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Clever Photoshop trick
lets make this a tip thread...
I just found out a while back about "Content-Aware" Fill...
just mask your targets and then Fill>Content Aware.
On a mac that's called the No iDeer feature.
VERY COOL Peter!!!!!!!
I got no idear.
I saw a thread a while back (here?) that showed how to disappear a whole building (at least good enough to replace it with a new one) in the photo.
Useful tips. Thanks guys! (always seems so simple when someone shows you.)
The only thing that might be a little annoying is the need of a tripod...
It's really rare that I have one when I'm on vacation...I LOVE the content fill tool in PS...
There is a filter in the GMIC package for Gimp that does this. It is called inPainting, I think.