Thank you!
Wow! Great model and the texture is crazy good!
Thank you, Bryan!
Here's another view...
Very accurate texturing
Can you make the bump map of the texture negative ? Scratches in wood are plausible, but bumps in wood are not.
That's a cool sytle Cotty, is it a default one or one you've created yourself?
Agree that the bump needs reversing. Texturing looks great! -
Thank you all for your comments.
@cadmunkey said:
That's a cool sytle Cotty, is it a default one or one you've created yourself?
Agree that the bump needs reversing. Texturing looks great!The last image is a mix of three images (clay, render, line export) with these style settings (slightly modified standard style):
I've added a download link to the first post...
Tasteful and colorful gallery !