Current news on 3d printing 2015
3D Printing Daily update News at 9:00 am:
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )
Current news on 3d Printing 2014:;t=55904February 24, 2015 News
Ask The Expert. Inside3dp|
"increasing. Here’s a list of the most common 3D printing myths"
Cut Your Own Hair? Then This 3D Printed Neck Hair Trimmer Is For You. 3Dprint|
"me, but that requires that I cut my hair when she is available"
3D Printing Aids In Allowing Pedro The Miniature Pony To Better See His Visitors. 3Dprint|
"seen a pony reap the benefits of the technology. That is until today"
Tiny Pony Gets Own Periscope To Help Him See Out Of Stable - Thanks To. Manchester Evening News|
"miniature Shetland pony Pedro yearned to see eye-to-eye with visitors"
Stockport Firm Makes Tiny Pony Periscope To Help Him See Out Of Stable. Itv News|
"been given a periscope, thanks to a 3D printing firm in Stockport"
Gritt 3D Creating Custom 3D Printed Sports Mouthguards. 3Dprint|
"a mouthguard from transparent acrylic resin that the first reusable mouthguard came into being"
TNwith FutureBook Yearbooks, North America's fastest growing yearbook printing. Marketwatch|
"FutureBook Yearbooks, North America's fastest growing yearbook printing and publishing company"
Lego 3D Printer Created Using Ev3 Mindstorms And Glue Gun (Video). Geeky Gadgets|
"shelf glue gun, check out the video below to see it in action"February 25, 2015 News
Zbrush And I.materialise Help Artist Jody Garrett Create Dark, Elaborate Fantasy Artwork. 3Dprint|
"team,” which it makes it much easier for clients to visualize construction outcomes"The 3D-printed Selfie: Just Another Gimmick?. Motley Fool|
"to be enough revenue there, because retail floor space comes at a premium"
Napoleon's Eagle Standards 3D Printed In London To Commemorate The Battle 3Dprint|
"them to defend the golden eagles atop the French flag with their very lives"
Multi Packaging Solutions Embraces 3D Printing Technology. Packaging Europe|
"invested in the latest 3D printing technology for creating plastic prototypes"
Photographer 3D Prints Vr Headset For The Oneplus One. Android Community|
"himself to make a VR headset for his OnePlus One, via 3D printing"
3D Printing Puts Giant Star System In Palm Of Your Hand. Space|
"Gull down the path of creating a three-dimensional model of Eta Carinae"
The Selfie Obsession: Get A Real Life 3D Image Of… Yourself. Rt (Blog)|
"to a 3D printer. The result: A real life statue of yourself" -
BLOGS and the WEB Wednesday
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )First 3D-printed Ski Boot Uses Carbon Fiber-reinforced Polyamidinside 3D Printing|
"than 20 years of experience in additive manufacturing and high-performance 3D printing"
3D Printed Plexiglass Led Signs. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
"there is no denying the fact that colorful lighting is an attention grabber"3D Printing. Accucode| Some Are Calling It The Beginning Of A Third
"types are finding ways to incorporate 3D printing as part of their normal "
Meprinter. 3D Print Uae| Me Printer Is A Monthly Print Communication Magazine Catering
"relevant, reliable and accessible information about the graphic arts industry in the region"
10 Reasons Paper-based 3D Printing Is Better-part 1 Of 2. Mcor Technologies|
"uses sheets of ordinary copy paper to build physical 3D models layer by layer"
Is 3D Printing The Coolest Thing To Happen To Animation?. Lbbonline|
"with a new toy – who have been having the most fun with it"
Custom 3D Printing. Fpvlab| Need A Part? Found It On Or Have
"My only complaint is the centering plug thing has raised lettering "
3D Printing Technology Amazing 3D Self Portrait. Dailymotion|
3D-printed Mashman Visor: A Better Way To Capture Experiences. Cinco|
"Moreover, the camera ideally should be closer to your line of sight"
Shapeways Crew All Stars: 3D Printing Community Events Around T. Shapeways|
"the some of the highlights from our Crew members from the past two months" -
BLOGS and the WEB Friday
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )The Krak3n is coming: a modular monster 3D printer complete wit.|
"at the same time remains interesting to both beginners and experienced 3D printing hobbyists"
Movie Studios Using 3D-Printed Costume and Props. Inside 3D Printing|
"as a way of producing elaborately designed costumes and props within tight time frames"3D Printing Volcanic Models to Better Realize Dangers. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
"says the current demand for his models and the information they impart is high"
