3D Printed RC Car & Other Cars, Boats, or Rockets
Printed RC Car, Boats, Rockets and Other vehicle
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )Soon - Printing and Entrepreneurship - For Peppermint Energy, the upstart behind |NASA Tech Briefs
"prototyping with Fused Deposition Modeling helped them design a better product"
Printing in Space Is Still a Long Way Off | Vocativ
"takeoff for printed inventions in space is still a long way off"Made in Space, Autodesk Visionaries to Deliver Keynote printerworld.m | printerworld
"be led by keynote sessions from two industry visionaries on how printing technology "
Addresses at Printer World Expo Seattle | MarketWatch
"nference program will be led by keynote sessions from two industry visionaries "
Ge releases plans for -printed jet engine - Building a jet engine just takes | In the capital
" Printing in Space Is Still a Long Way Off"
Us army investigating printers for food production | Engineering.m
"what we can to make them suitable for both military and mmercial "
Cambridge mpanies to lead new government initiative, flying in a printed aeroplane | Cambridge news
"four projects, wings, engines, radio, and structures, including printing to produce"
Mti forges a new path in english racing with metal p | Engineering.m
"Making, Printing a Part of Egypt's Change "
Printing Prop Weapons / Replica Weapons | Prop Weapons op
"rubber sticks to it and you end up tearing your mold apart trying"
Why the NRC is Wrong About Printing in Space - The National Research uncil |Citizens In Space
"space missions by enabling on-orbit manufacturing of replacement parts"
printing - Doorley and Witthoft (2012 p.30) impress upon us that space is | CSU Thinkspace
"globe is so old it even shows the USSR!"
printed food? Army researchers are on it - By jane benson army.Mil. Natick, mass. — Army |Military1.m
"research team within the Combat Feeding Directorate, referred"
Us army to print food for soldiers - Posted on jul 22, 2014. The love affair between | printing news
"printable pizza, army researchers are investigating the possibility "
Us army is looking into printing food for soldiers | printing forum - print board
"different meals could be printed for different soldiers" -
Printed RC Car, Boats, Rockets and Other vehicle
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )NASA Helps 3D Printing Enthusiasts with Spacecraft & Planetary Models | 3D Printer · Sarah Boisvert
"NASA has stepped up to the plate and is providing .stl files "
3D Printing in Space? Don't Get Too Excited, Warn Researchers | Inside3DP
"manufacturing in space and the limitations"
Boeing's 3D Printed 787-9 Dreamliner Wows at Airshow | Inside3DP
"3D printing took a front seat and was brought to the attention of attendees "
New 3D Printing Materials for Boats Good for the Environment | Inside3DP
"sustain a single person on top of a body of water"NASA releases 3D Printable Models of Asteroids, Moon Surfaces, Spacecraft & More | 3DPrint.com
"Some of the interesting models that have been made available include the asteroid "
A few ways 3D printing is about to transform the Army | Defense Systems
"clothing manufacturing and ordnance production. In some areas, the changes have already "
Choo Choo! Man in England 3D Prints Model Train Sets and They Are Incredible | 3DPrint.com
"you know, 3D printing allows for customization, down to the minute details"NASA Releases Models of Asteroids and Moon Surfaces to 3D Print | Headlines & Global News
"original model and converting it directly to .stl format,” explained NASA"
GE Aviation, Lockheed & Optomec Star in Metal 3D Printing Project | Design News
"now the subject of a $4 million Optomec-headed America Makes project for the Air Force"
Thanks to NASA, you can 3D print your own asteroids and satellites | Engadget
"3D models, textures and visualizations for further three-dimensional experimentation"
NASA offers 3D printable versions of Mars Gale Crater, spacecraft, among | The Space Reporter
"NASA took further strides to make other objects available for close-up "
US Army Looks Into 3D Printing Food #3DThursday | adafruit industries blog · Noe Ruiz
"Stationing thousands of troops in far-flung corners of the world is a logistical feat"
BMW Introduces a 3D Printed Eco-Friendly Car | Adafruit
"striking thing is that this car uses lots of degradable materials"Tempering hype around 3D printing in space - In a new report on 3D Printing | Boing Boing
"Mitsubishi turned to 3D printing technology, which is already been used to produce rocket "
Tempering hype around 3D printing in space | Boing Boing BBS
"But 3D printed space pizza is still in the works"
US Army exploring 3D printed food - The US Army is looking into potential applications | 3diot
"striking thing is that this car uses lots of degradable materials"
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Begins 3D Printing Rocket Components | 3dprinterplans.info
"Mitsubishi turned to 3D printing technology, which is already been used" -
Printed RC Car, Boats, Rockets and Other vehicle
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )The Army Wants to 3D Print Warheads | 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board
"future missiles may have 3D printed warheads attached to them, which can hold larger payloads"
The Army is 3D printing warheads - The Army is 3D printing warheads - posted in | Future Timeline
"be angry with the right person to the right degree at the right time and for the right purpose"
US Army Looks to 3D Print Warheads - There are so many amazing uses for 3D printing | Phantom Report
"can be seen in a negative light. From intellectual property theft"
US Army Looks to 3D Print Warheads – 3DPrint.com | 3D Printing Magazine
" we have covered several stories related to the increased research going on by the U.S. Army"
The Army Is 3D Printing Warheads | Motherboard
"been developing its 3D printing capabilities for some time now"
US Army wants to 3D print food in the field | Geek
"hopes of providing as many quality 3D printed prosthetic hands and arms, to as many children possibly"
GKN Aerospace to research n3D printing in the UK | Metal Powder Report
"ratio of the part by reducing cost in time and material wastage associated "
Stratasys Q2 Results, Conf Call on Aug 7, 8:30AM ET | Ten Links
"550 granted additive manufacturing patents globally, received more than 25 awards for its technology"
3D Printing Titanium Bicycles: The mainstreaming of additive manufacturing in bicycle | 3DPrint.com
"bicycle components was a significant reduction in the amount of material required"US Army Looks to 3D Print Warheads | 3DPrint.com
"A warhead which may consist of 100 highly complex parts could potentially be 3D printed"
Cyberpunk - The Army Is 3D Printing Warheads (motherboard.vice.com). submitted 2 hours ago | Reddit
"army is looking to use 3D printing to make the world a more dangerous place in at least"
NASA Lets People Create 3D Printed Models Of Asteroids, Satellites | NextPowerUp
"a lot smaller than the real-life things they are based upon"
NASA Releases Files So We Can 3D Print Space Stuff | Shelly Palmer
"probe created by scaling the original craft and converting directly to STL"
The Army Is 3D Printing Warheads | Slashdot
