Layout: Love it or Loathe it?
As with any program, you have to understand its strengths and weaknesses to get the most out of performance. Once you clearly set the parameters of how LO works with SU, it is very fast. I used ACAD for over 20 years and I can produce a far more detailed set of documents with LO in about 1/3 the time I could with ACAD. The main place people have issues is when they try to vector render a scene that shows an entire model. Once you establish a good layering system that allows you to control the scenes you can easily determine which ones to Vector render opposed to raster or hybrid or combinations of the two which is what I do.
@paddyclown said:
here in our architecture practice in France we have tried all sorts of workflows & always come back to the export 2d > dwg method.
For what it's worth that method is obsolete imho.
What Sketchup can give us is new methods of communicating our ideas that are simply not available in CAD.
For me it's a waste of time, investing in a model with material textures and 3d info, shadows, rendering capabilities and 3d data, dynamic components and possibly reports, and then go back to the old flat way of showing things.
2D plans, sections and elevations are a way of communicating that is still very useful nowadays.
However the amount of detail you can put into a sketchup model makes it way better at communicating with people that surround construction industry that it's simply not very clever to throw it all away by exporting to flat cad.
Hence I use layout hybrid mode most of the time.
It's heavy on the PC, yes, but with the money you save by not adhering to CAD you can eventually buy a good PC. With mine Layout flies in a nvidia Titan X and i75200k 32Gb total 3000€ (that of course is also a rendering beast).
Sketchup+Layout+Render (In my case Thea) can show things in ways cad will never be able to.
The only thing holding this combo back is Layout. It's the only thing that makes a direct connection to sketchup to create excellent 2D output but:
- It has a workflow that is very unpolished and;
- CAD export is still lacking and unfortunatelly this is a must if you want to share your work with an industry that has long standardized it's format to dwg/dxf. CAD is, as I stated at start, obsolete/dying slowly, BIM it's too technical so dead from the start, SKP and LO are the way to go...
So my main wish for 2016 is that Marc Durant endures that MacOS fight and solves those two things:
- Workflow (every command should be working like Sketchup commands, every text should work like word and every style should be work like CSS style sheets)
- CAD export should be flawless...
So JQL are you doing 3d details? I've found occasions where structures were better elucidated in 3d. But I still find 2d detail sections easy to show more detail than I could put into SU. There you can add elements such as hidden lines and objects not in the same plane to give a complete picture of a building feature. Representations of lumber, insulation etc. It's certainly not in MY SU model, so not lost in translation. But I don't speak of SU to 2d. Some things never make to SU.
We would LOVE to have more beta testers using LayOut, and that goes for anyone in this thread. PM me with your full name and email address, and I'll pass your info along to the beta administrators.
@pbacot said:
So JQL are you doing 3d details? I've found occasions where structures were better elucidated in 3d. But I still find 2d detail sections easy to show more detail than I could put into SU. There you can add elements such as hidden lines and objects not in the same plane to give a complete picture of a building feature. Representations of lumber, insulation etc. It's certainly not in MY SU model, so not lost in translation. But I don't speak of SU to 2d. Some things never make to SU.
Actually not much of 3d construction details.
But I show renders, model is in the construction site, textures are everywhere and everything is pretty clear.
2D detail sections on "section cut faces" with some raster hatches are much faster to create and I don't usually repeat much details from project to project apart from typical window frames.
However things like Kitchens, bathrooms, closets, difficult corners, specially built furniture like outside benches, reception desks, lifts, etc... wich I used to detail in 2d, are really really clear with 3D.
No more mistakes in construction site and some side details drawn in 2d are more than enough for building most stuff.
Again, the only thing I bang my head into, is hatching export to cad, wich would be cool if Skalp would translate but that's only possible inside skalp sections wich depend on a perfectly built model. I don't have that!
My models are a void shell with 2d details and a solid volume for structure inside. don't want Skalp cleanning up all the details I use in section cut faces when it auto updates a section...
The real thing about 3D details is that they take too much time to build. If you have a 3d model/render of the whole building, the builder immediatelly understands what we want to build, and some simple 2D details are more than enough, imho.