Wolf Tooth Components Teases Replacement Dérailleur Cage with 3. Bike Rumor|
"the upper pulley, but the question lies in the geometry of the cage"
Know it all with our 3D Printing Glossary. Sculpteo|
"we even define technical terms for the physical properties of a 3D printed object"
Make a 3D Printed Light-up Marquee Sign. Instructables|
"reason why they are seen on pinboards and design blogs all over the internet"
Paper-based 3D printing? The big idea driving this Startup to Hot Topics|
"the very picture of the driven obsessive. He just doesn’t have any choice"
Rubber band Gun. MyMiniFactory|
"multiple rubber bands at once and is quick and easy to assemble"
Pensar's Data-Driven DNA-Shoes Are Now A 3D Printed Reality. 3D Printer World|
"idea, which resulted in a digital 3D model called the DNA-Shoe"
3DPrinted Wearable Ant-Man Helmet #3DPrinting. Blog - Adafruit|
"As is usual for Marvel films, the design of the costume"
Maker designs and 3D prints Kindle page turner for people with.|
"kindles as continuously pressing the buttons put too much strain on their hands" -
Re: 3D Printing engineers scientist mathematician physicist
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )February 20 At 12:38Pm. Facebook| Five 3D Printing Apps For Engineers - Asme..
"related Apps engineers could use for designing, viewing, and 3D printing"
Researchers Demonstrate Micro 3D Printing with Atom-Thin Graphene Ink. 3D Printing Industry|
"out of graphene the necessary qualities to successfully 3D print complex microstructures"
3D printed solar energy-harvesting tree can charge smartphones.|
"way into helping produce some innovative solutions for harvesting natural and renewable energy"
3D Printing Goes Big with the 3DP Engineering TV|
"to clean barrels (for aging beer) at Dogfish Head Craft Brewery"
NEWS ANALYSIS: Will Energy-Harvesting 3D Printed Trees Charge. EE Times|
"of a 3D printed tree that harvests solar energy using organic solar cell"
Blender and 3D printing. Blender Artists| Has anyone used the program Blender with 3D printer
"printing, machines add layers of thin materials to create a product or componen"
This 3D Printed Tree Generates Solar Energy. 3D Printing|
"into helping produce some innovative solutions for harvesting natural and renewable energy"
New soldering tech could lead to solution-processed semiconductors. Ferret|
"in fact most cases will see the joint blocking transport of charges"
Breather app lets users rent workspace by the hour in busy urban centres. Toronto Star|
"her last attempt at holding a business meeting in a coffee shop proved frustrating"
Wotton-under-Edge based Renishaw on how to tackle the skills gap. Gazette Series|
"executive Sir David McMurtry describes the difficulty faced by modern engineering companies"
A billion solutions: Helping people on way to success. Tallahassee
"present a completely different take on the future — one of abundance and opportunity"
Multi Packaging Solutions Embraces 3D Printing Technology. Rock Hill Herald (Press Release)|
"markets, has invested in the latest 3D printing technology for creating plastic prototypes"
Semiconductor 'Solder' To Usher In A New Wave Of 3D Printed Electronics. 3Dprint|
"soldered – and even 3D printed — and still deliver the proper electronic performance"Solder Seamlessly Joins Two Semiconductors. Futurity: Research News|
"surfaces, but a new solder does the job while delivering good electronic performance"
7 Steps To A Prototype For Hardware Startups. Tech Cocktail|
"you break it down into manageable steps it is possible to succeed with hardware"
Chgt Explores Adding Integrated Circuitry To 3D Printing Plans. Rock Hill Herald
"weeks spent forming an electric prototype will be shortened to about an hour"
Sinclair Partners With Tangible Solutions To Grow 3D Printing In. Sinclair Community College|
"access to a trained workforce and offering an outlet to facilitate training opportunities"
Dreams, Ideas, Inventions, 3D Printing, + Engineering All Under One Startup. Robotics Tomorrow |
"with everything they need to create, launch, and maintain new products"
3D Printed Prototypes. Luxexcel| 3D Printed Prototypes Become More And More Common In
"be seen as a thinly sliced horizontal cross-section of the eventual object"
Renishaw set to demonstrate 3D printing technology at The Big B. The Engineer|
"Young Engineers, the British Science Association and the Royal Academy of Engineering"
Prototyping is Flat — How 3D Printing is Evening the Prototypin. 3DPrint|
"the rights than create new castings, but the oversight still cost six figures" -
