer is a full-color, multi-material manufacturing. sg|
"from PolyJet Studio software, vastly simplifying the printing process"
New Nexeo Solutions website offers 3D printing filaments from DSM -. eppm|
"the 3D printing market and enables customers to buy filaments or order samples"
Precious Plastic’s Incredible Machines Recycle Plastic, Make Filament, and More. 3dprint|
"in recycle 1-2% of the 10.5 million tons of plastic waste generated annually"
Stratasys to increase Australian market presence through new Fuji Xerox part. 3ders|
"to increase the availability of 3D printing solutions in Australia"
As simple as Legos: truly user-friendly $199 Anvil 3D printer hits Kickstart. 3ders|
"a truly user-friendly desktop machine. What’s more, its available for as little as $199"
Nozzles That Last 67x Longer. 3dprintingindustry|
"that lightweight, high-strength, quick-turn parts in demand"
Mini 3d Printer Archives. itworks3d|
"th designs Someone added lasers to the poor laser’less cat here"
MiniToy 3D Printer by Weistek Co., Ltd.. kickstarter|
"to education integrated platform adds another dimension to the way child learns" -
New 3D Machines Unveilings & Pens, Scanners, Elements Idems :: 3D Printers, Education, Foods
Posted: On Monday
Wednesday And Friday
3D Machines Unveiling Printers, Pens, Scanners, Elements and Others Items
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )A Portable Desktop Vacuum Forme. zone|
"on forming technology, requires no technical expertise to operate, just a ton of creativity"
DuPont Advanced Printing: New 3D Anti-Counterfeiting Film. healthcarepackaging|
%(#008000)["that clearly differentiated and truly 3D. Key benefits of the new Izon3D film include"] - ALBIS PLASTIC: “Amphora” 3D printing material from Eastman Chemical.kno|
Theadhesion brings mechanical strength, so the grade be used for both prototyping a"
EOS P 396. engineering|
"a variety of plastic materials for prototyping and batch manufacturing purposes"
Caterpillar Announces Grand Opening of 3D Printing & Innovation Accelerator. openpr|
"a Maker Space where employees experiment with materials and rough-model new concepts"
Researchers from the University of Jerusalem Developed 3D Printable “Smart” Machine Elem. 3dprint|
"as appliances like coffee machines, the washer and dryer, and even the toaster"
3D Printler: Quick, Local, and Customer Rated Printing - TechCrunch Disrupt. techcrunch|
"other requirements. 3D Printler also connects to local venders and customer reviews"
3D Printlife ENVIRO Eco-Friendly ABS and PLA-PHA Strike a Chord with Major Resellers. 3dprint|
"by offering both functional and eco-friendly ABS and PLA solutions"
3D Ninja Partners With Innofil3D to Offer Comprehensive Line of Standard, Specialty. 3dprint|
"to become the largest 3D printer reseller in the Netherlands and Belgium"
Select the Right Material for 3D Printing. deskeng|
"for 3D printing and how to work with them that’s, well, a good thing"
Sales Down at Stratasys, Ltd., So Expenses: Key Earnings Takeaway. fool|
"of growth fueled by mergers and acquisitions as much as by expansion of its core business"
Squink Evolves into a PCB 3D Printer. engineering|
"a significant upgrade that allows for the 3D printing of multilayer circuit boards"
TU Wien researchers combine laser and DLP tech in new high-viscosity polymer. 3ders|
"with the laser accuracy of SLA technology to optimize surface resolution"
The 3D Printing Materials Market Expected to Expand Significantly. 3dprint|
"the market, where usage often less frequent than industrial or commercial markets"
Select the Right Material for 3D Printing - Google Chrom. deskeng|
"for 3D printing and how to work with them that’s, well, a good thing"
3D Ninja Partners With Innofil3D to Offer Comprehensive Line of Standard, Specialty. 3dprint|
"to become the largest 3D printer reseller in the Netherlands and Belgium"FormBox - A Portable Desktop Vacuum Former. zone|
"on vacuum technology, requires no technical expertise to operate, just a ton of creativity"
Projet 7000 - NovaCopy3D. novacopy3d|
"of material choices, and feature a large build platform and fast print speeds"
Versatile 3-axis gimbal (3D-Print)|Autodesk Online Gallery. obv|
"a concept of 3-axis gimbal for sport cameras like Go-Pro, mid-size cameras and camcorders"
MakerBot Replicator becomes one of the 50 most influential gadgets of all time. 3dprintingcenter|
"with famous Nokia 3210, SONY Playstation, Apple Macintosh or Commodore, itjust a great success" -
3D printing for Showcase Gardens Walls and Statues, Designers Foods, and Fine Eating
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )3D food printing vending machines and customisable snacks. newfoodmagazine|
"to 3D printed food and VTT’s ambitions for vending-machine customised snacks"
3D printing a kitchen tool. flourishbakingcompany|
"to learn how to use this technology so finally design own kitchen gadgets"
Is 3D printing in my kitchen healthy. 3dprintingcenter|
"to food containers. Everything be 3D printed home these items safe for health"3D Printing. kinaxis|
"the impact 3D printing would on the supply chain and supply chain planning"
The paste of the future that is printed in 3D. ciociariareport24|
"in research after presenting last year the 'spaghettoalvolo' whicis baked in two minutes"
Design News - Blog - Meet Otto, the Robot That Wants to Run Your Home. designnews|
"so if make mistakes it's not detrimental. quickly retract and correct yourself"
3D food printing vending machines and customisable snacks. newfoodmagazine|
"to 3D printed food and VTT’s ambitions for vending-machine customised snacks"