"taking that technology to the next level "
Podcast The Future of 3D Printing in Space - Jason Dunn, CTO of Made in Space, discusses | ASME
"students to come up with ideas for what the first object to be 3D printed in space should be"
3D Printing for Repairing Aerospace Parts | Rapid Ready Technology
"metal printing technology to develop a cost-effective approach to replace welding " -
Printed RC Car, Boats, Rockets and Other vehicle
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )Weapons of mass production: The US Army plans to use 3D printers to make warheads | Daily Mail
"integrating components together to add capabilities at reduced total life cycle costs"
3D Printed Sports Drone Ready for Take-off | Computer Graphics World
"particular interest to recreational participants of freestyle BMX, motocross "
NASA Urged to Accelerate 3D Printing on Space Station | Space.com
"stressed that the agency should organize its various centers "
3D printed flight-critical aerospace components go into production | Printed Electronics World
"fuel nozzles are 25% lighter, last five times longer than their predecessors"
NASA breakthrough improves 3D printing in space | Network World
"which sought a better method for utilizing parts made of different materials"
Human Powered Submarine Requires 3D Printed Propeller | 3DPrint.com
"having difficulty with the conversion of a point cloud file to one that they could use to direct"
The Army Wants To 3D-Print Bombs | Business Insider
"U.S. Army wants to turn this innovation to far more destructive ends"A 3D Printed Brushless Motor - brushless Building electronics with 3D printers is something | Hackaday
"stator are a trio of hall effect sensors to make the control via an Arduino "
US Army Wants to 3D Print Warheads | 3D Printing
"Despite the skepticism from Motherboard, the army hopes to one day be able to 3D print warheads"
3D Printing Drones Inspired By Swiflets #Biomimicry | Adafruit
"day such drones might work together to help remove waste from nuclear sites "
Local Motors Will Soon Be 3D Printing Furniture | 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board
"begin production on these 3D printed kiosks next month." -
Printed RC Car, Boats, Rockets and Other vehicle
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )The US Army wants to use 3D printers to make warheads | 3DP4E
"injured soldiers recover from the wounds of war"
What might the US Army use 3D printing for? Everything | Yahoo Finance
"military branch is currently researching 3D printing the following:"
Magentic-powered nanobulldozers – Magnebotix and 3d printed object | 3D Printer World
"especially interesting in bioengineering, where cellular structures need to be manipulated"
3D Printing Gradient Alloy Spacecraft Parts - 3D Printing Gradient Alloy | Before It's News
"We think it’s going to change materials research in the future"
Army Considering 3D-Printed Warheads - Army Considering 3D-Printed | Real Clear Technology
"the future, the U.S. Army wants to turn this innovation "
Army Technology magazine releases a Focus on 3D Printing issue | 3D Printing News
"bioprinting skin cells for wounded soldiers to clothing, composites, food "
3D Printing Gradient Alloy Spacecraft Parts redorbit.com | RedOrbit
="5implementing a printing process that transitions from one metal"Amazing 3D Printed Gears - 3D Printing Techniques | Dailymotion
"Amazing 3D Printed Gears - 3D Printing Techniques"
US Army Looks to 3D Print Warheads | Phantom Report stratagem
"Army is also working on something which could kill more people, faster"
Bringing Back a Retro-Direct Drive for your Bike with 3D Printing | 3D Printing Industry
"of bike drive system became unnecessary once more modern gear "
3D Printing: For The Army, The Doctor And The Consumer - The United States Army | Fast Horse
"less food waste, lighter loads to carry "
3D Printed DC Motor - A Brushless Direct Current (BLDC) motor was designed and 3D | Instructable
"All parts of the motor, excluding magnets, solenoid wrapping wire"
How 3D printing will change travel | BBC News
"example, when you could simply print out what you need once you’ve arrived" -
Printed RC Car, Boats, Rockets and Other vehicle
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )Weapons of mass production: US Army making warheads with 3D printing | theeventchronicle.com
"Army is planning to use them to print sophisticated warhead components "
Video: Sciaky to Sell Its Huge Metals 3D Printers | Design News
"the military and Tier 1 contractors, including DARPA, the US Air Force, Lockheed, and Boeing"
NASA's JPL develops multi-metal 3D printing process | Design ENGINEERING
"3D printing technique that allows for print jobs to transition from one metal to another "
ISS Lifespan is Short, We Must 3D Print in Space Now Says UNRC | Inside3DP
"3D printing technique that allows for print jobs to transition from one metal to another"
How Do You Drive a Human Powered Sub? With a 3D Printed Propellor | ENGINEERING.com3-D firms pitch business plans during GigTank's Demo Day in Chattanooga | Chattanooga Times
"reducing production time and cost by 'printing' tools, engine parts or even entire spacecraft
Materials set to shape the future of 3D printing | ZDNet
"from furniture designers and artists to aerospace engineers and the military."
SpaceX Reveals That They 3D Printed One of The Main Oxidizer Valves in January's 3DPrint.com
"new SuperDraco Thrusters which will be used to control their recently unveiled Dragon Version 2"
Winner of 3D-Printed Car Challenge Announced | Modern Machine Shop
"awards for design or technology that may influence the final produced vehicle"
Army looks at 3D printing warheads | Republic Broadcasting Network · RBN
"Army is working on a project to “print” warheads, modernizing the manufacturing process "
Flying Machine Sharpens 3D Printing, Offers F-One-HD with Invisible Titanium Lugs | Bike Rumor
"the design also allowed for frame with fully custom geometry to be created with super short"
NASA's JPL Develops Multi-Metal 3D Printing Process | Slashdot
"but NASA is long past the Mercury project "
3D Printer Technician - Check out our BIZZpage to learn more about Formlabs! | 3D Printing Alliance
"cleaning a mirror, and sometimes it means getting deep into every motor, mirror, nut and bolt "
3D printing a working DC motor | Bits & Pieces from the Embedded Design World - WordPress.com3Dprinting - And that, dear friends, is why 3D printing is primarily classified | Reddit
"very dense, they actually use this wood as naval bearing due to its density and high oil"
Metrology and 3D Printing Propel Project | Desktop Engineering
"producing a propeller for a submarine that is designed and built by students"
US Army bets on 3D printing for maxillofacial reconstruction | SmartBoneBlog
"trained surgeons to have a perfect and more accurate look of the defects and prepare for surgery"
3D printer drones will take to skies by 2040 | Bits & Pieces - WordPress.com
"able to manufacture a fleet of smaller, purpose-built vehicles depending on a particular situation"
push-button and LED light that both fit flush with the lid and are operational.4. | Airwolf 3d
"along with a push-button and LED light that both fit flush with the lid and are operational."