3D Printing Daily update News at 9:00 am:
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )
Current news on 3d Printing 2014:;t=55904February 26, 2015 NEWS
Volcano Models 3D Printed to Point Out Hazards. 3DPrint|
"the sea and in the process, wiped out the entire village of Tambora"
3D printing a look to future possibilities. The Post|
"it’s why he has designed and made his own open sourced 3D printers"February 27, 2015 NEWS
Boston Gets a 3D-Printed Jewelry Competition. BostInno|
"technologies to produNe unique pieces that previously would never have been possible to create"Award-winning 3D printed skiboot is a better fit. Reinforced Plastics|
"different positions and so also changing the height of the foot in the boot"
Could 3D Bioprinted Rhino Horn Alternative Save the World's Rhinoceros Population. 3DPrint|
"ago when he pulled out a notebook and began conjuring up a business plan"
Altair's OptiStruct Allows for Topology Optimization and 3D Printing of Lattice. 3DPrint|
"in many industries to stay innovative, sharp, and ahead of the competition"
The 3D Printer Experience and the conversion from physical to virtual. Chicago Tribune|
"on LaSalle Street. Steele explains how she’s helping people speed into the future"
'2015 Triennial: Surround Audience' Exhibit Features Artists Not Afraid of 3D Printing.. 3DPrint|
"ways to experiment as well as manufacture their own designs for prototyping and selling" -
BLOGS and the WEB Friday
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Mark Trageser's Business Model for a 3D Printed Toy Empire. 3D Printer World|
"enter the world of toy manufacturing by promoting the production capabilities of 3D printing"
Hand of a Superhero – 3D Printing and Wearables. Smart Phone Health Care|
"sometimes we need to approach the problem with a simple but effective solution"
Nanoscribe Technology Enables 3D Printing of Microfabrication Not Possible. Inside 3D Printing|
"3D printer, turning to external services for more industrial 3D-printing technologies"
3D printed handles bring worn-out pot back to life.. 3D Hubs|
"glossy surface very similar to what you'd expect from an injection-molded part"shoe store. MyMiniFactory| Download free 3D printable objects for your 3D printer
"upper lets you bring your own creative ideas to bear on the final product"
Applications of 3D Printing 2014-2024. ADVFN|
"will continue to be, augmented with a wide variety of new application"
3D Printing. CADD Edge| Learn about 3D printing with PolyJet technology and it's
"which enables a wide variety of performance characteristics enabling a range of application"
Christian Bale's armor. Inside 3D Printing|
"to special effects companies with 3D-printing capabilities to create costumes and props" -
Live Long and Prosper
BLOGS and the WEB Saturday
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )3D Printing: A technology to support sustainability?. LEAD International|
"sheds some light on what 3D Printing is and what it means to sustainability"
Volcano Models 3D Printed to Point Out Hazards. 3D Printing Event|
"islands were swamped by a tsunami with waves of up to 13 feet high"3D-Printed Microfluidic Automation. RSC Publishing - Royal Society of Chemistry|
"Printing these devices only requires the digital file and electronic access to a printe"
I Can Walk On 3D Printed Digit grade Stilts. Blog - Adafruit|
"the countless LED projects that are possible when you are modeling your projects in"
3D Printing Afoot: Rethinking Shoes. Spark - Autodesk|
"become available and printing technology become faster, the possibilities will continue to expand" -
BLOGS and the WEB Sunday
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Most Read Articles from Last Week. 3D Printing Industry|
%(#008000)["ders for the Autodesk Ember 3D printer, through the EmberExplorer Program"]
Anvil 3D Creation Center: 3D Print your lifestyle!. Kickstarter|
"upon. You can get your 3D printer reloaded just like inserting a cassette"
STOP! Is 3D Printing Game-Changing?. BizzVenue|
"extremely expensive. What could be game-changing about that he probably thought"
Evolution of the Smart Glasses. LUMA-iD| EVOLUTION OF THE SMART GLASSES It has been an absolute
"testing concepts that they hope to build into an affordable pair of glasses"
3D Printed Spring Things. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
"other interlocking pieces creating more versatility and playfulness for ‘Spring Things"3D Printing Drop-In for All Ages Returns. Pinhead Institute|
"all of these drop-in sessions to give your ideas form, literally"
