New 3d Machines Unveilings & Pens, Scanners, Elements Idems
3D Machines Unveiling Printers, Pens, Scanners, Elements and Others Items
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )YSoft Unveils eDee 3D Printer & New Release of YSoft SafeQ Platform. 3dprint|
"the way, we’d all collected some skills, even if just in ‘word processing.’"
Falcon Minerals says ROBO 3D to launch into 45 Staples locations throughout US in. 3ders|
"in May 2016, comes just months after the 3D printing company bought by Falcon Minerals"
Fenner Drives 3D Prints Clog Prevention Screen in NinjaFlex Filament — Saving Thou. 3dprint|
"for for power transmission, motion transfer, conveying applications and 3D printing.”"
Aether Introduces Advanced and Affordable 3D Bioprinter, Aether 1. azom|
"to express creativity in an entirely different way"
This $99 device transforms any smartphone into a 3D printer. sciencealert|
"in life (if any) actually use a 3D printer for real"3D-Fuel, 3Dom USA, & 3Dom Europe join forces to form new 3D printing filament comp. 3ders|
"form a larger, more productive, and internationally present 3D printing filament manufacturer"
PM spruiks Defence White Paper opportunities during NSW South Coast visit, no prom. abc|
"an undisclosed contract with the Department of Defence and a number of overseas customers"
Vik welcomes you to Makerton 5810. nzherald|
"from Auckland last year and become a regular member of Masterton's Fab Lab"
Focus Graphite Announces Pending Sale of Grafoid Shares and Other Benefits. juniorminingnetwor|
"a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the establishment of a strategic joint venture partner"
Post-Up Stand Adds To Printing Resources with New High Performance Printer. openpr|
"on the cutting edge of high-quality printing techniques and technology"
Fonon Unveils Update to Laser Cutting Technology for Glass. digitaljournal|
"in the semiconductor, flat panel, solar, and medical glass industries"
New Technology That Prints Using Plasma. crazyengineers|
"to commercialization, this could modernize wearable biosensors, chemical technologies, memory c" -
New 3D Machines Unveilings & Pens, Scanners, Elements Idems :: 3D Printers, Education, Foods
Posted: On Monday
Wednesday And Friday
3D Machines Unveiling Printers, Pens, Scanners, Elements and Others Items
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Beginning in May, Staples Will Carry the R1+ 3D Printer — And More Exciting News f. 3dprint|
"an October 2015 launch of the printer into 50 Best Buy electronic retail stores"
Giveaway: Win a Makerbot Replicator 3D printer. pocket|
"to an industry where the only limitations own imaginations"
The 3D printed Loopa, the world's first looping microphone, hits Kickstarter today. 3ders|
"as easily records and loops music during performances. Perfect for beatboxers and progressive m"
DURA ABS Eco-Friendly ABS Alternative 3D Printer Filament Now Available To Purchas. geeky|
"in the form of the DURA 3D printing filament which been manufactured by ALGIX 3D"
Multifunctional Aether 1 3D Printer And Desktop Manufacturing Systems Unveiled. geeky|
"the desktop 3D printing and manufacturing system system which been unveiled this week"
Printers that can make anything. shanghaidaily|
" with growing support from the government, which pushing hi-tech manufacturin"
NEXTFILA – World’s First Connectable 3D Printer Filament. pressreleaserocket|
"to received develop this innovative solution and make it available to the world"
Octave Light R1 3D printer - quality which should be affordable. 3druck|
"to be Resin, which shuts its 365nm light between layers - according to manufacturers offer only"
Know Your ABS From Your PLA WIth These Cosplay Tips On Filaments. bleedingcool|
"of the best brands of filament for printing 3D cosplay armor and props"
Highcon Debuts its Latest Product Portfolio. packageprinting|
"the new products delivering the benefits of digital cutting and creasing to new markets"
$350 ColorPod add-on converts your desktop 3D printer into a full color inkjet car. 3ders|
"by infused text comically describing whatever it the meme contributor commenting on"Fonon Unveils Update to Laser Cutting Technology for Glass. glassonweb|
"a molecular level increases the material’s edge impact strength by up to 5x"
Global Carboxymethyl Cellulose Industry. prnewswire|
"The report profiles 61 companies including many key and niche players"
"the near future, what’s stopping us from taking first steps now"
The First Smartphone 3D Printer is Now Live on Kickstarter. 3dprintingindustry|
"for device that converts phone into a 3D printer ($79 for early birds)"
3D printer uses light from a smartphone screen to harden creations. gizmag|
"to let users create 3D prints by the light from a smartphone screen"
Additive Industries' large MetalFAB1 Beta 3D printers sold out within three months. 3ders|
"the first generation of the MetalFAB1 been sold out within just three months"
3D printing Filament manufacturers join forces on new company 3DomFuel. tctmagazine|
"a new company name – 3DomFuel dedicated to high quality, sustainable and functional 3D materia"
Luxembourg’s E-Mergin Innovations Presents High-Resolution TRIUM 3D Printer for Un. 3dprint|
"as a few hundred dollars – and, as a currently running Kickstarter shows, low cost certainly do" -
3D Printing Stories Via Schools Colleges Classrooms Libraries and Software
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Andrei Kovari, student la UTCN, a construit un robot care poate manipula virusi sa. ro|
"in domeniul PCB design, 2D and 3D CAD (Computer Aided Design) si Embedded Systems Dev"
CAD/CAM software. woodworkingnetwork|
"of designed for hobbyists and users new to CNC machining, remains at US$149"
What Happens If You Upload a 3D Model with ‘Errors’ to Our Site and Place an Order. materialise|
"In some case might even be able to fix the errors on the spot"
Utah: Goddard School of Business & Economics Implements 3D Printing Projects into. 3dprint|
