Current news on 3d printing
3D Printing Daily update News at 9:00 am:
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )September 1, 2014 NEWS
Spexy Me Aims to 3D Print Your Next Pair of Perfectly Fitting Glasses |
"I lost them in the Gulf of Mexico as a mild wind gust blew them off my face"
Will 3D Printing redefine African Trade and China's Competitiveness? | New Vision
"Peter then goes ahead to print another pair of sandals for use that day"
What Does The Future Hold For 3D Printing & 4D Printing? |
"an iconic glass bottle personalised with their choice of name from the manufacturer’s online store"
If you think 3D printing is just firing blanks, just you wait | Register
"was representing The Queen, David Beckham and stiff (but shaven) upper lips"
Formlabs Form 1+ review: a workhorse for 3D printer users who care about quality | Gigaom
"testing I found it to be a great choice for an advanced consumer 3D printer"August 30, 2014 NEWS
These 3D-Printed Dresses And Accessories |
"it comes to performing complex surgeries on one-of-a-kind patients"
Belong In A High-End Fashion Show | Business Insider
"using 3D-printed materials since 2010, their range has been limited until recently"Fashion Project Seeks to Create a 3D Printed Crowdsourced Dress With Over 150 Element |
"It allows for one’s imaginative ideas to be transformed into an actual physical product"
D-Printed Fashion Line Inspired by Tension Between Real and Virtual | PSFK
"aluminum dome that serves to hold up the 12-inch thick tempered glass top"
Crowdsourced 3D printed Dress by Anouk Wipprech - 3D Printing Forum - | 3D Print Board
"at Vienna Fashion week. More information on how to participate can be found here"
This Could Be The Most Underrated Benefit Of 3D-Printing | io9
"actually see less use in the home, and more use as a manufacturing tool"
2014 Miss America Parade to Feature First Ever 3D Printed Shoes, Thanks to Maggie Bridges | 3DPrint
"Fashion plays a huge role in determining who is crowned the next Miss America"
This costume was made entirely by a 3D printer | KnowTechie
"ll never miss a post. Worst comes to worst, you can always unsubscribe"
3D printed AshtaVinayaka idols on display in Banga | Hindu Business Line
"inspired by temples in Maharashtra such as Ashtavinayaka, Siddivinayaka, Dagdusheth Halwai and others"August 31, 2014 NEWS
6 Foot Tall 3D Printed Installation of Lord Ganesha Presented in India by ALTEM Tech |
"of the country excited about the prospects that 3D printing technology has to offer."
3D Print Boom in Fashion Design: What Fashion Designers are doing with | Consumer Electronics
"we look at the best use of 3D printing technology in fashion designso far"
3D Print Boom in Fashion Design: What Fashion Designers are doing with | Virtual-Strategy Magazine
"we look at the best use of 3D printing technology in fashion design…so far"
3-D printing: Revolutionary, or just a tool? | U-T San Diego
"Home Depot is selling them and The UPS Store is letting entrepreneurs use them." -
BLOGS & the WEB Monday
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )Advanced eyewear design by 3D printing | LinkedIn
"I will help them to brand it and help my client to earn profit. "
3D Printing - Why should you consider 3D Printing for your tooling | Tube Filling Machinery
" •Change your design as many times as you wish, Rapid design iterations"
Make Magazine 30-33 W/ Ultimate Guide 3D Printing |
"which can let us to make more design and express the eyewear concept clearly. "
3D Printers: Technology Rundown - 3D printing also known as additive manufacturing | Boots Indust
"types. They are Material Extrusion, Light Photopolymerization, | Jetting, Binder Jetting"
MiniU - A 3D-printed, hand-painted, unique Mini-You |
"inch (20cm) tall figurines that look just like you or your loved ones"Fancy a pizza or a dish of tasty insects? 3D printing can help you with that | The Irish Times
"it into a large, cooked pie big enough to feed the entire McFly family"
New to 3d printing, need help, please - Hi, I built a classic Rostock about a month |
"direction, and it is back to not moving more than about 10 mm."
3D Printing | Geek Heaven
"time we are talking about commercial space flights. And 3D printing of course"
Updated* 3d Printing Review & Download [Download] | Leeward Blogs
"yet simple 3D creation and editing tool which supports many new 3D printers."
3D (print me) - Background[edit]. 3D (print me) is the third single | Wikipedia
"updating the database; wait a few minutes and try the purge function."