3D Printing Drones Inspired By Swiflets #Biomimicry | adafruit industries blog · Rebecca Houlihan
"drones might work together to help remove waste from nuclear "
NASA Urged to Accelerate 3D Printing on Space Station | 3D Printing Review
"stressed that the agency should organize its various centers to identify priority projects"
The outlook for 3D printing in aerospace and defence | Defence IQ
"process of creating a 3D object by adding layers of material has been around since the 1980s "
3D Printing Article Summaries - 3D Printing Article Summaries. Patented Additive | Ice Miller
"allows the manufacturer to create unique patterns that are physically uncloneable"
Terminator Was Not Open-source: How 3D printing and DIY drone community are | DIY Drones
"send ripple effects through to other groups and corporations"
SpaceX Has Been Secretly 3D Printing Part of Its Rocket | 3dprintingmagazine.net
"key parts of a rocket launched " -
Printed RC Car, Boats, Rockets and Other vehicle
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )3D Printing in Space - Among the technological advances that will make these dreams | EE Times
"significantly reducing production time and cost by 'printing' tools, engine parts"
3D Printing Manufacturer Stratasys' Own NASCAR Nationwide Car Set to Race Tomorrow | 3DPrint.com
"Speedway at 8:00 PM ET, driver Elliott Sadler, will be driving a car that is sponsored"
3D printers could revolutionize how the US military feeds its soldiers | Quartz
" working to develop 3D food printers that are customized for the rigors of areas of military "
US Army to use 3D printing for food, bombs, everything | The Independent
"federally funded tech initiatives, have put the organisation at the cutting edge"
Manipal Institute of Technology students launch 3D chocolate printer | Times of India
"pizza for astronauts pioneered by Indian-origin engineer Anjan Contractor who used crust"
3D Printed Drones - from the Skies to the Seas | Inside3DP
" A propeller-powered drone that carries its own 3D printer demonstrated"NASA's JPL develops multi metal 3D printing process | SteelGuru
"densely bonded layers can then be used to either build or repair metal "
3D Printing Car Wars Minis - So I've been working on getting the Combat Garage to export | Forums
" asking around, my next step is probably Shapeways or something"
3d Printing goes NASCAR - Stratasys gets Sporty | HotStockMarket
"driver Elliott Sadler, will be driving a car that is sponsored by Stratasy"
SpaceX Launches 3D-Printed Part to Space | Unexplained Mysteries
"additive manufacturing can do in the 21st century, ultimately making the Falcon 9 rocket"
3D Printing skin, food, armor, and other supplies for the military |Reddit
"developing nations to supply medicine, cloths, and food as needed"
Future US soldiers may wear 3D printed clothing and wearable sensors | 3Ders.org
"your body needs to flex. That could be really exciting because that is hard to accomplish"
NASA, SpaceX adapting 3D-printing for space exploration | RT
"Penn State University, have built the first real-life composite part – a mirror mount made "
3D Printing in the Automotive Industry | Inside3DP
"3D printing is an ideal technology for testing and prototyping these parts"
Stratasys, Joe Gibbs Racing Debut NASCAR Racer | ENGINEERING.com
"Toyota — driven by Elliott Sadler and fielded by Joe Gibbs Racing(JGR). "
SpaceX Just Successfully Launched a Rocket with a 3D Printed Part | 3D Printing Industry
"successfully with high pressure liquid oxygen, under cryogenic temperatures"NASA, SpaceX Adapting 3D-Printing For Space Exploration – 4 August 2014 | - WordPress.com
="6^SpaceX announced it actually used a 3D-printed part in a rocket launched in January"
US Army to use 3D printing for food, bombs, everything | National Headlines
="6^Development and Engineering Centre are investigating the 3D applications of food processing -
Printed RC Car, Boats, Rockets and Other vehicle
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )US Army to 3D Print Synthetic Human Skulls in Order to Create Better Protective Gear | 3DPrint.com
"they hope to be able to create enhanced military helmet pads, shells "
3D Printing Will Soon Give Soldiers Custom Meals, Weapons, And Help Heal Wounds | Elite Daily
"expand the menu but also to provide more of the necessary nutrients"
3D Printing Advancing Auto Industry | Ratchet+Wrench
"automobile industry has been on the cutting edge of the trend"
3D Printing – Aircraft Production will be Revolutionized | Cargo Forwarder Global
"taking a closer look behind the curtains of the huge Airbus"
SpaceX Will Use 3D-Printed Parts for Manned Dragon Missions | American Institute
"develop rocket engines, for low-cost launch vehicles for carrying small satellites"3D Printing Space With the continuing spread and increased availability of | Rapid Ready Technology
"models online, copyright free, and intends to grow the collection"
This 3D Printing Innovation is Out of This World, Literally! | Inventionland
"International Space Station (ISS), which has around six to 10 years of operational"
3D Printing Advancing Auto Industry - 4, 2014—In today's increasingly technological | FenderBender
"automobile companies are among the heaviest users of the printing technology"
ARL to print 3D skulls to study the effects of shockwaves | Defense Systems
"effects of shockwaves on the human brain, as part of an effort to find the best materials"
3D printer maker Solidoodle says it's all come down to this: Version 5 | New York Business Journal
"the valve operating successfully with high pressure liquid oxygen, under cryogenic temperatures"
SpaceX Launches 3D Printed Parts to Space | ENGINEERING.com
"affords them great flexibility when it comes to printing varied meals—adding some additional"
U.S. Army Now Exploring 3D Bioprinting to Treat Injured Soldiers | Inside3DP
"3D bio printing, and treating injured soldiers."
