3D Genetic Engineering to Organs & Body Parts
Genetic engineering to Organs and Body Parts, also ears, Dental, eyesware and medical devices
( Highlight WeB title. line|, right click the mouse, click on search provider and goto the web page )3D Printing newsbot on TwitterMeet Bubbles the 2-Legged Wiener Dog Saved by 3D Printing. twitter|
"it a technology that hasnāt really made an impact on their lives quite yet"
Connected, Smart, 3D Printed: The Future of Toy Cars. all3dp.com|
"so 3D Printing is already a big part of the toy car industry and soon it will be a lot more"
A 3D-printed heart saves the life of a two-year old. The Geopolitical and Conflict Report|
"coming, and in the day to day world of politics"
Medical Researchers 3D Print Replacement Windpipe. Gizmodo UK|
"a bit like building yourself a new friend out of chicken wire and papier mache"
3D printers to make human body parts? It's happening. San Jose Mercury News|
"a transplantable thyroid gland, which is laced with blood vessels"
3D-printed cartilage for tracheal replacement developed. New Kerala|
"which was combined with living cells to create a tracheal segment"
3D Printing Makes Heart Surgery Safer for Children. Newswise (press
"a acquired by 3D Systems, who have been improving the technology ever since"
Researchers Use MakerBotReplicator
2X Experimental 3D Printer to Create Custom. Azom.com|
"tissue engineering could be applied for tracheal repair and replacement"
Feinstein Institute Uses MakerBot 3D Printer to Create Cartilage to Repai. Inside 3D Printing|
"a custom tracheal scaffolding, which was combined with living cells to create a tracheal segment"
Scientists 3D print cartilage to repair damaged windpipes. MSN.com|
"'baking' it in a custom bioreactor to make sure the cells grow properly"
If We Can 3D Print Brain Tissue, What Will Be Next?. Labmate Online|
[color=#008000:3ch4z7ka]"obvious benefits in pretty much every imaginable spectrum of business, science and life"[/colorInspired amputee maker creates his own 3D printed robotic arm for just $250. 3Ders.org|
"are in need of a prosthetic hand and have resorted to designing their own"
Disabled Wiener Dog Gets a 3D Printed Wheelchair. Wmgv|
"wheelchair thanks to Bubbles, the two-legged dachshund and her crafty owners"
Scientists 3D-Printing Cartilage For Medical Implants. Slashdot Science|
"grew into the shape of a trachea that could be implanted into a patient"
Article: Surgeon Uses 3D Printing for Practice and Planning Surgeries. dallasmakerspace.org|
"400,000 3-D printer, running nearly full time in the hospitalās basement"
Free online database compiles full range of 3D Printing materials and machines. Plastics Today|
"the chemical, and the rubber and plastics industries, as well as to the food industry"
Scientists 3D print cartilage to repair damaged windpipes. Techworm|
"Narrowing and weakness of the trachea can occur and are often difficult to repair "
3D printers to make human body parts? It's happening. Contra Costa Times|
"spinal-cord implants -- and one day perhaps even living human body parts"
Girl With Tessier Facial Cleft Undergoes 3D-Printing Surgery To Reconstruct Face. Medical Daily|
"spread apart that her nose lacked cartilage and her eyes didnāt have normal vision"
Hyperactive Dog? No Problem ā This 3D Printed Toy Will Tire Your Dog Out. 3DPrint.com|
"sleeping, saving up all that energy and playtime for guess who: you" -
Genetic engineering to Organs and Body Parts, also ears, Dental, eyesware and medical devices
( Highlight WeB title. line|, right click the mouse, click on search provider and goto the web page )3D Printing Company to Open Retail Location in Frisco. Dallas Observer (blog)|
"create a miniature version using a brand new, production-grade sandstone printer"
3D printed smart glue leverages DNA assembly at the macroscale. Nanowerk|
"far this approach hasn't played as significant a role yet in technology"
Christa Avampato on Twitter: Capabilities of 3D Printing in medicine just knock me out. twitter|
"Three-dimensional printing allows surgeons to foresee issues, not stumble into them"
3D Printing Treatments. Henry Ford Health System|
"patients at Henry Ford Hospital, many who otherwise had little hope of survival"
Andrew Payne. Inside 3D Printing| 3D-Printed 'Smart Glue' Held Together by DNA Assembly
"tech shoe designs at SIMAC & TANNING-TECH, a major industry"
LUXeXceL Printoptical Technology for transparant 3D printing. LUXeXceL|
"3D printing we first explain a bit more about the concept of 3D printing"
Ft. Wayne Doctor First In State To Implant 3D Printed Joints. InkFreeNews.com|
"this conversation in five years, everyone will be getting this type of knee"Inside 3D Printing. 3D-Printed 'Smart Glue' Held Together by DNA Assembly at Macroscale. |
"to extrude this gel with a 3D printer at centimeter size scales"
'Smart Glue' Held Together by DNA Assembly at Macroscale. Inside 3D Printing|
"in the Ellington Lab and now an assistant professor at the University of Idaho"
With 3D Printing, Medical Devices Are Cool Again, pt 1.. The Seri|
"as evidence that medical devices are, dare I say, cool again"
Researchers Use 3D Printed Models to Save Lives with Delicate Ventricular Surgery. 3DPrint|
"undergo emergency surgical treatment and coronary artery bypass grafting is often required"
3D Printed Prosthetic Hands Take a Turn Towards Fashionable with Paintable Fingernails. 3DPrint|
"it should, other individuals care significantly about the aesthetic appearance of their device"
Make:Magazine's Caleb Kraft 3D Prints Modular Thumbstick Extentions for Handicapped. 3DPrint|
"events, and probably would complicate the already depressed thoughts running through your head"
MakerBot 3D printer used to create tracheal cartilage. Gizmag|
"also acts as a demonstration of modern additive manufacturing and rapid prototyping technology"
Bristol inventor Joel Gibbard - who created 3D printed robotic hand for amputees. Bristol Post|
"affordable alternative to expensive prosthetics for amputees has been shortlisted for an award"
Stratasys Announces a New Partnership, Seeks to Expand Digital Denistry. ENGINEERING.com|
"cost-effective production of dental parts with delicate features and fine details"
Building bodies, one organ at a time. Scope (blog)|
"Wang, MD, who describes one of the biggest advantages of 3D printing"
Toddler's skull is realigned by plastic surgeon with aid of 3D models. Evening Standard|
"practised for the operation by cutting into a 3D printed version of her head"
Watch Surgeons Reconstruct This Little Girl's Face With 3D Printing. Crooks and Liars|
"two parts of her skull closer together to fill the gap between her eyes"
A Modular Thumbstick Extension for Gamers with Disabilities. Hackaday|
"past the break to see [Caleb demonstrate the modular thumbstick extension system"] -
Genetic engineering to Organs and Body Parts, also ears, Dental, eyesware and medical devices
( Highlight WeB title. line|, right click the mouse, click on search provider and goto the web page )8-year old gets bionic hand. Free Malaysia Today|
"Lepas near here this week was all smiles when he finally completed his pair"
Eight-year-old boy in Bayan Lepas receives bionic hand. The Star Online|
"activities with his friends at school, thanks to Sujana Mohd Rejab, 47"
NAMM SHOW 2015 - Cody Lovaas gets fit with Custom Ear monitors at Ultimate Ears. Examiner|
"the wait time between scan, mold - actually printing - and the device in your ear"
Skin and Bones: The Low-Cost Flexy Hand 3D Printed Prosthetic. 3D Printing Industry|
"Hand 2 Filaflex Remixā, a custom prosthesis for one of their customers"
3D printers to make human body parts? It's happening. Inland Valley Daily Bulletin|
