3D Genetic Engineering to Organs & Body Parts
Genetic Engineering to Organs and Body Parts, also Ears, Dental, Eyesware and medical devices
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )3D printed heart saves baby's life as medical technology leaps ahead. The Independent|
"the surgeons the opportunity to study the organ, and develop a detailed surgery strategy"
Making 3D printed ears for disfigured children. BBC News|
"printing to create body parts to help disfigured childrenMaking 3D printed ears for disfigured childre"
Ao Gitsune Takes 3D Printing Over our Heads With Ankou, the Levitating Skull. 3DPrint.com|
"3D printed levitating skull they call Ankou, created by Guillaume Kuntz and Arthur Clement"
Andiamo: Couple Transforming UK Paediatrics With 3D-Printed Orthot. International Business Times|
"the amount of time and improve the quality of care that children with disabilities experience"High-Tech In-Ear Monitors Are Better Than Ever With 3D Custom Fitting and Printing. 3DPrint.com|
"or the music was particularly loud, the monitors could be more distracting than helpful"
3D Printing in Medical Applications Market Will Reach USD 965.5 Million Globally in. PR Newswire UK|
"2013 - 2019" is available for sale on the company's website"
3D Tissue Creation at Heart of Biofabrication Degree. Campus Technology|
"about its programs of study. Authorization is not required to apply or enroll"
MOSI 3D. Netmums| From printed knickers and a synthetic heart, to 3D printed
"pills and skull scaffolds, discover how 3D printing is about to change your life"
3D-Printed Heart Helps Doctors Save Infant's Life — The Future Is Here, And It's. RantLifestyle|
"prepare for a surgical operation. The future is here, and it’s quite amazing"
Open Design and 3D Printing Yield Improved Device for Cystic Fibrosis Care. 3DPrint.com|
"that products can now be made that bypass the traditional commercialization route"
NY Doctor Uses 3D-Printed Heart To Save 2-Week-Old Baby. Business Insider Australia|
"of 3D printers changing lives lately, but this story might just top it all"
3-D printed heart helps save baby's life. CNBC|
"Emile Bacha, a physician who operated on the boy, told CNBC on Wednesday"
Breathing life into 3D printed tissues. Discov'Her|
"Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard School of Engineering and specialist in 3D printing"NY Doctor Uses 3D-Printed Heart To Save 2-Week-Old Baby. Business Insider|
"received heart surgery at Presbyterian Morgan Stanley’s Children’s Hospital in New York."
Baby's heart surgery aided by 3D printing technology. Live Action News|
"to received heart surgery at Presbyterian Morgan Stanley’s Children’s Hospital in New York"
Medical Technology Leaps Ahead with 3D Heart Printing that Saves Little Lives. Growing Your Baby|
"original heart belonged to a two-week-old infant born with CHD"
R&D Pods with existing technology transfer programs. Today's Medical Developments|
"understand the complexities of creating virtual objects that are to be printed and exist physically"
Materialise's 3D Printed Cardiovascular HeartPrintModels Now Listed as Class 1 Medical. 3DPrint|
"Materialise’s service that provides 3D-printed anatomical replicas from medical image data"
Developing Medical Devices with 3DIM. Machine Design|
"printing is changing the way companies operate and how the technology itself is continually changing"
New bioplastic material for 3D printing creates parts, packages. Packaging Digest|
"reportedly combines the best characteristics of bio-based and oil-based materials" -
Genetic Engineering to Organs and Body Parts, also Ears, Dental, Eyesware and medical devices
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )Ordering platform for 3D printed grippers. Today's Medical Developments|
"gripper fingers. SCHUNK eGrip is now in BETA testing before being released to the general public"
Photo Release -- Materialise's HeartPrint(R) Now Listed as a Class 1 Medical Device. CNNMoney|
"can assist with diagnosing, planning and practicing complex cardiovascular procedures"
Saving a newborn with the support of 3D Printing . Materialise|
"the support of 3D printing and Materialise’s Mimics Innovation Suite of software"
Customized 3d printed hands. E-nabling The Future|
"something different about them for other children to poke fun at."3D Printing Human Flesh Is Coming Soon. Animal|
"hair follicles and sweat glands — all in a package the size of a hardcover book"
Surgeons use 3D Printing to Save a Baby's Life. Fine Print NYC|
"facing a very complicated procedure. Cardiac surgeon Emile Bacha explains his plight"
This 3D-Printed Organ Just Saved A Baby's Life. This Is The Future. OMG Facts|
"what surgeons in New York credited for saving the baby's life. "
3D Printed Wheelchair Aids Branco the One-eyed, Broken Spine Dog, Prior to Unfortunate. 3DPrint|
"to focus on the good that is being done through the use of this tremendous technology"Solid Concepts and SIE Integrate 3D Printed Duct for New Orbis Flying Eye Hospital. 3DPrint.com|
"of an aircraft that is going to fly all over the world on charitable medical missions"
How 3-D Printing is Transforming Everything from Medicine to Manufacturing. Parade|
"a left hand—albeit one made out of plastic, elastic cords, and stainless-steel hardware"U of T researchers develop bioprinter for skin cells. Varsity|
"a 3D-printing device that could potentially revolutionize modern medicine"
Quill & Quire. Douglas Coupland on the future, 3D printing, and the irrelevancy of human beings|
"modern internet, a meditation on our species’ fixation with technology, its products, and its effects"
User account. NIH 3D Print Exchange - National Institutes of Health| Enter your NIH 3D Print
"this new NIH 3D Print Exchange information, it seemed worthy of highlighting"
'Airy Arm', Allowing For Surprising Use of Paralyzed Appendages. 2045 Initiative|
"10,000 times this price,many of these expensive devices don’t even function as well as cheaper"
Project- 3D Printed Prostheses. RepRap Forums|
"any information/opinion on any of the areas your help and time would be greatly appreciated"
FDA Considers Approach to Additive Manufacturing of Medical Devices. RapidMade|
"the FDA's public workshop on additive manufacturing of medical devices"
Quill & Quire. Douglas Coupland on the future, 3D printing, and the irrelevancy of human beings|
"the type of individual who might harbour an attitude I’d just tentatively expressed"
Two-Week Old Baby Saved with 3D Printing. Augmented Reality Trends|
"a look at what problem the baby was suffering from and how 3D printing helped save the baby’s life."
FDA Considers Approach to Additive Manufacturing of Medical Devices. RapidMade|
"companies and academia to discuss technical challenges and solutions of 3D printing" -
Genetic Engineering to Organs and Body Parts, also Ears, Dental, Eyesware and medical devices
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )3-D Printing's Revolutionary Impact on Healthcare. Motley Fool|
"homework, ignore the crowd, and trust that these rule-breaking companies will get back on track"
3D Printing and Quality Ears. Ears? Expensive Monitors Really. lawblogs.net|
"which is why 3D printing hasn’t lowered the price points for the devices, as we had imagined"
3D printing technology. A giant leap towards regrowing bones.. PressDisplay.com|
"regrowing damaged bone and soft tissue, achieving reconstructive feats once thought impossible"
The FDA: e-NABLing The Future Of 3D Printing. E-nabing The Future|
"together to talk about the evaluation process and how 3D printed devices should be assessed"
WASP to 3D Print Bone Implants with Clay 3D Printers. 3DPrint|
"which could have an equally tremendous impact on living conditions around the world, if successful"
3D-printed heart saves baby's life. CNET|
"the doctors figure out a surgical plan, since the baby's heart was about the size of a walnut"
3D printing has made strides in orthopedics but faces tougher road in organ creation. MedCity News|
"of 3D printing organs with the complexities involved with fitting these devices into bodies"
Launching 3D Hubs in Sheffield. 3dhubs.com|
"ready to help you get started on your next project. Fast and affordable 3D printing in Sheffield"
LibraryLyna to Transform STEM Education for Visually Impaired with Library of 3D Printed. 3DPrint|
"of high quality educational 3D models to foster learning of the blind and visually impaired"
US researchers develop 3D printed high-performance alloys for regenerative. Companiesandmarkets|
"be made out of not only biocompatible but also biodegradable high-performance alloys."