Making a bicycle gear shifter | One Big Fluke · Brett Slatkin
"grateful for all of their effort on the project. I've just been along for the ride"
Portland Firm Draws Huge Crowd with City Bike 3D Printed in Titanium | 3D Printing Industry
"concept bike with most of its parts 3D printed in titanium, to make it lighter, tougher"
3D Printed Training Landmines - Campaign for a 3D Printed Furniture Business | 3D Printing Stocks
"A company called EOD Life has created 3D printed landmines that are used in military training"
US Army Uses 3D Printed Landmines for Training | Beyond Windows 9
"Portal to the Future"
SpaceX revealed they launched Falcon 9 rocket with a 3D-printed main oxidizer valve | 3Ders.org
"successfully with high pressure liquid oxygen, under cryogenic temperatures and high vibration."3D Printed Landmines are Built for Military Training | 3DPrint.com
"endpoint of the last run is in space and what still needs to be done" -
Printed RC Car, Boats, Rockets and Other vehicle
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )The US Army wants to replace gross rations with 3D-printed food | The Verge
"would print what you want and eliminate wasted food"
3D Printer World Expo Seattle to Feature First 3D Printer Headed to Space | 3D Printer World
" chance to have their own idea printed in space"
ANALYSIS: GE ponders 3D printing for GE9X turbine blade | Flightglobal
" only available to registered Flightglobal"
US Army to Replace Soldier Meals with 3D-Printed Food | Latino Post
" 3D printer technology to provide ready-made meals "
US military developing Star Trek-like 3D food printer to improve awful MRE rations | ExtremeTech
" be non-perishable, compact, nutritious, and lightweight"Military May 3D Print its Grub | PSFK
"investigating another wartime use for the technology"
Christopher Kenessey Print It and They Shall Come 3D Printing's Growing Influence | Huffington Post
"investing heavily in researching the technology to give astronauts easy access "
Sciaky Inc provides 3D printing to aerospace giant | Metal Powder Report
"a major aerospace parts maker to provide an electron beam additive manufacturing (EBAM) system"
Sciaky Makes First Official Sale of Giant Metal 3D Printer | D2P News
"with aerospace manufacturers, such as Boeing and Lockheed Martin"
NASA to 3D Print An Entire Space Telescope, Minus the Lenses | 3DPrint.com
"optical mounts, outer tube and baffles 3D printed, all respectively in one piece"NASA Engineer Set to Complete First 3D Printed Space Cameras - Product Designt | Laser Focus world
" first imaging telescopes to be created almost completely out "
NASA is 3D Printing Multiple Metals Simultaneously with New Radiant Deposit | 3D Printing Industry
"introducing the possibility to laser melt three dimensional components formed"
NASA will 3D Print Almost An Entire Imaging Telescope | 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board
"the parts they replace 20-40 pieces with just 4 3D printed pieces"
NASA plans to 3D print an entire telescope | Bits & Pieces - WordPress.com
" equipped with mirrors and glass lenses"Foam-squirting quadcopter becomes a flying 3D printer | Rotor Drone
" those chemicals mix together as they pass through its extrusion nozzle, a chemical reaction "
Infographic: 3D Printing in Space | The National Academies Press
" graphic summarizes the possibilities"
NASA Engineer Set to Complete First 3D Printed Space Cameras | Wireless Design & Development
"imaging instrument that technologist Jason Budinoff is manufacturing "
The Army's 3D-Printed Food Will Give Soldiers Personalized Meals | Prison Planet.com · admin
"Army-supplied Meals, Ready to Eat, but MREs are usually pretty unappetizing and limited to 24"
3D Printing – Build it with ADD LAB | Aaltoes · elli
"“A few ideas actually had great potential with further development"
Lockheed Launches 3D Printing into Space | ASME
" reduce manufacturing costs and improve operational excellence throughout the entire lifecycle "
The Army Wants to Use 3D Printing to Personalize Soldiers' Food | Shelly Palmer
"food served to Army personnel needs to be unspoiled," -
Printed RC Car, Boats, Rockets and Other vehicle
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )ScanSource Created 5mm Tall Miniatures on 3D Systems Printers | 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board
"navy men decided to give it a try themselves on their 3D systems 3D printer."
3D printed lunar models - 3D printed lunar models - posted in The Astro Lounge: | Stargazers Lounge
" remember and store information about how you use it. "
MTI 3D Prints using Niobium Based Alloy - Uses Within Aerospace Industry | 3D Printing Forum
" uses of the alloy include parts which need to stand up to extreme temperatures"
US Army to 3D print synthetic skulls to create new 'brain' | 3Ders.org
" Army Research Laboratory scientists are using different approaches to study the impact"
SURFLANT Empowers Deckplate Leaders at 3D Printing Symposium | U.S. Navy
"further enhances the leadership opportunities of our Sailors"
The New World Order: An Open-Source Civilization Of 3D-Printed Medicines | The Dollar Vigilante
" authoritorian precedence over nation-states, creating effectively a global government"US Army's 3D Printed Clothing Could Increase Flexibility and Mobility | Inside 3D Printing
"clothing, chem-bio protection, body-armor systems, gloves, hats, helmet covers "
Military Use of 3D Printing | 3D Printing Plan
"August 2014 issue of Army Technology’s focus is 3D printing"
Niobium Based Alloy, C-103, Commonly Used for Aerospace Applications, is Successful| 3DPrint.com
"all over the new method of digital fabrication, called 3D printing"
First-ever 3D-printed space telescopes nearing completion | 3D Printing Plan
"aerospace engineer Jason Budinoff is working on the first"
US Army Wants to 3D Print Uniforms 3dprinting.com | 3D Printing
" printing will play a major role in the production of those "SpaceX is re-inventing space travel, 3D printing is playing a role | Portabee 3D Printer
"Gulf of Mexico and just a couple miles north of the U.S.-Mexico borde"
Space.com - The future of space travel requires new technologies and | Facebook
" additive manufacturing, more commonly known as 3D printing," -
Printed RC Car, Boats, Rockets and Other vehicle
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )Soon, world's first 3D-printed space camera | Hindustan Times
"an aerospace engineer at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Centre in Maryland "
NASA To Build 3D-Printed Space Cameras | Yahoo News
" something entirely from 3D printed components"
NASA Is Building the World's First 3D-Printed Space Cameras | Yahoo News
" first to attempt to build an entire instrument with 3-D printing"
U.S. Army Developing 3D Printed Clothing for Soldiers | Inside3DP
"body-armor systems, gloves, hats, helmet covers and experimental garments "
NASA to build 3D printed telescope | Eureka
"the first space cameras made almost entirely out of 3D-printed stuff"
Titan: American Built – New Reality TV Series to Feature 3D Printing | 3DPrint.com
" behavior caught on camera. Gilroy described his hopes for the show’s message"Beverly Public Library gets 3D printer | Wicked Local Beverly
"antique car part replicas and even prosthetic hands for just a few dollars"
EOD Life is 3D Printing Functional Land Mine Replicas | 3D Printing Industry
" company intends to sell for training purposes, or simply as keepsakes"
NASA engineer is builidng first 3D printed space cameras | 3Ders.org
"first space cameras made almost entirely out of 3D-printed "
Titan: American Built - Reality TV Series to Feature 3D Printing | 3D Printing Forum
"bright future make him a particularly interesting type of hero"
US Army Developing New FALCom 3D Printing of Composites for On-the-Field | 3D Printing Industry
"human skull – the finished product looks quite amazing!"