"to just goofing off, the 3D printer is a new impetus for creation—and change"
Polar 3D and PIE Partner Up to Develop New, Comprehensive 3D Printing Curriculum. 3dprint|
"the very beginning that primary goal to get students interested in 3D printing"
3D Digital sculpting suite Geomagic Freeform gets a big upgrade with newly announc. 3ders|
"the marriage of these two philosophies of design often times a dysfunctional one"
Valve releases Steam Controller CAD files so mod or 3D print it. 3ders|
"a controller at home, for instance to incorporate a USB wireless receiver dongle"
Xmodule racing game rewards players with 3D printable car parts and trophies. 3ders|
"for vehicle, those parts become available to download as snap-together 3D printable files"
SME Recognizes Oakland Schools Technical Campus; Awards 3D Printer. hardware|
"the manufacturing industry by promoting advanced manufacturing technology and developing a skill"PPG Foundation Donates Nearly $400,000 to Education Programs and School. glassmagazine|
"of increasing educational opportunities for youth, particularly in the areas of math and techno"
MBJH students’ talents in arts shine during competition. villagelivingonlin|
"in three major divisions of Art Forms 2016: visual arts, literary arts and performing arts"
Fremont Middle School Awarded Grant for 3D Printing Lab. newschannelnebrask|
"to ten elementary and secondary schools in Omaha, Lincoln, Norfolk and Fremont"
3D Printing Adds Dimension to WSU Business Course. weber|
"for students to design, produce and market products from start to finish"3D printing for Showcase Gardens Walls and Statues, Designers Foods, and Fine Eating
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )IKEA Just Launched An Indoor Garden That Never Stops Growing Food (Video Inside). collective|
"at home, without the use of soil and without any previous gardening experience"
Chefs, meet your match: Inventor sees 3D printer as kitchen appliance. thestar|
"to three years, says Houston inventor Anjan Contractor"
Chocolate and 3D printing. digital|
"of chocolate molds using ComposiMold, Silicone Plastique and Amazing Mold Putty" -
3D Machines Unveiling Printers, Pens, Scanners, Elements and Others Items
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Top 5 best 3d printers 2016 youtube|
"Comment what think the best 3d printers 2016"
TreeD Turns Japanese with High-Temp PLA and Biodegradable Flex Filaments. 3dprint|
"to the Far East for inspiration by launching the new Shogun Superior PLA and kyotoflex ecologic"
Turn your smartphone into a 3D printer for $99. computerworld|
"a already garnered more than $800,000 four days into a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign"
ICYMI: Multi-headed 3D printer, robo plant grafting and more. engadget|
"to teach kids and interested adults all about the internal organs"
Tell Us What You Want to See and Enter to Win a Desktop 3D Printer. 3dprint|
"to serve fantastic readers better by offering what want"
Matel ThingMaker Family 3D Printer Now Available To Pre-Order For $300, Shipping O. geeky|
"an safety features which sets it apart from other 3D printers on the market"
3D Printing: CEOs Need to Focus Their Attention on the Global Tax Challenge. chiefexecutive|
"to customized medical implants, and taxation becomes even more complex—for tangible goods"
3D Printers Are Expensive, So This Guy Made One That Only Costs $100. thepennyhoarder|
"to Nonetheless, 3D printing catching on, and it’s changing world — fast"
$99 Smartphone 3D Printer. forums|
"for every house a 3d printer as standard. It short years away"
For Just $99, OLO Turns Your Smartphone Into a 3D Printer. thescienceexplorer|
"the first smartphone-powered 3D printer,” OLO made available for pre-order on Kickstarter th"3D Printing Stories Via Schools Colleges Classrooms Libraries and Software
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Penn State Libraries Opens 3-D Printing Lab. statecollege|
"for library’s main desk, such as Pattee Library’s Commons Services desk at University Park"
Pontiac Tech Campus students, staff thrilled with new 3D printer. theoaklandpress|
"of computer designs take tangible shape now that received a new 3D printer"
The New Easy-to-Use Gravity Sketch 3D Modelling App for the iPad is Now Available. 3dprint|
"to generation needs to continue to make itself more accessible to the average user"
Cloud based SLA Slicing app SLAcer lets you make 3D print files right from your br. 3ders|
"In Cura and Slic3r popular examples) onto computer and go from there"3D Systems Releases Geomagic Freeform 2016 for Organic Design and Digital Sculptin. nasdaq|
"of geometric CAD platforms and enables the quick transition from design to production"
Penn State Opens Maker Commons. campustechnology|
"the same system used for intercampus library materials requests"
BBC brings coding to UK schools with 1 million micro:bit and 3D printable accessor. 3ders|
"to shipped to a million schoolchildren aged seven or older across the United Kingdom"
Penn State opens Libraries’ Maker Commons 3-D printing lab, Invention Studio. psu|
"of devices, and offers consultants to answer questions and help with projects"
SketchUp Make to STL Errors. forums|
"of there something that am doing wrong or this a bug" -
New 3D Machines Unveilings & Pens, Scanners, Elements Idems :: 3D Printers, Education, Foods
Posted: On Monday Wednesday And
3D Machines Unveiling Printers, Pens, Scanners, Elements and Others Items
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )HOW TO TURN YOUR SMARTPHONE INTO A 3D PRINTER. newsweek|
"the promise to revolutionize everything from modern warfare to space travel"
Giant Multi-Headed 3D Printer Can Create Massive Objects in One Pass. gizmodo|
"on different areas so that larger prototypes can be produced in one run"
LITE-ON using Optomec 3D printing to mass-produce consumer electronics. 3ders|
"of 3DP solution, which enabled us to expand into new markets.”"
