π‘ LightUp 7.1 | SketchUp's only real-time renderer that uses object-based rendering
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SubD forum not visible on phone
On my iPad and PC it says rendering and subdivision and there is the Vray the thea and the subd forum.
On my iPhone it just says rendering and there is the Vray and thea forum but no subd forum.Edit: now when I checked I could see it on my phone as well. Hmm strange. Several times over several days I have clearly NOT seen it.
What's going on? -
Browser Cache?
Or maybe you've gone completely nuts?
We haven't done a thing since we added that forum. So don't go shouting illuminati.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'll let you know if the problem re occurs.
Here is a screenshot from my iPhone.
Note the title "rendering"And this is after reloading the page.
Note the title now.Weird.