3Dprinting. Reddit| News, information, links and fun things related to 3D printing,
"Shave stand I designed"
3D Printing Terrain. The Warhammer Forum| Has anyone experimented with 3D printing there scenery
"40k Click the thumbnail pics to see a painted version, sometimes" -
3D Printing Daily update News at 9:00 am:
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )
Current news on 3d Printing 2014:;t=55904February 28, 2015 NEWS
Facebook Now Allows Interactive Embeddable 3D Models From Sketchfab in Users' Streams. 3DPrint|
"by offering up content in an easily embeddable, real-time 3D player"
A 3D printing startup backed by Carmelo Anthony wants to banish shoe sizes. Quartz|
"will be spent working on making SOLS’ insoles and shoes more accessible to consumers"
A 3D printing startup raises $11 million to create the 'future of footwear'. Business Insider|
"company builds you an insole. It gets printed and shipped within a week"
Metalworkers Take 3D Printing To The Next Level.|
"While 3D printing is quickly becoming old news, this story has a twist"
Project Anywhere — Virtual Reality System Which Utilizes 3D Printed 'Inteligloves' . VR. 3DPrint|
"we communicate over distances as well as interact with others in a virtual space"
Art Installation Celebrates Gabriel García Márquez with 50 3D Printers Making Over 7000. 3DPrint|
"than Gabriel García Márquez, best known affectionately as ‘Gabo’ throughout Latin America"
It's a Bird! It's a Plane! It's 3D Printed Superman!. 3DPrint|
"Superman is one of the first superheroes to have really dominated American culture"March 1, 2015 NEWS
The It List: Five things to do in Berkeley this weekend. Berkeley-side|
"Invention” display featuring 20 artefacts. There will be booths with food"
Toward Our 3D Future. TechCrunch|
"to make a path between the digital world and the physical one we populate"
The Friday Exit: Leap into The Vault. Chicago Tribune|
"find when you need them. Our minds are racing with the possibilities"
The It List: Five things to do in Berkeley this weekend. Berkeley-side|
"Invention” display featuring 20 artefacts. There will be booths with food"
German Maker Shares Interlocking 3D Printed Creature, 'Spring Things,' on Thingiverse. 3DPrint|
"that you can snap together in assembling the many-legged creature"
No, Magic Can't Deliver A Tiger. TechCrunch|
"the lede of the VentureBeat article about nascent on-demand startup Magic"
Christina Sporrong. taosnews|
"collaboration, christina sporrong, taos, new mexico, the taos news"
Jerusalemites: David's and Karlee's story. Jerusalem Post Israel News (blog)|
"great to see the rich culture and diverse makeup of the Israeli people"March 2, 2015 NEWS
3D Printing: The Stories We Didn't Cover This Week — March 1, 2015. 3DPrint|
"something for everyone’s imagination when it comes to the future of 3D printing"
Listen to the Jurassic Park theme played on a 3D printer. CNET|
"from the theme of Jurassic Park at all is quite an accomplishment"
A Biologist Gets Into 3D Printed Eyelash Curlers Custom-Made For Every Womans' Eyes. TechCrunch|
"crimp the lashes into an L shape instead of a proper curl"
3-D printing of semiconductors for new technologies. 3D Printing Progress|
"demonstrated how semiconductors can be soldered and still deliver good electronic performance"
The Famous Blue and Black Dress (or White and Gold) Becomes a 3D Printed Meme. 3DPrint|
"here often? Make Google your homepage"
3D Printed Blue and Black / White and Gold Dress. 3D Printing Forum|
"dress appears to be blue and black to some people, yet white and gold to others"
Innovation spurs one more possible greening solution. Highlands Today|
"about 15 minutes. The end result is a replica that’s several inches high"
Oscar-nominated films at the Bean. The Daily Planet|
"ParaNorman and The Boxtrolls — for the community at large"
PV Nano Cell To Exhibit Its Innovative SicrysInk Technology at LOPEC 2015 in. PR Newswire UK|
"other forms of connectivity, as well as other printed electronics mass production applications" -
BLOGS and the WEB Monday
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )3D printing a blue Star Trek table lamp.|
"cheap blue lamp on Amazon and assembled the lamp and all the components together"How Brand Owners Can Learn to Love 3D Printing. International Trademark Association|
"attempts to address these losses through litigation could ultimately cost companies even more"
UW-Platteville on Twitter: New donated equipment allows for inverse 3D printing. UWPnews.twitter|
"research tool but also as manufacturing tool to assure the quality of plastics products"
