How to update facearea() calculation in DC without redraw?
I noticed that the facearea() calculation in dynamic components gets updated automatically on rescale of a dynamic component.However, when that component is edited (modifying its geometry to make surfaces larger, for instance, it does not get updated automatically, unless the dynamic component is then redrawn manually (context menu > dynamic components> redraw).
This is fine and I could simply add a redraw() action on click interaction, but this unfortunately creates complications for me, as each dynamic component (a room) contains dynamic component windows and a redraw of the room component actually makes each window DC it contains unique (even though they are the same and should remain so, for window scheduling purpose).
So my question is: is there a way to force this facearea() recalculation in a dynamic component without redrawing it? With Ruby maybe?
Any help on this would be much appreciated.
I believe that one has to scale definition (via context menu) first then do the redraw to correctly report the area in the DC after a change in lenx,y, or z. (which in DCs is same as a scale operation)
If you scale definition, then change a dummy or another attribute the DC will update
example attached
Hi pcmoor,
Many thanks for the reply and example files.
Yes, that is a nice trick that works: changing any parameter in the component option window and clicking apply will update the calculation without redraw.Cheers!