"used to fashion prosthetic arms and hands, jaw bones, spinal-cord"
An innovative and precise look at the heart. Toronto Star|
"machine produces three-dimensional images of a cardiac patientās heart while in surgery"
Malaysian boy's mechanical hand: 10 other amazing things you can create with. The Straits Times|
"extent that almost everything - from buildings to body parts - are being printed"
3D Printing Makes Heart Surgery Safer for Children. HealthManagement|
"as a model to plan a life-saving procedure for his young patien"
3D printing to aid in heart surgeries: Expert. Gulf Today|
"a missing wrench in outer space to acquiring new hip joints in the UK"
Beyond Digital: Innovation in Healthcare. Zawya (registration)|
"challenging governments, healthcare providers, insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies"
Man Seeks Funding to 3D Print Prosthetic Leg Fairings. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
"a more human-like appearance. Prosthetic fairings are what he is after"
3D printed modular thumbstick extentions help disabled play Xbox. 3Ders.org|
"3D printing modular, customizable bits that fit onto Xboxes and other game systems"
Canadian man develops 3D printed exoskeleton to help regain use of his injured hand. 3Ders.org|
"that we can use a regular 3D printer for a lot more than planters and Star Wars statues"discuss. Hacker News - Y Combinator| 3D Printing Advanced Prosthetics
"Hacker News Ā· new | comments | show | ask | jobs | submit"
MedShape Announces FDA Clearance of New 3D Printed Titanium Bone Tether Plate. PR Newswire|
"(ACFAS) Annual Scientific Conference February 19th-21st in Phoenix, Ariz"
One-Handed Boy Plays One Heck of a Guitar Thanks to Custom 3D Printed Prosthesis. 3D Print|
"anyone with access to a 3D printer can print out a custom prosthetic hand in"
LSU & ExtrusionBot Create 3D Printed Biodegradable Beads Delivering Antibiotics. 3D Print|
"as many people are affected by cancer and other diseases on a daily basis"
Medical Researchers Use 3D Printing To Form Tracheal Cartilage. Geeky Gadgets|
"using the new 3D printing technology to create prototypes and refine the bioprosthesis"
MedShape Receives FDA Clearance for 3D Printed Bone Tether Plate Which Repairs Foot. 3D Print|
"Foot and Ankle Surgeons (ACFAS) Annual Scientific Conference in Phoenix, Ariz" -
Genetic engineering to Organs and Body Parts, also ears, Dental, eyesware and medical devices
( Highlight WEB title. line|, right click the mouse, click on search provider and goto the WEB page )Becker's Orthopedic & Spine. Full Coverage|
"Shiley Musculoskeletal Center at Scripps Clinic Torrey Pine in La Jolla, Calif"
Biome Bioplastics Creating Plant-Based Polymers to Replace Plastics in. Inside 3D Printing|
"called Biom3D, which it believes will adequately supplant other materials made from oil"
e-NABLE Extends 3D Printed Prosthetic Hand to Haiti. 3D Printing Forum|
"in the recent trip by two team members to Port Au Prince in December"
Scienctists have created artificial blood vessels using a 3D printer. Business Insider Australia|
"created artificial blood vessels which combine mechanical strength and promote new cell growth"
MakerBot Successfully 3D Prints Cartilage for Tracheal Repair. Tech Cocktail|
"it was combined with living cells to create a real, tracheal segment"
Biomedical Engineer Uses a DeltaWASP 20Ć40 3D Printer to Create Multiple Advanced Prost. 3DPrint|
"seeing the use of 3D printing in the creation of other types of prostheses"
Teen Can Play Guitar Thanks To A 3D-Printed Prosthetic Hand. TechCrunch|
"strum the strings. Then a group of makers at 3D Gluck came along"
WEBPT Offers 3D-printed Foot Orthotics Through Partnership With SOLS. Rehab Managment|
"offer, enabling them to create custom orthotics based on patients' electronic foot scans"
3D Printed Heart Makes| Surgery Faster, Safer For Children. Med Device Online (press release)|
"a 3D-printing twist ā will be a hit on crowdfunding WEBsite Indiegogo"
Italian orthopedic studio is 3D printing two 'perfect' prostheses day using DeltaWASP. 3Ders.org|
"secondly, theyāre hardly suitable for leg prosthetics as they cannot bear the weight"
MedShape receives FDA clearance for new 3D printed titanium bone plate. 3Ders.org|
"to extend the 3D printing material platform towards the development of other implants"
MedShape Receives FDA Approval for 3D-Printed Titanium Bone Tether Plate. Inside 3D Printing|
"who undergo those procedures face long recovery periods and a list of unpleasant complications"No End In Sight: How 3D Printing Is Revolutionizing Eyewear. Spark|
"are trying to solve a very personal frustration, not just create a business"
Fascinated With 3D Printed Skulls?. Fabbaloo|
"a variety of skulls, ranging from the accurate to the abstract to the fanciful. Hereās the list"
Researchers 3D Print Synthetic Blood Vessels, May Have Major Impact on Bypass Surgery. 3DPrint|
"it seems pretty magic) out of tiny holes until a functioning product appearsor"
Could 3D-printed organs revolutionise the future of health care. Cambridge News|
"your electricity bill costs, youāll be joining Australiaās clean energy revolution"
Insole Company Sols Teams with WebPT on 3D-Printed Foot Orthotics. inside3dprinting.com|
"the only EMR system that includes an eĀ-commerce platform within its application"
MedShape Receives FDA Clearance for 3D Printed Bone Tether Plate Which. 3D Bioprinting Conference|
"the suture-button implant and the requirement to drill through the second metatarsal"
4-Year-Old Girl's Life Saved Thanks to 3D-Printed Heart Model. Materialise|
"heart were missing, meaning she wasnāt getting enough oxygen into this vital organ"
Hong Kong doctors help treat patients with bow legs using 3D Printing. 3D Printing from scratch|
"tested in Hong Kong, that could make treating bow legs easier than ever" -
Genetic engineering to Organs and Body Parts, also ears, Dental, eyesware and medical devices
( Highlight WEB title. line|, right click the mouse, click on search provider and goto the WEB page )Proto Labs quick-turn 3D printing capabilities. Today's Medical Developments|
"upload 3D CAD models at protolabs.com to see if their designs qualify for quick-turn service"
Transparent, Life-Size, 3D Printed Body Demonstrates How Humans Are Walking Generators. 3DPrint|
"in the future. The average person generates about 100 watts of power when theyāre not doing"
Researchers Create Perfect Fitting 3D Printed Transtibial Leg Socket for Prosthetic Legs. 3DPrint|
"play football, and swim in the ocean. Unfortunately though, not everyone can say the same"
3D printing used by Australian researchers to develop bone implants. ABC Online|
"either hand-made or reproduced with materials like titanium, costing thousands of dollars"
Skull implant trials mark a leap forward for 3D printing as head trauma treatment. Yahoo!7 News|
"Sydney researchers who have pioneered a method to produce bone replacements using 3D printing"
3d printed prostetic hands. E-nabling The Future|
"Heroā themed hands that would soon empower them to change the lives of many"Some Ideas About 3D Printing. Drug and Device Law|
"Weāve given you the link, but it might be behind a paywall"
3D-printed limbs to be trialled in Uganda. Positive News|
"landmine survivors and this number is growing by about 26,000 people annually"
Utah 4-Year-Old Ready for Kindergarten with His New 3D Printed Ear. 3DPrint.com|
"of his microtic ear, which was huge for us,ā said Tarra Medina"
Clinicians Building Tracheas Using Off-The-Shelf 3D Printers (VIDEO). Medgadget.com (blog)|
"tracheal scaffolding, which was combined with living cells to create a tracheal segment"