HP Inc.’s MultiJet Fusion 3D Printer Will Be Open Platform and Encourage Third Par. 3dprint|
"the cutting edge into an example of how to not run a tech company"
Hasco Combines Stratasys 3-D Printing with Quick-Change Mold System To Create New. qualitymag|
"for low volume production, enabling molders to quickly change inserts for different products"
Bunnie Huang Tears Down a Form2 3D Printer and Finds Out What Makes It Tick. 3dprint|
"the printer both well-received and highly praised for its design and formfactor"
Papergraphics agrees exclusive deal to sell 'revolutionary' 3D printer. printweek|
"of the technology similar to that of wide-format printing"
YSoft be3D eDee 3D Printer Is First Intergrated With Latest YSoft SafeQ Platform. geeky|
"a workflow and accounting solution which already been made available for 2D printers"Methods 3D Installs 3D Systems' New Prox DMP 320 3-D Metal Printers in Technical C. qualitymag|
"the new ProX DMP 320 to its growing line of direct metal 3-D printers from 3D Systems"
At Dscoop, PriscoDigital Will Highlight Its MASSAVit 3D 1800 Large-Format System. piworld|
"the packaging printers and others produce utilizing high-speed production equipment and opti"
Innovative Method Prints Nanomaterials onto 3D Objects and Flexible Surfaces. azonano|
"to print and it not easy to make all materials into a liquid"
Dyson Award-winning Canadian 3D printer rapidly creates circuit boards.. design|
"of problem, both in working lives and with own hobby projects"
Post-Up Stand Adds Mimaki Flatbed UV High Performance Printer. exhibitoronline|
"on the cutting edge of high-quality printing techniques and technology"
Esko Software Platform makes Packaging Simplified. whattheythink|
"in taking into account the pressure caused by regulatory and brand compliance requirements"
Fonon Unveils Update to Laser Cutting Technology for Glass. manufacturingtomor|
"in the semiconductor, flat panel, solar, and medical glass industries"
"semplice idea e ottenere il prodotto finito. Pensare, progettare, costruire, in 3D, naturalmente"
Gizmo’s Ultra-Fast 3D Printers Kill on Indiegogo. 3dprintingindustry|
"the Gizipro 2X capable of printing at speeds of 2 mm per minute"
World’s Biggest Delta 3D Printer Builds Eco-Friendly Village. all3dp|
"of Ultimaker²Go mostly because it's small enough that the side panels could be machined in my C"
Amazon Gold Box – ROBO 3D R1 Fully Assembled 3D Printer: $620 shipped (Reg. $800). 9to5toys|
"the lowest Amazon ever offered it for and the best price find" -
3D printing for Showcase Gardens Walls and Statues, Designers Foods, and Fine Eating
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Ten Questions with Sara Roversi, Co-Founder of You Can Group and Future Food Insti. foodtank|
"in the food and tech sectors. Sara be speaking at the summit"
Beefiles easter special – bunny cookie cutter – beethefirst 3d printer. beeverycreative|
"Easter special – bunny cookie cutter cuteness overload Why not bake delicious cookies for Ea"Food safe plastic for 3d printers. 3dhubs|
"to that food safe, use PLA for a plate or spoon"
how to print flower with single layer petals. ultimaker|
"as single layers that process doesnt look like it would work with a flower. any advice"
Proteins for P3Steel 3D printer. www|
"the first 3.5mm layers from FilaFLex, and for the remaining layers from standard rigid PLA"
FROM RENDER TO CAST: 3D PRINTING IN GLASS (Pioneer Works). urbanglass|
"to the process of rapid prototyping and its translation and applications to glass casting" -
3D Printing Stories Via Schools Colleges Classrooms Libraries and Software
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Did You Know: 3D Printers are Not New. nyacknewsandviews|
"to created 3D parts layer by layer, invented by Chuck Hull in 1984"
Design Museum Portland's 'Rapid Jewelry' exhibition showcases stunning 3D printed. 3ders|
"of a collection of 21 stunning pieces of 3D printed jewelry from across the world"
Gravity Sketch's new app turns drawings into 3D models. dnaindia|
"an app for iPad to let users turn drawings into 3D models, reports Dezeen"
On campus, March 27. khou|
"a lot of people take for granted,” Dudley tells USA TODAY College"
Inc. Magazine features student startup CubeForme. dailytrojan|
"with 3D-printed creations, and Pham said the purpose is to connect designers with audiences"
School pupils given lesson in the appliance of science at Leeds Beckett University. yorkshirepost|
"to take part in a series of ten science-based activities, each taking 15 minutes"
New Tyrannosaur Species Debuts at the Smithsonian. stateofthestateks|
"of after reaching enormous proportions, instead beefed up later on", says The Guardian"
Hongrui original pain point for users new 3D printing software. com|
"of companies few. Market mainstream 3D printing software still overseas 3D printing soft"
WinSun Global 3D prints world's first office for Dubai's Museum of the Future. 3ders|
"as no stock required Build a light-up 3D printed Stargate that actually dials"
Duper Nintendo: Fake 3D printed Nintendo NX controllers fool gaming community. 3ders|
"a of fake controllers, purportedly for the forthcoming Nintendo ‘NX’ console. The pranksters"
Kettering University students developing 3D printed water filter adapter to help. kettering|
"the power of 3D printing to help find a short-term solution to help Flint residents during"Oakland Schools Technical Campus Wins 3D Printer. thejournal|
"to help promote student interest in the manufacturing industry and manufacturing careers"
A Dramatic 16 Years for 4 Tech Titans. technewsworld|
"in lines. never really figured out an Apple fanatic's penchant for pain"
This 10-year-old made herself a prosthetic arm that shoots glitter. popsci|
"the the firing cord, and five barrels release a cloud of glitter"
High School Maker Extraordinaire: Junita Ahammed Has a Passion for Making 3D Print. 3dprint|
"in a realm often still quite erroneously thought to be relegated mainly to men"
Tech advances that are preparing students for the future of work. knowtechie|
"in the future of business. Thankfully, some of the latest technological advancements well"
Kidsburgh: celebrate Inclusive Innovation Week at the Children’s Museum. nextpittsburgh|
"the city’s current tech boom—are truly accessible to all residents, businesses and neighborhoods"
A Dramatic 16 Years for 4 Tech Titans. technewsworld|
"to wait in line for hours to buy personally thought should been excited about that"
3D PRINTING CLASS. fitchburg|
"in 3D, and shows where to find objects others designed to print yourself"
Tiny 3D Printed Gameboy With Raspberry Pi Zero #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi. blog|
"3D printed Gameboy-style casing. The tiny 3D printed device runs RetroPie Emulationstation" -
3D Machines Unveiling Printers, Pens, Scanners, Elements and Others Items
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )MTHESIS: High-End Metal 3D Printing Takes Over Milan Design Week. 3dprintingindustry|
"the the Milan Design Week, starting with Synthesis in 2014, and then with Arthesis, in 2015"
How to Run a 3D Printer by HamidZ6. instructables|
"third industrial revolution. Following instruction help on how to run a 3D printer"
The Accelerating Use of 3D Printed Metal Parts in Manufacturing. industrytap|
"the manufacturers the option of 3D printers to create parts on-site"
MIT has invented a 3D printer that is fully automated and takes fewer number of step. patentyogi|
"existing 3D printers. This 3D printer also the additional feature of correcting itself i"
3DGence ONE 3D Printer Review: Prosumer Power, Consumer Convenience. 3dprintingindustry|
"for selecting top-notch 3D printers, a great feeling about this ONE in particular"
OLO Kickstarter campaign promises first practical 3D Printer for iPhone*. idownloadblog|
