Rotate Section plane like in RichSection video?
I was checking out the RichSection plugin video and saw something I don't understand. In the video the section plane is rotated with no obvious selection of the SU rotate tool. The plane is also the orange Unselected color as opposed to the blue when selected. Is this some keystroke while manipulating, a plugin? How is it done?
What I asking about is visible in this video at about 33 seconds in.;x-yt-cl=84411374%26amp;feature=player_embedded%26amp;x-yt-ts=1421828030 -
It's not part of the plugin.
First set transition time between scenes :
Click on the scenes (with the different sectionplanes defined by RichSection...). -
Ok. It looked in the video like the section rotations were real time. I did not get that they were scene transitions.