AMRC uses 3D printing to prototype new small-sized drone | SolidSmack
" YouTube to see how many find it a credible UFO sighting" -
Printed RC Car, Boats, Rockets and Other vehicle
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )AirEnergy3D's Omni3D Seeks Funding For 3D Printable Wind Turbines | 3DPrint.com
"concept and has turned to Kickstarter to request the funding necessary to finalize initiate production"AirEnergy Is An Upgradable Wind Turbine You Can Keep In A Backpack | TechCrunch
"even add new turbine blades by printing them on your standard 3D printer"
Robot 'Army' Can Swarm into 3D Formations | Yahoo News
"infrared lights and vibration motors to swarm together like insects"
This 3D Printed Bike Tells You Where to Go | 3D Printing
"Portland-based studio came up with a very interesting bike"Innovation Insights - When NASA's Juno satellite blasted off for Jupiter, the | Wired
"final assembly represented just one small step toward manufacturer."
Burloak To Expand Their 3D Printing Operations In Canada - America Has Been| 3D Printing Forum
"Burloak Engineered Solutions has a plan to invest $11.5 million into a large scale center"
Nasa Building World's First 3D-printed Space Cameras - Nasa Engineer Hopes To One Day | Cbs Tampa
" physical photos from the Hubble Space Telescope"
3D Printing Makes Its Move Into Production | Computerworld
" Other businesses are adopting 3D printing in production, too"
3D Printing Makes Its Move Into Production | Cfoworld
"aerospace firm's manufacturing processes here on earth. "
At Ford Racing, 3-D Printing Offers Speed Edge | Computerworld (Blog)
" form aluminum intake manifolds for the NASCAR "
Fab By Example Software Makes Creation Of Large Complicated 3D Models A Cinch | 3Dprint.com
" where to even start with computer aided design"
Av-8b harrier aircraft landing gear is repaired with 3d printing after incredible | 3Dprint.Com
"orefront of 3D printing, among other U.S. Military branches"Manufacturing aerospace components with laser-based 3d printing | Engineering.Com
"temperature to a level suitable for the turbine inlet"
From saws to 3d printers, 'maker' spaces offer diy experiences | Ocregister
"their own craftsmanship instead of outsourcing the labor"
Much more on the driverless car-3d printing connection bizjournals.com| New york business journal
"organ transplant market of a key supply chain, thereby creating a demand for the tech"
Nasa engineer developing 3d printed space cameras | Vision systems design
"works at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland"
If driverless cars save lives, where will we get organs? | Fortune
"for a surprising connection between two futuristic technologies"
Makerbot and nasa/jet propulsion lab announce thingiverse mars base challenge win | Marketwatch
"3D Printed on MakerBot Replicator 3D PrintersShowcase Possible Human Homes on Mars"
Man Creates Flying Hexacopter Drone With 3Doodler 3D Printing Pen | 3DPrint.com
"Both of these designs were incredibly unique and awe inspiring"
How a 3D-Printed Wind Turbine Could Power Your Gadgets | Gizmodo
"more than enough to power laptops, smartphones, and other gadgets" -
Printed RC Car, Boats, Rockets and Other vehicle
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )Why Driverless Cars Will Propel 3D Printed Organs: Further Insight | Inside3DP
"general direction researchers are heading in but so far it seems there’s a long way to go"
MakerBot chief believes self-driving cars will spur a need for 3D-printed organs | Engadget
"more that hospitals have to be ready for possible shortfalls in natural "
3D Printing Takes Flight in Aerospace & Defense | The Experts - Wall Street Journal
"which may have a dramatic impact on the supply chain."
3Doodler 3D Printed Hexacopter Drone | 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board
"A 3Doodler printed hexacopter that actually flies, and flies quite well"
3D-printed wind turbine puts 300W of power in your backpack | The Crowdfund Network
"other developing regions create their own reliable, renewable power sources"Kiehl's Wants to Send Your Face to Space with 3D Printing | 3D Printing Industry
"more involvement from the public with a second weather balloon stunt"
Register Now: Modern Scientific Advances and Innovations: A Focus | Special Libraries Association
"hot topics in science, engineering and technology, specifically:"
Alpha 3D Printing - The latest from Alpha 3D Printing (@3DAlpha_Imaging). 3D Printing | Twitter
"Delighting and fascinating the crew at the @TODAYshow with the possibilities"
A New Take on Customizable Bicycles | 3D Printing Review
"explore and exploit the potential of 3D printing in customized sports equipment."
Us military repairs av-8b harrier aircraft landing gear with 3d printing | 3D printing forum
"they utilized 3D printing to create the tools needed for the repair"
Create free energy with airenergy3d, a 3d printed, upgradable wind turbine | 3Ders.Org
"can fit in backpack and take camping or set up on your roof or balcony"
Aerojet rocketdyne lands defense contract for large scale 3d printers | 3Dprint.Com
"complex shapes with very specific hardness and heat tolerances"
Perojet rocketdyne wins rocket engine 3d printing contract - | law360 (subscription)
"eventually bring the film to tens of millions of households worldwide."
Aerojet rocketdyne lands 3d printing defense contract (gy) | Seeking alpha (registration)
"printing extremely important components for rocket engines, and ar-1 even the engines themselves"
Makerbot and nasa/jet propulsion lab announce thingiverse mars base challenge | robotics tomorrow
"knowledge and experience to help select the final three winners. "
Ge electron gun builds jet engines | Engineering.Com
"than four times thicker than those used by laser-powered 3D printers."
Nissan motorsports uses 3d printing to manufacture race car parts | Australian manufacturing
"manufacture parts which are currently on their v8 super cars"Aerojet rocketdyne awarded contract for large scale 3d printing | 3D printing industry
"redesign large, traditionally manufactured components to be fit for 3D printing"
Joe gibbs racing debuts stratasys 3d printing in nascar | Cimetrix blog
"development process, totally changing the way we go about manufacturing."Behind the scenes of ford's 3d printing facilities | Advanced manufacturing insight
"development of the engine for the 2015 Mustang" -
Printed RC Car, Boats, Rockets and Other vehicle
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )This 3d-printed mobile wind turbine could end up paying for your 3d printer | Yahoo finance
"AirEnergy 3D could recoup far more than the cost of a printer"
Electron Gun Builds Jet Engines | Product Design & Development
"four times thicker than those used by laser-powered 3D printers"
MakerBot, NASA JPL Name Mars Challenge Winners | PCBDesign007
"3D design community for discovering, printing, and sharing 3D models"
US Navy Repairs Wounded Harrier with 3DP Parts | ENGINEERING.com
"Carolina, are using high-tech resources like 3-D printing to repair aircraft and quickly return"
NASA Launches Free 3D-Printable Models of Spacecrafts, Asteroids and Probes | PSFK
"build your own space craft, probe, asteroid or planetary landscape."
