3D Printing Stories via Colleges, Classrooms & software
New update to style 50 line of code listing format: why? Work better in browers
WEB site title. site| sub level title -if need ( . added, | end of line & added sub level title if title small)
"15 words quote phase" (sane)
Added thought - duke jazz when need ( may add a thought from time to time ) (new)3D Printing Stories via Colleges, Classrooms, Libraries and Software
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )3D printers bring new life to the classroom. KCCI Des Moines|
"basement of Iowa State University's Science Hall, staff and students are using the printers to"
3D Printers Head to Delaware Libraries. WBOC TV 16|
"all utilizing this new technology. The printers cost approximately $1,200"
Are 3D Printing and Maker Spaces Ways to Engage Kids in Engineering?. Erin L. Albert's Blog · admin|
"can a girl who may be the NEXT GENERATION of STEM educated professionals"
How We Used 3D Printing To Gamify Our Stories And Inspire Kids To Tinker. BrainBytes · nishabb|
"machines are still too slow, expensive and primitive to be deployed in the competitive"Which aspects of CAD technology are most important for 3D printing?. IndiaCADworks Blog · admin|
"shape by additively laying down successive layers of material under computer"
Bruce Museum offering elementary kids cutting-edge 3D printing classes. ctnews.com|
"the cutting-edge creative technology of 3D printing for 4th, 5th and 6th grade"
Inside Speedy Secrets For 3D printing. fairmont.com|
"identical part. Cast manufacturing just doesn't always have the sting on subtle manufacturing"
Design and Process: 3D Printing in the Classroom. ClarkBarnett.com|
"printed them and whose file they were. She saved the files to the computer"
3D Printing With Meshmixer: A Beginner-friendly Introduction to 3D Sculpting. i.Materialize|
"scale your design(s) to the ideal size, and order as many copies as you"3DPrinting. mcmorgan.org| Folium, 3D printed book Tom Burtonwood – Download a
"how to. This one if for editors, and rhetorical critics. Yeah, maybe you can name"
How To Hack Your Home Printer So It Will 3D Print Any Lipstick, Nail Polish, Eye Business Insider|
"step-by-step instructions on how to 3D print lipsticks, eye shadows and nail polishes"
Meet Grace Choi, A Harvard Brainiac Who Is Showing The World How To 3D Print Business Insider|
"computer to print specific ink colors on colorless shadows and creams"
[Philippines] Future-proof your graphics career with 3D printing. e27|
"the emergence of 3D Printing and its benefits to all freelancers"
Tutor3d – A new initiative to introduce 3D printing to students in India. Inside3DP|
"about the kind of money Indian government and educational institutions cannot afford"
Autodesk reveals new software for 3D printing. Inside3DP|. 3D Printing Industry|
"says it also broadens the range of materials that can be used for 3D printing"
AT&T grant brings 3D printer to the Norwalk Library. Thehour.com|
"AT&T grant brings 3D printer to the Norwalk Library. Thehour.com|"
Business Wire. Virtual-Strategy Magazine| Earlier this year, Autodesk
"the fourth consecutive year that Autodesk executives have been selected as Channel Chiefs"
Catonsville High teacher acquires school's first 3D printer. Baltimore Sun|
"the school's first three-dimensional printer, expected to be up and running this week"
Library adds a 3D printer to digital media lab. The Park Record|
"Library adds a 3D printer to digital media lab. The Park Record|"
Folium, 3D printed book. tomburtonwood.com|
"Latin for leaf and refers to the decorative leaves that allow each page to flex" -
3D Printing Stories via Colleges, Classrooms, Libraries and Software
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )3D Printing & Makerspaces with Dundee Libraries – July 2014. #uklibchat · siobhanmac|
"their makerspaces & 3D printing within their central library in Dundee, Scotland"
Student's job in 3D Printing. shoutrlabs|
"This is the perfect job for a student.
3D Printing - Introduction to CAD and 3D Printing. SL2 eXchange - by Sustainable Living Lab|
"3D, and print your own customised stationery holder or hook for a start?"
A Master class from Picaso 3D: How to use a 3D printer for your business?. Launch Gurus|
"7 Tverskaya Street, Moscow. The fair will be followed by a luncheon"News. SoloPoint Solutions| Thanks to Autodesk, 3D printing has the potential to progress
"Thanks to Autodesk, 3D printing has the potential to progress by leaps and bounds"
Picking out Real-World Programs In 3D printing. Moses & Moses, PC|
"pain that feels worse every time a person supports after a period of sleep"
3D printing and raw earth plaster. Blender Artists|
"lot of subdivision on the outside and a displace modifier with some procedural textures"The Case for 3D Printing. American Libraries Magazine|
"A library was one of the places where many Americans first saw the internet"
COE Brown Bag – Museum Accessibility: The Contribution of 3D Printing. the Connect. Lisa Duvall|
"300 million other professionals who are sharing connections, ideas, and opportunities"
3D Printing Lecture - Art/Design. The Hutt Valley|
"researchers into 3D design, Tim Miller of Victoria University School of Architecture and Design"
Mastering 3D Printing LiveLessons. Freak2Play.net|
"for the purpose of fabrication and manufacturing. He has built many CNC"
Folium a 3D Printed Book of Bas Relief from the Art Institute of Chicago. Thingiverse|
"3D Printed Book of Bas Relief from The Art Institute of Chicago by Tom Burtonwood"
3D Printing offer world of possibilities. Reading Eagle|
"cellphone cover or appliance handle — he doesn’t need a machine shop or advanced tools"
Designing your 3D Print. getvamos.com|
"But you can still explore other cities"
Baylor University Theatre Utilizes 3D Printing for Costume Design in Latest Production 3DPrint.com|
"coming technology into the costume design of one of the main characters, The Witch"
University of Sheffield show first pictures from DIY telescope - . BBC News|
"first photographs taken by a £100 telescope built from parts made by a 3D printer"
University launches world's first photographs taken with telescope made University of Sheffield News|
"own telescope, saving a minimum of £800 compared to models of the same capabilities"
3D Print Anything! Autodesk Releases Free 3D Scanning App, 123D Catch Android Device. 3DPrint.com|
"scanned, uploaded, and downloaded by anyone with access to a smartphone or tablet"
6 challenges 3D printing has yet to overcome. ITBusiness.ca (blog)|
"will have to address as we move into the age of 3D printing"
Grad Student Uses 3D Printing of Nature and Data to Innovate Upon Architectural Design. 3DPrint.com|
"and more in the visualization process to help us better understand both nature and data"
] -
3D Printing Stories via Colleges, Classrooms, Libraries and Software
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )Indian Museum's heritage, modern 3D idols to mark Durga Puja. Zee News|
"centuries-old plaque of goddess Durga slaying the buffalo-demon at the prestigious"
3D printing in the classroom. Kathy Schrock's Guide to Everything|
"to learn more about 3D printers and how they can be used in the classroom"
3D Printed Costume Design at Baylor University. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
"Baylor University Theatre Utilizes 3D Printing for Costume Design in Latest Production"
Autodesk. Facebook| TJ McCue went inside the Ford 3D printing lab where
"shredded U.S. Treasury paper in the spirit of creating more sustainable parts"
Entry Level AutoCAD Technician. 3D Printing Alliance| Entry Level AutoCAD Technician
"Printing is just developing so there are exciting new positions becoming available all the time"
2014-09-20. google.com| Rudy de Waele is a Technology Innovation Strategist and Author/Curator
"Rudy de Waele is a Technology Innovation Strategist and Author/Curator of Shift 2020"
Grad Student Uses 3D Printing of Nature and Data to Innovate Upon. 3D Printing Magazine|
"is that it allows us to get a clearer picture of 3-dimensional objects"
Friday Roundup – Take 3D Printing Kids Challenge. Tinkercad 3D Design Blog · sarahorourke76|
"Vanderwerk for sharing Adrian’s skull necklace created with Tinkercad on a TypeA Machine in less "
How 3D printing made our KINGDOM game design project possible. ~~ Super Cool Books ~~ · D|
"develop these qualities, through simple design challenges and collaborative play"