Prosthetic hand from 3D printer. Today's Medical Developments|
"glove that include embellishing it with glow paint so it will resemble a playful skeletal hand."Chicago company uses 3D printing to replicate body parts. WLS-TV|
"hopes to use 3D printing technology to create copies of body parts "
iGo3D Brings First 3D Printing Retail Store to Stuttgart & Frankfurt; Franchising in Future. 3DPrint|
"with one set to open in Frankfurt this month, then Hannover and Hamburg, opening early next year"
3D Printing Helps Nuclear Researchers Explore Novel Reactor Designs. ENGINEERING.com|
"more cost-effective, compact, quicker and less disruptive to build than any previously constructed"
Miroculus Technology Brings 3D Printing to the Molecular Level With One-Step Cancer Dia. 3DPrint|
"of 3D printing abounding, there seems to be a shift on every level, including a molecular one"
Chicago company uses 3D printing to replicate body parts. abc7chicago.com|
"humanskull and an aorta; plastic models made from scans of actual patients produced by 3D printers."
A Tiny 3D-Printed Heart Helped Save a Baby's Life. motherboard.vice.com|
"Koen Engelborghs, of Belgium's Materialise, who printed the heart, told me in a phone interview" -
Genetic Engineering to Organs and Body Parts, also Ears, Dental, Eyesware and medical devices
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )3D-Printed Heart Saves A Newborn's Life: Is This The New Solution For Organ Pro. Franchise Herald|
"Stanley Children's Hospital of New York-Presbyterian to practice before doing the operation"Columbus Doctor Reveals Technological Advances in Regenerative Medicine. Marketwired|
"innovations of his lab have improved the ways in which surgeons approach reconstructive surgery"
3D printing helps build upper jaw prosthetic for cancer patient. Gizmag|
"an Indian cancer patient, who has had his upper jaw replaced with the help of 3D printing"
Wasp to 3D print clay bone implants. Printing 3D Today|
"that consents new chanches of work and maybe an economical relaunch by self-production"
BioBots to Bring Revolutionary 3D Bioprinter to the Masses with $5000 Beta Program & Eve. 3DPrint|
"ever bioprinter created, Cabrera tells us that it is not the same as others on the market today"
3D Printing: A handy solution to prosthetics!. Redbrick|
"are faced with this dilemma due to birth defects leaving them with unformed hands and fingers"
Don't Roll Your Eyes…Unless You Have a 3D Printed Bionic Eyeball Module. 3DPrint|
"printing for the creepiest of all American holidays (unless you count Valentine’s Day…)"
Laser Beaming, Thruster Equipped, Voice Controlled 3D Printed Prosthetic Iron Man Hand. 3DPrint|
"osthetic hand costs under $50, and can be completely customized and fabricated in a single day"
3D Printing Helps Doctors In Brain Surgery On Southington Teenager. Hartford Courant|
"sun was shining. The Red Sox won at Fenway. A glorious holiday, when nothing could go wrong"3D Printing Revolutionized the Medical Device Industry. Gartner Blog Network|
"buried deep in Adam's brain, causing seizures that would eventually kill him if left untreated"
3D Printing: Just What the Doctor Ordered. R&D Technologies|
"living human tissue and perhaps even actual human organs – all for the purpose of saving lives"
October 9 at 2:04pm. Facebook| Meet Team Open Bionics, whose 3D-printed prosthetics are
"more about their project and the other 9 finalists in the Make It Wearable challenge"
Alex Tests Out His New 3D Printed Elbow Driven e-NABLE Arm!. enablingthefuture.org|
"Right arm, below elbow limb difference. His “little arm” ends two inches or so below the elbow"Life Saving 3D Printed Heart. RealClearTechnology|
"Stanley Children's Hospital of New York-Presbyterian to practise before the main event"
Successful Skull Surgeries Made Possible with 3D Printing. 3D2print|
"months, 3D printing has played a vital role in pioneer surgeries as a replacement for skulls"
Newborn saved with 3D printed heart. The Oregon Optimist|
"successful operation was performed at New York-Presbyterian Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital"
3D Printing Helps Create Upper Jaw Prosthetic For Cancer Patient, Thanks to Osteo3D. 3DPrint|
"the palate loss, doctors decided they needed to create some sort of prosthetic for the man" -
Genetic Engineering to Organs and Body Parts, also Ears, Dental, Eyesware and medical devices
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )3D-Printed Prosthetic Hand Could Make Kids Feel Like Iron Man. Mashable|
"an Iron Man-inspired prosthetic hand with voice control and laser beam-like capabilities"
Researchers are Advancing Surgical Technology Through Printed Pneumatic Actuator Design. 3DPrint|
"the best ways to treat and eliminate, if not the disorder, than at least its symptoms"
Conceptualizing the Future of Skin Fusion in Replacing the Need for Stitches, Using 3D. 3DPrint|
"remove the need for medical stitches, while also preventing the scarring of human tissue"
5 Year Old Kindergarten Boy Gets 3D Printed e-NABLE Hand. enablingthefuture.org|
"He spent the day high fiving his parents, classmates, teachers and news reporters"3D Printing Goes Hand in Hand with Iron Man Inspired Prosthetic. Hackaday|
"perfect example of such personality and expert engineering… with an added dash of hacker flair"
3D Printed Bionic Eye For Halloween Scares. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
"3D printers are helping the visually-impaired “see”. Bits & Pieces - WordPress.com|"
3D Printing Viruses to Attack Cancer Cells. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
"3D Printed UAV with Electric Ducted fan Engines. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|"Rounded crystals that mimic starfish shells could advance 3D-printing pills. Michigan Engineering|
"crystals that mimic starfish shells could advance 3D-printing pills. Michigan Engineering|"
3D Printed UAV with Electric Ducted fan Engines. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
"3D Printing Viruses to Attack Cancer Cells. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|"
3D printers are helping the visually-impaired “see”. Bits & Pieces - WordPress.com|
"3D Printed Bionic Eye For Halloween Scares. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|"
How 3D Printers are Revolutionizing the Hearing Aid Industry. Todays Hearing|
"more efficient, better working hearing aids that utilize the best technology has to offer"
Vancouver company develops 3-D printing of human tissue. Vancouver Sun (blog)|
"more effective ways to test new drugs and could lead to 3-D bioprinting of entire organs"
Cancer patient who had upper jaw removed gets set of teeth built by 3D printer. Daily Mail|
"speak properly after undergoing the operation when he was diagnosed with mouth cancer"
Turbo the Chihuahua finally meets the man who 3D printed his wheelchair. Daily Life|
"he caught the attention of Mark Deadrick, who makes his living designing rocket parts"
Vancouver-based company develops 3-D printing of human tissue. Vancouver Sun|
"more effective ways to test new drugs and could lead to 3-D bioprinting of entire organs"Bedford Company Using 3D Printer To Make Customized Knee Implants. CBS Local|
"Knee replacement common joint replacement worldwide. Providing huge relief, most of the time"
Autodesk Genetic Engineer is Able to 3D Print Viruses, Soon to Attack Cancer Cells. 3DPrint.com|
"affordable one, using 3D printed oncolytic viruses, which literally break cancer cells apart"
Texas 5-Year-Old Receives Prosthetic Hand Made From 3-D Printer. CBS Local|
"his hand did not fully form so it was a big shock to us,” the boy’s mother"
Austin company uses 3D printing to help breast cancer survivors. KXAN.com|
"of those women will have a mastectomy, which is the complete removal of all breast tissue" -
Genetic Engineering to Organs and Body Parts, also Ears, Dental, Eyesware and medical devices
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )Open design and 3D printing for Cystic Fibrosis care. Today's Medical Developments|
"creates a dispensing device for medicines used to treat the genetic disease cystic fibrosis"Permalink. Tumblr| printing is being used to print organs, prosthetic limbs,.
