Plugin to hide rest of model except immediate group context?
Anyone know of a plugin which, when editing a nested groups geometry will allow you to see the geometry of everything in the wider containing group, but hide the rest of the model.
For example, if I am editing a mullion in a window in a complex model, I enter the window group and then the mullion group. It'd be useful to see the rest of the window group for reference whilst editing the mullion, but with 'Hide rest of model' I can see only just the mullion geometry or the whole model, which is too much and obstructs things etc.
Slightly confusing to explain but hope it makes some sense.
Have you tried adjusting the fade settings in Window/Model info/Components?
Thanks, thats a useful setting to be able to tweak. It doesn't really solve my problem though because it doesnt affect the transparency of objects - so you still can't see 'through' the building fabric.
I've not heard of such a thing, but to work on models I usually have layers (and often scnes) set so I can work on specific parts while hiding most of the model. In the windows example one could have a windows layer, but usually I find just having "walls" layer isolates the area of work enough--for the purpose ( e.g. ) of working inside a portion of the window and needing to see the rest of the window for reference.
I'll have a "doors and windows" scene that only shows walls, doors, windows, and the reference floor plan for placing doors and windows. I find it hides enough that I can go in and work on nested components without using "hide rest of model" if I want.
Check out HideAll (free on
Select entity and rt/clk for contex [Hide All Unselected]
Will save with scene if wanted
Bread and butter app and thanks to Todd Burch for the freeBeedtr