Custom snacks on-demand with 3D printing. springwise|
"to develop smart vending machines that be able to produce completely customizable snacks" -
Sculpteo Details the Hobbyist Market in Their “State of 3D Printing” Industry Report. 3dprint|
"for this year’s report, 300 of which self-proclaimed hobbyists"
MIT shows dynamic 'Materiables3D Printing Industry__3dprintingindustry. 3dprintingindustry|
"to respond to touch in ways that actually quite hard to comprehend at first glance"
New Self-Healing Bio-Glass May Be Used as 3D Printed Cartilage Replacements. 3dprint|
"the material may eventually allow this hard to repair tissue to repair itself over time"MIT Graduate Course Challenges Students to Completely Reinvent 3D Printing Technology. 3dprint|
"a 3D glass printer, which known to MIT researchers as the ‘viscous sewing machine.’"
Join the Maker Movement: Newark Museum Opens Permanent Gallery Devoted to Maker. prweb|
"of all ages to make connections with the Museum’s collections and own creativity"
Sandburg High School excels at SkillsUSA State competition. chicagotribune|
"in the Interior Room Design, Preschool Teaching Bulletin Board, and Technical CAD"
This week at the Morse Institute Library - News. wickedlocal|
"a photo ID and proof of Massachusetts address to get a permanent card"
Nursing students create pillbox for HIV/AIDS patients with university 3-D printerCald. caldwell|
"as HIV/AIDS patients brand-new pillboxes that created with the university’s 3-D printer"
American boys ages 9 years and showcases artifacts from the White House, a three-dimens. voathai|
"to exhibits on President Barack Obama. Obama visited the White House"
ICG Winter School - A notable success. glassonweb|
"In the event most still from China, with India, Japan and Sudan also represented"
Fashion Summer Camp in New York Adds STEM Programs for Children. benzinga|
"Teens 13-17 years old. Lessons adjusted according to each groups abilities"
New youth summer camps to debut at WIU - News. mcdonoughvoice|
"youth summer camps set to debut this summer at Western Illinois University"
3D printing gives museum access to everyone. 3dprintingindustry|
"often priceless relics and can’t be simply passed around like toys" -
3D Printing Stories Via Schools Colleges Classrooms Libraries and Software
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Transcript: See How the SOLIDWORKS Ecosystem Delivers on Design Innovation. designworldonline|
"in this presentation. There a list of hashtags available here for use"
Libraries Lend Themselves to Broadband Partnerships, Access. dailyyonder|
"to getting broadband applications and indeed, better broadband connectivity, to community"
Dorsky Museum Highlights Works That Elevate the Mundane Into Ar. nytimes|
"a spoon so tiny its scoop barely a quarter inch across"Grant helps students learn in three dimensions. lacrossetribune|
"of the topics discussed at Monday night’s West Salem School Board Meeting"
3D Printing Summer School on the road in Africa. werkzeug|
"at the TUT University instead, where it a co-operation University FH Aachen"
Local Destination Imagination team and Shrewsbury library partner with winning. communityadvocate|
"a magic shrinking potion during the team’s performance skit, in shrunken form"
Materialise to Release Magics 3D Print Suite at RAPID. tenlinks|
"to be launching the Materialise Magics 3D Print Suite at RAPID, one"
The Soul of an Octopus Discussion; 3D Printer Training. patch|
"The following Ledyard Public Libraries events taking place in May"
New York’s Dimension Learning Hosts Student Challenge to 3D Print Robot Tools. 3dprint|
"of one school-age student would call this kind of educational activity boring"
Tips to prevent your 3D printed models from falling apart or printing. 3ders|
"to printing, so that, in the future, easily avoid them" -
3D Machines Unveiling Printers, Pens, Scanners, Elements and Others Items
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Kanèsis to launch Indiegogo campaign for hemp 3D printing filament '30% stro__3ders. 3ders|
"to make natural, decomposable products, far greener than common plastic alternatives"
3D printing listed as a top at-risk emerging technology in CERT report. 3ders|
"a commercial unmanned aerial vehicles, vehicle autonomy, and vehicular communication systems"
News: Chennai’s Dina Color Lab installs India’s first Jetvarnish 3DS with. printweek|
"a even higher margin 3D embossed jobs with up to 100 microns of varnish"
Dremel published App Idea Builder 3D40. 3druck|
"The app intended primarily to help when in the classroom"
Graphene 3D Labs (GGG.V) - An Underappreciated Opportunity. equities|
"The company sells these materials into the commercial, research, and military space"The Allforge 3D Mold Making machine smashes its campaign goal within days. 3ders|
"a finished product in minutes instead of the hours many used to with 3D printing"
AIMPLAS turns attentions to 3D printing filaments. eppm|
"of materials that be used for FDM (Fused Deposition Modelling) 3D printing technology"
PolySmooth And Polysher 3D Print Gloss Finishing System Pass $340,000 In Funding On Kick. gadgets|
"with materials such as ABS and the more environmentally friendly PLA"
Twitter-powered 3D printed horse brooch steals show at the Kentucky Derby. 3ders|
"the 3D printed horse on the brooch, galloping almost continuously throughout the Derby"
Amica Systems updates inkjet offering. labelsandlabeling|
"with varnish ink one of many applications attainable with the LPS330"
News: Countdown to Drupa: KM-1 to be the star at Konica Minolta stall. printweek|
"to be focused on demonstrating value-adding business opportunities.”"