"3D printing is being used to print organs, prosthetic limbs, and this"
Materialise's HeartPrint - Class 1 medical device. Today's Medical Developments|
"for medical image processing which has an existing 510(k) clearance and CE mark"
Mini Maker Faire Hong Kong: 3D printing e-NABLE hands with MakerJam. Inside3DP|
"to redesign the hand to make it more comfortable to wear for long periods of time"
How the maker movement is making life easier for entrepreneurs. BRW|
"is giving rise to a new breed of start-ups and changing how we do business"
Texas boy gets 3D 'Iron Man' hand. Tech Times|
"symbrachydactyly, which caused his right hand to not fully form during development"
Man Helps Save Wife's Life with 3D Printing – Now Looks to Empower Others with Free 3D in. 3DPrint|
"that Michael has provided. You can see the 3D scan/model of his wife’s tumor located"
Five 3D Printed Body Parts. Benzinga|
"the healthcare-related 3D printing will be a $1.1 billion market by 2020"
3D Printing Memories for the Blind. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
"prints of photographs and images that hold poignant, personal meaning for each of them"
3d print healthcare. Pinterest| 3D printed medicines and 3D printed body parts. | See
"3D printing is taking off and it's potential is still unlocked."
3D printing enables customized knee replacement surgery. 2045 Initiative|
"that often follow the procedure, such as pain arising from instability of the joint"Man Helps Save Wife's Life with 3D Printing – Now Looks to Empower Others. internetmedicine|
"Michael Balzer, he is the producer of a podcast and website called, All Things 3D"
Medical 3D printing to reach US965.5 million by 2019. Metal Powder Report|
"acquisitions of companies that have better technology, and conducive reimbursement policies"
3D-Printed Facial Prosthesis. Product Design & Development|
"developed inventions that are innovative to everyday problems"
3D printed masks offer new hope for facial cancer patients. ScienceBlog.com (blog)|
"hollow sockets resulting from eye surgery following cancer or congenital deformities"
Printable Body Parts Leap Forward with Printed Jaw. PSFK|
"an accurate upper jaw prosthesis for a 41-year-old cancer survivor in Bangalore"
3D printing: Rare cancer sufferer, Len Chandler, back on his feet after receiving. Yahoo!7 News|
"a workplace accident, was diagnosed with a rare cartilage cancer in his right heel" -
Genetic Engineering to Organs and Body Parts, also Ears, Dental, Eyesware and medical devices
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )3D Printing Offers Visually Impaired the Chance to Preserve Lasting Memories. 3DPrint.com|
"of preserved memories via 3D prints of photographs or images of personal meaning to each"
Intel tablet's 3D scanner will gauge depth of objects like a human eye. Daily Mail|
"an image on their screen using hand gestures before printing it out using a 3D printer"
Chinese Doctors First to Use 3D Printing to Created Template for Radioactive Seed Implantate. 3DPrint|
"as the adoption rates for the technology within medical practices still remain rather low."
3D-Printed Prosthetic Iron Man Hand Is All High Fives For Texas Boy. Hot Hardware|
"hand which he showed off to his classmates at Mossman Elementary School located in Houston"
The ankle bone's connected to the … 3D-printed titanium implant. News @ CSIRO|
"But there are still conditions where amputation is the only alternative"3D Printing Helps Surgeons Reach the Base of the Brain. 3D Printer World|
"as if parts of the mind were wiped clean or transposed entirely"
3D Printing Eye Prostheses for Cancer Patients. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
the availability of these devices to enhance the quality of life of patients across the world"
Dr. Catsby's 3D Printed Food Bowl Offers Whisker Relief to Hungry Cats. 3DPrint.com|
"next level, and have designed a new cat dish to provide an optimal feline mealtime experience"
Report cites that medical 3D printing market will hit $965.5M worldwide by 2019. Ind Laser Sol Mag|
"acquisitions of companies that have better technology, and conducive reimbursement policies"
3D Printing Is Revolutionizing the Medical World as We Know It. Medical Design Technology|
"Medical Design Technology covers the new products, services"
Healthy Medical 3D Printing Market. Rapid Ready Technology|
"surgical guides and implants, as well as self-sterilizing surgical equipment"
3D Printed Surgical Robot Designed to Perform Less Risky Surgery on Patients. 3DPrint|
"was demonstrated this month at the Fluid Power Innovation and Research Conference in Nashville"
Eye Prostheses for Post-Surgical Cancer Patients, Created via 3D Printing, Offer New Hope. 3DPrint|
"original eye color, and even eyelashes, and they take weeks to produce"
How 3D printing glitches inspired these Doctor Who effects. FXGuide|
"Stuart Aitken and lead effects artist Joe Thornley-Heard about their work for the BBC show."3D printing creates prosthetic jaw for cancer patient. Smile-On News|
"known as trismus, leaving him unable to open his mouth wider than two centimetres."
3D Printed Brain Surgery Robot Created at Vanderbilt Univ.. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
"process the team worked with colleagues from the Milwaukee School of Engineering to ensure that"
Scientists Produce Rounded Crystals That Could Lead To 3D-Printed Pills. Gizmodo Australia|
"off of a 3D printer as a way to let the visually impaired safely navigate a city by foot"
3D-Printed Instrument Measures Oxygen Levels in Infants. PSFK|
"to help diagnose newborn babies with pneumonia in developing countries"
3D printer that helps blind people see. 9news.com.au|
"into three-dimensional plastic models to create tangible memories for people losing their sight"
This Wonderful Project 3D-Print Old Photos So The Blind Can Relive Those Moments. Digital Synopsis|
"technology and 3D printing can be used to make an impact in people’s lives. Check it out below" -
Genetic Engineering to Organs and Body Parts, also Ears, Dental, Eyesware and medical devices
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )Medical 3D Printing Possibilities. CAPUniversity - CAPINC|
"Applications Engineers, Engineering and Services Managers, Product Specialists and others"
3D printers are helping improve glasgow lives with 21st century solutions foot. Scottish daily rec|
"a gold-plated replica of David Gandy, an Oscar to practice THAT speech in the bathroom mirror"
Man helps save wife's life with 3d printing. Inside3dp|
"he set about 3D printing the sections that contained the tumor"
3D Bioprinting Set to go Big in China, Thanks to Anyprint's $20K B01CS Bioprinter. 3DPrint|
"Unlike most shocked husbands, he wanted to see the scans of the brain himself"
3D Printing To Make Facial Prosthetics Affordable. Med Device Online|
"method than using rodents, which may respond differently to such drugs than humans would"
Additive printing helps surgeons treat bone cancer. Marlin Finance Media Room|
"a welcome alternative to other more dangerous, invasive and expensive techniques"
3D printing instruments to measure oxygen levels in newborns. Bits & Pieces - WordPress.com|
"oxygen levels and diagnose pneumonia in infants using an Atmel powered MakerBot Replicator "
Hold Your Brain in Your Hands: New Zealand Company Will 3D Print Your Brain. 3DPrint.com|
"its website are still in beta, a high quality 3D printed brain can be yours now"3D Printing Mandibles for Hospitals in Vietnam. ProForma 3D Printing|
"by 3D Printing mandible bones. Check out this time lapse video of the 3D Printing process"
My Dentist 3D Printed My Crown. blogs.hbr.org (blog)|
"3D printing. Sometimes disruption has to hit you right in the mouth before you pay attention"
3D printing may make individualized medicine more affordable. Medical News Today|
"of the printer is that it could potentially tailor-make drugs specific to a patient's needs"
3-D Printer Allows Blind People To 'See' Touchable 'Photos' (VIDEO). Headlines & Global News|
"them the ability to feel and ’see’ their memories as if they never lost their eyesight at all-"
Andellor's 3D-printing idea wins Roche & OBR's Game Changing. Oxbridge Biotech Roundtable|
"The panel commented that it was “a stimulating event to hear ideas from young scientists,"
Prosthetic Iron Man Hand Created To Help Children With Disabilities. Comicbook.com|
"In this way, Starace says, you can keep kids' self-esteem up."