SOLS introduces ADAPTIV – 3D printed robotic shoes that adjusts shape. 3D Printing from scratch|
"air pressure all over the shoe thus supporting the body movements and shifts"
Everything You've Always Wanted To Know About 3D Printing. Venture Café|
"You've Ever Wanted to Know About 3D Printing but Were Afraid to Ask" -
BLOGS and the WEB Tuesday
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Manufacturing in 3D: Will 3D Printing Revolutionize Modern Industry?. Risk Management|
"joined chat rooms, read wikis and connected with a subculture of DIY enthusiasts"
How about an app for 3D printing your selfies?. iDownloadBlog|
"printing company and receive a 3D version of your face in the post"
Lung X Lung's 3D Printed Shoes. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
"printing on these machines, we have seen many new uses for the technology"
Ultimate Guide to 3D Printing 2014 Which Printer Is Right For You. Valley Business Machines|
"links to terrorism, or involving violence, pornography and other violations"
Using 3D Printers for Hunting and Fishing [VIDEO]. Wide Open Spaces|
"what you pay for” seems to hold true in the 3D printer world"The next frontier: Meta augmented reality and 3D printing. Shapeways|
"me more about how Augmented Reality be a tool for designing 3D printed products"
SOLS Maker of 3D-Printed Shoe Insoles, Announces $11.1M Series B Funding. Inside 3D Printing|
"Terdema Ussery, Dallas Mavericks’ president and CEO, to its board of directors"
The Impact of 3D Printing on the World Container Industry. Inside 3D Printing|
"Any reduction will be masked by the stronger growth of container transport activity" -
3D Printing Daily update News at 9:00 am:
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )
Current news on 3d Printing 2014:;t=55904March 3, 2015 NEWS
SOLS Puts $11.1M from Carmelo Anthony, Others to Work in 3D-Printed Footwear. Xconomy|
"New York-based SOLS is putting the technology to work in footwear"
Want a 3D printed selfie? There's an app for that. CNBC|
"Ilic, the founder of Dacuda, told CNBC that he anticipates many people"
Listen to the 'Jurassic Park' theme played on a 3D printer. CNET|
"not exactly dulcet-toned musical instrument, but a musical instrument nevertheless"
Could 3D Printing Utterly Change Solar Panel Technology?. Energy Digital|
"disruption caused by greenhouse gas emissions, the sun’s energy promise is glowingly exciting"
Three Men 3D Print Their Very Own Custom Mount Rushmore With Their Own Faces Attached. 3DP|
"really endless when it comes to designing an object to be 3D printed"Lung x Lung Creates Unique 3D Printed Shoes with Interchangeable Heels.|
"printing on these machines, we have seen many new uses for the technology"
Tomorrow Daily 137: HTC Vive, playing music with mold, 3D-printed snacks and more. CNET|
"that thing looks like you left it outside under a tree for a week"March 4, 2015 NEWS
Amazing 2-String 3D Printed Violin is Part of Something Special Which Could Revolutionize M. 3DP|
"more. We’ve even seen custom 3D printed musical instruments created for superstar musicians"
Life-Size 3D Printed Iron Man Suit Used Over 1.8 Miles of Plastic Filament, Took 14 Months. 3DP|
"printing has to offer are taking prop and costume making to the next level"
Reddit User Creates Incredible Artwork by Photographing the Insides of 3D Printed Vases. 3DPrint|
"computer screen, and then appear in the physical world via a 3D printer"
Body Labs Launches Beta Version of BodyKit — Are 3D Printed Clothes Headed Our Way Next?. 3DP|
"be completely customized by the consumer and then printed out to fit them perfectly"
This Guy Made His Very Own Iron Man Armor With a 3D Printer. Yahoo News|
"explained, “after [having a lot of problems and disasters before"]
98 years old and STIll having printer problems.|
"but recent advances in 3D printing seemed to me to offer the perfect answer"
Can't Find The Perfect Eyelash Curler? Voir Creations Can 3D Print One For You. Tech Times|
"eyelash and has developed what may be the first-ever customized eyelash curler"
3D Printing: Next Revolution. 3D Printing Progress|
"to think of it as the technology that can help take them as well" -
BLOGS and the WEB Wednesday
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Design and 3D Print 'Cuppy' Video Game Character for an Upcoming Release. 3D Printing Forum|
"to the gallery in hopes that their character design will appear in the game"
Introduction to 3D Printing Registration. Fredericksburg Academy|
"print many thousands of existing designs, or to create their own projects"