MedShape wins FDA clearance on 3D-printed orthopedic device for bunions. ATDC|
"use biomaterials inside the human body with the development of human-impalatable devices"
Sydney Researchers Pioneer Low-Cost, 3D Printed Skull Parts For Head Injuries. Gizmodo Australia|
"has come up with a way of printing bits of skull on the cheap"
9 Animals Whose Lives Improved Thanks to 3D Printing. Yahoo Tech|
"eagles, 3D printing is improving the quality of life for animals aroundthe world"
Photonics West 2015: Scanlab debuts laser scan head. Novus Light Technologies Today|
"in San Francisco, California, US on 10-12 February, 2015"
Marvel Universe LIVE! and e-NABLE Team Up for Adventure, Give Kids Super Hands. 3DPrint.com|
"they super heroes now, but they really have been for quite a while"
LPW Technology achieves ISO 13485 certification for medical powders. Metal Powder Report|
"need in the consistency of our quality management system and the powders we supply"
Open Bionics' 3D Printed Robotic Hand is āWorld's Most Advancedā and Ready to High-Five. 3DPrint|
"but feel just like any normal handshake, with full finger-closing, hand-gripping motion" -
Genetic engineering to Organs and Body Parts, also ears, Dental, eyesware and medical devices
( Highlight WEB title. line|, right click the mouse, click on search provider and goto the WEB page )Russian Company Looks to Bring 3D Printed Casts to Market. 3DPrint.com|
"when someone breaks a bone, with a more modern 3D printed plastic version"
3D Printing News: The Case for 3D Printing With Ordinary Copy Paper. Motley Fool|
"blade approach. The other major advantage is the photo-realistic results it can create"
Felix the Sheep Fitted With a 3D Printed Prosthetic Leg. 3DPrint.com|
"including goats, sheep, ducks, cows, turkeys, and many more"
Russian Startup Wants to Fix Your Broken Bones Faster With 3D Printed Cast. Sputnik International|
"lot faster and help to avoid the annoying itchiness while healing the fractured bones"
Man Turns To Kickstarter to Crowdfund 3D Printed Parts For His Prosthetic Leg. FileHippo News|
"3D printing to help them, there are hundreds of thousands who are not"
3D Printed Leg Makes Sheep's Life So Much Better. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
"for more about Felix and his new leg check out the full article"
e-NABLE and Marvel team up for assembling 3D printed super hero hands for kids. 3Ders.org|
"the help from the e-NABLE team and Marvel Universe LIVE! crew"
3D Printers Help Head Injury Patients in Australia. Voice of America|
"neurosurgeons, say the system is much quicker and cheaper than current manufacturing techniques"
3 Medical Advancements You May Be Missing Out On. Motley Fool|
"after factoring out the impact of those deals, 3D Systems' healthcare sales still jumped 79%"
Also at BiOS 2015. BioOptics World|
"So will other life sciences-focused happenings at SPIE Photonics West 2015"
Researchers aim to push 3D printing into living organs, tissue. The Seattle Times|
"spinal-cord implants ā and one day perhaps even living human body parts"
Generatic revenue with fan merchandice. GameDev.net|
"here to look for some opinions and why not partnerships"
Another Heart Mended with a 3D Printed Surgical Model. 3D Printing Industry|
"of surgeons at St. Thomas Hospital in London, and a 3D printer"
Grey's Anatomy Prominently Features Medical 3D Printing Technology. 3DPrint.com|
"as the seminal work on the subject and itās still revised and republished today"
IDC: Canadian health-care firms, automakers should grasp 3D printing opp. IT World Canada|
"quickly adopted by hobbyist consumers, has significant potential for specialist businesses"
Doctors studying cancerous tissues through 3D printing. KGNS.tv|
"the printer to create a 3D shell of the tumor said Jonathan Gear"
MEDICAL BREAKTHROUGH: 3D printers being used to make skull parts for head. Sky Valley Chronicle|
"are being treated using highly sophisticatedcustomized bone replacements from 3D printers"
3D copy of patient's heart. 3D Printing Progress|
"is particularly useful for operating on small children, whose organs are very small"3D printers give kids new hands and new hope. Deseret News|
"who made sophisticated puppet hands as props. For van As, a light turned on"
3D printed skull implants provide potential for other body replacements say Sydney. ABC Online|
"a 20 cent piece up to 40 per cent of a patient's skull missing"
3D Printers Help Head Injury Patients in Australia. Gbooza|
"neurosurgeons, say the system is much quicker and cheaper than current manufacturing techniques" -
Genetic engineering to Organs and Body Parts, also ears, Dental, eyes ware and medical devices
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Zdavprint: New 3D Printed Casts for Bone Healing. 3D Printing Pin|
"the 3D printed parts are more customizable and cheaper than the traditional prosthetics"
People Are 3D Printing Their Ultrasounds Now. Master Fluency|
"group logo of People Are 3D Printing Their Ultrasounds Now. Public Group active 5 hours"
3D Printing Raises Ethical Issues In Medicine. 3D Bioprinting Conference|
"treatments for conditions ranging from bone cancer and arthritis to glaucoma and hearing loss"
TIFU by giving my 3D printed kidney breast cancer. Reddit|
"Once finished, I am supposed to bathe the tissue in sugary cell media"
People Are 3D Printing Their Ultrasounds Now. Master Fluency|
"Group logo of People Are 3D Printing Their Ultrasounds Now. Public Group active 5 hours"
Small series. Additively.com| As 3D printing does not require any tooling, it is
"for small series production in plastic and metal. This is called rapid manufacturing"
3D Printing in Medicine ā Now?. Professional Liability Advocate|
"the possibility of one of the greatest impacts on the medical community in history"
People Are 3D Printing Their Ultrasounds Now. MSN.com|
"An Estonian company can now 3D print sculptures of your ultrasounds"
Materialise reveals how it 3D prints replicas of human hearts. 3Ders.org|
"anatomical models that can be used to help surgeons prepare for risky operations"
3D Printing Body Parts in Japan. Fabbaloo|
"image above, a researcher shows a 3D printed ear made using this technique"
Convert 2D images into 3D printables with eXtrud3it. Inside3DP|
"your own 3D printer or you can get a 3d printed copy from df3d"
Scientists make breakthrough in pursuit of printing artificial organs. Deadline News|
"now developed a synthetic DNA gel which may be the key to their puzzle"This Incredible Robotic Arm Prints Plastic Like a Spider Makes Silk. Gizmodo|
"aside from the primitive layer-upon-layer-upon-layer system"
3D-Printed Prosthetic Beak To Be Surgically Attached To Mutilated Costa Rican. The Inquisitr|
"technology, in an effort to aid the Costa Rican toucan in once again eating on his own"
Outrage Over Attack on Costa Rican Toucan Will Lead to a 3D Printed Beak for grecia. 3DPrint|
"beating the animal, and that during the attack the upper portion of its beak was broken off"
Inside the lab where scientists are 3D-printing a real working trachea. Quartz|
"working primarily in orthopedics, the treatment of bone and muscle problems"
Robotic Extrusion does 3D printing with a robot arm. SlashGear|
"than flat drawings and construction notes to teams of builders" -
Genetic engineering to Organs and Body Parts, also ears, Dental, eyes ware and medical devices
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Scientists closer to 3D printed transplant organs. Towards 3D-printing artificial organs|
"away, but this was a āgreat stepā towards achieving that goal"
Synthetic DNA gel points the way. Nanowerk|