Design a Part of Anouck Wipprecht's Open Source Dress! | 3D Printing Plan
"part-of-anouck-wipprechts-open-source-dress/#ixzz3C8tsD2FB" -
BLOGS & the WEB Tuesday
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )Bicycle wall mount rack (3D printing) | Instructables
"mount there are two holes for you to put the wall plug screws"
Albums - 3D PRINTING. By · Updated on | Facebook
"allows these hyporcitical, not-so-subtle winks when it comes to business"
Industrial 3D Printing - Hype surrounded by poor understanding of industrial 3D printing | Joe Barkai
"industry. My general opinion can be summarized in a few short points"
3D printing - My first fractal-flower-mesh, created with | Andreas Maschke's Homepage
"entry was posted in 3D printing 3D-Meshes generated from flame fractals JWildfireFormat Image"
Two individually working extruders: 3D printer |
"would have never seen the daylight. Be special! Be innovative! Be creative"
Cheaper Robotics Through 3D Printing | MAKE · Andrew Terranova
"as many parts as possible printed on affordable 3D printers that an individual might own"A brief history of 3D printing |
="0, 1939, was an inventor of over 60 U.S. patents ^^"
3D printing fixtures. Surprisingly effective for small run work. | Practical Machinist
"of bondo, and epoxy with a similar clamping setup as in the below pictures"
practicality of 3d printing a chassis |
"11 .... practicality of 3d printing a chassis - last post by BurgerBum. BurgerBum"
ABS (1-Liter Bottle) - designed to simulate standard ABS | Kudo3D
" This resin is the best option for projects that require high resolution"
3D Printed Stereo Knobs - Because of the resolution of the 3D printer that | Imgur
"This is a very small job for the type of 3D printer that was used"
Will 3D Printing redefine African Trade and China's Competitiveness? | 3D Printing Magazine
"wants to put on to school are torn. Peter then goes ahead to print" -
Printing Daily update News at 9:00 am:
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )September 2, 2014 NEWS
Brazilian Neurosurgeons Using 3D-Printed Brain Replicas to Save Children | "medical applications, use of the technology is also on the rise in South America"
MiniU – Customized 3D Printed, Hand-painted Bobbleheads Now Available on Kickstarter |
"wish that I too could have had my very own bobblehead of myself"
Jenny Wu Works With Stratasys 3D Printing to Create Dazzling Jewelry with Unique |
Jenny Wu Works With Stratasys 3D Printing to Create Dazzling Jewelry with"
Unique Geometries | Wall Street Journal
"intricate, organic movement, standing-out as a bold statement on the body"
Jenny Wu's 3D Printed Jewelry - 3D Printing Forum | 3D Print Board
"producing the silver Papilio ring, the first item being commercially sold from the LACE"
CHGT: Huge Market Opens as Pro Sports Embrace 3D Printing Revolution | MarketWatch
"of new parts and directly manufacture end-use parts for their V8 super cars"
Changing Technologies : CHGT: Huge Market Opens as Pro Sports Embrace 3D Printing | 4 Traders
"Inc. (OTCBB: CHGT) in pole position for profits."
Philips Brand, Smit Röntgen Revolutionizes the Metal Additive Manufacturing Industry by |
"large volume industrial manufacturing of 3D printed pure Tungsten parts. No repro without creditline"
FDA engages with medtech industry on technical considerations of 3D printing | Plastics Today
"be considered for additively manufactured devices to provide a transparent evaluation process"
How to 3D print a Rubik's Cube | Techlife
"3D model of a Rubik's Cube designed to be printed on a 3D printer."
Architect Jenny Wu Builds Avante Garde Jewelry Line with Stratasys 3D Printing |
"her LACE collection, with the Tangens necklace as her primary, show stopping design"Miss America 2014 Parade Will Feature 3D Printed Shoes | The Inquisitr
"3D-printed shoes when she competes in Atlantic City for the Miss America pageant."
Rumors are Circulating about 4D Printing - But What Exactly is It? | Inside3DP
"Israel. Her work has been published on several other notable news and innovation websites"
101 Ideas: Seven of the best tech tips | CIT Magazine
"which 3D objects can be viewed and manipulated from every angle."September 3, 2014 NEWS
LUXeXcel Expands Their 3D Printed Optics Technology for Outdoor Use |
"parts in some facilities, but the overall atmosphere of the industry has changed drastically"
3D Printed Dresses Are Radically Changing The Meaning Of Haute Couture | SFGate
"parts in some facilities, but the overall atmosphere of the industry has changed drastically"
3D printing has arrived! | Deccan Chronicle
"in the dark and that, yes, there is a demand for the technology"
EXtrace Clay 3D Printer Merges Ancient Data Collection With Modern Telecommunication |
"poetry in front of dozens of individuals at a MakerBot store in New York City"
Miss America Contestant Will Wear 3D-Printed Heels | Betabeat
"3D-printed shoes when she competes in Atlantic City for the Miss America pageant."
3 ways 3D printing is growing in South Florida | South Florida Business Journal (blog)
"to fulfill an obvious need,” Betts said in a news release"
3D technology: 3D printing the next frontier? |
"application in the fashion industry is currently restricted to a relatively limited range of materials" -
BLOGS & the WEB Wednesday
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )Anouk Wipprecht's next 3D printed dress is a worldwide collaboration an you | 3D Printing News
"dress that stunned the crowd at the Cirque De Soliel LIGHT nightclub in Las Vegas"
3D Print Srl - 3D Print is the fastest PVC Cards Manufacturer We | LinkedIn
"support, make 3D Print one of the most flexible and competitive European Company."
