Your Recommendations Please
Hey Printrbot has some great looking stuff.
In your experience, how necessary is the heated platform?
Was thinking about going the cheap route (since I have no idea what I'm doing) and going with this: what would be your reservations on that?
Heated platform is nearly a must for printing ABS...just a nice-to-have for using PLA. Also note that ABS is more heat tolerant than PLA (PLA will melt/deform if left in a hot car) so ABS may be preferable in a hot climate. ABS has trouble sticking to a non-heated bed during printing.
I would be hesitant to use a wood frame in India because the humidity during the rainy season would have a tendency to warp the frame and throw off calibration...however India is a biiiig place so maybe there isn't a problem with humidity where you'll be?
Hi All,
Thank for all your feedback. I nearly bought a printrbot till I found the huge price of getting it into India. Have been looking at local option inztead.
Divide by Zero appear nice but a little pricey for a firzt time buyer
Thought on the folloing optionz appreciated:
Can you tell hich keyz are broken on my keyboard?
Looks like you need a W & S...if you had your printer, you could just 3D print some new ones
The first link you posted does not look good. The kit itself looks fine, but the website does not give me confidence that you will get a quality product and/or support. The product description is a bare minimum, well not even that - the printing area is not listed?? The link to the support forum is broken as well.
The Fabx machines look good as far as I can see, as does the rest of the website. Personally I would feel much more comfortable purchasing from '3Ding', given the choices you have presented.
Thanks for the feedback, I just downloaded the sample of your book - it looks great. Like many sketchuppers I need to be doing as I learn so will buy it once I actually have a machine to implement my learnings on.
A couple more options within India:
Do you think this is a legitimate Printrbot?:
I can get this Ultimaker brought from NZ - I know it was once a great machine but is it still up to standard nowadays?:
There are also these rep-raps I can get brought from NZ:
can't recommend any machine but I did read somewhere last week about one machine that's apparently having a lot of unhappy users: Makerbot.
Ash, I am skeptical of the Printrbot you linked to. Maybe you could check with Printrbot directly and see if they are legit, or if there are any 'official' dealers in India.
I would not recommend the used wood Ultimaker. None of the new printers are made of wood any more because if it's tendency to move with the changing seasons. You want a stable frame or calibration and print quality will suffer.
The build quality of your last two links looks fine, but I can't comment any further than that. I haven't had much interaction with Prusa brands. Hope that helps!
Thats very helpful - your ability to cut through the fog is much appreciated
Cheers, please let up know what you end up getting.
Was playing with a couple of flashforges at a hackerspace yesterday - that was pretty cool.