"to produce a consistent product which would not be rejected by transplant recipients"
3D Printing Organs for Transplant. ECS Redcat Blog|
"Need a new pancreas? These scientists will print one right up for you"
Mutilated Costa Rican toucan 'to get prosthetic beak'. BBC News|
"they were confident they could design a suitable prosthetic for Grecia and fit it"
3D printing of organs for transplant 'step closer'. Edinburgh Evening News|
"with a new gel made from synthetic DNA to enable production of artificial organs"3D Printing Making Enormous Strides in Molding, but Still Has. Medical Design Technology|
"add features to the molded parts without adding unnecessary steps to the assembly process"
Maltreated Toucan to Receive 3D Printed Beak. 3D Printing|
"be used to ā hopefully ā help the toucan to get a new beak"
Top TAZ tips for 3D printing. Open Bionics|
"specific, but may also be of use to people using other machines"
Future of 3D Printed Patient-Specific Medical Models. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
"old patient. Check out the full article, courtesy Stephan Zeidler"
People Are 3D Printing Their Ultrasounds Now. Master Fluency|
"Group Admins. Profile picture of wfeefew Ā· Group logo of People Are"
3D Printing with DNA-Based āSmart Glueā. ENGINEERING|
"into centimeter-sized objects, suitable for bioprinting applications"
My heart beats for you: 3D printed anatomical hearts on Shapeways. Shapeways|
"465-Search by imageAnatomical Heart Pendant 3d printed Polished"
Costa Rican toucan to receive a 3D printed beak. Telegraph.co.uk|
"movable part so it can be cleaned or replaced as the toucan is still growing"
3D printing machines being used to make plastic model organs to save lives. abc7news|
"and smartphones. It's being used more and more in hospitals and medical schools"
Miami doctors use 3D printed heart replica to save four-year-old girl's life. OrthoSpineNews|
"message-emblazoned hearts are an integral part of Valentineās Days past and present"
Last Minute 3D Printable Valentine's Day Gifts. 3DPrint|
"before a big surgery. Whatās more, the innovative initiative saved a four-year-old girlās life"
Children in Uganda receive 3d printed prosthetic legs. Thenomad|
"they need because there arenāt enough orthopedic technicians to make and fit the prostheses"
The growing use of 3D printing in hospitals. isodo3D|
"patient recovery time and significantly for the NHS, the cost of the operation"
3D printing machines being used to make plastic model organs to save lives. 3D Printing Magazine|
"car parts, but also being used more and more in hospitals and medical" -
Genetic engineering to Organs and Body Parts, also ears, Dental, eyes ware and medical devices
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )3D Printing Guides Surgery in China. Orthopedics This Week|
"trauma directly onto the shoulder. Often the cause of the injury is a traffic accident"
4 Ways 3D Printing Will Change Our Lives. InfiniGEEK|
"doctors are already making progress with printing tissue for patients in need of skin grafts"
3D Printed Galileo Hand. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
"three digits. Find out more about this unique design in the full article"
Is 3D Printing Transforming the Medical Device Industry?. Hopkins Biotech Network|
"New Yorkerā put it: It is now possible to āprint thyself"
Hand of a Superhero. New York Times|
"help arrived in the guise of a stranger with a three-dimensional printer"
Grecia the Toucan gets a new beak via crowd-funding and 3D printing. Techly|
"standard for fiberglass grating with an eye for expanding the industrial composites market"
Canadian team uses 3D printer to make artificial legs for Ugandans. CBC.ca|
"exact adjustments, rather than guessing like we do with the manual method"
Additive Manufacturing Creates Tremendous Opportunities, as well as Risks. 3DPrint|
"products, and even deliver on new concepts like the printing of human tissues"
Healthcare and 3D printing join forces. Financial Times|
"Stanford succeeded in bio-printing an artificial vascular network"
DIYer Designs and 3D Prints Low-Cost Prosthetic āGalileo Handā. 3DPrint|
"taking advantage of one of this eraās most impressive technological stars ā 3D printing"
Until bioprinter are reality, 3D printing can still save lives. Gigaom|
"It will look so much like the real McCoy, they will be able to use it in the next Star Trek film"
A helping 3D printed hand for Wollongong girl. ABC Local|
"e for about $40 that could greatly improve one young girl's quality of life"Manufacturing a human heel in titanium via 3D printing. Medical Journal of Australia|
"a foot-saving replacement was used in surgery ā a world first"
3d printing support generator. 3D-Coat|
"a figure standing with it's arms out, the arms will not print correctly"
3D modelling and 3D printing for dental. Thingiverse|
"printed dental in white resin, rough resolution 100 micron layers"
China's first medical 3D printing R&D Center established in Changchun. People's Daily|
"both MRI and CT scans to develop a 3D model of Minaās tiny heart"
Celebrating 50 years of ground-breaking neurosurgery at Addenbrooke's in. Cambridge News|
"which lived in a British man's brain for four years before it was discovered"
3D printed prosthetic legs for Ugandan children. 3D Printing Progress|
"Now with 3D printing, it can be done in a matter of hours"
3D printer aids heart surgery. Albuquerque Journal|
"region to use the technology for a child born with a complex heart anomaly"
Fort Wayne doctor first in Indiana to use customized implants using new technology. News Sentinel|
"essential that citizens are provided with the tools to create and not just connect" -
Genetic engineering to Organs and Body Parts, also ears, Dental, eyes ware and medical devices
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Printed human organs for testing and transplantation. 3D Printing Progress|
"growing three-dimensional human tissues and structures for pharmaceuticals to be tested on"
Bioprinters extend 3D printers into surgery, teaching aid. helpmeoutDOC News|
"inside of her head ā more importantly, the tumour itself,ā says Balzer"
Printing a healthier lifeā¦ in 3D. Bangalore Mirror|
"creation of models for surgical planning and the creation of surgical guides and implants"
the technology that will allow scientists to use 3D printing to create artificial organs
"the technology that will allow scientists to use 3D printing to create artificial organs"
Kids with missing hands get superhero-like prosthesis from 3D printing. ABC Action News|
"to provide solutions to people he says hadn't been able to find them elsewhere"
The Carapace Project Offers You a 3D Printed Body Transformation. 3DPrint|
"a useful protective structure, and itās also a bit fearsome to behold"
Warwickshire teenager has hand made on 3D printer. BBC News|
"was born six weeks premature with an upper limb deficiency in his left hand"
Enable Community Foundation Formed Donations to e-NABLE keep 3D printed hands. 3DPrint|
"more heartwarming events centered around providing free 3D printed prosthetic hands and arms"Will 3D printers, bioprinters change the future of surgery?. CBC.ca|
"resemble the images people are used to seeing in anatomy books, Renard explains"
Lake Charles girl using 3D printing to help create prosthetic hands. KPLC-TV|
"a friend with homework or sharing her lunch, it's about making a difference"
Medical 3D Printing Sector to Buy More than 2100 Printers Annually by 2020. PR Newswire|
"Comprehensive profiles of medical related strategies of 15 leading 3D printer firms are included"
Israeli doctors use 3D printing to rebuild injured Syrian man's face. 3Ders.org|