HATCHBOX 3D PLA-1KG3.00-GLD PLA 3D Printer Filament, Dimensional Accuracy. amazon|
"at checko ___ at checkout. Details Sold by Fire Sale Merchant and Fulfilled by Amazon" -
New Machines Unveilings & Pens, Scanners, Elements Idems :: Printers, Education, Foods
Posted: On Monday Wednesday And
3D Machines Unveiling Printers, Pens, Scanners, Elements and Others Items
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Friday Fun: Repairers help Fort McMurray, Ontario's breathalyzers may be. collisionrepairmag|
"of wildfire. Ottawa Auto Body & Repairs and Hamilton Discount Auto Parts will match the total amount"
Top tech deals of the week. engadget|
"of this week's top bargains and bring them home at the web's best prices"
H.C. Starck to offer specialized refractory metal powders for additive. 3ders|
"of which will be optimized for use in additive manufacturing"
The breadth of PageWide printing. itpro|
"for potential issues like clogged nozzles, you get business grade reliability to boot"
ALBIS PLASTIC distributes Amphora 3D Polymer AM1800. eppm|
"an outstanding addition to conventional processing technologies.”"
PinJig Makes Soldering PCBs a Breeze. 3dprint|
"of the love about 3Dprinting how it’s empowering makers and inventors to come up with new dev"
Access to premium filament grades specifically designed by DSM for 3D printing market. plastemart|
"to help guide customers to selecting the right material for needs"
Arcam Upgrades Q-Series 3D Printers with New Beam Control. engineering|
"the Q10plus and Q20plus, as well as a new quality control mechanism called xQam"
Taulman3D launches guidelne, a high-strength, PETG based filament for medical. 3ders|
"for biocompatible 3D printed medical devices including surgical tools and even implants"
Anvil 3D Printer Unveiled Offering Remote Control, Auto Loading And More (video). gadgets|
"the 3D printing process available to all whatever knowledge of 3D printing may be"
New 5-Axis 3D Printer Creates Simple Wire Frame Models in Real Time. makezine|
"to tell us about this new project that team be presenting at this years CHI conference"EnvisionTEC shows Perfactory printer and 3Dent dental model 3D printer. europe|
"of time. It creates 3D models that range from the conceptual to the fully functional"
Dual extrusion. 3dprintingforum|
"of mails asking if interested on a cheaper pack to check it. The only extra info got it's that"
3D Printed"Vagina Kayak"Artist Guilty of Obscenity| All3DP__all3dp. all3dp|
[color=#008000:2977prg9]""for-nothing girl”, been fined over sharing certain unsavory 3D printable data"
3D Printing Business Directory SIGMA 3D Printer Hits US Market thanks. 3dprintingbusiness|
"the reseller network that bring the BCN3D Sigma to the US Market"
Dremel 3D Printer Adds Mobile Printing from iOS and Android Devices. thejournal|
"or the build plate and a USB flash drive with curriculum-based 3D models"
ZMorph Marking Milestones as 2.0 SX 3D Printer Ships This Month & Company Welcomes. 3dprint|
"to greater demand from clientele—or cutting back after a slower than expected year"
Suck Out Filament Moisture with PrintDry—Store Safely, Dry & 3D Print at the Same Time. 3dprint|
"to as time goes on and hydrophilic materials like PLA soak up moisture"
Formfutura’s new 3D printing filaments TitanX, ApolloX and Atlas Support. 3ders|
"The adhesion properties and a finish comparable to that of injection-molded parts"
First Commercial 3D Printer Successfully Installed on ISS. engineering|
"In Space, said that the AMF currently about six months of prints in its queue" -
3D Machines Unveiling Printers, Pens, Scanners, Elements and Others Items
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Polymaker unveils PC-Max, strongest 3D printing filament for load-bearing parts. 3ders|
"added three new color options to PolyPlus and PolyMax filaments"
Chemical Giant DSM Enters 3D Printing Filament Space. engineering|
"of fused filament fabrication 3D printers purchase DSM’s Arnitel ID and Novamid ID filaments"
Victrex Seeks to Reach 3D Printing’s Peak with PAEK. engineering|
"to bring the power of polyaryletherketone (PAEK) to the 3D printing space"
"soon as print some test examples and dial machine in"
Polymaker Introduces New Filament for 3D Printing. 3dprintingindustry|
"the already impressive characteristics of Polycarbonate, one step further"3D Printing Stories Via Schools Colleges Classrooms Libraries and Software
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Polish students prepare for spacewalk on Mars with 3D printed Ares 2 Rover. 3ders|