I'd love LO more if there was no CAD standard to adhere to. I have to consider stop using hatches so I can export solid colors with CAD fills (I guess I'm still tied to my CAD past!)
Thanks JQL!
I tend to slip away from standards when I can and when I feel I can make a cleaner, clearer document my own way, Have used solid fills for years before SU came along.
Thanks Kim,
Forgot the most important thing. Sketchup as conceptual tool is exactly the same as sketchup as construction documentation tool. It works exactly the same way and you never have to change a thing except evolving your ideas and adding detail. LO in perpetually part of that process... CAD breaks it.
A sketchup model evolves. From the existing condition to the finished project, it's work in progress. This sketchup model starts as a very raw boxy/triangulated shape or a prexisting building (wich all my projects tend to be nowadays.)
A sketchup model is for our office a perpetual iteraction between ideas, sharing, discussion, testing, ligthing and perfect material representation (with Thea as you know Kim). It's a permanent record of whatever goes through the mind of everyone envolved in the project.
And as ideas evolve the 3d evolves, it's more than drawing or a physical model. It's more like sculpting. LO documents this sculpting in every stage. It's always in sync and if you use it from the start you know it's this "in sync" with project/model evolution that really matters.
In sync with project concept.
In sync with the model discussed with client.
In sync with project when consultants enter the arena.
In sync with permits stage.
In sync with more consultants and price estimates.
In sync with construction documents and final reports.
In sync with construction itself.
In sync with finished building.As soon as you export to CAD you break sync. As long as you keep working with LO sync is going on. That is what matters!
And this Sketchup model is virtually the best thing we architects can strive for, but most people think CAD is the real deal. They are imho wrong. CAD is the accessory here as it cannot register as many things as a Sketchup model does... it fails at everything but acomplish a standard 2d output.
And as I said before, that standard 2D output is something of the past, nowadays we can have so much more...
A sketchup model at a very early stage has already so much information to it that it opens up amazing possibilities. This is the opposite from a CAD drawing. LO can be set at initial stage and document that initial model in a day. Of course you can export it to CAD but why would you even trouble with that until you the permit stage or construction docs stage?
Nowadays I don't even bother with 2D drawings at a conceptual stage. A model and some Presto Renders and people get their jaws on the table.
A sketchup model at the later stage is a faithful representation of the built project. No 2D asset has that ability. LO can easily enough create the closest 2D possible to that 3D model.
The natural thing is to take 2D out of 3D but do it as seamless as possible and with as much info as possible.
LO is great at doing that. It just sucks working with it...
@pbacot said:
Thanks JQL!
I tend to slip away from standards when I can and when I feel I can make a cleaner, clearer document my own way, Have used solid fills for years before SU came along.
Clever of you!
I've worked with a very strict classical architect myself for 5 years, very well known, portuguese, pritzker winner (there are only two of those here in PT). So, since I started my own office, I'm still trying to get rid of the standards he brainwashed in me...
@jql said:
Thanks Kim,
Forgot the most important thing. Sketchup as conceptual tool is exactly the same as sketchup as construction documentation tool. It works exactly the same way and you never have to change a thing except evolving your ideas and adding detail. LO in perpetually part of that process... CAD breaks it.
A sketchup model evolves. From the existing condition to the finished project, it's work in progress. This sketchup model starts as a very raw boxy/triangulated shape or a prexisting building (wich all my projects tend to be nowadays.)
A sketchup model is for our office a perpetual iteraction between ideas, sharing, discussion, testing, ligthing and perfect material representation (with Thea as you know Kim). It's a permanent record of whatever goes through the mind of everyone envolved in the project.
And as ideas evolve the 3d evolves, it's more than drawing or a physical model. It's more like sculpting. LO documents this sculpting in every stage. It's always in sync and if you use it from the start you know it's this "in sync" with project/model evolution that really matters.
In sync with project concept.
In sync with the model discussed with client.
In sync with project when consultants enter the arena.
In sync with permits stage.
In sync with more consultants and price estimates.
In sync with construction documents and final reports.
In sync with construction itself.
In sync with finished building.As soon as you export to CAD you break sync. As long as you keep working with LO sync is going on. That is what matters!