"expensive 3D printed implants to help them"
Customized Medical Devices: The Next Wave of 3D Printing Revolution. ICON plc|
"most cases, even a single patient will feature two different knee joints"
1st Edition: International 3D Printshow Medical Conference. 3D Printshow Summit|
"the modern medical industry as well as its incredible potential for the future"
Discover the latest milestone in dental history!. BEGO|
"cost-effective production of different items made of plastic in the laboratory"
Inside the lab where scientists are 3D-printing a real working trachea. 3D Bioprinting Conference|
"for $2,500 to make replacement body parts out of living cells"
iOS app itSeez3D transforms iPad into full-body scanner for 3D printing. The 3D Content Conference|
"rendering and 3D printing, even if the subject is not stationary"
PhD candidate successfully creates 3D-printed trachea. Element14|
"51st Annual Meeting of The Society of Thoracic Surgeons in San Diego, California"
Military May Soon be Able to Copy 3D Print Exact Replicas of Bones. 3D Bioprinting Conference|
"ultrasounds, and encompass a soldierās entire body in 3-dimensions"
Medical 3D Printing Sector to Buy More than 2100 Printers Annually by. Virtual-Strategy Magazine|
"profiles of medical related strategies of 15 leading 3D printer firms are included" -
Genetic engineering to Organs and Body Parts, also ears, Dental, eyes ware and medical devices
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Global 3D printing market in the healthcare industry to grow at a CAGR of 14.74 percent. WhaTech|
"in the Healthcare industry along with the market segmentation by materials and applications"
3D-printed beak for injured toucan in Costa Rica. Sydney Morning Herald|
"for our furry and feathered friends - and the amazing application of new technology"
5 Animals Living Happier Lives After Tragedy, Thanks to 3D Printing. Care2|
"life. Here are the stories of five such animals who are beating the odds thanks to 3D printing"
Ongoing 3D Printed Robot Hand Project Deserves a Big Hand. 3DPrint|
"which builds off of past work and opens up many possibilities for future improvements"
3D Printing for Healthcare: RD, Industry and Market 2015-2025. PR Newswire|
"analysis, letting you explore developments, technology and revenue predictions"
Unboxing My Son's New 3D-Printed Hand. Make|
"my handā as he grasped them together. It was very moving"
Medical 3D Printing Trends for 2020. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
"use will double through 2020, reaching about 2,200 that year"
New 3D Printed Leg for Stumpy the Turtle. 3D Print HQ|
"which needless to say, would have been a great struggle for her"
Twelve Things We Can 3D Print in Medicine Now. ScienceRoll|
"example of how customized 3D printing is transforming healthcare as we know it"3d printing implant. 3D PRINTING DENTAL MARKET| First they scanned my teeth and used a computer
"designers of very small detail products such as collectibles and electronic component parts"
3D Applications in Healthcare Market 3D Printing and Applications Surgical Guides. NEWS.GNOM.ES|
"the healthcare market and the healthcare professionals are keen to explore it"
3D Printing For Medical Device Manufacturing: In-House Vs Outsourcing. Med Device Online|
"the investor and mainstream media. Nevertheless, the revolution is still underway"
Doctors 3D Printing Replacement Parts for the Human Body. AlleyWatch|
"stores for virtually any plastic item your mind can imagine"
3D Printed Ventilator Manifold Might One Day Save Patients from Lung Damage. 3DPrint|
"During normal weather conditions, the fumes were whisked away by prevailing winds"
Philippines Researchers Sign Agreement to 3D Print Wind Pipes For Transplant. 3DPrint|
"be just about to hit its stride around 2020 according to SmarTech"
Bio-Engineering can Leverage AM with the 3D-Bioplotter. ENGINEERING|
"bioprinting might pave the way to bespoke therapies and possibly replacement tissues"
SmarTech Medical 3D Printing Report: Materials space to grow nearly 700% by 2020. 3DPrint|
"in these areas, making our lives richer, and hopefully our pocketbooks a bit heavier"
Joseph Conrad '99 brings 3D technology to low resource health care. Centre College News|
"in Lancaster, Pa. A couple of years after"
China Sets Up a Medical 3D Printing Center. Fabbaloo|
"well over 7M inhabitants and is located a bit north of North Korea"
Disabled Dog Walks for the First Time Thanks to 3D Printed Wheelchair. 3DP Hobbyist|
"Trevor purchased a 3D printer and started his plans to give Bubbles her freedom" -
Genetic engineering to Organs and Body Parts, also ears, Dental, eyes ware and medical devices
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Using 3-D printing technology to build implantable tissues and organs. SUNY RF|
"couple months at the eight laboratories from five universities involved in the work"
3D Printed Viable Medical Devices. Cimetrix Blog|
"Learn about the efficiency related to sterilization techniques for 3D Printed medical devices"
3D Printing Technique āDidĆŗā Helps Visually Impaired Feel Art. 3DPrint
"great works to their heartās content in specific exhibits designed for just this purpose"
Making Discoveries about Human Evolution Using 3D Technology. 3DPrint
"during the mold making process is a very real, and devastating, danger"3D printed guide helps repair of damaged nerves. The Engineer|
"the damaged nerve ends towards each other so that they can repair naturally"
I feel life Darth Vader Teenager born without fingers on his left hand is given. Daily Mail|
"of Tammy Meyers, 44, a mother of four and grandmother of one"
Emergence of mobile healthcare encouraging growth opportunities in the healthcare IT. WhaTech|
"adoption of various technologies is one key trend being witnessed in this market"
Handheld devices improve bio and chemical threat detection. Defense Systems|
"the presence of harmful agents and report those results up the chain of command"
'I feel life Darth Vader': Watch teen try out artificial hand made using 3D printer for first time. Mirror.co.uk|
"was born without fingers on his left hand didn't form properly in the womb"
7 Major Advancements 3D Printing Is Making in the Medical Field. The Future of Things|
"model or blueprint created via software, which is then printed in successive layers"
Cults Releases Top Ten List of 3D Printable Skull Designs. 3DPrint
"are continually emblazoned with new and classic renditions of this powerful and simple image"
Health Potions 3D Print by Gryphyn-Bloodheart on DeviantArt. Gryphyn-Bloodheart - DeviantArt|
"I make, I'll mix it up and make some mana potions as well"
Proactively managing your diagnosis. Philly.com (blog)|
"involved in getting from (mis)diagnosis to eventual, successful, treatment"
3D Printing In Healthcare Grows, Printed Pills A Future Possibility. Misco (blog)|
"numerous medical applications, which in turn is leading to the emergence of various"
Combination becomes Stratasys Direct Manufacturing. Today's Medical Developments|
"Solid Concepts, Harvest Technologies, and RedEye to form Stratasys Direct Manufacturing"
3D printing tactile versions of Goodnight Moon for blind children. Boing Boing|
"libraries with 3D printers create their own books for the communities they serve"
3D Printing, Scanning Bring Insights to Stegosaurus Research. ENGINEERING|
"to eat - complicated by a worldwide scarcity of well-preserved skeletons"
Digital Dentistry With Holiday Orthodontics. Formlabs|
"on Invalidism patients so they can get started a whole month earlier than before"
Dr. Marty Becker. Facebook| When I First Heard Of 3D Printing, I Thought....