"on lightweight 3D printed parts. Poland joined the space race"
MIT Graduate Course Challenges Students to Completely Reinvent 3D Printing Technology. 3dprint|
"as a 3D glass printer, which known to MIT researchers as the ‘viscous sewing machine"
Dorsky Museum Highlights Works That Elevate the Mundane Into Art. nytimes|
"on a two-sided ladles and a spoon so tiny its scoop barely a quarter inch across"
3D Printing Goes Viral: Thousands of PSU Students Benefit from MakerBot. makerbot|
"enjoying the gift that keeps on giving from MakerBot: large-scale 3D print innovation"
Making an object that follows the contour of another. sketchup|
"the top whistle to the bottom whistle, so as to make the two whistles seem more like one object"iTeach2016: Integrating CAD and 3D Printing in the C.. sched|
"to the session. This a LAPTOP session for all skill levels, grades 4th-12th"
Join the Maker Movement: Newark Museum Opens Permanent Gallery Devoted to MakerSPACE. prweb|
"of Hiram Powers’ The Greek Slave, including one created with a MakerBot Replicator Printer"
Open Day at San Andrea Senior School - timesofmalta.com__timesofmalta. timesofmalta|
"the school everyday activities and visit classes to get a glimpse of the learning environment"
Top 5 Free STL editors, to prepare your model for. 3dhubs|
"for 3D printing anf Pros and Cons:"
Oh Wow museum in downtown Youngstown celebrates. The children's museum, located in|
"on W. Federal Street, hosting its birthday celebration Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m"
Treasure Valley teams sweep youth 3D printing competition. idahostatesman|
"for Idaho STEM Action Center Otto Kitsinger for Idaho STEM Action Center"
Export to Color 3D Printer. autodesk|
"to create this model from a 360 degree spherical panorama"
FabSLAM Competition: Middle school students challenged to fix city issues. kboi2|
"from all over the state came together over the weekend for"3D printing for Showcase Gardens Walls and Statues, Designers Foods, and Fine Eating
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )3d Systems Corp (DDD) Files Form 4 Insider Buying : G Walter Ii Loewenbaum Buys. themarketdigest|
"for a total value of $241,500.00 , the company said in a SEC Form 4 Filing"
Screw on Bottle Citrus Juicer (3D Printed) by tammo66. instructables|
"to make a citrus juicer that easy to use so people drink healthier more often" -
New 3D Machines Unveilings & Pens, Scanners, Elements Idems :: 3D Printers, Education, Foods
Posted: On
Monday Wednesday And Friday
3D Machines Unveiling Printers, Pens, Scanners, Elements and Others Items
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )The Allforge 3D Mold Making machine smashes its campaign goal within days. 3ders|
"in minutes instead of the hours many used to with 3D printing"
chemson-pacific-produces-world-s-first-pvc-filament-for-3d-printers. com|
"the Chemson invention significantly broadens the options available for users of 3D"
FormBox on Kickstarter - 3D Print Anything in A Blink of An Eye. thetechnews|
"a Cake, Powered by Vacuum Cleaner” Well said, mate"
ZMorph Marking Milestones as 2.0 SX 3D Printer Ships This Month & Company Welcomes. 3dprint|
"to greater demand from clientele—or cutting back after a slower than expected year"
Kanèsis to launch Indiegogo campaign for hemp 3D printing filament '30%. 3ders|
"The recently filed its first patent application for the eco-friendly 3D printing material"
GoPro, HumanEyes Join Crowded Field With Slick New Virtual Reality Cameras. thestreet|
"in pocket,'re on the verge of getting two new contraptions to play with"
Made in Space: Commercial 3D printer on ISS -. 3dprintingindustry|
"for the most demanding applications and produce them in the toughest conditions"
3D Printing Filament. 3d4makers|
"Natural (750gr)"NinjaTek Upgrades Website with a New Look, Offering New Data. itnewsonline|
"an official reseller of the Lulzbot TAZ and Lulzbot Mini desktop printers"
Ben Heck's portable Atari. [color=#008000:bp0l3d12]"insurers fo|
"find the files necessary to recreate a portable Atari 2600 of very own"
Special filaments / 2 of 5 options. ultimaker|
"in country: nylon bridge, bronzefill, XT . apart from ColorFabb PLA and PLA Ultimaker"
Polycarbonate Filament - Airwolf. airwolf3d|
"to layer bonding, and provides an excellent finish when printed"
ODO Motion – a sensor for auto-levelling of working beds of 3D printers avail-. 3dprintingcenter|
"from the working bed and tries to steer with Z axis, to choose a proper distance of the nozzle"
Brace Yourself For Carbon Nanotube 3D Printer Filament. manufacturingstories|