Jenny Wu Works With Stratasys 3D Printing to Create Dazzling Jewelry with Unique | Stratasys
"intricate, organic movement, standing-out as a bold statement on the body"
An Overview Of 3D Printing | St. Marks Korean United Methodist Church | ::: Welcome to St. Marks
"how catered for engineers who needed to see how their designs appeared in the flesh"
3D Printing Blog - 3D printing is something that a lot of people |
"issue. We asked him a few questions to find out more about the project"
Startup Safary Berlin 2014 | Vamos
"to create their own route that they follow on the day of the event."
Design Considerations for 3D printing |
"a distinct support material since the unused build medium, the powder, provides support"
How 3D printing is revolutionizing the way customers shop |
"and can get exactly what they desire without added headaches, costs, or time"Fashionable Clothing Designed With 3D Printing Technology. This Amazing | No Newz is Good News
"Noa Raviv took 3D printing into an entirely new level to create a fashion collection"
Just got a 3D printer but no filament yet, if I print a cube from C4d will it be filled in? |
"or something else and in those kinds of software you can fill in the object"
Ultra Slim Ring Box with Spinning Feature Showing Moving Parts in 3D Prints | Shapeways
"45 degrees as you open the ring box to beautifully showcase any and all gemstones"
Guide: How to calibrate your 3D Printer to make the perfect print | 3D2print
"to – in a structured way – find the perfect temperature on your own."
Customuse offers 3D printed customised guitars |
"be purchasing the same guitar that millions of people around the world have bought. "
3D printed Ducati 1199 Superbike on the Ultimaker | Redicubricks
"the spot customized printed keychains, to complex fully realized scale models of their product" -
BLOGS & the WEB Thursday
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )Erik J Durwood II: Makerlele MK1 | adafruit industries blog · Matt
"tackle an ambitious entirely-3D-printed traditional instrument using 3D printing technology"
3D Printed Daft Punk Helmet | Adafruit Learning System
"for a light up wearable, giving you freedom to headbang to your favorite beats"
A Fashion Designer Is Creating The World's First Open-Source, 3D-Printed Dress | Creators Project
"creating the world's first open-source, 3D-printed dress. "
Here's a step-by-step visual guide to 3D printing your own Daft Punk helmet |
"to Adafruit for developing the concept—visit their website for the nitty-gritty instructions"Katrien Herdewyn - Shoe designer Katrien Herdewyn wanted 7 different heels printed | Adafruit
"is recognized by different shaped particles such as tongues, teeth, fans or leaves"
3D-Printed Daft Punk Helmet and Ducati Bike | Tested
"exactly a sculpted and cast Volpin piece, but would be fun to try out"
PSA: Buy your own hair spray. Avoid wife drama | Reddit
"up going to the ER at 1 am to get 7 stiches in my thumb"
Made Us Look: The Most Gorgeous 3D Printed Clothing Ever | Brit + Co
"Aviv-based artist Noa Raviv, all with the help of her 3D printer"
Full Color Plastic 3D Print Material Torture Test Video | Shapeways
"a few basic parts to test for strength, flexibility, water and fire resistance"
Olivier Van Herpt Crafts Beautifully Functional 3D-Printed Ceramics | 6sqft
"Olivier experimented with different types of clay before maaking his stunning Ceramics" -
3D Printing Daily update News at 9:00 am:
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )September 4, 2014 NEWS
Unique 3D Printed Photographs Come to Life When Combined with Light |
"with a unique method of combining traditional photography with modern-day 3D printing."
Exclusive: Makers Making History - World's First Art Exhibit of 3D Printed Photographs | Inside3DP
"materialized if not for the help of the good people I met on this journey"
How 3D Printing is Creating Unique Products | Inside3DP
"In three short months I have gone from knowing absolutely nothing about 3DP to founding"
Who Are the Winners in 3D Printer Products and Technologies? | Inside3DP
"news, stock goes up, acquisition is essentially near free, rinse, repeat"
When it Comes to 3D Printing, It's the Product That Matters | Inside3DP
"to print shops. In 1991 we launched the 5775 color copier/printer."
3D Printing: The Future of Creation | Triple Helix Online (blog)
="which focuses heavily on expanding and improving 3D printing"
Intricate 3D Printed Jewelry Designs from Stratasys and Jenny Wu Partnership |
"space of time. Tangens necklace designs are the key attraction of the LACE collection"
3D Printed by Ergatory – Decaying Coral Meets Pottery |
"without making an effort to be overtly ironic. The piece is actually quite beautiful"September 5, 2014 NEWS
Proof that 3D Printing is Better than Ever | Sam Volkering's Tech Insider
"I could easily access the world."