"just a few short years ago. Check out some of their heart-warming stories"
Prosthetics and replacement skulls can now all be replicated using this emerging. Fox News|
"prosthetics and replacement skulls can now all be replicated using this emerging technology"
3D Printed Bionic Hand By Open Bionics To Be Sold For Less Than $1000. 3D Printing From Scratch|
"was so popular that Daniel even received a marriage proposal from an interested individual" -
Genetic engineering to Organs and Body Parts, also ears, Dental, eyes ware and medical devices
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )3D Printing Technique āDidĆŗā Helps Visually Impaired Feel Art. Internet Medicine Digital Healthcare|
"great works to their heartās content in specific exhibits designed for just this purpose"
Visually Impaired Can Feel Art With 3D Printed Paintings. 3D Printing|
"Six paintings have been 3D printed and are now to be touched by everyone"
The Whole Truth About Additive Manufacturing + 3D Printing. Cerasis|
"on organ replacement trials. One research lab created titanium jawbone implant using 3D"
China Opens Up A Medical 3D Printing Center And R+D Centre. Smart Printing|
"set-up their countries first Medical 3D Printing Center and R&D center"
Teenager Receives Star Wars Inspired, 3D Printed Prosthetic Hand. 3Ders.org|
"functional, but was inspired by the one-and-only Darth Vader"
3D Printing Crucial In Separating Conjoined Twins. Tahlequah Daily Press|
"World that is coming, and in the day to day world of politics"
Complex Surgery To Separate Conjoined 10-Month-old Twins Aided By Detailed. 3Dprint|
"sideshows, are still relatively rare to see, especially as they get older"
Needed For The Hole In The Head. 3D Printing Progress|
"methods used to match a patient's anatomy says Annabelle Chan, PhD researcher on the project"
3D Printed Guides Repair Damaged Nerves. Wired.co.uk|
"such as those caused by chainsaw or car accidents -- in humans"
Surgeon's Helper: 3D Printing Is Revolutionizing Health Care (Op-ed). Live Science|
"future of health care is advancing in ways both familiar and dramatically new"
3D Printers Become Viable Tool In Healthcare. Opensource|
"Bespoke prosthetics change patients' lives to enabling huge strides in stem cell research"
Scientists Use Microstereolithography 3D Printing To Repair Damaged Nerve Connections. 3Dprint|
"their most recent announcement is very much in keeping with their previous breakthroughs"3D Printing Guides Help Restore Damaged Nerve Function. Engineering|
"using a 3D printed guide to help nerves damaged in traumatic incidents repair themselves"
3D-printed Guides Can Help Restore Function In Damaged Nerves. Medical Xpress|
"guide the damaged nerve ends towards each other so that they can repair naturally"
15-Year-old Star Wars Fan Receives Darth Vader-esque 3D Printed Prosthetic Hand. 3Dprint|
"hands themed after their favorite movie characters, comic book personalities and more"
Formlabs Form 1+. Stuff Magazine|
"See how Dr. Sean Holliday of Holliday Orthodontics is changing the game"
Surgery With Some Help From A 3D-printed Replica. Orthospinenews|
"highly recommend reading the NYTās article and watching Boston Childrenās videos of this case"
Research And Markets: 3D Printing In Medical Markets 2015:.. Sys-con Media|
"By the end of the coming decade, advanced informatics as wea"
3D-printed Guide Could Find Use In Better Nerve Repairs. Gizmag|
"in the form of a 3D-printed nerve guidance conduit (NGC)"
Repairing Nerves With 3D Printed Guides. Overclockers Club|
"This could have an enormous impact on future treatments for various traumatic injuries" -
Genetic engineering to Organs and Body Parts, also ears, Dental, eyes ware and medical devices
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )3D Printing In Medical Markets 2015: An Opportunity Analysis. Globenewswire|
"the sales of 3DP materials for medical applications are photo-polymers and metal powders"
Project Focuses On Printing Hearts Using Fat Cells, 3D Printer. Wave 3|
"Thanks to a Louisville scientist it could be a reality sooner than you think"
3D-printed Nerve Guidance Conduit Could Enable Natural Repair Of Damaged. Azom|
"the injured nerve ends towards each other, thereby enabling them to repair naturally"
3D Printed Drug Delivery System Shows Promise In Countering Transplant Rejection. 3Dprint|
"with their ultimate goal being the 3D printing of entire human organs for transplant"
3D-printed Carrier Could Soon Deliver Drugs In Humans. Ndtv|
"kinds of systems caused premature dissolution and placed limitations on drug load quantity"
3D Printed Carrier To Deliver Drug In Humans. Zee News|
"in an amount that overcame the need for additional drugs to treat immune rejection"
3D Printed Carrier To Deliver Drug In Humans. Business Standard|
"in an amount that overcame the need for additional drugs to treat immune rejection"
3D Systems Introduces Projet 3510 Dppro All-in-one Medical 3D Printer. 3Dprint|
"resolution and require minimal post-processing with easy-to-remove supports"
Arms, Cells ā¦ Faces? How 3D Printing Is Reconstructing Medicine (Gallery). Live Science|
"images from a range of cutting-edge 3D-printed health applications below"Drone 3D Scans Entire Christ The Redeemer. 3D Printing|
"reach mountaintops, are now being overcome through the use of 3D scanning drones"
3D Systems Releases Projet 3510 Dppro All-in-one Medical 3D Pri3d Printing Industry|
"unveiled the ProJet 3510 DPPro all-in-one medical 3D printer"
Bego - 3D Printers. Henry Schein|
"house production of diverse dental applications (e.g. surgical guides"
Building New Health Services With 3D Printing. 3D Hubs|
"This took months to come back by which time he had already outgrown it"
3D-printed Guide Used To Help Repair Nerve Damage. Inside 3D Printing|
"ends directly back together, or bridging them by suturing in a nerve graft"
3D Printed Medical Model Assists In Tricky Surgery To Separate. 3D Printing Forum -3D Print Board|
"mitral valve leaflets to prevent blood from flowing back into the heart chamber"
3D Printing Helps Save And Separate Conjoined Texas Twins. Shapeways|
"model of the twins shared body systems made all the difference, doctors said"
New Medical 3D Printer. 3D Systems|
"a seamless digital workflow between design and traditional and additive manufacturing processes"
Japanese Researchers Close to 3D Printing Human Body Parts. The Proactionary Transhumanist|
"Tomography (CT) scan, creating an implant in only a few hours"
Multi Packaging Solutions Commits to 3D Printing Technology. Pharmaceutical & Medical |
"to explore design options and make alterations without compromising product launch schedules"
Anaheim Ducks Reach Out With 3D Printing. Fabbaloo|
"use of it in future years cannot be anything but a wonderful idea" -
Genetic engineering to Organs and Body Parts, also ears, Dental, eyes ware and medical devices
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Video: 3D printing creates 'bionic ear'. Windsor Star|
"3D printing creates 'bionic ear'. Video thumbnail for 3D printing creates 'bionic ear'"
3D printed carrier to deliver drug in humans. Bharat Press|
"an quantity that overcame the necessity for extra medicine to deal with immune rejection"
3D Printing in Medical Markets 2015: An Opportunity Analysis an. IT Business Net|
"the sales of 3DP materials for medical applications are photopolymers and metal powders"
Could 3D-Printed Guides Enable Personalized Nerve Regeneration. Med Device Online |
"of graft material can be harvested without causing a problem elsewhere in the body"
MAKING A DIFFERENCE / A DIFFERENCE IN MAKING Explores 3D Printing's Imp. GlobeNewswire|
"following a mission statement of working for abetter and healthier world"
3D Printed Model of Reversed Heart Used in Delicate Pacemaker Surgery. 3DPrint|
"couldnāt be done without 3D printing. Itās often also about dollars and cents"
More hospitals set to use pioneering 3D printing company's copies of body. Salisbury Journal|
"hospitals is expanding as more and more surgeons become familiar with the technology"
Flexible, 3D Printed, Solar Powered Thermal Alarm for Patient Monitoring. 3DPrint|
"could continuously monitor other vital signs such as a patientās temperature or heart rate"
3D model helps doctors during toddler's heart surgery. KSDK|
"Anwar calls 3D models a new frontier of personalized medicine and surgical planning"A Specialized 3D Printer for the Hearing Aid Market. ENGINEERING|
"shaped, AM makes building customized medical devices much easier and less expensive"
3D Printing: Changing the Lives of Animals. Sun Devils|
"the tragedies of life and were lucky enough to receive this amazing treatment"
3D Printing Medical Tools in Haiti & Beyond. Impact Design Hub|
"flexibility in the base. This small innovation helps prevent severed umbilical cords"
3D Printing just got more real. ProcessWire| 3D Printing just got more real - posted in
"a seemingly perfect fit for a startup that got its start creating orthopedic insoled"
3D Printers Provide New Way to Lend Children a Helping Hand. Market Research Blog|
"to afford a prosthetic for their children, even with the best healthcare plans"
Video . Slides: āTrends In 3D Printingā Discussed at CNI Meeting. LJ INFOdocket|
"by James King, Information Architect, National Institutes of Health Library, titled"
3D Printed Heart Model May Have Saved 20 Month Old Boy. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
"help them plan for delicate operations and help them explain procedures to family members"
Nurse Call Button. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
"panel to engage the call button: the Big-Button Nurse Call Adapter"
3D Printed Nurse Call Button Lets Disabled Patients Easily Summon Help. I.M. Digital Healthcare|
"patient to even summon help from a nurse by using the electronic call button"
Easier 3D printing for the dental industry. Make Parts Fast|