Nanoscale Prototype Printing System Announced by Northeastern University. Inside 3D Printing|
"insulating nanomaterials, and will cost and operate at a fraction of today’s nanofabrication cost"
3D Printed Holders. Pinterest| Inspiration for designing 3D Printed Holders
"Pinterest| 3D printed octopus tentacles holding iPad"
New MakerSpace provides 3D printing and other resources for students. Diamondback Online|
"technology and the library also maintains a Web page with tutorials on using the gadgets"World's First 3D Printed Live Concert Takes Place at Lund University in Sweden. 3DPrint.com|
"first live concert with a band, using instruments which have all been 3D printed"
First live concert with 3D printed instruments was held in Sweden . ITProPortal|
"of students) to use in the first live concert featuring all 3D printed instruments"
Graphene 3D teams up with university to research 3D printing materials. Inside3DP|
"University’s analytical services and a fully-equipped research laboratory to use in the investigation"
Graphene 3D Lab Inc. Partners With Stony Brook Univ. on Graphene 3D Printer Filament Test. 3DPrint|
"a whole slew of doors will open up within the field of material science"
HoneyComb – browser based CAD for 3D printing. SolidSmack · Cabe Atwell|
"does the adoption of CAD software that can be both expensive and difficult to master"
Printrbot simple good for beginner?. Printrbot|
"on the site. are there upgrades planned/possible for the Printrbot Simple Metal"
Ignite Baltimore #15: 3D printing, LGBT history, a call for better teachers. Technical.ly Baltimore|
"sold-out crowd at the Brown Center at the Maryland Institute College of Art"
History coming to life as 3D printing creates museum pieces at schools. ABC Local|
"the first in Australia to train and provide customised lessons for 3D printing in schools" -
3D Printing Stories via Colleges, Classrooms, Libraries and Software
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )3D Printing, Arduino, and Role-Playing Games Create Magic in SpellTag. 3DPrint.com|
"team of like-minded, versatile, and variously skilled enthusiasts to create SpellTag"3D Printer Manufacturer Tinkerine
Expands its Education Initiative Tinkerine U. Canada NewsWire|
"homebuilding quality, introduces a luxury townhome community in the heart of central"
College campuses forge ahead with 3-D printing. UI The Daily Iowan|
"the school requires that students be supervised by one of the printing staff"
3D printing software review: MeshFusion for MODO. Inside3DP|
"and dynamics – interoperating all new features, as if they had always been there"
University expands global business executive education to include 3D printing supply chain. PR Web|
"-shoring, reshoring, and global sourcing of parts, labor, and products"
3D Printing and Manipulation in Photoshop CC. Julieanne Kost's Blog · Julieanne Kost|
"this area, I’m going to rely on Adobe’s very own Daniel Presedo to explain"
Australian company Modfab takes the initiative with 3D printing education. 3Ders.org|
"has been born in the Illawarra and is the first of its kind in Australia"3D Design Software Lifehacks: Basic 3D Printing Features Every Designer Should Know. Materialise|
"smoothing), symmetry, sculpt, and “boolean”/“hole making"
How to Reduce Development Time Frames With 3D Printing. Industry Edge|
"year production process, which is around 10 times faster than traditional development processes"
3D Printing Utilities | Alessandro Isola. Arch2O.com|
"different fields of design to explore new possibilities and to push the boundaries of creativity"
High School Robotics Club Creates 3D Printed Exoskeleton For Kids with Cerebral Palsy. 3DPrint.com|
"on the negatives while ignoring all the great things going on around them"
Project Silkworm Plugin Seeks to Redefine 3D Printing and Design Via G-code. 3DPrint.com|
"specifications themselves, the industry has made tremendous strides over the past couple of years"
Engineering students, alumni aid in 3D printed car creation . UTDailyBeacon.com|
"My father laughed and pushed me forward. I fell in rhythm with a"
Is 3D Training Institute a Viable Alternative to a Four Year College Course?. 3D Printing Industry|
"degree that was no guarantee of a job wasn’t especially an exciting prospect for him"
HoneyComb: A New and Free Browser-Based CAD Platform for 3D Printing. Before It's News|
"adoption of CAD software that can be both expensive and difficult to master"
Swedish students play a gig with 3D-printed instruments. Omny|
"to do any other way," paving way for some truly custom-made instruments"
Students Can Now Design Space Tools to be 3D Printed And Used in Outer Space. 3DPrint.com|
"at-home 3D printers, but much more sophisticated objects and structures as well"
3D Printing on Campus. facebook.com| Kendal Museum is making history accessible to students
"Have you 3D printed artifacts or fossils for your students? Tell us about it in the comments!"
Cad download portal supports 3d printing, 3d model sharing.. Thomasnet news (press release) (blog)|
"times are reduced, productivity increases and project quality is improved on a continuous basis"
Successful 3d cad download portal gets augmented with new 3d printing and 3d models. Openpr|
"share them with friends and coworkers as well as make them available for download" -
3D Printing Stories via Colleges, Classrooms, Libraries and Software
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )The light side: game maker seeks legal aid from rudy giuliani — and gets it. Thomasnet news|
"him to the United States on drug trafficking, racketeering, and money laundering charges"
3-D printing is a solid venture for multidisciplinary engineering student. State college news|
"service that utilizes the latest techniques in additive manufacturing to design and produce quality products"54/55 – 3D printing and manipulation in photoshop cc. Adobe blogs|
"this area, I’m going to rely on Adobe’s very own Daniel Presedo to explain"
Paper-based 3d printing in education white paper. Mcor technologies|
"class, plastic-based 3D printers for student use in this FREE white paper"
3D Printing 101. Brenham Banner Press (subscription)|
"The Brenham Police Department during the 24-hour period ending at 7 a.m"
STL is really bad for 3D printing IMO. It's just a bag of triangles. ycombinator.com|
"'s no 'holes' in models, so they can be effectively sliced"
What 3D printing is like when you've never done it before. Gigaom|
"A Bulbasaur planter!! A pair of stunner shades! A Bulbasaur planter"
New to 3D printing and want to start simple. Reddit|
"with the letters "S" and "A" raised? Thanks a ton"
3D Printing Classes. skillshare.com| Subject: 3D Printing ... 3D Print Your Invention: Learn 3D
"your hand at 3D printing, but it can be hard to... View Mor"
3D Printing for Kids (Ages 8 and 9). wiltonlibrary.org|
"meetings. In-person registration is required, payment due at time of registration"
Exporting .obj for 3D printing. SketchUp Community|
"open it with the printing tool "Repetier-Host" the cup"3d printing book copy. OMNI Reboot| OMNI Reboot > Futurology > 3D Printing Will Pave The
"is created by laying down successive layers of material until the entire object is created"
New SolidWorks 2015 to Feature Direct 3D Printing. 3D Printer|
"this release, the new version brings in a brand new feature: 3D printing"
ALA launches educational 3D printing policy campaign. Library Stuff · Steven M. Cohen|
"The latest Tweets from Steven M. Cohen (@LibraryStuff). Law Librarian, Voracious Reader, Recovering"
Can 3D-printing help kids learn how to write?. 3D Perspectives – Dassault Systèmes Blog · Fred|
"comes later), it is important that they pick only one element for each sound"
PinShape Wants to Give you Money for your 3D Education. 3D Printing Industry|
"student debt and offering them not just cash, but exposure on their growing marketplace"
ALA Looks at Public Policy Implications of 3D Printing in the Library. infodocket.com|
"direction of the public policy that takes shape around 3D printing in the coming years"
At the moment my students are 3dprinting some pretty cool stuff. The 3D Printing Association|
"is everything to 3dprinting with the 3dprinter actually being the last part of the process"
3D Printing Aims To Revolutionize Australian Schools And Manufacturing. Edutopia|
"high school students in Australia are benefiting from the printing technology through a new program"
3D Printing. Vectorworks| file format for 3d printing. by surreal1973, 3, 385 ...