3D printed wheelchair that can be customized to user's needs. 3Ders.org|
"these wheelchairs can be tailored to suit the needs of patients themselves"3D Printing Revolutionizes the Hearing Aid Market. Audiology Associates & Hearing Aids Today|
=hearing aids that provide a perfectly customizable fi, although the technology isn’t really new""
World first for Open Bionics with fully functional custom 3D-printed bionic hand. TechSPARK|
"^using 3D printing and scanning to produce a fully functional custom socket and bionic hand"
How to 3D Print a Head from MRI. 3D Printing Industry|
"a head from an MRI Scan. He uses 3D Slicer and Meshmixer on Mac OS X. Time to get 3D Printing"
3D Printing Technology Being Used For Customized Knee Transplants. MSN.com|
"patient’s unique anatomy, offering advantages not achievable with “off-the-shelf” knee implants." -
Genetic Engineering to Organs and Body Parts, also Ears, Dental, Eyesware and medical devices
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )3D Printer Recreates Touchable Memories, Helps Blind People See And Feel Their. Medical Daily|
"environment makes choosing the right 3D printers more important than ever"
Rutgers business plan competition awards $45000 to three entrepreneurs. Ru daily targum|
"by airing a sketch game show called “Is It Date Rape?” starring Phil Hartman"
2015 International ces will help pick up the macworld pieces. Technologytell|
"more on consumers, but when your expo budget is tight, you’ve got to make some hard decisions"
Nophone is the iphone 6 alternative that is just a cuboid of smooth, cold plastic. The independent|
"to clutch without forgoing any potential engagement with your direct environment"
You can now make custom urns using a 3-d printer. Huffington post|
"the first joyous moment in a dark period of time for them," Saari said"
The growing trend of custom, 3d-printed urns for deceased family members. Upi.Com|
"of someone's head, an object the deceased particularly liked or any other object"New 3d printing offers mourning families unique custom urns. The weather network|
"unique urns in the shape of objects that were once important to the recently deceased"
How 4 retailers are using digital and mobile to create a more seamless shopping exper. Co.Create|
"digital world but the only place to get the best retail experience in the run-up to Christmas"
Medical innovation labs launches. Today's medical developments|
"that the best medical innovations in the world are made available wherever they are needed most"
Uclan researchers 3d printing personalized medication on a makerbot 3d printer. 3Dprint.Com|
"which has recently begun to show promise, is that of 3D printed custom medication."
Will we 3d print our medicine within 10 years?. Inside3dp|
"such as pain relief tablets, so wouldn’t 3D printing be more expensive and time consuming"
After removal of apple-sized brain tumor, man gets a custom 3d printed helmet made on a. 3Dprint|
"top level 3D design and 3D printing projects, many of which have never been accomplished"
Pet talk: 3d printing helps surgeon repair dog. Champaign/urbana news-gazette|
"Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) and Helen Mary Stevick Senior Citizens Center"
Inhabitat's week in green: wind farms, algae power and an airplane made of hemp. Engadget|
"Think again: The natural resource can power everything from a light bulb to an entire city."
Cancer patient who had jaw removed gets new teeth via 3d printing. Drbicuspid.Com|
"of his upper jaw removed has been given a new set of teeth made with the help of 3D printing."
Man suffering from cancer gets new upper jaw thanks to 3d printing. Interesting engineering|
"suffering from cancer. Doctors have been able to replace his upper jaw thanks to 3D printing"3D printing helps the visual impaired restore faded memories. The Verge|
"to check out all the interconnected videos in order to build a complete image of the experience"
Organovo Only 4-6 Years Away From 3D Printing Partial Livers For Human Implantation. 3DPrint.com|
"was a lot of information, pertaining to their work, which has been flying under the radar"
3D Printing: NYC Hospital Uses Printer to Build 3D Heart for Baby With Congenital. Latin Post|
"saved the life of a baby who had a congenital heart defect (CHD) by building a new heart"
3D printed bionic hand fitted to first patient. Eureka|
"3D printed, custom-fitted prosthetic socket and robotic hand" -
Genetic Engineering to Organs and Body Parts, also Ears, Dental, Eyesware and medical devices
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB siteThese Volunteers Make 3D-Printed Superhero Prosthetic Arms For Kids In Need. Katiefy|
"the X-Men series. And the response from the kids was overwhelmingly good - See more at"
3D Printing To Get To Mars. Manufacturing.net (blog)|
"into space was awe-inspiring – even if it was just a giant, curved rack system"Illinois Students Target Developing Nations with 3D Printed Prosthetic Hand Which Learns. 3DPrint|
"printed myoelectric hand, there is never any dull moment in the 3D printed prosthesis space"
Through 3D-printed prosthetic, Illinois students lending a hand in Ecuador - . Phys.Org|
"which is especially good news for those who are most in need, residents of the developing world"
Stratasys and Worrell Accelerate Medical Device Development with 3D Printed Injection. MarketWatch|
"by a game-changing 95% in comparison to traditional tooling, with costs plummeting 70%"
3D Printing And Prosthetics. Assistive Technology Blog| This is the first of (hopefully) many to come in
"to date and meaningful. It is also easier to share the "Sway" with family and friends"3d Printing Dental Applications. Kickstarter| Andrew Rhodes is raising funds for 3d Printing Dental Applications
"Fellows have helped their companies through rebrands, helped hire and lead teams, and more"
3D printed drugs could revolutionise prescriptions. Telegraph.co.uk|
"which could save the NHS the millions of pounds spent on mass-producing medicines "
3D printed giant germs help visually impaired see the world of microorganisms. Nanowerk|
"microscopic world of bugs and germs for the very first time thanks to 3D printing technology"
'Doctor Who' Latest Villains Are 3D Printing Mistakes. PSFK (blog)|
"fascinating people things that interest you. watch events unfold in real time, from every angle"
Elle: The Incredible 3D Printed Swimming Leg for Amputees. 3DPrint.com|
"be more capable then typical able bodied individuals. Or is this already happening as we speak"
3D printed titanium heel helps cancer patient find his feet. Gizmag|
"put a 71-year-old cancer patient who was facing an amputation below the knee back on his feet"Advances in medical 3D printing: Bristol engineer creates low-cost 3D printed bionic hand. Inside3DP|
"Daniel Melville saw an appeal to fund affordable robotic hands and got in touch with Bristol "
3D printed organs another step closer as biofabrication enters university mainstream. ABC Online|
"next year to offer the world's first international masters degree in 3D body part printing"
Biofabrication enters university mainstream with 3D body part printing degree. Nanowerk|
"in Germany next year to offer the world's first international masters degree in 3D body part"