Nissan Motorsports is Using 3D Printing to Manufacture Actual Parts on Their Race Cars | 3DPrint.com
" they had plans to expand the uses of the technology in the near future "GE Uses Breakthrough New Electron Gun For 3D Printing – 10X's More Powerful Than Laser | 3DPrint.com
" Boeing’s new 777X passenger aircraft, set to begin production in 2017"
3D Printing for Aerospace and Defense: Obstacles and Opportunities | Inside3DP
" doubt the influence is there, and yet it doesn’t seem to have met its full potential"
This 3D-printed mobile wind turbine could end up paying for your 3D printer | Gigaom · Kevin C. Tofel
" A portable wind turbine that you create by printing many of the parts with a 3D printer"
AirEnergy3D's 3D printed portable wind turbine provides up to 300W | HEXUS.net Latest Content
"anywhere else that there is a breeze and no access to the electricity grid"
Nissan Motorsports (NISMO) Using 3D Printing For Actual Race Car Parts | 3D Printing Forum
"printing to build prototypes and manufacture parts for their V8 supercars"
US Navy 3D Prints Repairs for Damaged Harrier Plane on the Bataan | 3D Printing Stocks
"3D printing to repair the nose gear of an onboard AV-8B Harrier plane after… View Article"
3D Printing in the Automotive Industry – Inside3DP | Street n Trail Magazine
"engineering involved and due to the sheer number of parts"
Five ways 3D printing will impact B2C brands - This looks set to change with new 3D | 3DConnects
"overwhelming manner. I’m talking, of course, about 3D printing."
Nissan Motorsports uses 3D printing to manufacture V8 supercar parts | 3Ders.org
"systems on several of their V8 race cars. More details on this story can be found here^" -
Printed RC Car, Boats, Rockets and Other vehicle
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )Nissan motorsports using 3d-printing for end-use parts on race cars | Inside 3d printing
"plans to expand the uses of the technology in the near future"
SpaceX Falcon 9 flew with 3D-printed component | The Space Reporter
"the confidence to allow 3D-printed MOV’s to be used interchangeably with traditional cast "
SpaceX Taking 3D Printing to the Final Frontier | Space.com
"the final frontier with an innovative technology: 3D printing"
3D Printing for Aerospace & Aviation: Current Developments | Inside3DP
"drives growth for companies like Boeing, GE, Airbus & Rolls Royce"
Boat Part 9, 3D printing an electric propeller and outboard motor mounts | YouTube
"3D printing a propeller and motor mounts. Check out the follow up video for testing"
Opel's Virtual Engineering Team Exploits 3D Printing | GM Authority (blog)
"being used at Eisenach for the Adam and the new Adam Rocks"
A 3D Printed Bike Made From Solid Titanium | Highsnobiety · Alexander Gwilliam
"3D printer, are being used at Eisenach for the Adam and the new Adam Rocks"
The Implications of 3D Printing in Outer Space: 'Emerging Tech Roundup' | Blue Hill Research
"outer space. The two discuss opportunities for future space launches, science, and exploration"
NASA Starts Building World's First 3D Printed Space Cameras | SLR Lounge
"could print the structure without having to assemble or worry about all those tiny pieces?"
Aerojet Rocketdyne Awarded Large-Scale 3D Printing Defense Contract to Develop | America Space
"will design and develop larger scale parts to be converted from conventional manufacturing"
3D printing the future of Mars habitats | Tech Times
"are usually introduced, which planners are able to implement, and test during simulated"
3D Systems is Working With Marine Corps on a WarGame Involving 3D Printing & Scann | 3DPrint
"- Exercise showcases critical applications of 3D scanning and printing for defense and rapid response"
Photo Release -- 3D Systems' Digital Thread Enhances U.S. Marine Corps Combat and Log | CNNMoney
"finally check their accuracy compared with the original part data with 3D Systems’ Geomagic Control"
US Marine Corps to Use 3D Systems 3D Scanners and Printers in Wargame - | Inside3DP
"partnered with NASA to develop a printer that prints on Earth as well as in space"
3D printing heads from Bellevue to outer space | MyNorthwest.com
"the first real-life composite part -- a mirror mount made of several different alloys"
NASA Just Blasted Through One Huge 3D Printing Technological Challenge | Motley Fool
"a spacecraft mirror mount that is composed of several different alloys."
3D Printing in Aerospace and Aviation: Future Scenarios | Inside3DP
"such as Boeing, Honeywell and Raytheon have 3D printing patents across a number of areas"
Death by 3D Printing: How Militaries around the World are Discovering the Technology | Inside3DP
"Here I speculate about things that are a bit further removed from your next Ryanair"
4 Auto Companies Using 3D Printing | Benzinga
"behind-the-scenes look at production technologies and its upcoming Everest concept"Here's a quartet of companies delving into three-dimensional printing technology
"ultimately production. Here's a quartet of companies delving into three-dimensional printing" -
Printed RC Car, Boats, Rockets and Other vehicle
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )A behind-the-scenes look into Ford's Melbourne Design Centre (+35 photos) | PC World Magazine
"You'll find them all here in the one place, wrapped in a pretty bow"
From The Red Planet To Your Hands: 3D Print the Mars Rover | 3D Printing Industry
"quality and detail in design in a wave ushering in new waves in 3D printing"
4 Auto Companies Using 3D Printing | Stock Market Watch
"50% of smartphone sales and BlackBerry had a market cap of $47 billion"
Nissan 3D Printing Car Parts for Racing | 3D Printing Industry
"their Projet 3D Printers to build bespke parts. Check the video to learn more"
3D Printing - 3D Printing - 3D Printing Calendar Yakima Maker Space | yakimamakerspace.com
", as I’m such a huge fan of who they are and what they do"
Fully 3D Printed Car Close to Being Completed | 33rd Square
", hobbyist innovators and professionals. "We are designers, engineers, and makers"
Tools and Jigs 3D Printed at Opel Auto Assembly Plants | 3D Printer World
"used as a jig to make accurate copying of the duplicate key simpler and faster"
T copter family of 3D printed drones is growing! | DIY Drones
"a way to get started with a DIY copter and APM based flight controller."NASA Just Blasted Through One Huge 3D Printing Technological Challenge | 3D Printing Magazine
"hurdles that are holding back 3D printing from making faster inroads into the manufacturing"
3D Systems is Working With Marine Corps on a WarGame Involving 3D Printing | 3DPrint.com
", hobbyist innovators and professionals. "We are designers, engineers, and makers"
3D Systems' Digital Thread Enhances U.S. Marine Corps Combat and Log | 3dprintercorp.com
"advanced 3D scanning and printing tools to rapidly replace damaged parts in the field."