And this Sketchup model is virtually the best thing we architects can strive for, but most people think CAD is the real deal. They are imho wrong. CAD is the accessory here as it cannot register as many things as a Sketchup model does... it fails at everything but acomplish a standard 2d output.
And as I said before, that standard 2D output is something of the past, nowadays we can have so much more...
A sketchup model at a very early stage has already so much information to it that it opens up amazing possibilities. This is the opposite from a CAD drawing. LO can be set at initial stage and document that initial model in a day. Of course you can export it to CAD but why would you even trouble with that until you the permit stage or construction docs stage?
Nowadays I don't even bother with 2D drawings at a conceptual stage. A model and some Presto Renders and people get their jaws on the table.
A sketchup model at the later stage is a faithful representation of the built project. No 2D asset has that ability. LO can easily enough create the closest 2D possible to that 3D model.
The natural thing is to take 2D out of 3D but do it as seamless as possible and with as much info as possible.
LO is great at doing that. It just sucks working with it...
Excellent post!
"it sucks working with it"
Exactly, that's just it !
Obviously breaking the chain with tradi-cad is sad & frustrating, but for me less painful than working with LO.
For us here the LO experience is like trying to thread a needle with oven gloves on...
If it ever became as fluid & fast & compatible with the outside world as SU, we'd be very happy, but it is just NOT there.
Maybe the Trimble folks are working on it and LO 4 will be all brand new & perfect ?
Meantime, we are looking at Spaceclaim...Good luck Trimble team.
@paddyclown said:
Obviously breaking the chain with tradi-cad is sad & frustrating, but for me less painful than working with LO.
That is the only thing I don't agree with you. It's because of the advantages "of breaking the chain with tradi-cad", that we can endure the "sadness & frustration" of working with LO.
@unknownuser said:
For us here the LO experience is like trying to thread a needle with oven gloves on...
If it ever became as fluid & fast & compatible with the outside world as SU, we'd be very happy, but it is just NOT there.I also ALMOST agree with you here. ALMOST is the word. LO it's not there but it's ALMOST there.
@unknownuser said:
Maybe the Trimble folks are working on it and LO 4 will be all brand new & perfect ?
Meantime, we are looking at Spaceclaim...Good luck Trimble team.
That is exactly the danger here. LO advertises itself and promises a lot of things. It can do a lot of things but doesn't plainly fulfil all promises that it advertises itself.
This causes frustration and opens up possibilites for other software companies to claim the space Sketchup created in such a brilliant way.
I've invested a lot in SU+LO combo. More than it's wise for anyone to do with something that he doesn't know if it will pay off. It did in my case but I'm sure my case is not everyone's case nor people have the same availability to dig for what they need until they find a way. LO needs a lot of this. A lot of workaround for some things that should be direct.
So I'm always searching for better ways of doing my stuff. Spaceclaim did cross my mind and will cross many minds as other software will. I can say I'm faithful to SU+LO combo for a lot of reasons, this community included as a reason.
Fortunatelly for LO, Layout has Sketchup behind, and sketchup really has a wide scope of possibilities so it's a software that really fills a lot of purposes.
Fortunatelly for Sketchup, LO exists and is still in development as If it didn't exist some of Sketchup possibilities would be hindered.
Guys, I'm interested to know how you work with gridlines in architectural work. I've set up a scrapbook file of gridlines for my work which I overlay on the SU scene but ideally I want them in the SU file. Hence the DESPERATE need for linetypes in SU....
Why don't you try to use 2d tools for line types?
Because I prefer to work in Vector or Hybrid mode, Pete. [although hybrid is less preferred].
2D tools, as good as they are don't work well scaling linetypes in LO.
@utiler said:
Guys, I'm interested to know how you work with gridlines in architectural work. I've set up a scrapbook file of gridlines for my work which I overlay on the SU scene but ideally I want them in the SU file. Hence the DESPERATE need for linetypes in SU....
I usually draw the lines in SU, Import them or copy paste them inside LO, place them on the right spot and explode them in LO.
Anyone heard from the Layout beta test team after sending info to Marc? I have not heard anything...
No Chuck, I'm sure he'll get back to you here.