Gyrobot and Filaflex Introduce 3D Printed Insoles that Podiatrists Can Customize and Print. 3DPrint.com|
"3D print at home or in a doctor’s office (although recommended for trained professionals only"
You'll be able to 3D-print prescription drugs on demand at home 'within a decade'. Mirror.co.uk|
"well as making life easier for patients who need to regularly change their doses of medicine"
5 More Exciting 3D Bioprinting Companies. Nanalyze|
"5 more 3D Bioprinting startups that are also participating in the 3D Bioprinting space"
A Mobile Health Innovation That Could Help Stop Ebola. Huffington Post|
"centers that can be used thousands of miles away from labs with expensive hospital equipment"
Labor promises $60m for St Vincent's Hospital medical technology centre. Sydney Morning Herald|
"prtners includingthe Bionics Institute and Melbourne, Swinburne and Wollongong universities" -
Genetic Engineering to Organs and Body Parts, also Ears, Dental, Eyesware and medical devices
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )The Advances in Bio Printing Continue. The 3D Printing Association|
"health issues, enabling them to create a treatment regimen that is both personal and precise"
Stratasys and Worrell Accelerate Medical Device Development with 3D Printed. FierceMedicalDevices|
"95% in comparison to traditional tooling, with costs plummeting 70%"
Pierro Astro 3D Printing Parts for Amateur Astronomers. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
"new products the company turned to 3D printing for the first time. Working with Sculpteo"BioBots finds a way to make 3D bioprinter more accessible. MedCity News|
"accelerator finetuning its printer. Its biologics cartridges come with a $600 price tag"
3D Printed KneeCap for Injured Dog. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
"their Stratasys 3D printer to create a biomedically compatible, custom-fitted patella for Oreo"
Medical 3D Printing Set to Explode. Fabbaloo|
"of the printer is that it could potentially tailor-make drugs specific to a patient's needs"
3D printing. Medicine is Alive Everywhere - WordPress.com| Now the 3D printer could be about
"factor in the advancement of the practise and quality of medicine; this article is one example"
3D printed titanium heel helps cancer patient find his feet. 3D Printing Plan|
"a old cancer patient who was facing an amputation below the knee back on his feet"
Which New Technology Will Win the Race to Repair and Replace Our Organs?. Singularity Hub|
"in need—even former Vice President Dick Cheney had to wait 20 months to get his new heart"Dr. Campbell: Dead heart transplants. WNCN|
"today’s Invisalign braces, which they or their kids could wear to straighten their teeth"
Ardmore native gains worldwide notoriety for dental implant business. NewsOK.com|
"a 3D printer designed for use by orthodontists and dentists who do dental implants"
Kids in Need of Prosthetic Hands Get An Avengers Makeover. moviepilot.com|
"solves a mechanical challenge, is affordable, and mostly Looks Awesome"
3D Printing in China Allows Man to Regain Use of His Legs. 3DPrint.com|
"of production to aid in more advanced surgeries, that previously may not have been possible"
3D Printed Virus To Attack Cancer Cells. Forbes|
"attack the cancer cells customized for each person – not one size fits all"
3D printed organs closer as biofabrication enters university. universitybusiness.com|
"use 3D printing to create living artificial tissues and biological tissue substitutes"
3D Printed Heart Saves Boy's Life | Half Price Prototypes. halfpriceprototypes.com|
"but save his life and cut a path to a future where this kind of technology can save many lives"
Association of 3D Printing. associationof3dprinting.com|
"course addresses those business skills.” Says the chairman of the Association of 3D Printing"
3D Printing life as we know it is over? - MMA Forum - Mixed. mixedmartialarts.com|
"yes? Economies collapse as a result? Help me understand where this technology will take us"
3D printers help researchers test new drugs impact on. 3dbusinesses.com|
"Canada that aims to change the way we diagnose and treat potentially - See more at"
Medical 3D printing to reach $965.5 million by 2019. Today's Medical Developments|
"acquisitions of companies that have better technology, and conducive reimbursement policies" -
Genetic Engineering to Organs and Body Parts, also Ears, Dental, Eyesware and medical devices
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )The Future of Medical 3D Printing Is (Literally) Looking Bright. Brit|
"but in the medical field, they are proving to be a truly life-changing tool"
University researchers develop low-cost 3D-printed prosthetic hand. Daily Illini|
"prototype, and hope to return as they continue their research"
3-D-printed organs are on the way. CNNMoney|
"end of the year, part of the growing movement to bring the technology to the medical field"You'll be able to 3D-print prescription drugs on demand at home. EconomicPolicyJournal.com|
"but that’s because you’re not a pioneering researcher from the University of Central Lancashire"
Medical innovation labs introduces 3d printing lab to austin's medical research scene. 3Dprint.Com|
"that best in innovative technologies could be made available where the need for them arises"
Training pediatric surgeons using 3d printed rib cages. 3Dprint.Com|
"as small a gap as possible, 3D printing has been utilized to create exquisitely lifelike models"
3D printed rib cages help train surgeons. Health it outcomes |
"challenges because of the miniscule size of their patients"
Company creates 3d photos so blind people can touch their memories. Metro|
"written word, 3D printing is here used to unlock imagery for those unable to see"
Medical Design Technology | The Essential Resource for. mdtmag.co|
"diagnostic tools and empowering individuals to make educated decisions about their healthcare"
Damaged Spine Only Evident 20 Years After Injury, Thanks to 3D Printing an One Determined. 3DPrint|
"3D printing that is making much of these advancements possible"3D Printer Makes Mask in Hours for Eye Cancer Patients. Medscape|
"United States, according to the American Cancer Society. The disease can occur at any age."
Pirate3D turns to 3D printing technology to recreate memories for the blind. Inside3DP|
"writing for Inside3DP she writes for several news and innovation sites"
Reinforced 3D printing for biomedical applications. Materials Today|
"create complex components quickly and reliably"
Oklahoma's Park Dental Research Corp. Developing 3D-Printed Dental Implants. Inside 3D Printing|
"would have the information about the patient’s jaw and where to drill to implant the denture"
3D printing creates prosthetics for kids. 13WHAM-TV|
"E-Nable use 3D printers to create prosthetic arms and hands to give to kids who need them"
Breakthrough May Soon Allow the Creation of 3D Printed Medical Models to be as Easy as. 3DPrint|
"in treatment of diseases, condition, and injuries which previously were unthought-of"
3D printed body parts changing the lives of those who need it most. MyFox Chicago|
"because it's following a blue print for a human hand. That's a hand Delgado depends "
Head to head: Potter versus 3D printer. BBC News|
"been around for a couple of decades - but has attracted a wave of artists and craftspeople."
