I wish to hire a developer
I am looking to have a sketch up plugin developed to help me in my work and was wondering if anyone here would be interested.
The plugin essentially needs to output (to a spreadsheet) a number of parameters for every room in a simplified model of a building. The parameters it needs to output are the area, material and direction of all elements in each room. By elements, I mean walls, windows, doors, floors, ceilings and roofs. As well as this, it should output the name of the room adjacent to each element. So for example if the element is a wall, it should output the name of the room on the other side of the wall.
I hope to build a larger overall application at a later date but this functionality would be the minimum requirement if I wanted to build anything else on top of it.
If anyone is interested in this project, I have put together a more detailed description of what i require and I could send it on to you.
Well, I'm no developer but was curious about your request. There are many talented developers around here so I think that will be easily covered.
I'm sorry to meddle in but I have a question you might not want to respond but might be key for your plugin and is very interesting for me...
How would you define a room on a sketchup geometry? Most architectural plugins draw walls, my workflow is all about rooms but I see it might not be... standard. If you have an answer for this already then great! I'd be curious to see where this is heading and if you ever need someone to discuss this kind of questions with or testing stuff that is related to this workflow, I could be interested.
Best regards and I wish you luck!
I had someone develop a basic plugin for me previously. It allowed me to define rooms by selecting the floor of a room and making it a group. The rooms were then named using the outliner window in Sketchup. This seemed to allow the developer to work with rooms from there. It was very basic and ultimately wasn't sophisticated enough for what I required.
I would define a room as a closed volume. So on the most basic level a cube shaped room would need 6 surfaces to enclose it. I have used a plugin previously that automatically detected all the rooms in the building. So it can obviously done but I don't know how difficult it would be programming wise.
Interesting! Doors and other kind of openings are not interfering with room selection?
Well my models are quite simple and only have windows and doors on the exterior walls. They did not seem to effect the room selection. The other plugin I had used specified that if there were openings between rooms you should draw the opening as a surface but paint it with a fully transparent material i.e with opacity of 0. I assume this let their algorithm detect the room as a fully closed volume.
...perform this function?
I did once see a tool do this but I can't remember where?
Greets from Munster BTW!
Hi Rich,
Yes IES is actually the plugin I was talking about. I like the way their plugin can detect rooms. I would like my plugin to detect rooms in a similar way but apart from that, the rest of the plugin I require would be quite specific to my needs and the IES one doesn't do what I want.
@byrnebm said:
The other plugin I had used specified that if there were openings between rooms you should draw the opening as a surface but paint it with a fully transparent material i.e with opacity of 0. I assume this let their algorithm detect the room as a fully closed volume.
Change this transparent surfaces for hole cutting components and you have a workflow that works there.
Maybe this ?
- topic:timeago-later,7 months
I know I'm late to the game, but I am just seeing this now. I am wrapping up development of another extension, and will be ready to take up my next project soon. Are you still looking for a developer to make this for you?