Aaron Porterfield Cooks up Some Candy with 3D Sculpting and Printing |
"a perfect medium with which to work. It’s basically a simple—and fun—science project...."
Here's how to 3D print your very own Daft Punk helmet | Consequence of Sound
"practical objects, like say, stem cells and/or a bionic ear?"
3D Printed Photographs: Negative Negatives | Technabob (blog)
"lithophane – an uneven surface that only reveals the image when illuminated from behind." , The YouTube of 3D Objects, is the Answer to What am I going | Broadway World
"its accepted uploads - something printer owners will understand an incredibly valuable resource"
3D printing focus for Wood Innovations 2014 dinners | Wood Innovations 2014
"“New world of 3-D printing” as part of the dinners for both events"
3D Printing a Custom Designed Flute (VIDEO) | 3D Printing Event
"its concert equivalent and produce new micro-tonal musical scales with the instrument."
How 3D Printing Works - 3D Print Planet - How 3D Printing Works - | 3D Print Planet
"the material that is needed is used resulting in a more environmentally friendly method." -
BLOGS & the WEB Friday
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )3D Printed Clay Art of Oliver Van Herpt | MAKE · Cabe Atwell
" how printers work to unique and innovative applications and finishing techniques"
3D Printed UV Manicure Lamp | MAKE » Craft Posts · Haley Pierson-Cox
"maker gals/guys who love a good manicure: 3D printing meets DIY beauty "
3D Printing a Life-Sized Elephant for A Good Cause | Make
"elephants that you see carrying around unaware children at fairs or zoos are often miserable"
First 3D printer in space to mark start of extraterrestrial manufacturing | Factor
"ability to manufacture replacement parts without needing to wait for deliveries from Earth"
Leon Reid IV 3D Print Poetry | MakerBot
" a way to bring his poetry into the physical world"
Article and Report: “3D Printing Goes Mainstream” | LJ INFOdocket
"Stratasys), as well as the ‘Ten Most Influential Executives’ in the 3D printing market"
3D Printing - Printing used to mean pictures and text on paper. | STEMJOBS
". So what should you make? Here’s a few ideas to get you started"
3D Printed Greyscale Photographs - Quite amazing | 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board
"Ghassaei has taken traditional greyscale photos, and modified each pixel based on its shade"
Karlie Kloss and her Epic 3D Printing Fashion Journey with Vogue | Shapeways
"3 dimensions, to print as is, or to modify and/or enhance"3D Printed Clay Art of Oliver Van Herpt |
"into account how hard it is to stop wet clay from collapsing in on itself"
3D printing goes medieval: print your own folly | 3D Genius
"to be able to print 50cm a day, but found he greatly exceeded that"
Additive Manufacturing/3D Printing | Society of Manufacturing Engineers
"future technology development, dovetailed with emerging applications across a industries."
3D printing - Low-poly crosses over into the real world | Kill Screen
"a new design tablet, a 3D print of their design, and more."
Industrial 3D Printing with Metal: State of the Art? |
"(if ever) metal additive manufacturing will be viable for high volume production."
Getting Started With 3D Model Creation for 3D Printing | 3D Printing Blog
"rewarding. Below are a few of the options we're familiar with." -
BLOGS & the WEB Saturday
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )3D Print Show 2014: Artist of the Year - Our Staff Picks | 3D Printing
".com provides you with a summary of this year’s work: our staff picks"
5 Million 3D Printed Reproduction of 18th Century St. Petersburg | 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board
"$5 million to create what is certainly the largest reproduction of a city ever"
History of 3D Printing - Take a tour through the history of 3D printing | Line Shape Space
"which corresponded to a cross-sectional slice in the model. Sound familiar?"
3Dprinting - News, information, links and fun things related to 3D |
"you upload your design, and they 3D print it and mail it to you"
New Mechanical Engineering Professor is Developing the Next Generation of 3D Printers |
"program and continuing through graduation and beyond, ECAP students become part of a family"
3D Printing Rescues Frank Lloyd Wright's Annie Pfeiffer Chapel |
"preserve this National Historic Landmark to the standards and original vision of its architect"What are the Main 3D Printing Technologies Available | 3D Printing Blog
"printer the ARM-10 as well as a new small-scale milling machine…"
3D printing – gimmick or game-changer? |
"media seized on possibilities the technology might provide for counterfeiting , producing weapons"
3Dprinting - What you did was awesome! Have you considered releasing |
"- What you did was awesome! Have you considered releasing | "
3D Printed Figures - Cool 3D Printed Figures & Toys @| Pinterest
"Found on "
3D printing! - 3D printing is a huge step in the art |
", 3D Systems and 3D Hubs, he created what is called ""[/color]
Artist Teams with 3D Systems, 3D Hubs to Create '3D Orchid Cloud' |
"3D Systems and 3D Hubs, he created what is called the “3D Orchid Cloud"
“Try This!” – Art Introduction Series: 3D Printing | The South Magazine
"introduced, with a focus on whatever software suits you best. Beginners welcome!" -
BLOGS & the WEB Sunday
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )3D Printing a Daft Punk Helmet | Hackaday · Matt Terndrup
"assuming you have access to a Taz 3D printer through your hackerspace or a friend"
Build A 3D Printed Wearable Daft Punk Helmet | MAKE · Krista Peryer
"pretty impressive—the designs for which can often be found for free online "
8 reasons why you need a 3D printer | The Kernel
"impressive—the designs for which can often be found for free online."