"to do it right from smartphone, whether it’s an iPhone, Windows phone, or Android phone"
Mark's Hub. 3dhubs|
"to a message, and would be happy to purchase that color of filament"
The First Ever Smartphone 3D Printer. interestingenginee|
"the World Maker Faire Editor’s Choice Award. It received rave reviews from every corner of t"
OLO Kickstarter campaign promises first practical 3D Printer for iPhone*. idownloadblog|
"to right from smartphone, whether it’s an iPhone, Windows phone, or Android phone"
bigger 3D printers. indiegogo|
"a bigger printer easily expand printers. Reasonably priced LARGE print beds"3D Printing Stories Via Schools Colleges Classrooms Libraries and Software
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )3D Printing and Design Class. limelightlb|
"to print own 3D object. More information at Grades 6 and up"
Building in 3-D: Library class introduces technophiles to printing in three dimens. swfln|
"of classes to help people get up to speed on 3-D printing"
Direct Modeling Graffiti UK Announces New 3D printing APP. get|
"to CAD modeling software only be eaten by tigers days nowhere to eat"
Students Launch Campaign to Provide African Hospitals with 3D Printing “Mini Facto. open|
"to launch a crowdfunding campaign to provide 3D printing technology to two hospitals in Africa"
Gravity Sketch: Idiot-Proof 3D Printing. augustman|
"for opened a second window to a much friendlier world of 3D printing"Steam’s new 3d printable controller and the video game industry’s fear of 3d print. 3dprintingbusiness|
"to ignore it as much as possible – not changed a bit"
Clearance between parts. forums|
"to figure some clearance between the two parts not sure how much" -
New 3D Machines Unveilings & Pens, Scanners, Elements Idems :: 3D Printers, Education, Foods
Posted: On
Monday Wednesday And Friday
3D Machines Unveiling Printers, Pens, Scanners, Elements and Others Items
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Meet Olo, the $99 3D printer that is powered by your smartphone. firstpost|
"on Kickstarter and promises to be a small, compact 3D printer just for needs"
Kickstarter celebrates STEM with a slate of kid-focused projects. engadget|
"The projects fun and colorful, and one even meant for children as young as three"
Lenovo ideapad 500 Review: Work And Play Wrapped In An Attractive And Affordable P. techaeris|
"with work and still more than enough left over for the play"
3d printer smartphone technology looms/. inquisitr|
"of materials called Daylight Resins, which harden under the white light of a smartphone screen"
Autodesk Project Escher has multiple print heads for faster printing. slashgear|
"on Escher multiple print heads each working on one section of an object"
OLO Can Turn Your Smartphone Into a 3D Printer. thequint|
"a 3D printer the light from the touchscreen to process plastic creations"
Robust 3D printer Premium Tungsten Nozzle launches on Kickstarter. 3ders|
"to introduce a more durable, robust, and affordable 3D printing nozzle onto the market"
3D Systems Unveils Revolutionary Geomagic Freeform 2016. zacks|
"of tools make digital design tangible for users, thus aiding improved performance"
Formlabs Form 2. pcmag|
"The quality, and earns first Editors' Choice for 3D printers targeted to professionals"
$99 OLO gadget turns your smartphone into a 3D Printer, raises over $1 million on. liliputing|
"the process finished, rinse item under warm water to finish the process"
BigRep ONE v3. bigrep|
"the best possible conditions for printing large objects, a lot of new features been introdu"
Just another offering for 3d printing price lowered for cost of material. rcgroups|
"for price quotes and any questions may. Maximum print size 7.5"x 7.5"x 7.5"for now"
Smartphone 3D printer visits Kickstarter. techxplore|
"for under $100, at $99, because, said the team, want everyone to one"
New Makerbot Replicator mini 3D printer - $499 (Encinitas Carlsbad Vista San Marc. sandiego|
"from MakerBot Thingiverse. Its portable, so take it where need it"
Polymagnets: Showing Us the Possibility of 3D Printing Magnetic Fields. 3dprintingindustry|
"in what call Polymagnets, which be thought of as ‘programmable magnets’"
The All-Metal Trinus 3D Printer to Hit Kickstarter Starting at $199. 3dprintingindustry|
"to rock the scene: the $299 ($199 for early birds), all-metal Trinus 3D printer"3D Printer Supplies. envisiontec|
"as resins, bulbs, and other consumables be ordered via the following methods"
MakerBot 3D Printer, 3D Scanner, and more - $2500 (Bed Stuy). newyork|
"to own these amazing tools. Also,'m throwing in Roland Stika vinyl cutter"
3d Printers for sale Affordable, California Made - $599 (fairfield / vacaville. craigslist|
"in part colors custom build one to specs as well" -
3D Printing Stories Via Schools Colleges Classrooms Libraries and Software
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )3D printing capabilities coming to 15 more Idaho schools. idaho|
"the Discovery Center of Idaho and the Digital Harbor Foundation"
How 3D printing’s growing presence enhancing teaching and learning in higher ed. edu|
"as psychology, philosophy, and English, considering how 3D printing might be integrated"
Digital Craftsmanship Workshop CFP. berkeley|
"a position here on research or on a theme of the workshop by April 20th"
SME Recognizes Oakland Schools Technical Campus. tenlinks|
"to robotics and other technologies accessible and interesting to students, parents, teachers"
Making Technology Click in the Classroom: Teachers Share What Makes Digital Tools. edsurge|
"of one thing Ryder won’t do, says, waste time with technology"
GEMS International School: Developing skills based on future needs. khaleejtimes|
"by higher education providers, the IB broad enough and flexible enough to meet changing need"
Nonprofit wants to bring STEM programs to Dana. enterprisepub|
"an science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) at an affordable cost"
New Esko Software Platform Embraces ‘Packaging Simplified’. packageprinting|
"the upcoming drupa 2016, scheduled for May 31 through June 10 in Düsseldorf, Germany"
Helping Hand: Student Designs Prosthetic Limb. uconn|
"with Legos. loved to fold origami, creating whatever could invent out of reams"
Free today only 3D Printing with SketchUp @ PacktPub (ebook). slickdeals|
"the essential extensions and companion programs for 3D printing models"
3D printing now available. arizona|
"the prints at UAHSL, while all other community members continue to use the Main Library"
Printing Building Blocks For The Future: New Grants Bring 3D Technology To Border. fronterasdesk|
"in Arizona and Texas received federal and state grants for 3D printers"
BOISE, Idaho (Press Release) — Fifteen throughout the Gem State are expand. newsradio1310|
"to include 3D printing, design and fabrication with help from the Idaho STEM Action Center"
5 Questions With Ping Fu, 3D Printing Software Entrepreneur. bostinno|
"by pulled the business back up until its sale to 3D Systems in 2013"
New media lab opens at Bluffton library. islandpacket|
"the Bluffton branch of the Beaufort County Library System"
Students compete in Olympiad of Architectural History. mountaintimes|
"in Randolph. The prize: five Chromebooks to the top middle school team"3D printing for Showcase Gardens Walls and Statues, Designers Foods, and Fine Eating
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Restaurants in Turin will provide Braille menus. west|
"the recent days the Braille menus already been delivered to the owners"
A project develops packaging for food produced in 3D printers. ideal|3D Printed. 3dprintingforum|
"an Kitchen accessories to get some new filaments (wood, carbon, glass) provided by Formfutura"
3D Printing: How the Diversification of Materials is Always Pushing the Limits. goscan3d|