Design Museum Boston presents"Rapid Jewelry"3D Printing Jewelry Design Competition. 3D Hubs|
"word! We need your help to share the competition with your professional networks"
The Intersection of Style and Software: Meet Anouk Wipprecht's 3D-Printed Spider Dress. Materialise|
"complex design could be 3D printed flawlessly. And the result is amazing"3D Printing: The Stories We Didn't Cover This Week. 2045 Initiative|
"there’s something for everyone’s imagination when it comes to the future of 3D printing"
3D Printed Art: The Interior of Vases. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
"of the vases themselves, but because he photographed them from an unexpected angle"
3DPL released: an Open Source License for 3D Printed things. Blog|
"a part of our effort to make all the things in the world malleable"
Selfies are so 2014. App Creates Creepy 3D Printed Selfies. Robotics Trends|
"application ever, and, dammit, I wish I’d thought of it"
Why 3D printing is on the rise in industrial manufacturing.|
"are leaving lasting marks in the worlds of aerospace, automotive, and medicine"
3D printed dremel spindle for CNC micro mill. Reddit|
"in materials softer than SS because I wasn't careful with my feeds and speeds" -
BLOGS and the WEB Thursday
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )3D Printing Fashion. Apparel Search| 3D printing is not entirely new to the fashion industry,
"Technical standards generally use the term additive manufacturing for this broader sense"
3DPrinted Life-Size Iron Man Suit #3DPrinting. Blog - Adafruit|
"printing has to offer are taking prop and costume making to the next level"
Aalto FabLab brings 3D printing to EMMA. Media Factory at Aalto University|
"pre-designed models, demonstrating 3D printing to the visitors of the museum"
MONAD Studio mixes 3D printing and sci-fi to create 2-string violin and futuristic sonic. 3Ders|
"their forms for centuries in part because of their traditional manufacturing processes"Watch a 3D-Printed Character Transform into an Animated Installation. The Creators Project - Vice|
"If you look closely, you can figure out what happened on that table"
3D Printing: Will it Revolutionize the Manufacturing World?. Micro Motion Blog|
"many departments including Ryan Zydel, Charles DePenning, Marty Schlosser and Mark Bell"
Dacuda and Volumental release 3D printed selfie app for phones and tablets.|
"worth - but as for the smaller developers, this is no easy feat"
3D Printing About to Change Our Economy for Good. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
"giant Apple in the smartwatch arena. Pebble's new Time smartwatch is on Kickstarter"
Intricate Italian Fashion Pieces Designed and Produced in Hours. Stratasys Blog|
"costs and reduce our turnaround time significantly, while maintaining the highest-quality" -
3D Printing Daily update News at 9:00 am:
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )
Current news on 3d Printing 2014:;t=55904March 5, 2015 NEWS
This Pebble Watch is a Clear Example of Why 3D Printing Will Revolutionize Our Economy.|
"truly believe that we are in the midst of the third industrial revolution"
Researchers 3D Print MicroSwimmers & BioRobots to Carry Cargo Inside Human Body, Fueled by 3DP|
"as well as prototypes giving us the freedom to launch and sustain businesses"
CGI Film, FREEZE! is 3D Printed to Show Each Frame Together in Amazing Presentation.|
"animated movies you see on the big screen today are created using this technology"
Top Six 3D Printing Discoveries of February 2015. International Business Times, India Edition|
"from the commercial aspects, 3D printing has seriously started contributing for the benefit"
Japanese BioPrinting Firm Closes $12M Series B Funding.|
"the development of its 3D tissue engineering technology for regenerative medicine applications"
Man builds Iron Man suit with 3D printer. Nerd Reactor|
"Iron Man suit from a 3D printer a whole different story"
Pinshape & ELLE Launch 3D Printable Jewelry Design Contest: Winners Could Land Dream Job 3DP|
"latest 3D design contest, and the prizes are truly worth taking notice"Feeling Lucky? 3D Printed Horseshoes May Bring Good Fortune to Race Horses. The Future of Things|
"piece of material and take away parts until they reach the finished product)"March 6, 2015 NEWS
The fastest way of validating a part is to print it. MCADCafe|
"that they need for their design project in the CAD format of their choosing"
News from ASTM International. World Cement|
"communities can adopt the ASTM standard to produce more sophisticated and accurate results"