US Marine Corps to Use 3D Systems 3D Scanners and Printers in Wargame - | Inside3DP
"planners to incorporate new technologies to enhance the Corps’ logistics and supply chain "
3D printing heads from Bellevue to outer space | MyNorthwest.com
"first real-life composite part -- a mirror mount made of several different alloys"
NASA Just Blasted Through One Huge 3D Printing Technological Challenge | Motley Fool
"first real-life composite part -- a mirror mount made of several different alloys"3D Printing in Aerospace and Aviation: Future Scenarios | Inside3DP
"also be done at night so the part would be ready for the next shift"
Death by 3D Printing: How Militaries around the World are Discovering the Technology | Inside3DP
"as Boeing, Honeywell and Raytheon have 3D printing patents across a number of areas"
4 Auto Companies Using 3D Printing | Benzinga
"Here's a quartet of companies delving into three-dimensional printing technology"
A behind-the-scenes look at Ford's Melbourne Design Centre (+35 photos) | PC World Magazine
"in design has helped Ford identify if changes need to be made at earlier stages"
Ford's Melbourne Design Centre (+35 photos) pcworld.idg.com.au | PC World Magazine
"manufacture a vehicle.” Wandering journalists could expose industry secrets and discount millions"
From The Red Planet To Your Hands: 3D Print the Mars Rover | 3D Printing Industry
"quality and detail in design in a wave ushering in new waves in 3D printing"
4 Auto Companies Using 3D Printing | Stock Market Watch -
Printed RC Car, Boats, Rockets and Other vehicle
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )Nissan 3D Printing Car Parts for Racing | 3D Printing Industry
"Projet 3D Printers to build bespke parts. Check the video to learn more:"
3D Printing - 3D Printing - 3D Printing Calendar Yakima Maker Space | yakimamakerspace.com
"2014. The next 3D Printing event is on Sep 2014, shown below."
Fully 3D Printed Car Close to Being Completed | 33rd Square
" We are designers, engineers, and makers," proclaims their website"
Tools and Jigs 3D Printed at Opel Auto Assembly Plants | 3D Printer World
"as a jig to make accurate copying of the duplicate key simpler and faster."
T copter family of 3D printed drones is growing! | DIY Drones
"a way to get started with a DIY copter and APM based flight controller."
NASA Just Blasted Through One Huge 3D Printing Technological Challenge | 3D Printing Magazine
"that are holding back 3D printing from making faster inroads into the manufacturing environment."
High Speed 3D Scanners Tethered to Conveyor Belts, Robots and Drones Coming Next | 3DPrint.com
"confines of a secure museum doesn’t ultimately mean 100% protection"
3D prints in Mercedes S-Class | 3D Printers Online Store
"many these parts to be sure the high quality and also cost is usually viable"
Marines to Test 3D Systems' 3D Printing Toolkit Live | Facebook
"will be testing it out where the stakes are lower, the Marine Corps’ annual "
Tools from 3D Printer Make Car Manufacturing Easier at Opel | ENGINEERING.com
"tools wMarine Corps’ annual ill be integrated into the production process,” says Sascha Hollill be integrated into the production process,” says Sascha Holl"
NASA and contractors accelerate testing on 3D-printed rocket engine components | SpaceFlight Insider
"Rocketdyne, SpaceX and other firms have all been pushing this technology to new heights"5NASA Tests 3D Printed Engine Part | Parabolic Arc · Doug Messier
3D Printed Resistance Fighter Commemorates Warsaw Uprising | 3D Printing
"called Maly Powstaniec (or: Little Restistance Fighter) commemorates the Warsaw Uprising."
3D printing - He offers a few examples: travel near the speed | Chip Design Magazine
"the good thus no reason for the law to continue to guide the economic system"
Honda 3D printing for New Concepts | 3D Printing Event
"a recent video they explored how Honda is using additive manufacturing in creating new concepts"
NASA Test-Fires 3D Printed Rocket Engine Parts | Videos - VentureBeat
"Engine Parts ... NASA is using laser-printed rocket components to speed up production"
Watch NASA Test These 3D-Printed Rocket Parts | TIME
"two separate components, instead of the 163 that were required using traditional manufacturing"
What Happens When You Try To 3D Print A Rocket Engine? - | io9
"requires only two parts to be manufactured. The old method required 163 individual pieces"
NASA successfully tests 3D printed rocket engine injector - | Examiner.com
"them to test faster and smarter, the US space agency said in a statement"
NASA pushes limits of 3-D printing with big, complex rocket engine fuel injectors | AL.com
"them to test faster and smarter, the US space agency said in a statement" -
3D Printed RC Car, Boats, Rockets, NASA, Army and Transportation
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )2018 Mercedes S-Class Interior Tech: 3D Printing and Gesture Controls | Inside3DP
"piece speaker grilles. Perhaps most notably Mercedes will also be integrating gesture controls"
NASA Hot-fire Tests First Ever 3D Printed Rocket Engine Injector | 3DPrint.com
"and save money, allowing them to create more complicated components using less individual parts"
parks Fly As NASA Pushes The Limit2s Of 3D Printing Technology - | Before It's News
"fusing it together with a laser, a process known as selective laser melting"
Sparks Fly As NASA Pushes The Limits Of 3D Printing Technology | RedOrbit
"and fusing it together with a laser, a process known as selective laser melting"
NASA Hot-Fire Tests 2 3D Printed Rockey Engine Injectors | 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board
"liquid oxygen to produce an incredible 20,000 pounds of thrust, performed perfectly"
3D Printing Round Up: From Amazon.com to NASA space exploration | SiliconANGLE · Saroj Kar
"some way by experimenting to determine how they might apply it, or using it to prototype products"
Stepper Motor 28BYJ-48 Horn by oscartprom #3DThursday #3DPrinting | adafruit industries blog
", and sculptures, so each Thursday we celebrate and highlight these bold pioneers!"