"for high-speed and high-precision production of dental models and dies"
Cory Doctorow's decimated head for 3D printing. YouMagine.com|
"lower amount of data (501796 triangles) makes it easier to be processed, sliced and 3D printed" -
Genetic engineering to Organs and Body Parts, also ears, Dental, eyes ware and medical devices
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )12 Things We Can 3D Print in Medicine Right Now. ScienceRoll|
"changing medicine. It is now published on 3dprintingindustry.com. An excerpt"
EnvisionTEC 3DentMachine Integrated with 3Shape
's Dental System and CAMbridge
for. Azom|
%(#008000)["using the 3Shapescanner before being validated by Convince
quality control software"]
3D Printed Nurse Call Button Lets Disabled Patients Easily Summon Help. 3DPrint|
"put his MakerBot Replicator to work in the interest of a disabled acquaintance"
A 3D Printed Model of 20-Month-Old's Heart May Have Saved His Life. 3DPrint|
"Manning and his surgical team examined a precise 3D replica of Liamās heart"
Short Science, March 1, 2015. South China Morning Post (subscription)|
"so by suppressing the activity of receptors in the brain, the study found"
A Rubik's cube look-alike - 3D Heart replica - could help surgeons save children's. T.R.F.W.News|
"babies lives. Surgeons are able to precisely plan where to cut tissue"
Geekbus pays a visit to Pharr children. Monitor|
"intricate, they were brought to children using a simple method: a bus"
Exclusive: Princeton team 3D print QLEDs onto a contact lens. +Plastic Electronics|
"a standard contact lens, allowing the device to project beams of colored light"
WATCH: This 3D-printed arm costs just $300, and kids really, really love it. ScienceAlert|
"create devices that allow amputees to feel what they're touching with their new limbs"
China opens a medical 3D Printing center. Inside3DP|
"showing extreme interest in the application and advancement of this disruptive technology"
How 3D Printing Could Finish The Lethal Scarcity Of Donor Organs. Beacon Review|
"the rising engineering to fabricate hearts, kidneys, and other essential human organs"
How 3D Printing Could End The Deadly Shortage Of Donor Organs. Green News - Trendolizer|
"not magic. It is simply a way to scale up the current processes we use to engineer organs"
After a cruel attack, an injured toucan will get its beak back, thanks to. Focusing on Wildlife|
"since nicknamed Grecia, whose beak was horribly mutilated by a group of teenagers"
How 3D Printing Could End The Deadly Shortage Of Donor Organs. Content Loop|
"Medicine and a world-renowned expert in the field, to find out"
Aprecia Leases Facility for 3D Printing of Pharmaceuticals. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
"in December of 2014. more information on this story can be found here"
A Father in New Zealand Creates 3D Printed 'Smart Splints' to Help His Son Walk Comfort. 3DP|
"from the splints heād been forced to wear for the last 10 years"Tailored radiology treatments made possible with 3D printed devices. The Engineer|
"of a study presented at the Society of Interventional Radiologyās Annual Scientific Meeting"
3D Printing Technology Offers Personalised Medication Delivery. Azom.com|
"which meet the patients' needs, from their unique anatomy to specific medicine requirements"
3D printers help deliver customised drugs. Daily Times|
"personalised medical devices that can deliver antibiotics and chemotherapy in targeted manner" -
Genetic engineering to Organs and Body Parts, also ears, Dental, eyes ware and medical devices
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )3D Printing Offers Method to Deliver Medication. Product Design & Development|
"to deliver antibiotics and chemotherapeutic medications to a targeted area in cell cultures"
Prosthetics and More: Is 3D Organ Printing Next?. Medscape|
"her colleagues can attack the printed copy with any number of cancer treatments"
3D-printing with living organisms ā snack of tomorrow?. Green Prophet|
"food with new technologies, allowing food to stay nearer to its natural state"
3D pill printing firm Aprecia leases Forest Labs site as production hub. In-PharmaTechnologist.com|
"solution is the only type currently on the market which relies on ultrasonic technology"
CGTrader's Top 3D Printable Models of the Month: Includes Several Paris-Inspired Designs. 3DPrint|
"is this past monthās list of Top Downloaded and Top Viewed 3D Printable Models"
The Google-Mayo Clinic deal is a tactic. What delivers true patient empowerment via. MCNews|
"this information comes from a credible source, and not some Doogie Howser wannabe"
Aprecia Leases Old Forest Labs Facility for 3D Printing of ZipDose Pharmaceutical Products. 3DP|
"to use their facility for producing āfast dissolvingā drugs through 3DP"
How Many High-Fives and 3D Printed Arms Does It Take to Change the World? Limbitless. 3DP|
"of Central Florida doctoral students led by Albert Manero, was indeed a success"Promoting Functional Neural Repair Using 3D Printed Nerve Guidance Conduits (VIDEO). Medgadget|
"as autografts and are limited by a narrow range of options for materials"
3d printed robotic hand. 3D Printing Industry News|
"out of all of these options were not covered by his health care plan"
Disability Innovations: How 3D printing will make orthotics smarter, faster and cheaper. Scope's Blog|
"lives easier. We hope it will inspire more innovation in the disability field"
3D Printing and Healthcare: Will Laws, Lawyers, and Companies Stand in the Way of Patient. SSRN|
"recipe at any time because, in the end, it is our choice"
3D Printed Smart Splints Help Child Walk More Comfortably. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
"child's discomfort in using splints designed to straighten a congenital defect in his feet"
How 3D Printing Could Stop The Lethal Shortage Of Donor Organs. 3D Bioprinting Conference|
"the emerging technology to fabricate hearts, kidneys, and other vital human organs"
3D Printing in Medical Science. Ebuyer.com|
"heart-warming stories have emerged from the accuracy of 3D printing body parts"
All-in-one medical 3D printer. Today's Medical Developments|
"bridge molds interchangeably, at up to twice the throughput of today's printers"
3D Systems-Henry Schein Pen Deal to Sell 3D Dental Products. Zacks.com|
"medical and animal health practitioners, dental laboratories and other alternate-care sites"
3D Systems and Henry Schein enter multinational distribution agreement. Dentistry IQ|
"Australia, and Thailand. The agreement substantially expands the reach of 3D Systems"
Japanese 3D printing of human tissue has cosmetic potential. CosmeticsDesign-Asia.com|
"Australia, and Thailand. The agreement substantially expands the reach of 3D Systems"
Japan-based Cyfuse raises $12 million for 3D human tissue printing. 3Ders.org|
"good signs of how 3D printing will change the near future of medicine" -
Genetic engineering to Organs and Body Parts, also ears, Dental, eyes ware and medical devices
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )3D printing 'can allow for customised intervention-al radiology treatments'. Zenopa|
"the need to undergo a second procedure or treatment when conventional materials are used"
3D printing proves to be a cornerstone in latest innovation in medication delivery. Techie News|
"personalised medical devices that can deliver antibiotics and chemotherapy in targeted manner"
3D printers help deliver customised drugs. IANS|
"Horacio D'Agostino from Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center (LSUH) in Shreveport"
SIR Presents Study of 3D Printing as Innovative Method to Deliver Treatment. Endovascular Today|
"to deliver antibiotics and chemotherapeutic medications to a targeted area in cell cultures"
3D Systems Signs Distribution Deal with World's Largest Provider of Healthcare. Inside 3DP|
"system includes 3D scanners, software, installation, and post-sales support"
Newborn Baby With Skull Disorder Saved With 3D Printing. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
"then 3D printed a replica to enhance their understanding of the operation at hand"
PROFESSIONAL 3D PRINTING SERVICES _ Medical 3D object. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
"Nam. We have printed maxilla and mandible for most of surgery cases there"
Aprecia's 3D Printed Pharmaceuticals. 3D Composites|
"until now, very little has been done to take advantage of these possibilities"
Japan's Cyfuse Biomedical Raises $12M to Develop 3D-Printed Human Tissue. Inside 3D Printing|
"well as Jafco, Nippon Venture Capital, DBJ Capital, and the University"
3D printing with bioresorbable polymers may result in less invasive, fewer medical prosed. PToday|
"deliver antibiotics and chemotherapeutic medications to a targeted area in cell cultures"
Global Medical 3D Printing Market to Reach $983.2 Million by the Year 2020. PR.com|
"have a long and short-term impact on its growth across the globe"
'Hobbes' the Terrier to Receive 3D Printed Prosthetic Front Leg with Special Harness. 3DPrint.com|
"to try and better the quality of life for our beloved pets as well"
3D Printing Saves the Life of a Newborn with Cloverleaf Skull Syndrome in Brazil. 3DPrint.com|
"12 year-old girl to have a huge tumour removed from her spine"Inside the Weird World of 3D Printed Body Parts. Back-channel|
"could go a long way to ameliorating the psychological trauma often associated with mastectomies"
How 3D Printing Could End The Deadly Shortage Of Donor Organs. Fab Lab Connect|
"nutrients and oxygen from nearby tissues; and printing blood vessels into the structures"
Inside the Weird World of 3D Printed Body Parts. Slashdot|
"between a Russian mad scientist and the U.S.'s most advanced"
Ralf Becker on Tailor-Made 3D-Printed Grippers. Materialise|
"SCHUNK eGrip brings tailored solutions for grippers to a whole new level!"
