Setting up text preferences
I have a problem that I'm sure someone will be able to answer.
I've been using Layout and for some reason the default text is set to 'Little Deuce Coupe - 36" I've never used this but have flicked through the fonts to try them out. Now whenever I use text, this font appears. At the minute I'm using Avenir, 14 and everytime I open a new text box I have to go through the process of changing to the font I want.
How do I set things up so that the default is the Avenir 14 ?
Also I want to set leader line preferences so that each new leader line has the arrow head and line weight that I want, rather than having to go through each arrow and change the settings.
Any help will be much appreciated
First off, here's how to change the default attributes of text, text leader, and dimensions:
Choose the text tool (for example; the process is the same for leader text and dimensions) and, before actually typing anything or even clicking on the layout page, manually change all of the attributes to your preference.
Click and start typing.
Choose another tool and then choose text again; the attributes should match what you just changed them to.
Alternate way:
Choose text and start typing with whatever the default attribute settings are. Then, with the select tool, select the text and change all the attributes to whatever you want.
Choose text tool but don't click anywhere
Choose the eyedropper and click on the text that you just modified to what you want.
Choose the text tool again and start typing. The attributes should match whatever you eyedroppered.
Best time saver:
I have templates set up for different page sizes. Before I save them as templates, I go through the process(es) outlined above to get all of the tools displaying the attributes I want. I then save the template. Now, when you open a new file with one of the templates, all of your settings have been customized and you should be good to go.
Thanks Chuck, that's a huge help.
Remember too James, that scrapbook is brilliant for this stuff! Just drag your object from the scrapbook and then sample it and note away, all will be same.