Daydreaming flotsam
Any of you do odd images when you are bored at work? I have made a lot of stuff that will never find a use other than a quick highlight in a boring day. Simple little images that make me smile and improve my skills.
I'm using the defn of flotsam as:
3. useless or unimportant items; odds and endsUsing the iron giant from the warehouse...
Nice concepts. The US 101 bridge at the Petaluma river is nearing completion. I've been paddling below it for years thatit's been under construction. It's quite a bridge, actually. No problems, but sometimes we felt wary when sparks were flying overhead. I'll be reminded of your work when I paddle there this week.
Thanks! I think I have too many odd ideas.
Some more,
Using an old bridge as a swimming pool.
cross bow bridge concept over the bow river in Calgary.
elephants of course
glass spoon bridge
and a gif (click it) that shows how a bridge can move if a flood comes along.