Paste Sanskrit (Sanskrit2003 font) 3D text
I have minor bug report:
using# SketchUp Make 2013 (13.0.4812); Dell Latitude laptop; Win 7 Pro;- With Sanskrit Editor software (DL link: I write some text in Devanagari script (Sanskrit text, using Sanskrit2003 font)
- Ctrl-C that Sanskrit text
- Alt-Tab to SU, Tools - 3D Text
- Ctrl-V Sanskrit text (so far so good)
- Hit 'Place' (3D text) button
- This results in corrupted Sanskrit text
Using above procedure with MS Word (and Inkscape) they both work properly - Sanskrit Devanagari text is displayed properly (same as in Sanskrit Editor).
Attached is pdf file with screenshots. I tried to send this bug report via official Trimble online form, which is not working, therefore I am posting it here.Best regards,
S love nia**
That is a known issue and indeed a limitation of the current 3d text feature in SketchUp (besides TrueType-only fonts). As you see by the blue selection contours, it seems SketchUp (or the library it uses) vectorizes each character individually, and not the complete text as one.
The 3d text feature would need to support advanced text layout and glyph rendering, as libraries like DirectWrite or Pango offer.Have you been able to use the text written in Inkscape? (Inkscape can export to dxf which SketchUp imports)
Aerilius, thank you for your answer.
I have (re)drawn my project (completely) in Inkscape, so now I have vector version.
If I'll need to use SU for anything similar, I will check your (Inkscape->dxf->SU) suggestion.Thank you,
S love nia