electron spins in 3D printed parts | 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board
"contain free radicals left over from the polymerisation process which would interfere "
3D Printing Will Revolutionize Sustainable Design Without Throwing Tea Into |
"How could yet another technological breakthrough do anything more than contribute to the problem?"Search - 3D Printing Forum for those interested in 3D Printers, | 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board
"which means that different meals could be printed for different soldiers and different needs. "
3D Printing - Pins about 3D Printing hand-picked by Pinner |
", or dice with your initials, you had to buy them in la..."
0 - This is a printable logo for the Portland 3D |
"Printing Lab logo"
3D printing - Tag Archives: 3D-Printed Art Comes to Campus All |
"questions like, how do you take data that’s not visual and make it visual"
Big In Ink - Printers | Facebook
"established company? Regardless of the size or age of a company stationary is..."
From Oreos To Nutella — The Latest 3D Printed Foods Are All 100% Edible | 3D Printing Magazine
"are also some commercial projects underway. Barilla, Hershey, and Mondelez International are "
Jenny Wu works with stratasys 3d printing to create dazzling jewelry with unique | Robotics Tomorrow
"fine and detailed pieces to be intertwined and produced within hours instead of months."" -
Printing Daily update News at 9:00 am:
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )September 6, 2014 NEWS
Supermodel Karlie Kloss And an Epic 3D Printing Fashion Journey |
"embarked on, not by the supermodel herself, but by 50 3D printed, miniature, Kloss"
3D-Printed Jewelry Breathes New Life Into 64-Year-Old American Pearl | International Business Times
"jewelry retailer American Pearl is now using the same process to create personally customized jewelry"
Incredible 26000 Piece, 16146 sqft 3D Printed Model of 18th Century St. Petersburg, Russia | 3DPrint
"located in a shopping center near the Admiralty Metro station in St. Pertersburg."
3D Printed Daft Punk Helmet: Plastic After All | Technabob (blog)
"visible through the visor. Don’t expect to see well while wearing it though"
Forget about the 3D printer, the wave of the future is digital fabrication | Treehugger
"that to be 3D printing; I debated this recently with one of my favourite commenters "September 7, 2014 NEWS
3D Printed Hands Just Got Better Thanks To These DIY Wolverine Claws | TechCrunch
"It was the hardest secret I've ever had to keep"
Don't Be Held Hostage At The Salon—3D Print Your Own UV Manicure Lamp |
"At allowing an individual to be a one-stop shop from start to finish"
Diamonds? Nah. Burning Man wedding ring holds a piece of the moon | CNET
"her face when she saw it and understood what it was said yes. As she posted to Facebook, "September 8, 2014 NEWS
3D Printed Wedding Ring Holds a Piece of The Moon at Burning Man Wedding |
"projects out of the ordinary, such as the jewelry design featured in this story"
3D Printed Moon Rock Wedding Ring - Burning Man - 3D Printing Forum - | 3D Print Board
"with both Sketchup and Maya tools, Johnstone worked with jewelers to create a 3D mesh"
Silver and 3D Printing: A New Source of Demand? | Silver Investing News
"Another — perhaps unexpected — arena in which silver is making waves is 3D printing"
A2 & New North Press' 3D-printed letterpress font Creative | Creative Review (blog)
"'chemiwood', the wire-frame font was 3D-printed by an architectural model maker"
Advanced Screening of Print The Legend – Today in SF Hosted By TechCrunch |
"documentary about two of the most interesting startup companies within the 3D printing space"
First-ever 3D printed Durga idol to debut this puja | Business Standard
"features in sculpting idols instead of the traditional, manually-crafted process using clay"
Dress created almost entirely with 3Doodler pen | CNET
"be printed exactly in the shape the dress would take when worn on the body"
Katya Leonovich Spring/Summer 2015 |NYU Washington Square News
"previous lines, her artistic background shone through her designs in a very characteristic way" -
BLOGS & the WEB Monday
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )Printearth is making the 3D printer revolution biodegradable | Connectedly
"biodegradable when discarded. This is the vision for Printearth"
Possible to print electronics? | Reddit
"that are capable of working with multiple materials in the same print"
3d printing solar panels made possible | AnonHQ
"Philippines, who have come up with a method to print solar panels every 15 seconds"
3D Printed Fashion X Iris van Herpen | ModeArte
"the fashion industry is only beginning to realize its 3D potential."3D Print - Pins about 3D Print hand-picked by Pinner | Pinterest
"3D Printing In Fashion ? |Jewelry - Daily Deals| jewelry design software"
3D printing: the future unlimited? | 2UE
"Expert Trevor Long on the possibilities in the future using 3D printing."