"from Avante demonstrates how much more advances in 3D printing filament chemistry achieve"
"joint still strong enough that the aluminum tube inside of it fails first"
Super strong 3d component carbon fiber parts __super strong 3d component carbon. hackaday|
"with a mixture of traditional lay-up and 3D printing even stronger and lighter"
Insurers plug in to domestic technology. ft|
"to switch on and off at preset moments. Simple timers, though, be easy to predict" -
3D Printing Stories Via Schools Colleges Classrooms Libraries and Software
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )MinToy, Kid-friendly 3D Printer, Passes Kickstarter Goal, Bringing Innovation. pressreleaserocket|
"of MinToy, Kid-friendly 3D Printer, Passes Kickstarter Goal, Bringing Innovation"
Sense of wonder leads to learning at CREATE at Arizona Science Center. azednews|
"to unleash creativity and grow skills in science, technology, engineering and math"
Emerson Partners with Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University to Expan. ceasiamag|
"on the methods of 3D printing for the manufacture of industrial control valves"
HP EMEA chief: We now have the agility of a start-up. channelweb|
"the vendor been the official technology partner for the past 10 years"
The Statesman: Varsity head likens Indian education to 'Titanic', Irani disagrees. thestatesman|
"that “challenges opportunities” and “collaborative efforts” change the situation"
Trump and Clinton want to bring bac. theconversation|
"Trump and Clinton want to bring bac"
Empowering Students Through Technology. surfky|
"at Rupp Area/Lexington Center. Some 499 schools from 99 districts participated"
Delhi Based ShaperJet Aspires to Equip Every Student with a 3D Printer. iamwire|
" of a totally new object) or with the use of a 3D scanner (to copy an existing object)"
Stratasys launches GrabCAD Print - TMD. todaysmedicaldevelopments|
"on SaaS platform, making 3D printing easier, more intuitive, and readily accessible"
Dremel classroom 3D printing with mobile app. eschoolnews|
"with anytime, anywhere modeling and printing as a part of the classroom makerspace toolkit"3D Printing directly from CAD with Stratasys' GrabCAD Print App. tctmagazine|
"a CAD file, taking away the sometimes tricky process of converting a file into an STL"3D printing for Showcase Gardens Walls and Statues, Designers Foods, and Fine Eating
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Barilla Introduces 3D Pasta Printer. esmmagazine|
"at Cibus International Food Exhibition in Parma, which enables the production of pasta"
Navid Gornall Eats His Own Face. hackaday|
"to the audience of hardware nerds at the Hackaday Belgrade conference"
OTHR – New Company Launched Uniting the Best Designers With 3D Printing. trendintech|
"the best designers to come up with best creations of everyday houseware products" -
3D Printing Stories Via Schools Colleges Classrooms Libraries and Software
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Materialise Software Helps Power HP’s new Jet Fusion 3D Printing Solution. Printed iPods:|
"an improved user experience that helps customers get the most out of their HP"
Sketchfab's new VR app is a gateway to user-created 3D worlds. cnet|
"a VR app for Sketchfab that lets you view other people's ideas and worlds in nearly"
Engineering students create metallic 3D printer. thehansindia|
"a first-of-its-kind in the country, is three times more efficient than normal printers"
Kids code their own 3D creations with new blocks-based design program. hechingerreport|
"a dozen elementary and middle school students were learning computer-aided design (CAD)"
Printing history: Museums come to life in 3D. edu|
"with in museums will be on display for one night only at The University of Queensland"
Education is our right – we should be cutting tuition fees, not raising them. theguardian|
"of Education is our right – we should be cutting tuition fees, not raising them"
App-idextrous developer brings iOS and Android courses to TPL. yongestreetmedia|
"that will discuss popular apps like Instagram, Tsonis will teach beginners how to develop apps"
Summer 3D Printing Camps. monroestreetstudio|
"so don’t miss it. After this camp you’ll know how to print your own cool stuff anytime"
Housatonic Community College students engage in NASA CT Space Challenge. thebridgeportnews|
"on Friday, May 13 at the Konover Center, University of Hartford."Shapeways Blog - Shapeways receives the first HP Multi Jet Fusion 3D Printer. shapeways|
"the new HP Multi Jet Fusion 3D printer at our factory in Eindhoven, the Netherlands"