Research and Markets: Additive Manufacturing/3D Printing Opportunities in the Automotive Bus. Wire|
"were among the earliest adopters of additive manufacturing/3D printing (3DP) technology. "
3D Technology Can Now Print Your Body Inside and Out. Gospel Herald|
"print technology. Customers can stop in and have themselves scanned in a matter of minutes" -
Genetic Engineering to Organs and Body Parts, also Ears, Dental, Eyesware and medical devices
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )Oklahoma's Park Dental Research Corp. Developing 3D-Printed Dental Implants. Inside 3D Printing|
"would have the information about the patient’s jaw and where to drill to implant the denture"
3D printing creates prosthetics for kids. 13WHAM-TV|
"imitless potential and now a professor at RIT is using that to help kids around the world"
Breakthrough May Soon Allow the Creation of 3D Printed Medical Models to be as Easy as. 3DPrint|
"throughout the world. It is the technology of 3D scanning and 3D printing which is leading to "
3D printed body parts changing the lives of those who need it most. MyFox Chicago|
"for a human hand. That's a hand Delgado depends on"
Head to head: Potter versus 3D printer. BBC News|
"only been around for a couple of decades - but has attracted a wave of artists and craftspeople"
Research and Markets: Additive Manufacturing/3D Printing Opportunities in the Automotive Bus. Wire|
"industry will exceed $870 million in 2019 going on to reach more than $1.8 billion by 2023"
3D Technology Can Now Print Your Body Inside and Out. Gospel Herald|
"scan and print a model of the human body, but also the tissues inside that keep us alive"
3D printing in Dentistry. Formlabs Community Forum| Here are some amazing successful prints
"If you want me to print anything for you contact me, it doesn't have to be dental"
Italian start-up Youbionic has prototyped a promising 3D printed bionic hand. 3Ders.org|
"lowering production costs, though not as far as mechanical prosthetics are currently going down"
3D Printing Creates Tangible Memories for the Visually Impaired. My Modern Met|
"and Daniela—who have particular life memories that have started to fade away"
[NASA's Most Complex 3D-Printed Rocket Part Yet Passes Test (Video). Space.com|
"passed their first tests at the agency's Marshall Space Flight Center in Alabama"
Chinese Doctors 3D Print a Titanium Pelvic Prosthesis for Cancer Survivor Afflicted with. 3DPrint|
"seemingly being one of the leaders within the field"3D stylus provides 'Design You Can Touch'. Today's Medical Developments|
"launch of Geomagic Sculpt and Touch; 3D modeling software includes haptic"
Skin sewers stitch pieces of the past with the present. Alaska Dispatch|
"pieces of the past with the present ... Kodiak skin sewers replicate historic puffin parka"
Oral surgeon 'giving patients hope'. Manawatu Standard|
"the skull to the jawbone, relieving patients of pain that some have suffered for many years"
Rapide 3D - Raises Over $215000 in 30 Days With Its Sub $500 3D Printer. Virtual-Strategy Magazine|
"of the new world, and the only way to survive in it is to keep up with the changes"
3D printed biomedical technologies, applications. Today's Medical Developments|
"ketone the company's additive manufacturing process, and its streamlined regulatory framework"
Chinese Doctors 3D Print a Titanium Pelvic Prosthesis for Cancer Survivor Afflicted with. 3DPrint|
"being one of the leaders within the field"
YouBionic – The 3D Printed Robotic Controlled Prosthetic Hand is One Step Closer to. 3DPrint.com|
"looks to target a final release price of just €1000"
3D Bioprinted Thyroid Gland by 2015, Kidney by 2018, Says Russian Scientists. 3DPrint.com|
"bit of a different approach since they will be starting with transplant-ready thyroid glands" -
Genetic Engineering to Organs and Body Parts, also Ears, Dental, Eyesware and medical devices
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )Accelerating medical device developmnt. Today's Medical Developments|
"the years since DeviceLab began over 100 projects of varying complexities have been completed"
3D-EYE Seeks to Create 3D Models of Artistic Masterpieces for the Visually Impaired. 3DPrint.com|
"can be the facilitator of a more rich and informed life for the visually impaired"
UK Researchers Improve Comfort Levels for Cancer Patients by 3D Printing Radiotherapy. 3DPrint|
"the mold made is a whole process in itself before the procedure can begin"Intel Capital Funds 3D Braille Printer Created by 13-year-old Boy. 3DPrint.com|
"$35,000 that had been invested by his biggest supporters: mom and dad"
3-D printing creates new medical possibilities. KSFY|
"to solve problems that have been prevalent in the medical field for decades"
3D Prints Smaller Than an Ant's Forehead are Printed and Then Inevitably Lost. 3DPrint.com|
"the naked eye. Or even a jeweler’s scope, or a microscope that can magnify 400x"
UNYQ Releases New 3D Printed Camouflage Prosthetic Leg Coverings. 3DPrint.com|
"Danny’s first day at his new school was also his first day wearing his prosthetic leg"
Meet the former engineer turned dentist who wants to 3D print your skull. Inside3DP|
"but for that he needs CT scan data which is pretty hard to come by"
3D printing creates new medical possibilities. KSFY|
"edge technology to solve problems that have been prevalent in the medical field for decades"
How 3D printing could revolutionize bun treatment. Local 8 Now|
"printers like these could be in hospitals and helping burn patients within five years"
Youbionic developing low-cost 3D-printed bionic hand. Gizmag|
"in a prosthetic hand that costs a tenth or less than other models on the market"
How 3D printing could revolutioniz burn treatment. KHOU|
"an end result -- functional human skin -- promising to be just like the real thing"
Colorado Springs surgeon among first to offer 3D-printed knee implant. Colorado Springs Gazette|
"on average, as your body adjusts to its off-the-rack component"
3D printer creates hands for youths. Today's Medical Developments|
"design of the magnetometer also makes it easier to integrate into measuring systems"
4WEB Medical Announces Major Milestone Over 3000 of their 3D printed spine truss implants. 3DPrint|
"web structure that they combined with 3D printing technology to create their implants"
UK Researchers Improve Comfort Levels for Cancer Patients by 3D Printing Radiotherapy. HT Event|
"as ‘horrific.’ Many of them also described the process as ‘uncomfortable."
Youbionic. Adafruit| The hand's movements are made possible by the complex internal
"design and development processes we can modify the tiniest details for improved efficiency"
Over 3000 4WEB Medical 3D-Printed Orthopedic Truss Implants Used By Surgeons. PR Newswire|
"implant technology and the role it may play in achieving better outcomes for their patients"
UCF Uses Stratas 3D Printing to Create Life-Changing Prosthetic Arm for Six-Year Old. Stratasys|
"Printing enthusiast’s whose goal is to develop 3D Printed prosthetic hands for those in need." -
Genetic Engineering to Organs and Body Parts, also Ears, Dental, Eyesware and medical devices
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )Steel 3D Printing. I3DMFG| Spinal implants manufactured uing 3D metal printing, or Direct Metal
"surface texture dramatically improves initial fixation and reduces the chance of migration"
Site Map. Inside 3D Printing| Developing 3D-Printed Dental Implants · Korea's ROKIT Develops
"explore new approaches to improve the treatment of infections related to implanted devices"
Jonty Hurwitz 3D printed nano sculptures at the same scale as a human sperm. 3ders.org|
"approximately equals the amount your fingernails grow every 5 or 6 hours, explains Hurwitz"
3D Printing Allows Japan's Blind Football Team to 'Visualize' the Championship Venue. 3DPrint|
"“how in the world can blind people play soccer?” The answer is quite simple"Alex Pring was thrilled when given his 3D printed prosthetic arm. Express.co.uk|
"3D printed prosthetic arm so he can fulfill his dream of shaking hands and climbing trees"
3D printing advancements, offerings. Today's Medical Developments|
"jigs and fixtures for manufacturing, as well as produce low volume end-use parts"
Five Startup Pitches and One Disrupting Company in the Crowd. Machine Design (blog)|
"emerging companies, and investors, via its events, advisory services, and incubator"
Biome provides Q3 update on bioplastics development. Biomass Magazine|
"up from £1.5 million during the same period of the prior year"
Outside-the-box thinker. Today's Medical Developments|
"Spielberg grew to appreciate the potential to turn an abstract idea into a functional object"
European Space Agency Plans to Launch its 3D Printer in ISS. Voice Chronicle|
"in the field of microscale 3D printing is advancing the development of artificial organs"
Pirate3D's 3-D printed photos help the blind see. Green Prophet|
"them to interpret photographs. Now the blind get to experience photographs in their own way"Ngo sets long-term support for victims. Manila standard today|
"Makerspace” in Tacloban“ to create better solutions for rebuilding lives after typhoon Yolanda"
The healthcare technology 'm most excited about. Nasdaq|
"organs is what could really rock our world. Applications for 3D bioprinting include"
An orthodontist in marylandis 3d printing teeth. Gnc|
"Orthodontics is taking dental work into the future by 3D printing molds of peoples' mouths"
Rebuilding broken bodies with 3d printers. Wendy schmidt oil cleanup x challenge|
"hardware, printing materials, and design software all steadily improve and come down in cost"
3D printing. Nervous system| shop · blog · about us · tools ·
"phenomena computer create simulations to generate designs and use digital fabrication realize" -
Genetic Engineering to Organs and Body Parts, also Ears, Dental, Eyesware and medical devices
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )
The Noun = title line - vreb usage = is that - object phase = "15 word phase"exVive3D 3D Printed Human Liver Tissue Now Commercilly Available by Organovo. 3DPrint.com|
"yet to make any major impact within the market. Today things may have just changed"
Organovo begins selling 3D printed liver tissue. Gigaom|
"pharmaceutical laboratories can begin using it to test if their early-stage drugs are toxic"
Local Orthodontics Offer 3D Print Molds. WHAG|
"the dentist a little more pleasant with a 3D digital scanning system that images dental molds"
3D Printed Micro-Actuators Could Delever the Medicine of the Future. ENGINEERING.com|
"technique with which we can adjust the magnetic properties independent of the object’s geometry"
Changing The Face Of Innovation ThroughNew 3D Printing Technology Medical. TP Journal|
"whole. They aren't just standing on the shoulders of giants; they are joining them"
An orthodontist in Maryland is 3D printing teeth. UPI.com|
"Orthodontics is taking dental work into the future by 3D printing molds of peoples' mouths."