MBot 3D Printer - Welcome to MBot3D— Leading the next consumer product revolu | MBot 3D Printer
"The MBot printer, designed and manufactured by Magicfirm LLC, is one of the most affordable"
3d printing a case for my TTO razor for travel | Badger & Blade
"heal, change to a new blade, and try again. This time use very little pressure." -
BLOGS & the WEB Tuesday
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )Finally a solution to restart failed 3D Print Jobs (VIDEO) 3D Printing Event | 3D Printing Event
"students are planning to open source the project and have no plans to commercialize it"
First-ever 3D printed Durga idol to debut this puja | The News Minute
"idols instead of the traditional, manually-crafted process using clay"
3Dprinting - News, information, links and fun things related to 3D | Reddit
"your new Internet home. Be forewarned, time has been known to quicken in this realm"Can 3D printing really shape the future? Two innovators look ahead AnuPartha | AnuPartha
"printing system that he believes will one day spread the technology into an untapped market"
3D Printing and Armadillos | NewTek Discussions
"the slo-mo versions and an interesting fact about being hollow allows the spin."
3D print your own Daft Punk helmet | Bits & Pieces
"giants mixes two of our favorite things — wearable technology and 3D printing" -
Printing Daily update News at 9:00 am:
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )September 9, 2014 NEWS
ARC Group, Voxeljet, And Cimatron: A Diversified 3D Printing Combo | Seeking Alpha
"small and micro-cap 3D printing stocks that follow the aforementioned business models"
3D Printing Industry is on a Silver Streak |
"blowing away production methods and use of materials as we know it: 3D printing"Silver and 3D Printing: A New Source of Demand? |
"perhaps unexpected — arena in which silver is making waves is 3D printing"
3D Printed Emojis: A new source of carefree fun and a perfect gift idea for those who have | 3DPrint
"-present dilemma of what to buy for the man or woman who has everything"
Will 3D Printing Bring The Next Industrial Revolution? | Bidness ETC
"Industrial Revolution"September 10, 2014 NEWS
3D Printing the Royal Family: The Prince Charles Caricature, Grotesque & Unique |
"make a living drawing exaggerated features on random passers-by and famous celebrities"
3D Print Fashion Designer, Bitonti, Announces 3D Printed Shoe, 'Molecule' |
"who is turning heads with his inimitable art that creates beauty using industrial mediums"
3D printing hottest trends & new tech from the 3D Printshow 2014 in London | Digital Arts Online
"wonderful designs spanning art, fashion, architecture, product design and even toys"
3D Printing Extinct Animals: The Passenger Pigeon in the Age of Digital Zooarchaeology |
"habitat destruction and sport hunting had driven the animal from the face of the earth"
Earthquake! Man 3D Prints USGS Earthquake Data for Last Month's Napa Quake & it's Quite | 3DPrint
"is minimal, but other years it’s in the tens of thousands, if not higher"
London Design Team Creates a New 3D Printed Letterpress Font |
"font, which resembles a wire-framed construction, was printed on an architectural model maker."
3D printers are the next personal computer: Bre Pettis | Yahoo Canada Finance - Insight
"resembles a wire-framed construction, was printed on an architectural model maker"
Top 8 fashion tech trends: 3D printing, solar panels & hi-fi handbags Shiny Shiny | Shiny Shiny
"this beautiful gown from Cute Circuit which will literally guarantee you light up any ballroom"
The Third Industrial Revolution: how long until we manufacture everything ourselves? | TechRadar UK
"high-performance fabricators will enter the home in a more meaningful way, he believes."
Photos of the Day: Photogrammetry Creates Detailed 3D Models | Product Design & Development
"examples of products that began on CAD software and came to fruition as a result" -
BLOGS & the WEB Wednesday
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )How far 3D printing has come MADDENED FOWL | MADDENED FOWL · The Duck
"fired 50 successful rounds and hit a few bull’s eyes at over 30 yards"
Fantastic use of 3d printing – we need more of this! Life at the Feeding Edge | epredator
"help people see the 3d printing revolution and suddenly realise its potential."
3D printing: a driving force in design and engineering LiveLeak |
"about five perdent of 3D printed components including the brake ducts, air intake, dive planes"
Landmark and 3d Printing - Hello everyone, I hope to hit the devs with Sony | Sony
"tool (in my eyes) I was wondering if there is any possibility of exporting templates"
New 3D printer offers art students extraordinary creative experiences | Malone University
"County area to offer the groundbreaking new technology of the Makerbot 3D printer"
A 3D-printed microcapillary assembly for facile double emulsion generation RSC | RSC Publishing
"be robust in the controllable generation of both single and double emulsions at high generation"
Amphora May Revolutionize 3D Printed Plastics | Fabbaloo
"fact, leftover plastics, designed for other purposes that had nothing to do with 3D printing"If you can dream it, you can 3D Print it! ?resund | ?resund Startups
"enjoy creating jewelery or are just fascinated by the concept of 3D printing"
3D printers are the next personal computer Yahoo | Yahoo!