Airbutlr, a 3D printed personal housekeeping drone | 3Ders.org
"to largely use 3D printing technology to construct their robotic cleaning lady!"!"[/color]
3D Printing Round Up: From Amazon.com to NASA space exploration | SiliconANGLE (blog)
"to largely use 3D printing technology to construct their robotic cleaning lady!""[/color]
Meet AirButlr, the 3D Printed Drone that Cleans Your Windows | Inside3DP
"the latest 3D printed drone to hit the scene, is soon launching on Kickstarter"Application Of 3-D Printing Technology For Defense Purposes Will Benefit 3D Systems | Seeking Alpha
"the latest 3D printed drone to hit the scene, is soon launching on Kickstarter"
3D Systems Shows Marines the Way Forward at Expeditionary Logistics Test | 3D Printer World
"test out the latest technologies to enhance the Corps' logistics and supply chain response "
Marine Corps Engineers Try 3D-Printing to Replace Parts in the Field | 3D Printing Stocks
"Marine Corps engineers plan to explore 3D Systems’ advanced 3D scanning"
3D Printed Bridge - 3D Printed Bridge. ... 3DChimera | 3D Printing Miami | 3DChimera
"Home · About; About; Team; Team; Services; Services; Shop"
3D Printed Kerbal Rocket - I'm fortunate enough to have access to a 3D | Kerbal Space Program Forum
"printed in one piece. It now lives in the office as example for visitors "
Another giant leap for 3D printing - | MRO Network
"how the 3D printing fabrication process itself could change how rocket engines are built"
US Army Investigating 3D-Printed Custom Food for Deployed Troops | 3D Printing Stocks
"shipping food and eliminate waste, according to researchers at Natick Soldier"
NASA Takes Another 3D Printed Step | Fabbaloo
"a “complex” injector containing 40 elements, rather than the previously tested two element print"
3D Printing Could Revolutionize Rocket Design [VIDEO] | Nature World News
"crafting of delicate tools and even telescopes on the International Space Station" -
3D Printed RC Car, Boats, Rockets, NASA, Army and Transportation
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )NASA Tests 3-D Printed Rocket Parts, Hails Technology as Future of Design - | Latin Post
"in the high-tech world but will carry the space industry into the future"
NASA Tests 3D Printed Rocket Parts - | iflscience.com
"them to test faster and smarter, the US space agency said in a statement"
Is There Pizza In Space? NASA Answers, Yes! | Chinatopix
"vast void of space offers no conducive environment to create and cultivate food, however"
3D Printed Rockets? NASA Shows What 3D Printing Technology is Capable Of | The News Ledge
"20,000 pounds of thrust. Pretty damn awesome for a 3D printed part"
NASA Uses 3D Printing to Boost Rocket Technologies - | Design & Trend
Nasa tests 3D-printed rocket engine parts | Times of India
"engineers to build parts that enhance rocket engine performance and are less prone to failure"
First 3D Printer in Space Will Launch This Month - | Space.com
"Earth, leading to cheaper and more efficient missions to faraway destinations such as Mars"
NASA tests 3D-printed rocket injectors for high engine performance [VIDEO] | WallStreet OTC
"by the agency, at its Marshall Space Flight Center located in Huntsville, Alabama"
HP's Worrisome Comments About 3D Printing Technologies and Markets | Gartner Blog Network
"number of other topics, some of the comments about 3D printing are particularly worrisome"
Ducati 1199 Superbike re-created in intricate 3D printed scale model by Valcrow | 3D Printing News
"scale-model of the Ducati 1199 superbike, designed and printed by Valcrow."
Your Own Ducati Superbike Straight From Your 3D Printer | 3dprinterworld.com
"to-weight and torque-to-weight ratios of any production motorcycle going"3D Printed Rocket Headed to the Edge of Space | 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board
"rocket was originally slated to take off in Spain, legal restrictions blocked their plan"3D printer in space: What will it print first? | Christian Science Monitor
"high hopes for the innovative device's test runs on the International Space Station"
3D Printer in Space, Antibiotic Laced Pesticides May Trigger Allergies | Voice of America (blog)
"older models that wind up as e-waste instead of being recycled or reused"
Incredible Scaled Model of Ducati 1199 Superbike 3D Printed on Ultimaker in 40 Pieces | 3DPrint.com
"mph in under 3 seconds flat, and certainly isn’t hard on the eye either"
NASA Ready to Ship 3D Printer to Space Station | 21st Century Tech Blog · lenrosen4
"Ready to Ship 3D Printer to Space Station | 21st Century Tech Blog · lenrosen4"
3D Printed Ducati 1199 Superbike | Ultimaker
"want print the bike yourself, Jacky made it available for download through YouMagine!"
NASA Ready to Ship 3D Printer to Space Station - September 3, 2014 - Back in July 2012 I | wfs.org
"more of his work at 21stcentech.com. Follow him at @lenrosen4." -
3D Printed RC Car, Boats, Rockets, NASA, Army and Transportation
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )Mercedes Hinting New Technology For S-Class | Top Speed
"functions there is a lot of cool technology coming to the next S-Class."
This 3D Printed Drone Can Clean Your House | 3D Printing
"work of humans to make our cleaning work happen"NASA flying first zero-gravity 3D printer into space | Beyond Windows 9
"head up the International Space Station as early as September 19"
3D Printing Update: 3D Printer Launched in Space, What Can It Do So Far? | 3D Printing Magazine
"middle of this month. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and some experts"
Local Motors Strati: The 3D Printed Car | Maker Faire
"printer car cocreated and developed by the Maker community"
NASA Send 3D Printing To Space | Geek Magazine
"ship to bring me a new tool, in the future, I could just print it"
World's First 3D-Printed, Rocket Powered Aircraft Mission, LOHAN, takes to Kickstarter | 3DPrint.com
"always with a sense of humor, to include “a starvation diet of beans and rice.”"NASA to use 3D printing on International Space Station | ITProPortal
"that the new capability will allow future explorers to make spacecraft parts literally on the"
Nasa to launch 3D printer to space this month - | Aerospace Technology
"creates objects accurately as those printed on the ground"
3D Printing Update: 3D Printer Launched in Space, What Can It Do So Far? | Latin Post
"and some experts are excited about the arrival of the 3D printer to the ISS"
3D Printed Space Colonies | Design & Trend
"building materials, researchers are investigating the feasibility of using Moon dust and Moon rocks"
NASA To Send 3D Printers Into Space | IPG Media Lab
"capability could revolutionize the constrained space supply chain, further validating the"
3D Printing Creates the World's First Replacement Knee Joint in a Cat | materialise.com
"Engineering at North Carolina State University to create a custom solution for their beloved pet"
World's first 3D printer in space will launch this month Bits & Pieces | WordPress.com
"International Space Station (ISS) on Sept. 19 aboard SpaceX's unmanned Dragon cargo capsule."
NASA Keeps Pushing the Boundaries of 3D Printing Successfully if the Latest Test | WordPress.com
"company can potentially benefit from the lower costs, fast turn around and development of"
3D printing in the supply chain | Canadian Transportation & Logistics
"extremely detailed and intricate levels of design that can be difficult or impractical to create"
WEC - Strakka Racing's Dome exhibited at a 3D printing exposition | 24 Heures du Mans
"explain how 3D printing can alter the design and fabrication of a race car"
The Aerospace Industry Is Betting Big On 3D Printing Technology | Business Insider
"What used to require welding together 20 parts now requires printing"
3D printing: From racing cars to dresses to human tissue | BBC News
"minimum of maybe four weeks, whereas now it can be the next day.""
Fancy Printing Out Your Own Race Car? - | Ubergizmo
"is supposed to travel further than a F1 vehicle more than in a whole season"