"as different nozzles that enable users to put in own food and “sculpt” with it"Food 3D Printing 101: Top 20 Questions & Facts. all3dp|
"of delicious. Here’s all need to know about 3d printed food and food 3D printers" -
3D Machines Unveiling Printers, Pens, Scanners, Elements and Others Items
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Yissum Showcases Hebrew University's Breakthroughs in Advanced Materials and Nanot. prnewswire|
"on technologies and innovations in nanotechnology, sensors, coating materials, electronic"
3D printer manufacturer Solidoodle provides an operating. 3druck|
"in China drives shipped, which did not meet the standard. Car sales plummeted"
UV-Cured Resins Technologies Market Size Share Trends Growth Report, Analysis. pressreleaserocket|
"of application, end user, composition and geography) provides detailed overview and predictive"
Ember 3D Printer 24X Faster. revit.|
"in open source it could be used on a host of other 3D printers"
Solidoodle Announces Suspension of Operations. solidoodle|
"a layoffs that further hindered ability to deliver a great consumer experience"
Hundreds of Desktop 3D-Printers – How to Choose the Right One. roboze|
"in 2015 when 95% of these mostly Desktop 3D-printers priced below 5,000$"
Mage dice tower: Lasercut and 3D Printed by scottbr08. instructables|
"in order to keep the dice from flying across the room"3D Printing Stories Via Schools Colleges Classrooms Libraries and Software
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )MakerGirl 3D Printing Outreach To Go Mobile If Goal is Met. wandtv|
"in areas where the ability to tap into technology be difficult and at times"
3D printed 'SelfieBot' goes open source to encourage student robotics. 3ders|
"to remains available to buy either as a DIY kit or pre-assembled device"
Clintons, CGI University at Berkeley this weekend. berkeley|
"the world come together this weekend at UC Berkeley to discuss pressing global issues"
The Robot Zone in Potsdam to teach students about science technology, engineer. northcountrynow|
"to about science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) slated to open in April"
AIMS Prof's Innovation Wins Big. nyoooz|
"in 3D printing technology for clinical benefit of patients, and for research and training"Roopinder Tara posted on. engineering|
"to learn that most days Autodesk Labs just one person"
Make Your Own Fiesta Medal With the San Antonio Public Library. sacurrent|
"to be availabl 3D-printing equipment — be available. The event open to all ages"
It May Be Time To Plan A Division-Killing 'Call of Duty: World of Black Ops'. forbes|
"a rumor, and though one from a fairly reputable source, in the age of people 3D printing Ninte"
3D printed maze controlled by your Android device by blic19933. instructables|
"the result. It turned out nice so thought would share"
Lecture 9 - How 3D Printers Work. coursera|
"for help them develop the knowledge and skills to turn ideas into objects" -
3D Machines Unveiling Printers, Pens, Scanners, Elements and Others Items
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Giant Multi-Headed 3D Printer Creates Massive Objects In One Pass. msn|
"a 3D printer with multiple heads that all work together to churn out massive creations"
Zhuhai CTC Electronic launches 'Walnut' SLM 3D printer range. 3ders|
"in China to build a dot-scan 3D operating system without imported components"
UNIZ Slash LED SLA 3D printer launched on Kickstarter, offers 50x faster print spe. 3ders|
"with any lasting impact in recent years seen start through the crowdfunding platform"
How to Hack a 3D Printer to Steal the Latest Designs. designnews|
"to recreate the part on a different printer"
Mcor Orange software now supports 3MF for full-colour 3D printing. tctmagazine|
"the new full-fidelity 3D printing format managed by the 3MF Consortium"
Celebrating the First 3D Printer from UK’s West Midlands: Launches B. 3dprint|
"of course, the wrench-heart-out-with-cuteness stuff like wheelchairs for kitties and go"
DDDMaterial Introduces the Tungsten Premium Nozzle: Built to Withstand the Harshes. 3dprint|
"of abrasive filaments and high temperatures. DDDMaterial would like to introduce to tungste"
HyVision unveils two new 3D printers: FFF 'Cubicon Single Plus', DLP 'Cubicon Lux'. 3ders|
"the Processing (DLP) 3D printer. Overseas shipping on both begin in Q3 2016"
Threeding and Artec 3D to scan and digitize more than 55 endangered birds for 3D p. 3ders|
"to students, ornithologists, veterinarians, and biologists in a 3D printer-friendly format"
3D MakerJet Debuts New Human-Sized 3D Scanner at Their Orlando Showroom. 3dprint|
"to scanning and the rendering, only take about five minutes in total"Plasma Printing Techniques Deposit Nanomaterials on Flexible Substrates. 3dprint|
"in new printing technique that allows for the deposition of those materials onto flexible"
Device that changes a smartphone into a 3D printer. deccanchronicle|
"the light from the touchscreen to process plastic creations"
"that made everything wobbly, and nothing worked as well as it does today"
Open source recycling initiative Precious Plastic launches to help users 3D print. 3ders|
"to reuse plastics, either as 3D printable filament or with DIY molding machines"
Concept Laser sees highest sales growth in 2015 with 161 3D printers sold. 3ders|
"of sales and highest number of new orders ever in its history"
NatureWorks Introduces Ingeo 3D860 – a New Formulation for PLA Filament. manufacturingtomor|
"as between 212 and 239 ºF (100 and 115 ºC) results in best performance"
3D printing industry to be worth $20bn by 2025. openpr|
"of leading players across the globe form a pivotal part of the study"
3D Printing Resins come in standard and rubber-like formulations. thomasnet|
"the part-making and prototyping options available to ARM-10 users"
New horizons in custom LaserAbutments. dentistry|
"for the LaserAbutments, to its customers for the first" -
New 3D Machines Unveilings & Pens, Scanners, Elements Idems :: 3D Printers, Education, Foods
Posted: On Monday
Wednesday And Friday
3D Machines Unveiling Printers, Pens, Scanners, Elements and Others Items
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )OLO Turns Your Smartphone Into A 3D Printer (Yes, You Can Print From Your Smartpho. techtimes|
"of a smartphone instead of projectors or bulkier equipment efficiently reduces the cost of OLO"
Giant multi-headed 3D printer can create massive objects in a single pass. inhabitat|
"of necessary, or a milling head that removes support structures from the final object"
DO3D announces 2X faster 3D printing with multidirectional MAP tech and SquareWave. 3ders|
"a patent-pending high-speed 3D printing technology called Multi-Direction Additive Production"
MatterHackers’ New MatterControl T10 3D Printer Controller Coming to Market. 3dprint|
"of the controller, the MatterControl T10, announced at CES, and as of March 31, it off"
UNIZ Technology Launches Kickstarter for Slash Consumer LCD-SLA 3D Printer for Und. 3dprint|
"for 3D printer ther already more than a hundred different brands and models of FDM printer"Meet the Trinus: A Professional-Grade 3D Printer/Laser Engraver Combo Hitting Kick. 3dprint|
"as better than the high-end printers that cost several thousand dollars more"
NatureWorks' new formulation for PLA 3D printing filament promises ABS-level stren. 3ders|
"with known. The filament formulation unveiled today at the ‘Innovation Takes Root’ forum"
The $99 3D Printer: a Pioneering Product or Design Misstep. core77|
"a 3D printer that could revolutionize the democratization of the craft"
Thanks to New Partnership with, NVBOTS Now More Connected Than Ever. 3dprint|
"in the months to come and delivering even greater value to customers.”"