"printing has long been considered a novelty item for consumers and useful tool for architects"
3D Printing Luxury - 3D Printing Luxury. The button that Izzi and I Arielle | Arielle @ ITP
"the text on the button face was a great opportunity to learn more about Rhino"
The 1st Fully Assembled Paste/Food 3D Printer under $1000CAD | Kickstarter
"over-engineered to ensure that they will last for many years of constant printing"
Becoming3D Offers More Cost Efficient 3D Printing Solutions |FashInvest FashInvest
"servicing for businesses, which are not usually included in 3D printer purchases"
The Sky's the Limit for 3D Printing in the Supply Chain Stocks | 3D Printing Stocks
"these scenarios involves the traditional cost/service tradeoff of expedited" -
BLOGS & the WEB Thursday
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )3d printing - One of the technologies that really fascinates me is | Abduzeedo
"of creating real objects by printing them in 3D is something that blows my mind"
3DPRINTING Hashtag - 3DPrinting Network Manchester - |
"than the mobile phone, or computer. Hence the spelling, a new word with new meaning."
Borneo 3D Printing - Borneo 3D Printing, Sabah, Malaysia. 168 likes ? 3 | Facebook
"Printing Service"
This Dress Was Drawn Into Existence With a 3D-Printing Pen | iQ by Intel
"designers, making the dress’s intricate seashell design that much more impressive"
3D Printed Robotic Finger - Tinder-o-matic | 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board
"sparking a possible connection. This abuse is common, but can certainly be tiring on one"
3D Printing Flowers for a Cause | 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board
"their beauty, and at the same time teach them about the continued loss of flowers"3D Printed Shoes are a Step in the Right Direction | Yahoo Small Business
"give customers shoes that are custom made for them—in the store, on the spot"
Portland 3D Printing Lab Keychain | Thingiverse
"Lab Keychain"
3D Printing: Collapse of the manufacturer? | 3D Publishing Conference
"Third Industrial Revolution, a time when 3D printing becomes mainstream"
3D Printing - 3D Printing. 3D PRINTING. In 2013, Groupe Gorg? dove | Groupe Gorg?
"The company represents exceptional value with fundamentals I’ve never seen in a 3D printing"
Henry Segerman's 3D Printed Hilbert Curve | 3D Printer World
"dimensional geometry and topology—his areas of expertise—in sculptural form" -
Printing Daily update News at 9:00 am:
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )September 11, 2014 NEWS
Jewelry Rendered into 3D-Printed, Avant-Garde Architectural Line | PSFK
"use 3D printing to produce items, you haven’t likely seen anything like Lace"
Avoiding Extinction: Art Professor 3D Prints Flowers to Show What Exists Before it is Lost | 3DPrint
"money in order to help prevent the loss of various forms of life"
Here Is a 3D-Printed Earthquake | Gizmodo
"defined around Napa, smoothing out where the shaking was less intense"
3D-Printed Earthquake Data Visualizes The Impact Of Natural Disasters The Creators Project - | Vice
"data visualization to demonstrate how this quake compares to tectonic disasters of the past."
3D Printed Shoes are a Step in the Right Direction |
"3D Printed Shoes are a Step in the Right Direction |"Nine Astonishing Facts About 3D Printing | CIO Insight
"many CIOs are reexamining storage strategies and technologies"
Silver and 3D Printing: A New Source of Demand? | News
"perhaps unexpected — arena in which silver is making waves is 3D printing."
3D printers help cultivate next-generation engineers | Plant Engineering
"seeking solutions to the problem by holding numerous advocacy campaigns and events"
Sci-fi Concept Becomes Movie Prop reality in Less Than 2 Weeks |
"The prop not only had to look like a futuristic device, but function like one"
Advanced Engineering Show Guide 2013 guide – Guide to Presentations. 12-13 |
"show guide – Guide to Presentations. 12-13 November NEC, Birmingham"
3dFire & Bone returns with velociraptor, dire wolf skulls CNET | CNET
"advantage of exciting new technologies, including 3D scanning and 3D printing"
Fractal-like honeycombs take the strain |
"similar materials could be made on the nanoscale using carbon nanotubes"September 12, 2014 NEWS
Bradley Rothenberg Brings Unique 3D Printed Textiles to NY Fashion Week |
"as well as helped designer Katya Leonovich incorporate 3D printing into her SS15 line"
Incredible 3D Printed Faces For the Upcoming Stop Motion Film 'House of Monsters' |
"just surpassing their goal of $20,218, laying the framework for a future film."