DEVELOP3D blog - Stratasys looks to cut design-to-3D print times with GrabCAD Print. develop3d|
"of more than 3 million designers, engineers and students, Stratasys has been busy leveraging"
3D Printing is Fun An Introductory Adventure. eventbrite|
"for the first class so sign up now to reserve your spot"
3D Printing is Fun An Introductory Adventure in 3D Printing for Kids Tickets, Sat. eventbrite|
"to make a 3D design - all with age-appropriate discussion and materials"
NTU Singapore launches S$42 million 3D printing research centre. alphagalileo|
"in 3D printing. The centre was launched today by Mr S Iswaran, Minister for Trade Industry"
Aladdin Remake Features 3D Printing Lamp, Macaulay Culkin. all3dp|
"by musician/artist/filmmaker Adam Green, stars Macaulay Culkin, drugs, and a 3D printer"
Thingiverse MakerEd Challenge 2.0. makerbot|
"in the classroom, however, isn’t easy and finding lesson plans can be challenging"
Stratasys builds 3D printing cloud app from GrabCAD. gfxspeak|
" to take full advantage of the available print space. (Source: Stratasys)"
Charlotte technology media company relocating within University City. bizjournals|
"of Charlotte technology media company relocating within University City"
Inspired by Baltimore third-grader, White House invites science input from students. baltimoresun|
"on how the government encourage more young people to engage in science, math technology"
Catholic schools emphasize science, technology, engineering and math. bnd|
"the kind of practice that comes only in a STEM lab" -
3D Machines Unveiling Printers, Pens, Scanners, Elements and Others Items
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Laser-fried nanosilver pen paints wires in mid-air (VIDEO). rt|
"to silver particles fed by an ink nozzle to create intricate 3D patterns in mid-air"
Formlabs on world's first certified biocompatible desktop resin Dental SG. tctmagazine|
"from Formlabs talks to TCT at RAPID about Dental SG - the first Class 1 FDA"
HP Jet Fusion 3D Printing Solution. Information Technology. HP|
"the HP 3D the Printing the Solution. It tested a number of large companies".[.biz] HP, can operate at 10 times faster half cost than the output of the product leve. impress|
"of the world's first 3D printing system"Jet Fusion HP 3D Printing announced the Solution"
PostProcess Technologies Unveils Hybrid Series 3D Post-Printing System. manufacturingtomorrow|
"by automating the support removal and surface finishing operations into a single system"
HP launches 3D printers for shops and other businesses. bright|
"for printing large numbers of 3D -geprinte products, reports Fortune"
HP Jet Fusion 3D Printing Solution and manufacturing. webnews|
"in three dimensions commercial production ready HP Jet Fusion 3D Printing"
Original 3D Systems Corp. printer named American Society of Mechanical Engineer. bizjournals|
"on it as the inventor of 3D printing, thanks to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers"
Stratasys Announces New FDM 3D Printer Ehancements. deskeng|
"to better autoclave performance, according to a company press release"
The All New Original Prusa i3 MK2 Kit Has a Ton of New Features. 3dprint|
"The All New Original Prusa i3 MK2 Kit a Ton of New Features"
Chemson Pacific Develops PVC for 3D Printing. rapidreadytech|
"in material use, than to attempt to fill every material need"
High-strength, medical-grade PETG-based polymer introduce. plasticstoday|
"to obtain eventual FDA approval or CE certification for a device,” writes the company"
From Shapeways—Order Decorative 3D Printed Porcelain Tiles with Your Own Image. 3DPrint|
"to be conducive to a variety of applications, along with the use of porcelain."
Lasers and nanoparticles combine to allow metallic 3D printing in midair. extremetech|
"to make metallic 3D printing feasible in midair"
EnvisionTEC reveals SLCOM 1 for 3D printing woven fiber composite parts. 3ders|
"as Selective Lamination Composite Object Manufacturing (SLCOM)"
The LulzBot TAZ 6 3D Printer is Now Available for Purchase, Debuts at RAPID 2016. 3dprint|
"in Florida, where conference visitors, including, can see its newest features"
SolidThinking on accelerating the design process with Inspire at RAPID. tctmagazine|
"with these advanced technologies"
Polysolar opens world-first 'scavenging' PV bus shelter. story|
" of theCentre and now opened the world's first transparent PV bus shelter at Canary Wharf."
Become an Inventor: Learn 3D Design and 3D Printing by Bill Tran — Kickstarter. kickstarter|
"for 3D printing, print them out, and build your own 3D printer."