"can. We?ll be constantly monitoring this and merging it with our list" -
3D Printing Stories via Colleges, Classrooms, Libraries and Software
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )New Online Training: Teach Me 3D Printing. Modo - The Foundry|
"techniques that form the foundation of a successful career in animation"
ALA launches educational 3D printing policy campaign. American Library Association|
"implement simple yet protective 3D printing policies in their own libraries"
Book:3D printing. Wikipedia| This is a Wikipedia book, a collection of Wikipedia articles
"Applications 3D-printed spacecraft Building printing"
Open Sourcing 3D Printing Hydroponics!. InvestmentWatch|
"They're stars, but these 20 celebrities could use some serious acting lessons"
3D Printing Teacher of the Year – Exclusive Interview With Philip Cotton. philipcotton.com|
"won 3D Printshow 2014’s Educational Excellence Award for his services to education"3D Printing Documentary Highlights History, Hopes, and Horrors [VIDEO]. Guardian Liberty Voice|
"3D Printing is Revolutionizing Custom Molded In-Ear Monitor"
iMakr Holds October FDM 3D Printing Hackathon in London for University Students. 3DPrint.com|
"panel of experts from different sectors such as engineering, fashion, and jewelry"
University of Platteville starts group to focus on 3D printing. kwwl.com|
"Engineers have used 3D printing technology to build components for their various projects "
MakerBot 3D printers coming to more UK schools to enhance education. Pocket-lint.com|"MakerBot would have "nearly half its business" from education"
Influx of Korean students study 3D printing. The Prospector| Influx of Korean students study
"told that next year MakerBot would have "nearly half its business" from education"
Adobe's 3D modeling software: Is this the beginning of one-click 3D printing?. Inside3DP|
"price of filament. What will really drive this so-called revolution is software"
The Mummy in the Library: 3D Printing as the New Monster Creation. 3DPrint.com|
"Association, the newest metamorphosis in the library comes in the form of 3D printing"
Voxelizer Software Update: Allows for Modeling With 3D Pixels & Aims to Make Medical. 3DPrint|
"can then be printed on a 3D printer. However, triangles can be limiting"
3D Printing, STEAM Learning Coming to More Local Libraries. Twin Falls Times-News|
"part of an e-textiles session at a recent Idaho Commission for Libraries workshop"
Gambody Brings Gaming to Life in Marketplace Offering 3D Printable Video Game Models. 3DPrint|
"science, art—and instant gratification, as the creator can design something and make it"
Independence Community College 3D Printing Technology Helps Kansas Girl. Four States Homepage|
"with symbrachydactyly, a congenital abnormality that left her missing her right-hand fingers"
voxeljet Acquires 3D Printed Movie Prop Maker Propshop (Model Makers) Limited. 3DPrint.com|
"to mid-sized prop necessary, within hours instead of weeks or even months"
Project PAM – College Students Look to Create an Entirely Open Source DLP 3D Printer. 3DPrint.com|
"off the rights to their designs, through the filing of patents and other means"
3D Printing File Formats. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
"Progress (4 Viewing) Get feedback and help on your 3D designs"
Introduction to 3D Printing. Wilton Library| Interested in learning the basics of how to use our
".org. This program is sponsored by Wilton Library with funding from generous donors" -
3D Printing Stories via Colleges, Classrooms, Libraries and Software
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )Library may add 3D printer. Coeur d'Alene Press|
"hands of the public, the machine will add a new facet to library activities"
First 3D Printer Offered to Library Patrons. Beartooth NBC|
"are the first library in the country to offer 3D printing services to our patrons"
Supporting 3D printing and education. Today's Energy Solutions|
"to support an interdisciplinary STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) program"
New Details on VRClay, The Virtual Reality CAD Software Which Could Transform the 3D. 3DPrint|
"to in order to create designs which would make a 3D printer worth their while"
Technogeeks' licence to print 3D money. Financial Times|
"Currently, the main use of the technology in industry is in designing and developin"
Technology Center of DuPage hosts 40th anniversary Community Expo. WLS-TV|
"is inviting the community to an expo to check out what its students can learn"
Charles Hasemann: MSU's land grant mission fits well with maker movement. Lansing State Journal|
"is inviting the community to an expo to check out what its students can learn"
3D Printing - Tips. UCI Libraries - University of California, Irvine| Once the 3D printed object
"in addition to a drill/Dremel tool with a grinder or sand paper attachment"
Nautilus Middle School 3D Printer. kickstarter.com|
"Biomedical Technologist and Biologist School Educator, who just completed her EDD in Education"AMT Donates 3D Printer to Brecksville-Broadview Heights High School. Brecksville-Broadview Heights|
"interdisciplinary STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) program at the school"
Nautilus Middle School 3D Printer. kicktraq.com|
"has eager students that are excited to get their hands on a real 3D printer"
Get Ready to 3D Print with Photoshop CC. MakerBot| Adobe Photoshop CC now offers the ability
"users to easily 3D print photographs and other two-toned models in beautiful detail"
Museum 3D Prints Turnertempel Synagogue. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
"worked to create a digital model of the lost structure based on extensive archival research"
CreativeFriday – Introduction to 3D and 3D Printing with Photoshop CC. Adobe Blogs|
"since January 2014 includes ability to make watertight 3D printable object and print"
If You Can Draw It, You Can Make It” -- 3D Printing Under the Copyright Microscope. Beyond Clause 8|
"revamping not only consumer electronic products, but also our social connectivity as a whole"
3D Printing with RepRap Cookbook. Safari Books Online|
"great savings on assembly costs as it offers the capability of printing already assembled products"
College forges 3D printing partnership with 3D Systems. Faculty Sites - SUNY New Paltz|
"an initiative to promote the development and use of 3D printing in New York State"
MHS Alum, Entrepreneur Shares Firm's 3D Printing App with CAD Students. Mason City School District|
"sharing his passion and lessons learned with future innovators - Mason High School CAD students"
3D Printing for Fun: 3 hr 'Taster' class. Creative Scotland|
"applied arts and designer making and is general enough to suit all levels of interest"
Pupils Embrace The Future With 3D Printing. Red House School|
"technology. It prints using a range of different plastics with numerous colour combinations available" -
3D Printing Stories via Colleges, Classrooms, Libraries and Software
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )Rapid prototyping company manager brings CAD expertise to local school. Inside3DP|
"3D printers and CAD courses in schools will cement the technology’s place in society"
Pickens schools get 3D printers. Greenville News|
"socioeconomic values and conditions in Pickens County, the district said in a press release"
The best way to teach kids math is not in a classroom. Quartz|
"observable, and how they meet, fit and feel is appealing to the senses"
Let's make sure our children embrace the new maker culture. Inside3DP|
"that the better I would do in school, the better prepared I would be"
3D Printing - Examples. UCI Libraries - University of California, Irvine| Printed object dimensions
%(#008000)[".824.68362009-2014 The Regents of the University of Californi"]
Mastering 3D Printing. e-books-pdf.com| Mastering 3D Printing By Joan Horvath 2014 | 224 Pages
"Systems, Techniques, That, Theory, Volume, with, World, You"
Pickens schools get 3D printers. 3dprintingmagazine.net|
"3D printers are a donation from Manufacturers Caring for Pickens County, a nonprofit whose"