Dymax Curing Systems Enhance 3D Printing. netcomposites|
"for 3D post-curing applications or help rework the model"
New plasma printing technique can deposit nanomaterials on flexible, 3D substrates. zmescience|
"on flexible surfaces such as paper or cloth. The secret Plasma"
NatureWorks Introduces Ingeo 3D860 – a New Formulation for PLA Filament for 3D Pri. businesswire|
"for a broad range of styrenics in terms of performance and life cycle assessment"
Smallest photo printed by Nano 3D Printer achieved enter Guinness Book of World. albanydailystar|
"as small as the cross-sectional area of a human hair"
3D MakerJet Memorializes Celebrities to Debut New Human-Sized 3D Scanner. businesswire|
"of rockers. While Pinera the first, several celebrities since been memorialized by the"
New Report Available: North America 3D Printing Plastic Industry. empowerednews|
"a professional and in-depth study on the current state of the 3D Printing Plastic industr"
3D Printing. fallsgeek|
"of producing precise models out of strong ABS or PLA"
$350 Colorpod Converts FDM to Full-Color Powderbed 3D Printer. 3dprintingindustry|
"a new DIY development called Colorpod, published by one of 3DPI’s community writers"
Tripodmaker Review – A Large Delta 3D Printer Put to the Test. 3dprintingforbegin|
"by clearly still constitute a minority in the desktop 3D printing market"
Top 5 Cheap DIY 3D Printer Kits under 500$. 3dprinting|
"to learning 3D printing, cheap 3D printer kits be a great starting point"
$99 OLO 3D Printer Works with Your Smartphone (Crowdfunding). cnx|
"a 99 3D printer that prints objects smartphone screen and photopolymers (aka daylig" -
3D Printing Stories Via Schools Colleges Classrooms Libraries and Software
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Galvez Middle receives grant for 3D printer - News - Gonzales Weekly Citizen. weeklycitizen|
"a Impact Grant from Ascension Fun a School Impact Grant from Ascension Fund this school year"
Louisiana Tech students, professor to present research at national conference. news|
"of Societies for Experimental Biology’s Annual Meeting, April 2-6 in San Diego"
PowerDoodler Activity Idea: 3Doodle a V-Twin Engine With Moving Parts. 3dprint|
"a 52 week high of $32.88. The company’s market capitalization $1.68 billion"
Stratasys partners with Emco to strengthen reach in UK education sector. eurekamagazine|
"with educational facilities and driving sales of Stratasys 3D printing solutions within"
Celebrate National Library Week with the Twin Falls Public Library. magicvalley|
" the find family friendly activ career, find family friendly activities ocontinue education"3D printing for Showcase Gardens Walls and Statues, Designers Foods, and Fine Eating
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )QuickChek Introduces World's First 3D-Printed Subs. cspnet|
"the perfect addition to this convenient service when your hunger really can't waitDesign and print your own jelly sweets with this fantastic 3D machine Dublin Airport. irishmirror|
"of its kind in the world - is about to take up residence in Dublin Airport"
C-store Industry Enjoys April Fool's Day. csnews|
"the convenience store industry just as eager to join the fun. - See more at: http://www.csne"
3D printing Archives - HEALTH. healthadore|
"to eating this food in the future.However it sounds, the 3D printing" -
3D Printing Stories Via Schools Colleges Classrooms Libraries and Software
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )3D Printing Technology Used to Preserve Endangered Birds. digitaltrends|
"the technology is being used to raise awareness about endangered and threatened birds"
First 3D Printed Replica of 3,000-Year-Old Chinese Oracle Bone Created. 3dprint|
"the future holds for as long as lived in anything other than the moment"
3D printing catching on at schools, colleges. thenorthwestern|
"an others teachers challenge students to use them for full-scale projects"
Naturalis biodiversity center museum completes t. rex skeleton with ultimaker 3d printer. naturalis|"in the museum. A few missing parts printed by the Ultimaker 3D printer"
Professor of Visual Arts Rebecca Strzelec named 2016-17 Penn State laureate. www|
"the George Winfree Professor of American History at the University Park campus"
A college kid spends $60 to straighten his own teeth. What could possibly go wrong. news|
"to received hundreds of requests from strangers, asking to straighten teeth"
This week at the Morse Institute Library. natick|
"a photo ID and proof of Massachusetts address to get a permanent card"
Pupils make own Flappy Bird game in digital day at Aldeburgh Library. eadt|
"the School visited the town’s library as part of a digital roadshow recently"
Volkswagen Techatronics Summer Camp Now Accepting Applications. chattanoogan|
"for the second annual Volkswagen Techatronics Summer Camp being held July 18-22"
Kettle Moraine teachers, student honored by Herb Kohl Education Foundation. lakecountrynow|
"to a news release. Recipients notified by letters mailed March 9 by the foundation"
ArtScene TV Episode 16: Dorsky Museum of Art. chronogram|
"of Dorsky Museum of Art. The exhibitions contemporary design, street photography, and early"Solid Edge Meets Solid Rock > engineering|
"for architectural designs that, ironically, neither fast nor particu"
Charlevoix Public Library invites residents to celebrate National Library Week. petoskeynews|
"for the 2016 National Library Week “Libraries Transform"
2016 K-12 STEM Symposium Panel Highlights: Congressman Gerry Connolly Cannot Lag. washingtonexec|
"in infrastructure so remain a competitive county and player in the world marketplace"
invisible Material. sculpteo|
"of raw material it's really cheap so it's the ideal 3D printing for small budgets"
Mass Portal & Tactile Eyesight 3D print tactile books for visually impaired children. 3ders|
"A impaired reader comprehend the word elephant through the following embossed symbols"
Autodesk’s Project Escher Software is Super Fast 3D Printing for Large-Scale Objects. 3dprint|
"of each other’s layers so everything end up as a single complete piece"
3D printing coming to Plummer school - Coeur d'Alene Press: Local News. cdapress|
"to fabricato 3D printing, design and fabrication with help from the Idaho STEM Action Center"
Aalto University and VTT Finland launch 3D printed spare parts research project. 3ders|
