Board Game Build (Firefly)
Nice. Sounds like fun. Specially playing with the family. Looking at the complexity, I can't see how they issued the game without something like that.
Nice, next time, 3D-print it
Very nice, I can't imagine that they expected all that stuff to just lay around on the table, must have been a real mess.
I loved the Firefly series. What idiots they were to cancel it after only one season. I wasn't aware that there was a board game - wonder if I could teach my cat how to play.
Nah, he was always cheating after I taught him Monopoly.
Thanks all.
hellnbak, the game has been out for a while. I only noticed it about a year ago and received it as a Father's Day gift. I really like it. There are many different story cards so each game's goal can be different than the last. And there are a few expansions as well.
There is also a single player mode which is nice. I learned the rules playing a few solo games.
Here is an image I found on the web of the game being played by 4 players with everything laid out. Much confusion for sure.
@boofredlay said:
Here is an image I found on the web of the game being played by 4 players with everything laid out. Much confusion for sure.
You have got to be kidding! That's ridiculous, to say the least. Probably wouldn't want to have a fan going anywhere near
So you can play a solo version? That's cool, just checked Amazon and there are lots of stuff for the game, expansion packs and whatnot. I might just have to consider diving into that.
What the heck is the Stegosaurus for?
In the series Wash has plastic dino's on his console. During one of the episodes he is playing with them like they are fighting.
There is a cardboard dino that comes with the game but they recommend a "nicer" one.
When it is your turn you have the dino on your side. (in case there is confusion as to whose turn it is).
Thanks for explaining that. I have the series on DVD but it's been a while since I've watched it. I do remember falling in love with Summer Glau though
Actually, after doing some research on the game, I've pretty much decided that it's a bit more than I could wrap my tired old brain around. Plus, while it's nice that it can be played solo, I don't know, when you take away the competition aspect of a game it just sort of loses it's purpose and edge.
Maybe after I've gotten that brain transplant (ok, implant) I've been saving up for....
It does take the competition out a bit but out of the 3 solo play games you only have 20 turns to complete the goal so you are playing against the clock so to speak.
Yes the rules are extensive but having the rulebook and the 14 page FAQ on my phone as a pdf I can rule check quite easily.
Eric, I like your organizer.
a question on the game: Do you get to buy houses and hotels? I don't see the "Get out of jail free" cards.
you could sell the hell out of that...
@hellnbak said:
You have got to be kidding! That's ridiculous, to say the least. Probably wouldn't want to have a fan going anywhere near
Are you kidding? Only a fan could have invented such a complicated looking board game.
Good job, Eric. But a true fan would have made it look like the Serenity
Not sure if ye are aware of this new TV series which is more or less a spoof series of the cancellation of firefly but stars the same cast as fire fly, simply brilliant
@iichiversii said:
Not sure if ye are aware of this new TV series which is more or less a spoof series of the cancellation of firefly but stars the same cast as fire fly, simply brilliant
The link provided does not work
@iichiversii said:
Not sure if ye are aware of this new TV series which is more or less a spoof series of the cancellation of firefly but stars the same cast as fire fly, simply brilliant
That was epic...
Thanks, got it this time. Yes, that was pretty funny.
There's also a hilarious gag reel from the series here one here;index=7%26amp;list=RDqjb1oZk3mNMand behind the scenes here;index=26%26amp;list=RDqjb1oZk3mNM