HP Launches Jet Fusion 3D Printers at Rapid 2016. all3dp|
"so naturally the noses of 3D printing industry watchers were twitching with curiosity" -
3D Machines Unveiling Printers, Pens, Scanners, Elements and Others Items
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Stratasys’ Launches Software Strategy Powered by GrabCAD Print. stratasys|
"of scheduling monitoring applications also required to improve printing efficien"
LulzBot TAZ 6. lulzbot|
"for purchase through Official LulzBot Resellers SparkFun Electronics and Dynamism"
HP Jet Fusion 3D Printing Solution. hp|
"in prototypes and final parts, and will reinvent manufacturing in the future"
NTU launches 3D-printing centre to groom next generation. todayonline|
"from the National Research Foundation’s medium-sized centre grant"
Harvard Develops 3D Printing of Metallic Objects in Midair. cdanews|
"of to use “temporary support materials during the printing process"
HP looks to give a new dimension to printing. thehindubusinessline|
"that range from different types of plastics to metals to even food"To make 3D printers ten times faster - at half the price. tu|
"with 3D - printing no secret. The company talked about long and warm"
Meet the Carbon M1 Super Fast 3D Printer - Tested. tested|
"the CLIP 3D printing tech works, and why it's more than just about really fast"
3D Printing Composite Lay-Up Tools. composite|
"of providing unparalleled design freedom. High temperature, cost"
ANSYS Announces New STEM-Based Programs for 3D Concepts. 3dprintboard|
"of ANSYS Announces New STEM-Based Programs for 3D Concepts"
‘Water Curtain’ is Arduino-Powered, uses 3D-Printed Valves & Nozzles to Print. adafruit|
"Powered, uses 3D-Printed Valves & Nozzles to Print Letters & Drawings wit"
San Diego Startup Week: 3D Printing: What´s all the Fuss about. sched|
"for mid-2016 – been brought forward based on market interest"
Did I spy a wide format Ultimaker| Ultimaker. ultimaker|
"a machine that sort of looks like a wider Ultimaker up high on a shelf"
Personalized, 3D printed surfboard fins. surfboard|
"fins, which be adapted for each particular surfer or wave"
I would like to buy a 3D printer on budget. 3D|
"of printers and sadly the better ones that work with resin with lasers and powder"
iNTEGRATOR : The World's Most Precise Desktop SLA 3D Printe. kickstarter|
"iNTEGRATOR : The World's Most Precise Desktop SLA 3D Printe"
Formfutura Releases Not One, But Three Specialized 3D Printer Filaments. fabbaloo|
"For a really only commonly available materials for basic 3D printing"
Super-smooth finishing of 3D prints by Sculpteo. tctmagazine|
"to making steady progress in offering 3D printing as an online service" -
New 3D Machines Unveilings & Pens, Scanners, Elements Idems :: 3D Printers, Education, Foods
Posted: On Monday
Wednesday And Friday
3D Machines Unveiling Printers, Pens, Scanners, Elements and Others Items
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Puris Introduces"Puris 5+
"- Yahoo. yahoo|
"for low-oxygen formulation Puris’ powder metallurgists developed"
Zortrax M200 Pro 3D Printer and Official Side Covers (White) __. amazon|
"Note: Signature required upon delivery due to high value of this item. Details"
To unleash the full potential of 3D Printing - that's our commitment. mrc360|
"as continue to expand solutions to meet customer’s needs"
Respond to the commercial market, the HP the Jet the Fusion 3D Printing's solution launc. benchlife|
"in fact, been for 19 months, and now finally officially released product"
HP unveils world's first production-ready 3D printing system. newkerala|
"to bring disruptive manufacturing solutions to markets"
HP takes orders for new 3D printers, claims it will revolutionise manufacturing. com|
"with claim that these be competitive against traditional manufacturing methods"
PostProcess Technologies Unveils Hybrid Series 3D Post-Printing System. mcadcafe|
"by the support removal and surface finishing operations into a single system"HP reveals high-speed 3D printers with jet fusion. bbc|
"3D printers, which it says up to 10 times faster and cheaper to rival systems"
Polymerized liquid crystals as actuators and sensors. spie|
"to properties in response to external stimuli represents a materials challenge"
Imprimante 3D XYZprinting Da Vinci Junior. fnac|
"at 19,91 € + Devenez Adhérent Carte Fnac 3 ans Possibilité de payer en plusieurs
Scansource Inc (SCSC) Files Form 4 Insider Selling : Steven R Fischer Sells. themarketdigest|
"for a total value of $387,925.00 , the company said in a SEC Form 4 Filing"
LulzBot TAZ 6 Desktop 3D Printer Available Today. lulzbot|
"for purchase for US$2,500 on and through participating partners" -
3D Machines Unveiling Printers, Pens, Scanners, Elements and Others Items
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )3D printed couplers enable upscaling of radical new concrete casting method. 3ders|
"as used to connect sections of the shaped concrete together"
Fusion3: Commercial & Education 3D Printers. fusion3design|
"a new standard in affordable, high performance 3D printing.”"