"with participating companies, studying operating and earnings models in order to establi"
Canton Montessori School students build their own 3D printer. cantonrep|
"the printer even more, said C.H.A.M.P. treasurer Jamey Worley" -
3D Machines Unveiling Printers, Pens, Scanners, Elements and Others Items
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )3D Printing Metal Market 2016 - Global Forecast to 2020 for the $776 Million Market |
"to reach USD 776.8 Million, growing at a CAGR of 31.5% between 2015 and 2020"
3D Printing Metal Market by Form (Powder and Filament), by Type (Titanium marketsandmarkets|
"of the global 3D printing metals market from the revenue of key market players"
The Price of 3D Printing. deskeng|
"by 3Dprintler lets users compare printing costs from several different service bureaus. c"
3D Printing Expansion Unveils Growth Opportunities for Superior Materials. itbusinessnet|
"the help 3D printing achieve its potential in the direct manufacturing of finished parts"
Smallest photo printed by Nano 3D Printer achieved enter Guinness Book of World . albanydailystar|
"of only 0.0092 mm2 which as small as the cross-sectional area of a human hair"HyVISION Introduces Two New 3D Printers. fabbaloo|
"with many smaller version of the Single with many of the same excellent features"
SLASH 3D Printer Promises Faster Speeds than Carbon 3D. 3dprintingindustry|
"of DLP system with an array of LCD lights and adding a liquid cooling mechanism"
Zhuhai CTC Launches Metal 3D Printer Series"Walnut. www|
"for still dominating the market, as a report by market research company IDC revealed" -
New 3D Machines Unveilings & Pens, Scanners, Elements Idems :: 3D Printers, Education, Foods
Posted: On Monday Wednesday And
3D Machines Unveiling Printers, Pens, Scanners, Elements and Others Items
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Growth of 3D printing industry opens doors for superior material development, says Frost. 3ders|
"to focus on developing application-based material products"
Versarien PLC and E3D Online start graphene 3D printing trials. 3ders|
"to explore options for taking this material out of laboratories and into the real world"
Dremel Dreams' program integrates 3D printing and STEM education in the classroom. 3ders|
"the Dremel Idea Builder 3D40, the second generation of its plug-and-play, classroom-friendly"
Zhuhai CTC Electronic’s Walnut Line is China’s First Proprietary Metal 3D Printer. 3dprint|
"on Tumblr index_03While desktop and hobby applications for 3D printing long do"
Mcor Announces Adoption of 3MF File Format for ARKe| 3dprint|
"in illustrate the key values and benefits of the 3MF format,” said Adrian Lannin, Group"
Plasma jet printing for flexible substrates. scitation|
"with sensor demonstrated by the detection of dopamine, a neurotransmitter, and ammonia, res"
New MatterControl Touch T10 controller enables 3D printing without a computer. 3ders|
"a progress checking, and SMS/email notifications for informing makers when print read"
Ira3D Releases All-in-One Poetry Manufacturing Solution, Offering Comprehensive Tools. 3dprint|
"for very high speeds that allow predictably high resolution and quality every time"
3ntr’s Industrial 3D Printers Enter the U.S. via Plural AM. engineering|
"liquid cooling system, which enables even greater, more efficient control over printing temp"
DYZE DESIGN releases DyzEND-X all-metal hotend for high-performance 3D printing. 3ders|
"that easily be swapped out at room temperature, further increasing the hotend’s lifespan"
MRRF: Launching an Adorable Printer For Fun. hackaday|
"of own 3D printer, and liking the size and accuracy of the Tantillus, started there"Materialise, HOYA to Create 3D-Printed High-Quality Visualisation Equipment and Vision. azom|
"for high-quality visualisation equipment and vision examination systems for optical shops"
Advertise With Us. 3dprint|
"the 3D printing industries. Writers on team the most respected in the industry"
Printer shipments slip in Brazil. Printer|
"of expansion, when printing technologies became more widespread"Silva say"
Conductive inks and paste: everything is changing. ept|
"the learned more about the market and fine-tuned analysis, insight and forecasts"
HP Sprout Pro PC blazes a train on education with 2D/3D scanning & Virtual Reality. albanydailystar|
"that scan objects and create models for 3D printing & Virtual Reality"
This Company Does 3D Printing at a Speed No One Else Match. bloomberg|
"of gooey resin into caramel-colored shoe soles, valves, and prototype knee replacements"
Handheld 3D printing BioPen 'draw' human stem cells for cartilage repair. 3ders|
"the need for patients to undergo painful and invasive surgical procedures"
This Device Will Let You 3D Print With Your Mobile Phone. lifehacker|
"as long as a smartphone. Oh and resin and the OLO gadget itself, obviously"
Sculpteo Marks the First of April With a Stunning New Invisible 3D Printing Material. 3dprint|
"an invisible printing material – plus a brand new method of 3D printing" -
3D Printing Stories Via Schools Colleges Classrooms Libraries and Software
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )New after-school program features STEM, LEGOs, Minecraf. citizen|
"to fashion design and more to interest students in science, math and technology"
AutoCAD 2017 Review: A New Beginning. deskeng|
"of the effort in this release done behind the scenes to smooth this transition"
Teach your kids animal sounds with Google Search. economictimes|
"for like "What does the dog say", to bring up a specific animal sound result, the rep"
3D Printing Education in Schools & Libraries. deezmaker|
"of ow-cost 3D desktop printing that constantly being developed and refined, seeming"3D printing for Showcase Gardens Walls and Statues, Designers Foods, and Fine Eating
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Biomimetics -- Where the Action Is. evolutionnews|
"to make recirculating aquaculture system that uses cactus extract as a cleansing agent"
Sweet technique inspired by bonbons yields better polymer shells. gizmag|
"the chocolate form a film, which hardens to form a smooth, uniform shell for filling"
3D Printed Vase Promotes Plastic Bottle Recycling. all3dp|
"The 3D printed covers to transform ordinary bottles into display-worthy vases"
