10 years of SketchUping...
It's pity that you don't heard of PushPullbar at the golden age!
Happy Anniversary! I think I had sketch up before that, but there was long period where I didn't know how to work it and only dabbled occasionally.
To tell the truth at that time I wasn't even excited about software for drafting because it was only Autocad to me. 3D max was out but I knew what it was, how much it cost and how difficult it was.
@unknownuser said:
It's pity that you don't heard of PushPullbar at the golden age!
I was a member before it went the way of the Dodo... I was just not very active on it. It was a kool place for sure.
Pretty sure PushPullBar died a few years ago. Lost funding or admins something, can't remember.
I've wandered in and out of the PushPull bar occasionally--(i think I still have an account with them) but I was raised to stay out of bars.
Edit: He said in the "corner bar"
Congratulations on the 10-year union! May you live long and prosper (hmmm, that kinda sounds trekkie-like).
It's been approximately 9 years (version 5) since I was first introduced to (and started working with) SketchUp, unfortunately I have not been able to work on it as much as I would like to in that time,going for long periods of time before even just starting up the program. This is probably on of a very select few programs I look am always excited about when working, even through the various difficulties and shortcomings of SU.
nice reminisce! I've been using ACAD for much longer (since when R13 came out), but I definitely don't get the same attachment as for SU and also for the community here
@andybot said:
nice reminisce! I've been using ACAD for much longer (since when R13 came out), but I definitely don't get the same attachment as for SU and also for the community here
Sometimes I forget how old I am getting I guess. I started with Autocad. . .Version 9.
You had to wind it up back then.
Yeah, I think I started on R10 or R11 in high school drafting.
You guys are making me feel old. I started with V1.x, before you could smooth the facets on a cylinder. As a renderer whose favorite rendering software had just been bought by Autodesk (Lightscape), I was desperate to get away from anything to do with Autodesk. Perfect timing for @last.
Those early days on the @last forum were really fun. Mayor Mike and Alan Fraser. Jean LeMire ("just ideas"). And remember we bought a laptop for Steven, who was in the hospital and couldn't use SketchUp. Susan delivered it to him personally. Such a small tight community.
There are so many of us now that I can't remember who taught me what, but I'm grateful for all you guys. We're all so happy to share what we've learned.
Sorry for the hijack Kris.
You're not hijacking, that's just what this thread is for Phil...