Adobe Announces New 3D Printing Features for Photoshop CC. 3DPrint.com|
"Sketch and Photoshop Mix. This includes some new 3D printing profiles for Photoshop CC"
Adobe's latest Creative Cloud updates bridge desktop and mobile. Macworld|
"solidified that commitment with the launch of nine new and updated apps and connected services"
3D Printed Stop Motion Lion Film Created by Recent Graduate of Northumbria University. 3DPrint.com|
"in Newcastle, England named Fin Crowther decided to create his own 3D printed animation"
Hun School of Princeton now utilizing 3D printing. The Times, Trenton - NJ.com|
"been used for mathematical discovery, scientific research, problem solving, and visual artistry"Edible Growth 3D Printed Mini-Pastries Created By Dutch Student. Geeky gadgets|
"environmentally responsible food production into the hands of individualsWeb Shopping Images "
Uniqlo utilises 3D printing for new 'Selfless Selfie Project'. Essential Retail|
"some of the latest trends and technologies, including smartphones, selfies and 3D printing"
Keen Software House Joins Forces with BinaryNow.... Gamasutra|
"a full color plastic 3D model of space ships they have designed in the game"
Keen Software House Joins Forces with BinaryNow,Inc to Deliver 3D Printing Models. Space Engineers|
"a full color plastic 3D model of space ships they have designed in the game"
Swanson School of Engineering Receives $300K Grants to Research Complex Model. Inside 3D Printing|
"technology, new qualification standards and increased industry adoption of additive manufacturing"
Introduction to 3D Printing. Beverly Public Library| Have you heard about 3D printing and want
"Visit the SketchUp website to download a free version of the software in advance"
Want To Try Your Hand At 3D Printing? Just Check Your Post Office.. Vulcan Post|
"to showcase new business ideas that enhance and complement the post office experience"
Why the 3D Maker Movement Isn't the Most Important Factor in 3D Printing Revolution. EnvisionTEC|
"3D printed figurines, jewelry and other varieties of additively-manufactured entertainment"
RapidTech 3D Printing at Garden Grove Library STEM Innovation Lounge. QGITS|
"Ed talk about “What is 3D printing?” and 3D laser scan a student" -
3D Printing Stories via Colleges, Classrooms, Libraries and Software
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )2 day masterclass: to model digitally to 3D print. Opportunities - Creative Scotland|
"Have your say...Give us your feedback about the Creative Scotland Opportunities tool"
3d printing from Photoshop CC 2014. Adobe Community|
"the necessary support structures—scaffolding and rafts—to ensure that your 3D prints are successful"Chadron Library introduces 3D printing. Rapid City Journal|
"to convert waste such as shampoo bottles and milk containers into filament for 3D printing"
Researchers Use Big Data And Twitter DecaHose to Light up 3D Printed Model of MIT Campus. 3DPrint|
"a role in tying the whole project together—and demonstrating the knowledge of all involved"
Geometric and College of Engineering, Pthe stories you want to know about from. Hindu Business Line|
"titled "Geometric and College of Engineering, Pune come together to promote 3D Printing"
NVBots Launches Fundable Rewards Campaign To Bring 3D Printers to Schools. T.H.E. Journal|
"to choose where donations are applied for individuals who do not specify a recipient school"
Industrial design student creates self-growing food with a 3D food printer. Inside3DP|
"developed a 3D printer that is capable of printing small edible self-growing snacks"You can now import 3D animated characters into Photoshop CC. Gamasutra|
" character support for Photoshop CC, as provided in conjunction with animation company Mixamo"
Purdue 3-D Printing Club. Purdue Exponent|
"one thing in common: they’re products of Purdue’s new 3-D Printing Club"
Special Education Pricing Available Now!. Tinkerine|
"to take up much less space, and still make bigger parts than the competition"
Adobe Announces 3D-Printing Upgrades to Photoshop CC. Inside 3D Printing|
"new 3D-printing profiles for Photoshop CC. The updates to 3D printing include"
Tutorial: 3D Printing your Autodesk 123D Catches. Sculpteo|
"the objects you catch using the app, it just takes a few more steps"
Problem with the mirror modifier for 3D printing. Blender Artists|
"has got to be an easier way that I just don't know about"
Blender Cookie Halloween 3D Printing Contest. BlenderNation| CG Cookie, Sketchfab and Shapeways
"worth of prizes is up for grabs (including 3D prints of your own models"
Geometric and College of Engineering, Pune come together to promote 3D Printing. Equity Bulls|
"the hardware and software used in the additive manufacturing process"
Student Creates 3D Printed 'Airy Arm', Allowing For Surprising Use of Paralyzed Appendages. 3DPrint|
"the devices don’t even function as well as their cheaper, home-fabricated counterparts"Student Creates 3D Printed Mechanical Arm . HealthTechZone|
"and the hand is instead driven by the user’s own controlled movement of the elbow"
Autodesk to Feature Spark Open Software Platform at MecklerMedia's Inside 3D Print. MarketWatch|
"how to 3D design and fabrication technology is disrupting industries of all kinds"
Autodesk to Feature Spark Open Software Platform at MecklerMedia's Inside 3D Print. OTC Markets|
"3D Printing Conference and Expo in Santa Clara on October 21-23, 2014"
AMT donates 3D printer to high school STEM program.. ThomasNet News (press release) (blog)|
"School 3d Printers News AMT donates 3D printer to high school STEM program" -
3D Printing Stories via Colleges, Classrooms, Libraries and Software
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )SolidThinking reveals plans for 2015 software. TCT Magazine|
"to tell us about what makes them both so special, the latest features and what we can expect "3D printing in action. Museum of Science and Industry| Join our explainers in the 3D printing
"your guide to one of the fastest growing areas of science in the world today"
NJ School Uses 3D Printing in Multiple Classes. T.H.E. Journal|
"to their own scientific research and development of problem-solving skills"
Hun School of Princeton Students Designing the Future with 3D Printing . PR Web (press release)|
"for mathematical discovery, scientific research, problem solving, and visual artistry"
3D: Printing the Future. Museum of Science and Industry| Discover how 3D printing is revolutionising
"how 3D printing has democratised design, unleashing a wave of innovation across the globe"
3D Printing. University of Hartford| 3D Printing. I first got interested in computers and CAD
"about 3d printing in a computer aided design magazine the late 1980's"
3D Printing, and All That Jazz. The Dowse Art Museum|
"to digitised collections, originate from the good folks working in the libraries"
3D printers in schools: uses in the curriculum. xYZ Printing|
"focus on the printing, customising and creating of your own 3D products"What Would You 3D Print?. Georgetown University Library| What would you create with
"the Library wants to know how Georgetown faculty and students might use a 3D printer"
2014/10/09 3D Printing. Saint Joseph's University| 2014/10/09 3D Printing ... 141009-3d-printing-
"Home»All Photographs»2014/10/09 3D Printing"
Camp for Kids Teaches 3D Design, Printing. PSFK|
"to design and print out projects"
Introducing kids and families to 3D printing. Shapeways|
"our talented designers and 3D printed by Shapeways, as well as the Ultimaker 2"
University of Pittsburgh Research Teams Create 3D Printed, Metal, Biodegradable Bone. 3DPrint|
"of biodegradable scaffold of an iron and manganese alloy to foster new bone and tissue growth"
South Bend campus 1 of 3 to pilot Purdue project. MiamiHerald.com|
"of Westville, a freshman at Purdue University College of Technology at South Bend"
Teens Take the Met—Dynamic Free Program for Teens—to Kick Off, 10/17. Broadway World|
"the public art program of the Times Square Alliance, collaborates with contemporary artists "
Projects. Smart Fab Lab| FORMAKING – digital prototyping course 15.9 – 26.9 · ga.