"Christmas Christmas present so this instructable been put together the photos and files" -
3D Printing Stories Via Schools Colleges Classrooms Libraries and Software
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Naturalis Biodiversity Center: T. Rex to be Resurrected in Full Glory via Ultimaker. 3dprint|
"to about every bone in the T. rex body, and most especially the ones that eluded the"
Girls learn about problem solving at camp. valleymorningstar|
"at the GEMS (Girls in Engineering, Math and Science) Camp"
The Red Devils' Space Race. register|
"a rocketry kit that buy at a store and follow the instructions"
Newport Public Library Wins Grant from RI Foundation to Upgrade Children’s. whatsupnewp|
"of futuree committed to teaching them all that sumo via whatsupnewp"
Buffalo school district offers new schools and programs to freshman. wkbw|
"at Bennett High School gave parents, students and teachers a chance to talk about options"
Maysville students build arm brace for Philo teacher. zanesvilletimesrec|
"on finding another person or organization could benefit from prototype"
This is the new ‘brain belt’. macleans|
"the place new businesses and new business models grow"
Alberta high school students are using 3D printers to change lives all over the world. theloop|
"with global non-profit E-Nable, which has given 1,500 prosthetic hands to people in 37 nations."Nothing Short of Amazing: The 3D Printed Heart Library at Jump Trading Center Benefits. 3dprint|
"to grow and be shared, all thanks to a new program involving 3D printed heart models"
3D Printing a Tyrannosaurus Rex Skeleton. dexigner|
"in well preserved and intact, the skeletal feet, left leg and arms bones missing"
Precision spinning. yumasun|
"with “it,” well, that’s only limited to imagination"
Central Library hosts 2nd Annual Robot Day. cbs8|
"of technology enthusiasts turned out for the second annual Robot Day on Sunday"
Garden Public School presented with 3D book made by Lake Macquarie l. theherald|
"So Garden Suburb Public School, took many months of hard work to come to fruition"
Richfield District Library Joins Idaho’s “Make It at the Library” Pr. magicvalley|
"for those who may not otherwise have access to these hubs of innovation and engagement"
National Library Week hopes to transform notions about public librar. akronist|
"for all ages that support, improve and enrich individual, family and community life"
The University of Wolverhampton has appointed Shropshire building co. theconstructionind|
"to electronics and telecommunications, metrology and materials testing"
The future has arrived to school. tozsdeforum|
"the territory of the country's traditional institutions, universities and engineering"
Netherlands to unveil full-size T. Rex skeleton that highlights 3D p. www|
"high resolution, effectively creating an accurate replica of the missing dinosaur bone"
3D printers inspire creativity at Ames schools. amestrib|
"to kids another avenue to be creative and think critically" -
New 3D Machines Unveilings & Pens, Scanners, Elements Idems :: 3D Printers, Education, Foods
Posted: On
Monday Wednesday And Friday
3D Machines Unveiling Printers, Pens, Scanners, Elements and Others Items
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )OLO - The First Portable Smartphone 3D Printer. wtvox|
"by _“mobile” do not mean just easy to move cell phone powered"
Smallest photo printed by Nano 3D Printer achieved enter Guinness Book of World. albanydailystar|
"The Smallest photo by Nano 3D Printer achieved enter Guinness Book of World Records"
Slash 3D Resin Printer Cranks out Eiffel Towers in a Jiffy. technabob|
"a Slash 3D Resin Printer Cranks out Eiffel Towers in a Jiffy"
Shapeways Introduces New Black High Definition Acrylate DLP 3D Printing Material. 3dprint|
"the entire model printed it simply needs to be cleaned and then cured in a UV light box"
3D printing expansion unveils growth opportunities for superior materials. channellife|
"to more growth opportunities for suppliers of superior materials"
Stratasys Invents 3D Printing Again With Transformational, Market Disruptive J750. businesswire|
"the 3D printing solution for product designers, engineers and manufacturers, as well as"
The New KBA Report No 47 showcases relevance of print. printweek|
"to inkjet and laser coding blister and packaging for cosmetics"
Stratasys' new 3D printer can make virtually any shelf-ready product. computerworld|
"to build objects 360K color shades and hard, soft, opaque, or transparent plastics"
Carbon3D Unveils the M1: The Future of 3D Printing Is Here. fool|
"The M1 produce parts as large as 144 x 81 x 330 millimeters"3D Systems Brings Professional 3D Printing Capabilities to the Offic. nasdaq|
"to precision models, prototypes and injection-molded-quality parts, without leaving"
Review: The CraftBot Plus is a 3D printer worth having (+ video). computerworld|
"to market, its first CraftBot machine received rave reviews right out of the gate"
Trinus 3D printer is a robust all-metal design. slashgear|
"to a max speed of 150mm/sec. The minimum layer height 50 microns"
iPhone turns into 3D printer with Kickstarter device. theweek|
"an iPhone racked up more than $1,800,000 (£1,265,000) since going live last month"
The DragonFly 2020 PCB 3D Printer was a Major Achievement for a Rece. 3dprint|
"from the software giant to design and render the printer before producing"
Stratasys Launches the J750 3D Printer and PolyJet Studio Software. deskeng|
"the capacity, four times the number of jets, twice the speed and smaller layer thickne"
Tuskegee using 3D printing thanks to donation. wbrc|
"a month away from graduating from Tuskegee University with an engineering degree"
A first look at Carbon's M1 3D Printer. tctmagazine|
"a little hidden away - that even the most experienced of tongues a-wagging"
"OLO allows people to print 3D objects directly from smartphones for less than $100"
Creator of SLASH 3D Printer Launches Kickstarter Campaign. pressreleaserocket|
"for Now, a revolutionary 3D printer 50x faster than any other desktop 3D printers"
Carbon Finally Unveils First Commercial CLIP 3D Printer. 3dprintingindustry|
"for, Carbon just announced first-ever CLIP-based commercial 3D printer, the M1"
Autodesk’s Project Escher’s Networked 3D Printers Will Create Huge Objects. inside3dprinting|
"in any industry where need to print big, also customize what you’re printing"