Facial Masks Made Out of 3D Printing to Help Patints Suffering from Facial Cancer. 1click3dprint|
"facial prostheses in few hours by using topographical scanning as well as 3D printed technology."
Wheelchair Hacking Thanks to 3D Printing. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
"efficiency, a wheelchair canopy and modular rail system, and an arm rest/desk"
GE Announces New $32M 3D-Printing Research Center. Product Design & Development|
"new freedoms and unleash their imagination. You couldn’t make this nozzle any other way"
GE invests US$32 million in new 3D printing research centre. Metal Powder Report|
"regional structure so that sales and service tasks can be quickly dealt with on-site"
Hewlett-Packard Company (NYSE:HPQ) — in The Cloud and in 3D Printers. eFinance Hub|
"surprising is, that the mask is made to match the skin tone of the patient"
3D printers can copy your loved one's head - as a cremation urn. MyFox Chicago|
"Solutions product promises a more memorable way to commemorate those who have passed away"
Cremation Solutions company make 3D printed urns modelled on your loved one's face. Daily Mail|
"a lifelike bust of your loved one that doubles as an urn for the ashes."Photos: 3D Printed Hearts. Live Science|
"to better visualize heart defects in children, improving surgical outcomes"
Surgeons use 3D printed model of heart to treat patients with disorders - News on. Heart.org AHA|
"such as plaster or ceramic, to reveal even the most complicated structural abnormalities "
Commercial 3D Printing of Human Liver Tissue. Wall Street Sector Selector|
"drug discovery testing. Organovo shares skyrocketed 9.77 percent to $6.74"
OPM to Receive $150K Grant from NIH to Develop 3D Printe Antibiotic Infused Medical. 3DPrint|
"to improve infections related to artificial hips, knees, and other implanted devices."
Oganovo Announces World's Firt Commercially Available 3D Printed Liver Tissue. ENGINEERING.com|
"well beyond those offered by industry-standard 2D liver cell culture systems"
Microscopic 3D Printing May Allow Micro-Robots to Deliver Medicine Inside Your Body. 3DPrint.com|
"a problem directly at its source, no matter how difficult it may sound at first" -
Genetic Engineering to Organs and Body Parts, also Ears, Dental, Eyesware and medical devices
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )3D Printer Produces Revolutionary Robotic Hand. Sky News|. ValueWalk|
"company, Open Bionics, claims it is the first time it has ever been done"
3D Printing: Reducing The Risk In Training Pediatric Surgeons. Business Solutions Magazine|
"of newborns (which are the size of an egg) without practicing on live patients
3D-printed hearts help surgeons save babies' lives. Fox News|
"The new findings were presented Nov. 19 at the American Heart Association meeting in Chicago"
3D-printed hearts help surgeons save babies' lives. CBS News|
"heart that are made on 3D printers could help save babies' lives, new research suggests"
Triad Technology: 3D Printers Make Bones, Tissues, Toys. WFMY News 2|
"People at The Forge are using its printer to brainstorm, experiment and create prototypes"
Future Of 3D Printing? Contact Lenses That Display Videos And Detect Health Problem. Medical Daily|
"to display information or even videos, while also detecting the health problems of the wearer"
Chinese Man Receives a 3D Printed Elbow Joint After Suffering a Major Work Injury. 3DPrint.com|
"body. Fast forward a couple of years, and such procedures seem to be almost commonplace"
Organovo has 3D-printed liver tissue for drug testing. Medical Xpress|
"repeated dosing regimens across a spectrum of biochemical, molecular, and histologic end points"
3D printed robotic hand offers hope to child amputees. Telegraph.co.uk|
"can write and draw and the finer motor skills she's still got even without her hands"
Health Ranger to release open source 3D printer files for upcoming invention with early 2015. NNew|
"self-reliant in four key areas: food, water, nutrition and medicine"
These 3D-Printed Prosthetics Are 'More Than Human'. The Creators Project - Vice|
"to fill the loss of limbs, but also strengthen and reveal the identity of wearer"3D Printing Help Surgeons Treat Complicated Heart Defects. Big Think|
"a 3D-printed heart model would allow doctors to examine in great detail"
Advancing Tissue Engineering: The State of 3D Bioprinting. 3DPrint.com|
"to generate tissue-like 3D structures for use in the medical field of tissue engineering"
3D Printed Head Light Motor Gear. Instructables|
"out there including buying a new gear or just replacing the headlight motor altogether"
How 3D printing can mend a broken heart. ahchealthenews.com|
"button, and now the medical world is also trying its hand at this new technology"
3D printed microrobots could be used as drug delivery vessels, and more. MedCity News|
"developing microscopic robots that will work inside the body to transport cargo – namely, drugs"
Tiny 3D-Printed Livers Could Change the Way We Test New Drugs. Popular Mechanics (blog)|
"or bits of tissue, haven't given a full picture of the potential toxicity of drugs"
3D Maps Created by IDeA Center Use Multi-Sensory Installations to Delight and Direct Ever. 3DPrint|
"Imagine trying to navigate these daily scenarios with a visual (or other) impairment"
3D-printed body parts helping save the lives of medical patients. TweakTown|
"while also being able to strategize where they cut tissue and make other improvements"
Magazine highlights Rice's work in 3D printing. Houston Chronicle|
"work in advancing 3-D medicine, especially in the "printing" of organs"3D-Printed Hearts Help Surgeons Save Babies' Lives. MyArkLaMiss (press release) (blog)|
"3D-printed hearts could help, especially among young children with complicated heart defects" -
Genetic Engineering to Organs and Body Parts, also Ears, Dental, Eyesware and medical devices
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )3D printing from MRI untangles congenital heart surgery. AuntMinnie.com|
"MRI for surgical planning, but such scans can be inadequate in many cases"First 3D LED printer could print heads-up-display contact lenses. CNET|
"more feasible, with the invention of the world's first 3D printer that can print LEDs"
Surgeons embrace 3D printed implants to save NHS time and cash. Financial Times|
"money for ... Shorter surgery times can also help reduce infection risk and speed up recovery
Tech Trends Shaping The Future Of Medicine, Part 1. Forbes|
"areas that he believes will shape the future of medicine and healthcare for decades to come"
Tech Trends Shaping The Future Of Medicine, Part 2. Forbes|
"identifies as being in earlier stages of development and not quite yet ready for prime time"
Regenerating Tissue with Tissue Regenix (LON:TRX). Nanalyze|
"company called Tissue Regenix is working on creating replacement skin tissues, valves, and vessels"
Tiny, printed livers could revolutionize medical research. Geek|
"where the biotech company Organovo comes in, with an array of tiny, bioprinted livers"