"SmartFabLab is the first digital fabrication laboratory in Bulgaria"
3D printing projects. Appropedia| The STL file was created in openSCAD and printed using
"was created in openSCAD and printed using the MOST 3D printed constructed for class"
MIT's Model Campus Glows with 3D Printing & Big Data. 3D Printing Industry|
"then break it down into smaller and easier to understand blocks of information"Univ Of Pittsburgh 3D Printing Biodegradable Metal Implants. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
"bone-synthesizing cells “osteoblasts,” to create a structure that is placed over the areas of repair"
Hun School Prints Using 3D Printers. Friday|
"continues to engross students across disciplines at every level of education" -
3D Printing Stories via Colleges, Classrooms, Libraries and Software
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )What's Next in 3D Printing. IYRS|
"3DPrinting avi reichental"
3D Printing in Third Grade | Feeling Successful. ClarkBarnett.com|
"Slurppee lid, tissue paper glued on with glow in the dark paint, and twisty ties"
IIT Student Creates 'The Bug', a Fiber Composite 3D Printer. 3DPrint|
"how Mestral became quite a wealthy man, by creating a product that we all are very familiar with"
Exhibition highlights future of 3D printing. Victoria University of Wellington|
"the world’s first inflatable 3D print—by Master of Design Innovation student Richard Clarkeson"
Magenta Binder for 3D Printing Compatible with Zcorp and Projet X60 Printers. eBay|
"Listed in category:Business & Industrial > Printing & Graphic Arts>other"
Information (PDF, 330 KB). ethz.ch| Invitation. Distinguished Lecture Series of the Department "Distinguished Lecture Series of the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering"
3D Printing Classes. Skillshare| Introduction to 3D Printing: An Easy Start to your First
"you exactly how to model a 3D hand-held, print-ready, object using only free tools, with no prio"
3D printer design software: review of polygon 3D modeling. Inside3DP |
"animation figures. At Inside3DP we have covered software that create objects using polygons"
Seventh Graders at Perry Middle School in Ohio Build 3D Printer for STEM Class. 3DPrint|
"Perry Middle School were using their time more productively and have built their own 3D printer"Wilton Library Hosts Kids Workshop On 3D Printing. The Daily Voice|
"will learn new technology language as well as see the process of printing a 3D object"
3D Print Post Processing Tip. ZBrushCentral|
"printed this model at 100 microns, it took about 18 hours and is 5 1/2 inches tall"
3D printing hits Beverly Public Library. Insurance News Net|
"been around for years, they have recently become affordable and available to the general public"
3D printing captures the minds of students at Sheldon College, Brisbane. NewsMaker|
"a complex mechanism and understand its iteration history and propose different design solutions"
AMT Donates 3D Printer to Brecksville-Broadview Heights High School. Product Design & Development|
"students across departments. Brecksville Broadview Heights High School met all of the requirements"
3D printing hits Beverly Public Library. The Salem News|
"they have recently become affordable and available to the general public"
3D Printed Species Encourage Students to Evolve Form in Design of Dwelling. 3DPrint|
"to a series of pre-existing responses to any aspect of the problem of creating a dwelling"
NovaCopy launches '3D Printing University'. The Tennessean|
"is launching a solution that could help teach consumers, as well as spur sales"
Forge Studio 3D-Prints Cosplayers in All Their Glory. Tom's Guide|Inside3DP
"day or two in their costumes, take some photos, and then, usually, put them away until the next con"SU opeakerns "MSpace," 3D printing lab. WSYR|
"to expose its students and staff to newer technologies that might not be accessible at home"
NovaCopy Announces Launch of 3D Printing University. Marketwired|
"as well as the lack of base knowledge and confidence the end-user/buyer usually has" -
3D Printing Stories via Colleges, Classrooms, Libraries and Software
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )Toys in Box brings 3D printing fun to Wellesley. The Swellesley Report|
"haunted house, craft activities, lots of goodies, auction and pumpkins for sale"
Learning With Technology: 3D Printing in the Classroom. COMSOL.com|
"to utilize these devices within their classrooms, helping students learn in a hands-on way"
HIF projects collaborate to trial 3D printing in humanitarian set. Humanitarian Innovation Fund|
"and contrast the similarities and challenges encountered in these contrasting environments"
Halloween 3D Printing Contest. Blender Artists| Join the CG Cookie
"Sketchfab to take the contest to another level. Over $1,000 worth of prizes is up for grabs "
NovaCopy Launches 3DU with Courses in 3D Printing. 3DPrint|
"that requires a broad distribution of the knowledge required to participate as well"
3D Printing. Half Hollow Hills Community Library| 3D Printing. A MakerBot Replicator
"the nozzle around to create a shape layer by layer, which immediately hardens"
Learning With Technology: 3D Printing in the Classroom. comsol.com|
"these devices within their classrooms, helping students learn in a hands-on way"
Michael Molitch-Hou, Author at 3D Printing Industry. 3dprintingindustry.com|
"destination in a Japanese hybrid car, one person will be surfing on 3D printed parts"
NovaCopy launches '3D Printing University' - The Tennessean. tennessean.com|
"potential buyers and arming them with skills they can use to create three-dimensional products"NovaCopy offers 3D printing classes - The Tennessean. tennessean.com|
"NovaCopy offers 3D printing classes "
SU opens MakerSpace, 3D printing lab. localsyr.com|
"to expose its students and staff to newer technologies that might not be accessible at home"
3D Printing Models From Computer Games - Hackaday. hackaday.com|
"game is based on the unreal engine which makes it super easy to get the files"
VOCADEMY — The place to learn and make ANYTHING!. vocademy.com|
"Come in anytime between 11AM and 11PM for a tour of the facility!"