The “Synapse Dress”: Intuitive 3D printed wearable body response dress by Anouk |
"end up with a product that is both fascinating and futuristic at the same time"
CHGT: Market Demand for Customization Boosts 3D Printing Sector | MarketWatch
"cnbc.comcompanies such as Staples, Home Depot and Amazon now embracing the technology"
CHGT: Market Demand for Customization Boosts 3D Printing Sector |
"personalize 3D printed products. We plan to meet the increasing demand for this technology"
This Exhibition Of 3D Printed Fashion Is The Art Lover's Answer To NYFW | Huffington Post
"that combines apparel worship with its friendly neighbors -- art and technology -- to hypnotic effects"
Here Is a 3D-Printed Earthquake | Gizmodo India
"The peaks are clearly defined around Napa, smoothing out where the shaking was less intense"
3D printing behind the scenes of The Zero Theorem | GrabCAD Blog
"look for experts in 3D printing and additive manufacturing, of course" -
BLOGS & the WEB Friday
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )3DxReplica â“ Custom Mandalorian Helmet #the countless LED projects your projects | adafruit
"forget the countless LED projects that are possible when you are modeling your projects in 3D!"
3D Printing: new contents, new formats | FI-WARE
"Avatar, Terminator or even The Muppets used a technique to create their character"
Iron Man HULKBUSTER Pt 11 #3DPrinting #3DThursday | Adafruit
"sculptures, so each Thursday we celebrate and highlight these bold pioneers"
Pi Top: 3D printed, Full Sized, Raspberry Pi Laptop | Make
"log they shared of trying to prototype their fully 3D printed laptop case"Bringing 3D Printing to the World via NYC | World to NYC
"already have an intern and our first full-time employee and are busy hiring"
Will 3D Printing Change the World? | Oregon Entrepreneurs Network
"3D Printing has an undeniably wide range of possibilities which could profoundly change our world"
3dprinting - It is obvious that 3D printing has a permanent | Buzz50
"Total on Buzz50 now 775 - Logged in members: 50 - Guests: 725"
WHOA! This Dress Was Made With a 3D Printing Pen | Brit + Co
"to fit perfectly, designers will only need to use a pen to construct clothing."
Visualizing earthquakes with 3D printing | Bits & Pieces -
"building cars and castles, a growing number of Makers are turning to AVR XMEGA, megaAVR"
3D Printers for Creative Professionals | Nick Lievendag
"list, but will also announce which printers I will be reviewing for you very soon!" -
BLOGS & the WEB Saturday
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )Chromat's Formula 15 Line Features 3D Printed Apparel | 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board
"just released their SS15 Formula 15 collection, and 4 of the pieces feature 3D printing"
This Artist Is 3D Printing Custom Puppet Prosthetics | The Creators Project - Vice
"equivalent of Gepetto the puppet-maker—by 3D printing limbs, joints, and various other apendages"Trying Out Differewnt Kinds of Tapes for 3D Printing On | 3D Printing Blog
"are going to share our findings as they might be useful to some of you"
Would You 3D-Print Your Engagement Ring? | Lucky Magazine
"no, you don't need to own your own high-tech printer to use it"Graphics Designer - Visualization Artist | 3D Printing Alliance
"development to final presentation with knowledge of 3D software for rendering and visualization."
Old Meets New: A 3D-Printed Typeface Used For Letterpress Printing | Design Taxi
"Design Festival's 'Graphic Weekend', that will be held on 13 September at the V&A Museum." -
BLOGS & the WEB Sunday
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )3D Printed Shoes: A Step in the Right Direction | The Project Avalon Community Forum · Skywizard
"jet engines, jawbones for humans, replacement parts for synthesizers, and much more"
3D printed textiles hit the runway at New York Fashion Week |
"while being at the forefront of this particular application of 3D printing"
AT-AT with Custom 3D Printed Lego Technic Pieces | Make
"AT-AT made with 3D printed Lego, which is what Taran Van Hemert did"3D Printing - 3D printers, printing, and a few 3D printed projects |
"affordable, small, lightweight, and unique. It's a 3D printer in a class all its own!"
3d printed - Pins about 3d printed hand-picked by Pinner | Pinterest
"Meet designer James Novak and his stunning 3D printed bike frame"
Companies and 3D-Printed Clothing: Will Under Armour Bring New Advancements? |
"3D printing even further in being able to print more clothing in the near future"
Can you 3D print a spring under tension? - Can you 3D print a spring so that when | The Naked Scientists
"be useful to have stored energy to draw on, right as the device finished printing"
Will we soon be buying 3D printed shoes | Unexplained Mysteries
"right and some shoes can never feel quite comfortable enough."
3D Printed Horse Jump Takes First Place at the Zoetis $1 Million Grand Prix | 3D Printing Magazine
"printed horse jump project, which had his team create and assemble it for the race"
3D Prints Tumbl- here is no denying that 3D printing is a disruptive | Tumbl
"jet engines, jawbones for humans, replacement parts for synthesizers, and much more"