Stratasys Releases Four FDM 3D Printer Enhancements for Use with High-Quality and Demand. 3dprint|
"a new generation of advanced materials specifically for industrial applications"
3D printing materials market is worth $530.1 million to $1,409.5 million in 2021 accord. whatech|
"the aerospace & defense applications likely to account for the largest market share"
Additive Industries reopens MetalFAB1 3D printer Beta program for automotive part. 3ders|
"be building another MetalFAB1 3D printer for automotive parts developer GKN Powder Metallurgy"
FDA Releases New Draft Guidance Document on 3D Printing of Medical Devices. lexology|
Join the 3D Printing Revolution iMakr Kicks Off UrbanManufacturing with Design, Scanning 3dprint|
"to the higher ups as offer architectural presentations, complete with 3D printed models"3D Printing Stories Via Schools Colleges Classrooms Libraries and Software
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )CityArts Celebrates 24 Years. providenceonline|
"to provide practical coursework to prepare students for future careers in the field"
Michigan Tech students pave the way for plastic 3D Printing. uppermichiganssource|
"an opportunity to change the course in which how this revolution being fueled"
Local Middle School to Enhance Learning With 3D Technology. westernslopenow|
"with a $1,250 educational grant for the purchase of a 3D printer"3D printing for Showcase Gardens Walls and Statues, Designers Foods, and Fine Eating
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Soon You Will Be Able to Use 3D Printing to Manufacture Drugs. hightimes|
"to produce all the drugs they’ll ever need for medicinal and recreational purposes"
20 Minutes With Alberto Alessi. curbed|
"to designing everyday housewares by incorporating 3D modeling and the Internet of Things"
Move Over 3D Printed Sneakers, 3D Printed Gummy Bears Hit the Market. thefashionlaw|
"in midair, without the need for a support surface"Magic Candy Factory Finally in the US: Time to 3D Print Some Gummies Already. 3dprint|
"with Dylan’s Candy Bar as exclusive partner for domestic retail and online sales" -
3D Printing Stories Via Schools Colleges Classrooms Libraries and Software
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )3 Magic Valley Schools Participate in 3D Competition. newsradio1310|
"in the Magic Valley, participated recently in a 3D design and fabrication competition"
GALLERY: Shattuck and STEM school students trot out unique projects. southernminn|
"the River STEM School students displayed how they’ve used the past to learn in the present"
Surrender to a Digital Archive of Physical Junk. vice|
"the Spice Girls-branded Polaroid Spice Cam from 1997"
TVA IT Lends A Hand To Students. chattanoogan|
"To 3D print and assemble a prosthetic hand to help a child in need"
Carlisle College in 3D. cumbriacrack|
"for an item that could be created on a 3D printer and used in Carlisle College"
MinToy, Kid-friendly 3D Printer, Passes Kickstarter Goal, Bringing Innovation. menafn|
"as an affordable classroom aid that public and private teachers access"
This week at the Morse Institute Library. metrowestdailynews|
"a photo ID and proof of Massachusetts address to get a permanent card"
Auburn University students and faculty make strides in design of customized prostheses. al|
"of one specific question in mind: how improve upon prosthetic arm"Glen Taylor pupils push boundaries with 3D printer. stuff|
"to when there's a 3D printer in the room and it's easy to see why"
MIT Tangible Media Group Conducts Materiable Study Haptics with Shape Changing. 3dprint|
"a molten glass and even new ways to harness energy for 3D printing"
Could Cosplay One Day Join the Classroom. twinfinite|
"in popularity and even more entering mainstream awareness, could cosplay join the classroom"
Craven College students show off their creative talents (From Craven Herald). cravenherald|
"from College been exhibiting work, Enveloping Capes, at Skipton's Holy Trinity Church"
Internet Marketing Pioneer: Fashion And Tech Never Go Out Of Style. psfk|
"to the latest offerings from Louis Vuitton, gracing both website and printed page of Vogue"
Education World: STEM News Roundup. educationworld|
"as much success in K-12 schools as the robotics club"
School district pegged for $25k Fab Lab grant. hngnews|
"of different parts, built that printer themselves and produced first sample"
Nottingham Pubs host International Pint of Science Festival. westbridgfordwire|
"Spanky Van Dyke’s, Rough Trade and Missoula priced at just £4 and available now online"
DJCAD Degree Show: Introducing art stars of the future. DJCAD Degree Show: Introducing ar|
"of Art and Design (DJCAD) to see art works by more than 300 final-year students"
ON CAMPUS: Summer camps serve up endless. intelligencer|
"the evidence and put espionage skills to the test with new top secret missions each day"
STEM students raise awareness about hellbender salamander. ohio|
"the National Inventor’s Hall of Fame STEM middle school up to the challenge"