Makemendel 3D Printer Blog. makemendel.com|
"3D Printer with build size of 220 x 220 x 165 mm and machine size of 450 x 350 x 370 mm"
3D printing hits Beverly Public Library - Salem News: Local. salemnews.com|
"have recently become affordable and available to the general public"
Delaware Libraries Launch Inspiration Spaces. news.delaware.gov|
"additional opportunities for job skill development and entrepreneurial discovery"Making 3D printing safe for schools. Irish Independent|
"we laid patios at one stage, or sold Christmas trees"
NACUE Announces 3D Printing Product/Logo Competition for Students; iMakr to Print Winning. 3DPrint|
"you have to do is design a logo which incorporates your product"
3D STL/CAD file on Kickstarter. Free Thought Designs|
"somebody wouldn’t buy it for $10, but would be willing to pay $5 for an STL file"
3D Printing University, a hands-on 3D printing class launches in Nashville. Printing 3D Today|
"as the lack of base knowledge and confidence the end-user/buyer usually has" -
3D Printing Stories via Colleges, Classrooms, Libraries and Software
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )3D Printing for Kids (Ages 10-12). Wilton Library|
"on October 22 and 29. Registration required, no fee. Caregivers must remain in the building"
New 3D Printer. Stetson University| The duPont-Ball Library now owns a UPrint SE
"open on the library’s two MakerBot printers which do NOT require reservations"
Stratasys and University of Wales TSD Swansea Team Up to 3D Print Parts for Extreme Kites. 3DPrint|
"has the ability to transform the artistry and manufacturing of kitesurfing equipmen"
Royal Horticultural Society & miNiATURE Bring 3D Printed Gardens to Life with Exhibit. 3DPrint.com|
"put into that garden, and the amount of pride he got from showing me how to grow my own food"Here's how to get quality prints regardless of the 3D printer you decide to use. Inside3DP|
"the pitfalls of low grade filament, here are a few tips to keep your printer running smoothly"
Figtree school among first with 3D printing. Illawarra Mercury|
"about one of the fastest growing technologies, helping them find jobs in a range of fields"
RepRapWeb Launches in Beta – Web-Based 3D Printer Control Software With Built-In Slicing. 3DPrint|
"calibration are all additional aspects of a typical print project which must be defined"
UNC Libraries opens Research Hub featuring 3D printing, Liquid Galaxy display and other. UNC News|
"Demonstrations of the equipment and technologies available will follow"
3D Printed Celtic Cross Replica for Museum. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
"Once printed, they used lost wax casting in order to create an almost identical replica"Nicolas School. fullertonsd.org| The Nicolas Junior High School Project Lead the Way 3D
"Nicolas Junior High School with a message about the events for the week of October 20, 2014"
Enroll now for a Free online 3d printing Course for Business Leaders. Smart printing|
"3d printing Course for Business Leaders. This course will be focused on how 3d Printing "
Florida Institute of Technology 3D Printing Summer Camps. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
"Omega nam huy tho mang thuong"
Zaniac After-school 3D Printing Program Launches in Utah. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
"children with the 21st century learning skills they need to become active members of society"
3D printing helps UNC student meet critical wheelchair needs. WorldNow|
"Now as part of the university's Research Hub Initiative, the printers are open to all students"
New Software Lets the Visually Impaired 3D Print a Map To Go. Gizmodo|
"off of a 3D printer as a way to let the visually impaired safely navigate a city by foot"echnologies Market Report Reveals 3-D Market to Grow Signific. Printing Impressions|
"making the ‘3D TV’, a major market segment in the 3D technology market in terms of revenues"
3D printing class at Pinetop-Lakeside Public Library. White Mountain Independent|
"while fabricating a new horn for TLu, The Library Unicorn. Registration is not required"
3D-printed braces could transform quality of life for disabled kids. Wired.co.uk|
"we need across the whole of the NHS, to bring it into a sustainable, digital future"
3D Printing the Future. Pozible| Exciting project about exploring 3D printing technology in Ed
"strongly believes that schools and kids will make mainstream 3D printing possible" -
3D Printing Stories via Colleges, Classrooms, Libraries and Software
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )MIT lab 3D printed programmable self-assembling wood and carbon fiber. 3Ders.org|
"engineers come together to find ways for disordered parts to become ordered structures"
How to Dye Your Nylon 3D Prints. Instructables|
prints come in, this instructable will show you how to your own color your own prints"
Improving Education for All Students with 3D Printing. Benetech|
"museums can be used to improve learning and accessibility in a range of educational contexts"
Dassault Systèmes announces SOLIDWORKS 2015. TCT Magazine|
"used, and work together to help you design products better, faster, and more cost-effectively"MakerBot PrintShop iPad App Adds Expanded Design Elements with Vase Maker. Rock Hill Herald|
"than four (4) different base patterns and thousands of possible combinations"
Students Raise Funds for 3D Printer for Appalachian Community. Tennessee Today|
"The project provides planning and economic development assistance to distressed communities"
3D Printing in K-12 Grows; Average Contract $39000. T.H.E. Journal|
"in public libraries as far apart as Nevada City, CA; Denton, TX and University City, MO"
This professor turns mathematics into 3D printed artwork. 3dprintingevent.com|
"by Orthodox Jewish men, and Little Dipper, a cup designed specifically for biscuit dipping"3D Printing in Higher Ed Grows; Average Contract $32000. Campus Technology|
"expansion of 3D printing is growing in the public sector — including colleges and universities"
What is 3D Printing?. Harrison Public Library| Rob Kissner from The Digital Arts Experience
"Digital Arts Experience van which will be parked near the entrance to the West Harrison Library"
Will.i.am Debuts Wearables Company–And An Effort To Get Kids Into The Tech World. Madame Noire|
"a substantial gap that currently exists between the fashion world and the wearables space, he"
OMG Tech gets kids playing with technology. 3News NZ|
"Rowsell's mother, who mortgaged her house in the 1980s to buy her children a computer"
AP: Augmented Reality Meets Reality, Blurring Work and Play electrictv.com |
"Augmented reality virtual monsters and heroes to life on city streets, even your own backyard"
Learning continues after classes for students at the HUB. South Whidbey Record|
"to use and learn about equipment and technologies they may not otherwise have access to"Children have a blast launching rockets and building things at Mini Maker Faire. Colorado S Gazette|
"The rocket hit the ceiling and came back down to the smiling boy"Visionary technology: Westport Library's 3-D printer helps blind children read. Westport News|
"is putting the 3D characters into picture books for young blind children. Photo: Anne M. Amato"
Birmingham City University Creates Replica of Ultra Fragile Celtic Cross for Museum. 3DPrint.com|
"but they can’t fathom the majority of the uses available to them though additive manufacturing"
3D firm gains tax break, helps kids. Dalles Chronicle|
"which would bring the annual wage to $49,508 at Integrated 3D Manufacturing"
Creating an exact replica of Pharaoh Tutankhamun's Tomb with 3D printing. Inside3DP|
"the whole sanctum of the chamber has been preserved, by way of an indentical 3D replica"
3D printing for beginners. Auckland Libraries| Join us for an introduction to the 3D printing world
"3D models, as well as how to create original 3D models and print them out of plastic" -
3D Printing Stories via Colleges, Classrooms, Libraries and Software
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )3D printing helps UNC student meet critical wheelchair needs. WNCN|
"of the university's Research Hub Initiative, the printers are open to all students"
3D Printing & Software at the MIT Enterprise Forum. Autodesk Community|
"time, I got to learn a lot about inventors and how Fusion 360 can change the design industry"
The future of higher education: reshaping universities through 3D printing page1. Above Top Secret|
"the future of manufacturing is about to hit the United states and reinvigorate our economy"
Zaniac Introduces 3D Printing Program for 4th Through 8th Grade Students in Utah. 3DPrint.com|
"announced this latest effort that also included the introduction of the Kerbal Space Program"
Video: Subdivision Modeling and 3D Printing in FormZ 8. Method Digital Training|
"In this webinar we’ll show the power of form•Z’s subdivision modeling "