Portraits take on a 3D printing twist. ABC Local|
"Industries, uses scanning and 3D printing technology to create portraits of local communities"
Animation recreated frame-by-frame in real life with 3D printing. Gizmodo|
"you were seeing it frame-by-frame, in real life:"
The Future of Making Things: How Industrial 3D Printing Will Transform Business And Save. Forbes|
"a manufacturing process to generate this much excitement is pretty rare in contemporary times"
A Minnesota Couple Uses 3D Printing to Fight Off Icy Temps and Cabin Fever. 3DP|
"to do but hide from the horrific low temperatures and snot-freezing winds"
La Moda 3D Printing Technology are a High Fashion Match Made in Italy. 3DP|
"systems, and they say their flagship tool is the high definition 3D printer" -
BLOGS and the WEB Friday
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )What can 3D printing do for you?. HeroX|
"sit around patiently waiting for whatever it is you want, to be ready"
Technology & Touch How New Digital Media and 3D Printing are Impacting the McCollCArtInnovation|
"itself. How has digital media impacted the ways in which creatives solve problems"
3Dprinting. Reddit| Hey All, So yup, that just happened. I'm the IT
"show and tell only). I know "nothing"about 3d printing however"
A comparison between the hydrodynamic characteristics of 3D-printed polymer and etch. Springer|
"using 3D-printing for microfabrication and rapid turnaround microfluidic applications"
Stratasys Enables La Moda's 3D Printed Fashion. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
"3D printing to speed their product development process and create new paths to fashion"
3D Printing a hyper realistic shoe. BlenderNation|
"subsequently optimized for reproduction through the full color sandstone 3D printing process"
3DPrinted RaspBMO #3DThursday #3DPrinting. Blog - Adafruit|
"second hand held emulator project based on everyone’s favorite sentient game console"
3D Printing Idea: Winter Molds. Fabbaloo|
"3D models for snowmen, but we think this idea could go much farther"
Animation recreated frame-by-frame in real life with 3D printing. Sploid - Gizmodo|
"like all at once with actual figures. It gets pretty trippy"CODE_n: Needle-gripper ROBOCHOP, 3D printing and IoT. IDG Connect|
"to be found and I wonder if I will get to see it later"
Embedded 3D Printing of Strain Sensors within HighlyStretchable Elastomers. Lewis Research Group|
"rheology, and drying behavior of complex fluids using a broad array of techniques" -
BLOGS and the WEB Saturday
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )3d Printing. Pinterest| Pins about 3d Printing hand-picked by Pinner J
"you need are paperclips, scraps, and staples! Make your own custom"
3D printing. Pinterest| Pins about 3D printing hand-picked by Pinner Brandie
"Monash University and Amaero Engineering created the world’s first 3D-printed jet engine"
March Is For Makers: 3D Printing with Printrbot's Brook Drumm. Hanselminutes|
"star on the new Science Channel TV show"All-American Makers"
Make 3D prints using your own photos for free. Creative Bloq|
"man's dream… or at least a wealthy studio with all the latest tech"The 3D printing revolution. New African Magazine|
"uses, and suggests what must be done to support this possible industrial revolution"
Street FX Motorsport & Graphics. Facebook|
"this information is provided simply for your interest, not as legal advic" -
BLOGS and the WEB Sunday
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Before 3D Printing, There Was Photosculpture. All Day|
""and"3D printing"But back then—it was called photosculpture"
3D Printing an Open-Source Trumpet. 3D Printing Industry|
"the valves. Inspiration for the design was loosely based on his Bach Stradivarius"zAltair OptiStruct
Revolutionizes Lattice Structures for 3D Printing. Altair University|
"of the industry while considering new developments in commercial car racing"
Voxel8 Revolutionizes Printing Material with Highly Conductive Silver Ink. 3D Printing Forum|
"conductors, wires, and batteries into the normal matrix materials of 3D printing"
Most Read Articles from Last Week. 3D Printing Industry|
"Home Manufacturing and Food Production Combined to Create 3D Printable Mini-Farm"
Molecular Gastronomy and the art of Reaction-based 3D Printing. Structur3D Printing|
"the Discov3ry extruder, but it’s probably the most accessible tool for the job"
Browse through 3D printed art.| Want to spare two minutes browsing through some of the
"just as fascinated by technologies that are on the verge or over the edge"