Getting a Grip- Part 2. re:3D|
"filament into the teeth of the filament drive bolt seen in Figure 2B belo"
3DPrinted Robot Arm #3DThursday #3DPrinting. Blog - Adafruit|
"buttons to the Arduino easy and makes set-up and assembly very quick"
Big Step Forward Made In The Quest For 3D Printed Organs. Inventorspot|
"have done so, even outside the traditional realms of science and engineering" -
Genetic engineering to Organs and Body Parts, also ears, Dental, eyes ware and medical devices
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )How BioBots $5K 3D bioprinter could make doctors and medicines more effective. TechRepublic|
"every day to turning what seems like an impossible science fiction experiment into reality"
5 key trends in 3D printing medical device market. Orthopedic Spine|
"significantly over the next five years, according to a new Meticulous Research report"
3D Printing. BEGO| BEGO Medical GmbH. Wilhelm-Herbst-StraĆe 1 28359
"been making dental engineering products in Bremen and distributing them throughout the world"
The 3D-printed future of medical implants. The Kernel - The Daily Dot|
"take pieces of cartilage from other parts of the body to repair the damage"
3D printing creates new way to treat diseases. ecns|
"is already being used to treat diseases, repair organs and perform cosmetic surgery"
Perry High School students build prosthetic hands. News-Herald.com|
"made prosthetics to children who are missing fingers and other portions of their hands"
3D Printing. BEGO| BEGO Medical GmbH. Wilhelm-Herbst-StraĆe 1 28359
"been making dental engineering products in Bremen and distributing them throughout the world"
The 3D-printed future of medical implants. The Kernel - The Daily Dot|
"take pieces of cartilage from other parts of the body to repair the damage"
New Objet260 Dental Selection 3D Printer Takes Digital Dentistry Realism. IR - Stratasys|
"in one print job, increases productivity which can further improve profitability"3D printing creates new way to treat diseases. ecns|
"is already being used to treat diseases, repair organs and perform cosmetic surgery"
CSUN 2015 Exhibit Hall: 3D Printing Is Coming to People Who Are Blind. AFoundation for the Blind|
"exhibit hall and sent this report. Check out her first dispatch, too"
Patient's Eyesight Saved Thanks to 3D Printing. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
"a top design and research institute associated with Cardiff Metropolitan University"
3d Printing and Women's Health. EZ Rock|
"we'll see in the next couple of years - all thanks to 3d printing"
3D printed mouthpiece Hydra-Guard helps athletes stay hydrated during. 3Ders.org|
"a 3D printed mouthpiece that will enable athletes to stay hydrated while playing"
3D Technology and Expert Collaboration Save a Patient's Sight. 3DPrint.com|
"involved 3D scanning, modeling, and printing as well as successful collaboration"
3d printing for nacelles?. RCGroups.com| Anyone tried 3d printing for nacelles. Not very good with
"very good with the design program (a123d), but did manage to doodle"
3D printed organs offer ultra-realistic practice models. Khaleej Times|
"goes wrong ā the doctor can simply create another model with a 3D printer"
New Objet260 Dental Selection 3D Printer Takes Digital Dentistry Realism. Business Wire|
"realistic dental models with multiple materials and colors in a single print"
3D printer fashions drug-delivery tools. Medical Physics Web (subscription)|
"as well as filaments with therapeutic agents to halt cancer growth in cell cultures" -
Genetic engineering to Organs and Body Parts, also ears, Dental, eyes ware and medical devices
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Manatee Skeleton Recreated with 3D Printing. 3DPrint.com|
"1,200 pounds and can reach 8 to 10 feet in length"
3D-Printing Technique Called Didu Allow the Blind To"See"Art at the Muse. Netloid|
"textured 3d paintings that allow the paintings to be āviewedā when touched"
Innovation In Global Healthcare Prescribes Complex MBA Careers. BusinessBecause|
"spreads to newly industrialised economies such as China and Brazil, pushing up spending"
3D Printing an Award for a Doctor Who Creates a Healthier World. Materialise|
"University physicians that benefits pediatric cardiology patients locally and around the world"
3D Printing in Medical Applications Market to Grow in Europe Due to. Transparency Market Research|
"in medical applications market includes metals, polymers, ceramics, and biological cells"
'Smart Splints' to Help His Son Walk Comfortably. XYZ Printing|
"he needs to wear orthotic molds on his feet to help him walk"
Future: Soldiers may have their bones 3D printed and implanted in case of inju. 3DP from scratch|
"image, which can later be compared with the scans made after the inju"
Photo Release -- 3D Systems and Rita Leibinger Medical Get Disabled Dogs B. GlobeNewswire|
"underscoring the power of 3D printing to improve the quality of life for all"
3D printing organs may save more lives. wtkr.com|
"format of this structure is designed on a computer using the patientās medical scans"
Stratasys Introduces New Objet260 Dental Selection 3D Printer. 3DPrint.com|
"for all kinds of innovation in the printing and testing of authentic dental models"
Stratasys Introduces a New 3D Printer to its Dental Line. ENGINEERING.com|
"3D printed dental model realism to improve the accuracy and efficacy of digital dentistry"
New Objet260 Dental Selection 3D Printer Takes Digital Dentistry Realism and. The ISingapore News|
"reproduces soft gingiva to validate functional testing for implants, crowns and bridge"
How One Tech Firm Got 10000 Dogs Running Again with 3D Printed Knee Impelant. Yahoo Tech|
"many ways, changed how the world looked at the potential for 3D printing"New Objet260 Dental Selection 3D Printer Takes Digital Dentistry Realism and. Jakarta Post|
"tray, in one print job, increases productivity which can further improve profitability"
The Reality of 3D Printed Robo-Hands. Daily Beast|
"with a partial left hand, with a palm but without fully formed fingers"
3D Systems' 3D Printed Titanium Implants Relieve Cruciate Ligament Conditio. 3DPrint.com|
"we share innovation in medicine and medical devices with them more often also"
Is 3D printing the future of medicine? Intel seems to think so.. Tech Digest|
"it is and how much pressure to apply based on calculations using the motors"
Inside the Weird World of 3D Printed Body Part. Disinformation|
"could go a long way to ameliorating the psychological trauma often associated with mastectomies"
3D-Printed Earplugs Protecting Formula One Pit Crews from Extreme Noise of R. Inside 3D Printing|
"natural response of the ear allowing the pit crew to converse with each other"