Blender for 3D Printing. blenderartists.org| Hi, I'm wondering if there are any blender guides/tutorial
"I'm wondering if there are any blender guides/tutorials specifically related to modelling"
Tutankhamen's Tomb Replicated with 3D Printing. Augmented Reality Trends|
"This has ironically caused the chamber to be under threat from the visitors"
Delta Kappa Gammas Learn About 3D Printing – Brevard NC. The Transylvania Times|
"She also brought samples of objects the students had made"3D printing helps UNC student meet critical wheelchair needs. WBTW - Myrtle Beach and Florence SC|
"to space travel and complicated surgical procedures could be found in lemurs at Duke University"
Mcor Sweetens Their Iris 3D Printer Package Deals for US Schools With Three Years of. 3DPrint|
"much wider access to our breakthrough full color, professional, paper-based 3D printers"
Penn state welcomes businesses to state college for national forum on 3d printing. State college news|
"the future of additive manufacturing, more commonly known as 3D printing"
New 3D-Printing Algorithms Speed Production, Reduce Waste. Product Design & Development|
"working at Samsung USA. Stava earned a doctorate in computer graphics technology from Purdue"
New pack merger 3d printing algorithm save waste and printing time (video). Geeky gadgets (blog)|
"printing a project in segments that can then be glued back together to create the final design"Unc at chapel hill opens a makerspace for free, on-campus 3d printing. 3Dprint.Com|
"available to all of its students in a more widespread and practical way" -
3D Printing Stories via Colleges, Classrooms, Libraries and Software
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )Calcasieu libraries announce programs for Oct. 26-Nov. 1 . KPLC-TV|
"Parish Public Library locations have announced the following programs for Oct. 26- Nov. 1:"
Students to bring life back into Arts centre. The Press|
"about 200 students in the former chemistry building on Hereford St"
Watch: Preston university uses revolutionary 3D printer tech to print medicine. Blog Preston|
"School of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences, replicated drugs available in pharmacies and hospitals"
Purdue Print Algorithms Speed-Up Print Times; Reduce Waste. ENGINEERING.com|
"formed using supporting structures which are later removed adding time and material to the process"
UNC Chapel Hill Offering Free 3D Printing on Campus at New Makerspace. 3D Printing Forum|
"University Libraries’ Students, staff, and faculty use facility if have an active UNC lib card"Harvard Biz Review on Twitter One place where 3D printing technology is more than a fad. twitter|
"One place where 3D printing technology is more than a fad"
CS Professor brings 3D printing to the Jewish. the David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science|
"the Jewish community by manufacturing yarmulkes through 3D printing"
Mcor to give 3D printing consumables away to schools. Consilia Vektor|
"primary markets, education, is budget constrained even when it comes to buying reams of paper"3D Printing from Photoshop in the Classroom?. Adobe Education Exchange|
"some ideas out there on how you currently (or would like to) use a 3D printer in your classroom"
Re: Any 3D printing enthusiasts?. Autodesk Community|
"I'm excited to get it set up and start using it! Especially with Fusion 360 "
How does 3d printing work?. CraftUnique Blog|
"sculpting that operates with a subtractive manufacturing logic"
3D printing drives innovation in Africa. eLearning Africa|
"purpose for which it was created in the 1980s: it is a phenomenal learning and teaching device"
ZMorph Announces US Distribution of 3D Printers, Software at Inside 3D Print. Inside 3D Printing|
"reported on its plans to expand to Finland, France, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, and Turkey"
Purdue Researchers Demo Software Algorithms that Cut 3D-Printing Time, Waste. Inside 3D Printing|
"printing costs, said Bedrich Benes, a Purdue associate professor of computer graphics"
New 3D printing algorithms speed production, reduce waste. KurzweilAI.net|
"by printing a project in segments that can fit into the printing tray and later be glued together"
This Week in 3D Printing (17-25 Oct ). Sculpteo|
"to the future generations just as it did for old photographs when we opened 1914’s time capsule"
Blender for 3D printing book. 3D Printing Forum|
"a guide to modeling for home 3D printing using Blender. I happen to know the author really well "
Harvard Biz Review on Twitter: One place where 3D printing technology is more than a fad. twitter|
"HarvardBiz One place where 3D printing technology is more than a fad" -
3D Printing Stories via Colleges, Classrooms, Libraries and Software
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )Kid-friendly health apps emerge at Boston Childrens' hackathon. BetaBoston|
"most local, but some from as far away as Alabama and Maryland"
It's Blindness Awareness Month! 3D Printing Creates Tactile Memories. New Jersey State Library|
"that demonstrates how 3D printing creates tactile memories for those with vision impairments"
librarylyna Brings 3D Printing to the Blind. Fabbaloo|
"beyond the range of their fingers. It turns out librarylyna’s goal is to do this at scale"
Master's student uses 3d printing & scanning to create extraordinary cinema presentations. 3Dprint|
"a recent Northumbria University graduate who had created a unique zoetrope of a running lion"
Vic govt promises 3d printers for all state high schools. It news|
"special schools with secondary students, across the state if re-elected," he said this morning"
Karen yother: beyond books. Coeur d'alene press|
"Idaho Library Association, is the Youth Services Coordinator for the Community Library Network"Napthine promises 3d printers for every government school. The age|
"Denis Napthine pledged on Monday that every state school would be given $3000 to buy a 3D printer"
Napthine pledges au$2.2M for high school 3d-printing scheme. zdnet|
"for up to 316 high schools and P-12 schools, plus 75 special schools with secondary students"
Meshfusion 3d printing. Modo - the foundry| Trying meshfusion modeling with 3d. Here is a spiral
"still developed (i also hope that this will inspire the foundry for create more amazing tools"
How do i make a fishnet model (for 3d printing). Blender artists|
"on fishnet's for on a pair of gloves that will be on a elf model that is going to be 3D printed"
Harvard's open-source soft robotics 'toolkit' allows you to 3d print. 3D printing from scratch|
"unique parts at a moment's notice and robots are exceptionally fun projects to get involved in"Cornell University Research Team Devises a Miniscule 3D Printed Spider Harness. 3DPrint.com|
"designed expressly to keep the acrobatic arachnids in place while they are being studied"
3D printers coming to SWFL libraries. Wink News|
"Residents will now have access to 3D printing at local libraries"
Every High School Will Get 3D Printers If The Victorian Government Is. Business Insider Australia|
"Advancing school technology"
Students Break Architectural Design Barriers Using 3D Printing Robots at Bartlett School. 3DPrint|
"so easily replicated by the machines we employ as tools to create and produce our designs"
European Museums Set to See Their Artifacts Become 3D Printable With Artec Group / Threed. 3DPrint|
"announced a partnership that will allow for the 3D scanning of even more historical artifacts"
Eaton library plans include 3D printers and scanners. Bunbury Mail|
"at their fingertips under plans to transform the public library into a vibrant community hub"
Tinkerine Launches Global Pilot of Online Education .... 3dprintingmagazine.net|
"Tinkerine Launches Global Pilot of Online Education Platform for Teaching 3D Printing in Schools"
Tinkerine Launches 3D Printer Education Pilot -- THE Journal. thejournal.com|
"will include 250 teachers and administrators from the United States, Europe and Asia"
CIJE-Tech High School to Incorporate 3D Design & Printing. pddnet.com|
"The curriculum was developed in collaboration with the Israel Sci-Tech network of schools" -
3D Printing Stories via Colleges, Classrooms, Libraries and Software
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )Blog - 3D printers - XYZ Printing. xyzprinting.co.nz/blog/| Twenty-one schools
"exhibitors and sponsors from New Zealand and overseas at the annual conference"
3D printing update: HP unveils new technology; Autodesk debuts inves. MICROmanufacturing|
"greater accuracy, resiliency and uniform part strength in all three axis directions"
3D Printing Helps Cornell Study How Spiders See. 3D Printer World|
"surroundings and give them a spatial resolution more acute than all insects and most mammals"This Week in 3D Printing (25 - 31 Oct ). Sculpteo|
"translucy. Here, at Sculpteo, we can’t wait to discover more about this astonishing technology"
Making It Real: 3D Printing as a Library Service. Educause|