3D printing meets American football with the VS:0.02 [gridiron].|
"exoskeleton sleeves to create a temporary “snake skin” effect on human skin"
3D Printing Stories We Missed. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
"win, you can take on some of the projects we're looking at now"
14 comments. Reddit| Yeah, as a general rule I'm avoiding any"cartridge"style
"printer, but I can't stop eating pieces of the print while it's printing"
Top 3d Printing Figurines Guide!. Regany Abogados|
"updates to its Genesis 2 human figure platform to make its 3D models"
What Is 3D Printing Used For?. Selby Soap Co|
"and replace 3D printing technologies and units that proceed to amaze the populace"
3D Printing. Vimeo| This is"3D Printing"by John McCombs on Vimeo, the
"Stratasys (SSYS), the game isn't changing quickly enough to satisfy Wall Street"
3D Printing a Melodica (14) – it's finished!. Melodicaworld|
"just what I hoped it would be. Here’s some photos I took today"
3D Printed Snow Blower Overview. Dailymotion|
"the video «3D Printed Snow Blower Overview» uploaded by Margeretparkinson on Dailymotion" -
3D Printing Daily update News at 9:00 am:
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )
Current news on 3d Printing 2014:;t=55904March 7, 2015 NEWS
Voovo Meets Growing Demand for 3D Printing with Crowdsourcing Platform. Techvibes (blog)|
"problems facing the 3D printing industry today: most people don’t own 3D printers"
In-Q-Tel Invests in Voxel8 for Multi-Material 3D Printing. Ten Links|
"innovative technology solutions to support the missions of the US Intelligence Communit"
Voxel8 Electronics 3D Printer Receives Investment from US Intelligence Community. Inside 3DP|
"we are able to bring our ground-breaking technology to the mass market"
NuVu Studio Students Create 3D Printed Exoskeleton Shoe for Cycling & Triathlons. 3DP|
"vegan and vegetarian, and smoking cigarettes is, thankfully, on the decline"
Avooq's 3D Printable CDBits Turn Your Old CD's Into Building Blocks. 3DP|
"useless” technologies and products with 3D printing to create something new and useful"
This 3D Printed Swimsuit Will Totally Blow Your Mind – Printed on a MakerBot 3D Printer. 3DP|
"attract all the hype, while the next day it is totally forgotten"
AXE (Unilever) is Sold on 3D Printed Shower Tool Design Idea, Subsequently Ordering 500000. 3DP|
"prototypes of a design which most likely will further need to be iterated upon"
This 3D Printed Optical Illusion Pin-wheel Will Drive You Insane!. 3DP|
"day, I can spend an entire hour staring at these mind bending images"March 8, 2015 NEWS
Daylight Saving Time 2015: Our top 3D printed clocks to turn forward. 3DP|
"experience turning them forward — at least for those of us in most states"
3D Printing The Stories We Didn't Cover This Week — March 7, 2015. 3DP|
"ditch your computer mouse and use your hand to directly design 3D printable object"
Little Known Facts About 3d Printed Figures. Active Ankle|
"choose from. Over 50 materials exist when it comes down to manufacturing products"
The Kinematics Dress: A Flexible, 3D Printed Garment. Live Design|
"donned a fabric, but instead, a 3D printed, plastic garment"Why 3D printing is set to revolutionise manufacturing.|
"would no longer need giant warehouses holding hundreds of millions of dollars of stock"
Perceptron Launches Smart3D(TM) Laser Scanning System Revolution in Automatic Reverse. CNNMoney|
"significantly enhanced over equivalent data acquired using manually operated scanning systems"
PrintDisplay: DIY displays and touch screens anyone can print. Gizmag|
"that could allow anyone to literally print their own custom displays, including touchscreens"March 9, 2015 NEWS
PrintDisplay: DIY displays and touchscreens anyone can print. Gizmag|
"Electroluminescence devices like these, is the fact that it requires high AC voltage"
Why 3D printing is set to revolutionise manufacturing.|
"no longer need giant warehouses holding hundreds of millions of dollars of stock"
3D Printing: The Stories We Didn't Cover This Week — March 7, 2015.|
"designs, a space “Marstini,” and even the Jurassic Park theme song"
The Kinematics Dress: A Flexible, 3D Printed Garment. Live Design|
"haven't donned a fabric, but instead, a 3D printed, plastic garment"
Is Apple's real watch innovation a gold case that's as tough as steel?. Ars Technica|
"a metal! Has Apple finally left a reality-based existence behind it"
Personalize Your Keyboard With 3d Printed Keys. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
"boring factory keys on your computer keyboard for brightly colored, cleverly designed keycaps"