A Bold Vision For Healthcare And Life Sciences In 2020. Mondaq News Alerts (registration)|
"It is unashamedly optimistic and intended as a way to stimulate discussion and debate"
3D Printed Bionic Eye Seeks to Allow People with Vision Loss to See Again. 3DPrint.com|
"other condition or events. These people only wish that they could one day see again"
Doctors 3D Printing Replacement Parts for the Human Body. Techlicious (blog)|
"success, and the baby was sent home from the hospital without complications three weeks later"
3D Printing: Key to revolutionize biomedical industry. biospectrumasia.com|
"at an early stage for application but promises huge success in future for the biomedical sector"
Product Lifecycle Stories: Girl Gets New Pink & Teal Hand with 3D Printing. PTC.com|
"She had an uncomfortable and difficult-to-operate prosthesis that she rarely used"
New webinars: Structural Heart Intervention Case Planning + 3D Printing in Hospitals. Biomch-L|
"Rybicki, MD, PhD, Director, Applied Imaging Science Laboratory, Brigham and Women's "
3D printing for teeth saves you money and office visit. KPRC Houston|
"technology is saving you not only a trip to the orthodontist's office, but money too"
company, Open Bionics, claims it is the first time it has ever been done
"company, Open Bionics, claims it is the first time it has ever been done"Miniature to Massive: 3D Printed Cells, Viruses and Parasites Demystify Microbiology. 3DPrint.com|
"council’s Great British Science Festival, a prestigious event where scientific teams showcase their work"
3D Printing Aids in the Completion of Two Spinal Surgeries in the US Thanks to Medacta US. 3DPrint|
"the surgeries report greater efficiency and more accuracy with these customized 3D printed tools"
BLOG: It's Alive! The 3D Printing of Living Tissues. EE Times
"heart may itself be alive, as researchers have now discovered how to print living tissue"
3D Printing Technology Could End Houselessness. 3dprinting.com|
"start-up called TriDom wants to use 3D printing to end houselessness within 15 years"
Customized Solutions for 3D Printing in Hospitals. Materialise|
"and closed simultaneously, is expected to be accretive to earnings per share within 12 months" -
Genetic Engineering to Organs and Body Parts, also Ears, Dental, Eyesware and medical devices
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )Aortica raises $7M to treat aorta disorders with 3D-printing technology. GeekWire|
"Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) Disease whose anatomy does not allow for conventional surgery"
3D Printed Adjustable, Multi-Attachment Prosthesis Allows Boy to Play Violin, Wii, and Bike. 3DPrint|
"always a double dose of wonderment when it comes to the stories about kids though"
3D printing for teeth saves you money and office visit. KPRC Houston|
"technology is saving you not only a trip to the orthodontist's office, but money too"
New Polymers Set to Revolutionize 3D Printed Implants. ENGINEERING.com|
"somewhat bored with. However, with innovative new materials this is all about to change"
Medical Manufacturing Technology 3D printing and medical-device development. SoPE|
"3D-printing and medical device development in the May issue of MedicalDesign.com magazine"
Breakthrough Research Leads to the 3D rinting of Pure Graphene Nanostructures. 2045.com|
"could play a major role in virtually every industry out there in some form or another"Disrupted Healthcare – 3D Printing Revolution. iDisrupted|
"made using traditional techniques such as cast moulds or carving them out from chunks of material"
From Reel to Real: film gadgets that came to life in health & science today. polygonmedical.com|
"Wearable tech’ to 3D-printing technology, we look at some of the film gadgets"
3D-printed optics and liquid lens make Prism shortlist. Optics.org|
"diagnosis and a deformable liquid lens are among 27 products shortlisted for the 2015 Prism Awards"
Aortica Corporation Creates 3D-Printed Alternative to Surgery for Abdominal Aortic. 3DPrint|
"devices that can be inserted into the aortas of patients experiencing abdominal aortic aneurysms"
3D Printers Used in Medicine. POPSUGAR|
"offering printing services online and in stores of virtually any plastic item your mind can imagine"
Buzz: 3D Printed `Photos' for the Blind. Kioskea|
"being turned often to humanitarian objectives in order to solve problems in brand new ways"
Organic Chemistry News -- ScienceDaily.sciencedaily.com|
"induces a steady heartbeat. They hope to test this on humans in a few years"
Medical Technology News -- ScienceDaily. sciencedaily.com|
"researchers are using 3-D printing to customize medical implants and to grow body parts"
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE LAB on Pinterest - 63 Pins. pinterest.com|
"machines are capable of crunching vast amounts of data and identifying patterns that humans can’t" -
Genetic Engineering to Organs and Body Parts, also Ears, Dental, Eyesware and medical devices
( Highlight WEB title. line|, right click the mouse, click on search provider and goto the web page )3D printed livers go on sale. Follow The Money - WordPress.com|
"says CEO Keith Murphy. Organovo is working on early animal tests for its organ patches"
American Heart Association reports Surgeons 3D printed model of Heart to treat patients. C Online|
"materials, such as plaster or ceramic, to reveal even the most complicated structural abnormalities"
Prosthetic 3D Printing Marks Medical Advance. The Epoch Times (blog)|
"the first United Kingdom child to get a prosthetic hand made almost entirely from 3D printing"
Saving a new born with 3D Printing. Materialise|
"it even began with the support of 3D Printing and Materialise’s Mimics Innovation Suite of software"
Rhinoplasty patients can get realistic 3D printed before and after surgery. 3dprintingfromscratch|
"Yakub Avsar, explained how he employs 3D printing to improve the experience of his patients"3D Printing Helps Conduct Two Successful Spinal Surgeries. Augmented Reality Trends|
"can encourage the spinal patients and doctors to accept this technology to receive and provide treatment"3D Printers Used in Medicine POPSUGAR. 3D Printing Magazine| At the moment, the public-facing side
"printer, you can create a wide array of silly physical objects like customized bobblehead dolls"
Giving a helping hand. Troy Daily News|
"which is a network of volunteers creating prosthetic hands for people in need around the world"
3D Printing Can Improve Face Transplants. Live Science|
"in the U.S. to receive a full face transplant, in 2011"
3D printing to guide human face transplants. Daijiworld.com|
"dependent on surgical planning," said Frank Rybicki from Brigham and Women's Hospital in the US"
3D printing to guide human face transplants. Business Standard|
"because of the similarities to humans when it comes to organ structure and size"
Prosthetic 3D Printing Marks Medical Advance. The Epoch Times|
"performed on patients who have lost some or all of their face as a result of injury or disease"