"a key component of the library's support of UNR's learning, teaching, and research missions"
Autodesk plans $100M investment in 3D printing. ZDNet|
"dedicated to third-party 3D printing developers and companies"
Autodesk Invests $100 Million Toward The First 3D Printing Fund - TechCrunch (blog|
"Dan Primack pointed out that some venture capitalists are investing faster"
Sketchfab Becomes A 3D Printing Repository By Letting You Download 3D Objects. TechCrunch (blog)|
"Which models got the stamp of approval from the Sketchfab community this month"
Sketchfab Will Now Allow for the Download and 3D Printing of Their 3D Models - . 3DPrint.com|
"there are also several other interesting pieces of news coming from the company"
Autodesk take aim at the disappointment of 3D printing. PandoDaily|
"Computing, Wearable Technology, Internet of Things, Virtual Reality and much more"Autodesk to invest $100 million into 3D printing. 3D Artist|
"indulgent goal of bringing its employees closer to the machines they were making software for"
Tinkerine Launches 3D Printer Education Pilot. T.H.E. Journal|
"Subscription for additional features like 3D model rendering capabilities in the cloud"
Tinkerine Launches Global Pilot of Online Education Platform for Teaching. Robotics Tomorrow|
"program are written by teachers and aligned to state-prescribed learning outcomes"
Autodesk Announces $100 Million Spark Investment Fund, the World's First 3D . CloudTweaks.com|
"to $100 million in 3D printing companies over the next several years. The Spark Investment Fund"
Autodesk puts up $100M fund for 3D printing companies. Techmeme|
"agile environment with the right economics, flexibility and reliability. Join us on November "
Sculpteo Reaches for the Stars Creates 3D Printed Parts for Pierro Astro. 3DPrint|
"that cost thousands of dollars, can benefit from suppliers of high-quality stargazing equipment"
What a spreadsheet taught me about the future of 3D printing. TechRadar UK|
"That's why the printer comes pre-calibrated so that you can use it out of the box"
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory Uses 3D Printing to Produce Parts for Microwave. 3DPrint|
"offer to ensure that only useful, high-quality, enjoyable-to-use products leave their shop" -
3D Printing Stories via Colleges, Classrooms, Libraries and Software
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )Vic Govt in Australia promises 3D printers for all state high. microfabricator.com|
"you experiments. Read up on news, views, and social networking in the world of 3DPrinting"
Autodesk Announces $100 Million Spark Investment Fund, the World's First 3D Printing. CloudTweaks|
"as Cloud Computing, Wearable Technology, Internet of Things, Virtual Reality and much more"
Tinkerine Announces Tinkerine U Educational Pilot Program to Bring 3D Printing to. 3DPrint.com|
"in school settings — though the program is intended for learners of all ages"
Town History in 3D: Vermont Students 3D Print Historical Buildings for High School. 3DPrint.com|
"state of Vermont, which is rich in not only American history, but also relevant architecture"
British Museum now lets you 3D print artifact replicas. SlashGear|
"ses is the ability to print your own replica of historical items"
Innovation key to economy and livability. Perth Now|
"a must be planned 20 to 30 years into the future, rather than just a few years ahead"
Prof. Mathis Heller: The Real Value of Design. Peking University News|
"designer and now the chief designer of WeLL Design, one of the top design agencies in Holland"What a spreadsheet taught me about the future of 3D printing. Techradar|
"are from user-friendly, plug-and-play 3D printers altogethe"
Jennifer Lewis breaks new ground in 3D printing and manufacturing. Harvard University Office|
"that can stretch, or whether it be biological materials that can function like living tissue"
Spurring Innovation: Autodesk Invests in the Future of 3D Printing. Spectra3D Systems|
"Autodesk hopes to help shape the future of 3D printing in a more user-friendly direction"
Introducing Three New Solidoodle Models. SoliForum|
"a essentially a consumer version of the "Autolevelling" technology many of users like to use"
Canada's Tinkerine U Expanding its 3D-Printing Education Platform Globally. Inside 3D Printing|
"nto the US back in September and now Tinkerine is taking the program global"Calling All Makers: Announcing the First-Ever White House 3D-Printed. US News STEM Solutions|
"the holidays will be filled with wonder, delight, and excitement"
Fishburne cadets launch into STEM. The Daily Progress|
"fiday afternoon using a rocket built with a NASA 3D-printer"
Printing Halloween Props with SOLIDWORKS and Stratasys 3D Printers. CADD Edge|
"which naturally turned into a massive web search for .STL files of different costume props"
The future is here at Alma HighSchool. The Morning Sun|
"the Gratiot Isabella Regional Education Service District millage last year"
You Can Now 3D Print Artefacts From the British Museum. Gizmodo UK|
"sh Museum is letting people make their own replicas thanks to the magic of 3D printing"
Mercer University Electronics Tech Looks to Create a 3D Printable Database of Ancient. 3DPrint|
"soldering components, as well as other general electronics troubleshooting"
3D Printing: Technology to Ignite Wonder in the Next Generation. My School Rocks!|
"Tuckaseegee, and teaching positions in her new state suddenly were scarce. What could she do"
Introduction to 3D Printing and Computer-Aided Design. Arlington Heights Memorial Library|
"a 3D object on the computer to be printed from one of the library’s MakerBot 3D printers" -
3D Printing Stories via Colleges, Classrooms, Libraries and Software
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )Cornell University researchers use 3D printing to explore how spiders see. Inside3DP|
"that they use to stalk and hunt their prey. In fact, their vision is almost as good as humans"
3D printing fun!. blenderartists.org|
"Zbrush. Plenty more to tweak as always, but calling it a day to get on with other projects"
The Form 1+ Conquers a T-Rex with Museum Quality 3D Print. 3DPrint.com|
"Peregrine 360 and for those dinosaur lovers out there, this is just what the doctor ordered"
Even better than the real thing? - British Museum & 3D prints. Elginism|
"that anyone can use to create 3D prints, or view from different angles on screen"
3D Printing Trade Association Presents Online 3D Printing Business Courses. 3D Printing Channel|
"the 3D Printing Industry; Marketing, Advertising, PR, Strategy, Economics and Sales Management"
3D Printing in MODO. CGMeetup.net|
"how to set up MODO for use with a 3D printer and ultimately create some 3D sculpted horns"
3D Print News. MSU Libraries - Michigan State University| Design Life-Cycle published an article
"the library. Take a look at the informative infographic, and click on it for the full article"
3D Training Institute (3DTi), the Industrys Leading Provider of Short-term, Live-online. CENet|
"Carl Bass, Autodesk President and Chief Executive "
Startup Wants 3D Printing in UK Schools. PSFK (blog)|
"creates classroom-friendly kits for teaching young people about 3D printing and high-tech inventing"
SketchUp: Home. sketchup.com|
"There’s a reason SketchUp is synonymous with friendly and forgiving 3D modeling software"3D Training Institute (3DTi), the Industry's Leading Provider of Short-term. V-SMagazine|
"company 3DMIRAGE to meet the growing demands for skilled talents in the booming 3D industry"
10 Hottest Technologies in Higher Education [Slide Deck]. Huffington Post|
"that permeated those discussions; the ten hottest topics for CIOs in higher education"
Ohio teacher is teaching game design with 3d printing: comes up with incredibly inventive. 3Dprint|
"about to change thanks to students who attend a Durham magnet school"
Durham magnet school students use 3d printer build functional prosthetic hands. Wncn|
"long as you are able to find or create the file you need, anything can be created,”says Tesch"
(Neb.)-Chadron library hosts open house for new 3d printer. Kcsr|
"productive within a couple of hours, you’ve come to the right place"
Roueche Graduate Center of NAU Announces Personally. cbs8.com|
"a workforce seeking better employment opportunities with higher compensation.|"
The british museum will now let you 3d print copies of its artifacts. Gizmodo|
"you'll have to settle for a plastic version if you're making a copy at home with your 3D printer"
Sketchfab offers 3d printing artifact service from the british museum. Inside3dp|
"Head of Digital Media & Publishing at the Museum, was keen to brush aside these old stereotypes"
Sketchfab announces free 3D model downloads - Creative. creativebloq.com|
"printing or to build games, and download straight from a 3D embed"
Princeton team explores 3D-printed quantum dot LEDs. Phys.Org|
"the limits of 3D printing, taking the technology beyond its plastics and a few biological materials"