NieKo Bridge Building Robot - Free Children's ebook
Very cool! Great idea.
Looks impressive. Nice way to share your knowledge and have fun with your creativity!
That's fantastic, Stuart! Loved the robot selfie
BTW, if anyone liked the book you can help Stuart out by leaving positive feedback on his Amazon page (find it via Stuart's link above). You don't have to purchase through Amazon to leave a review.
Thanks for all the nice comments! I have used the book to present to elementary school kids about how engineers design bridges.
Sketchup is fantastic and coupled with Thea, you can do amazing things! I'm trying to make a second book about truss bridges, hopefully one with a better storyline..
(I'm using the names of our cats Eddie, Rose, Pete and our dogs Emma and Betty in the next book.)
Thanks again!
Love the new pic!
Thanks Bryan! Your Grumman is cool!
This is another image that will end up in my second book. I have to photoshop some things but it is coming along.
(click for bigger view)Thanks again!
Wow! That's some damn good work. As a kid, I would have gone nuts over a book like this!
Oh! I just clicked on your blog/website. Lots of cool stuff there!
Hey no fair, now everybody knows what I look like!
I wish I could use that on my passport instead of the real thing....
I showed the book to my nieces this weekend, and they really enjoyed it. Of course they couldn't stop laughing at the word a-BUTT-ment...6 and 8 year olds, haha.
I'm really glad to hear your nieces liked it, d12dozr!
I have been reading some of the stuff on Sketchucation about 3D printing, now I think I need a 3D NieKo robot action figure!
Thanks again!
There are some designers making action figures with Sketchup.
Do it - we'll help you if you get stuck!
Thanks for all the great help, I do want to make an action figure!
On another note, does anybody know a publisher who likes odd bridge heavy robot books...?
(click image for better view. Sketchup, Thea, Photoshop. Hey I'm learning.)
HokusaΓ― revival!
Love the action figures!