3D Printing Trade Shows, Announcements and Upcoming Events
3D Printing Trade Shows, Announcements and Upcoming Events
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )3D printing expo video – july 10/11 2014 | 3D group
"The largest printer on the floor belonged to 3D Group who are manufacturing the Australian designed printers in Melbourne."3D printing trade show interview with 3d printing company mcor | Mcor technologies
%(#008000)["Jun 30, 2014 by Julie Reece 3D Printing Video Interview With MCOR Technologies – 3D Printing Trade Show Interview
Printrbot welcomes eight new countries to the 3d printing community! | Printrbot
"This island nation is a special collectivity of France located in the southwest Pacific Ocean, 1,210 km east of Australia and 16,136 km east of Metropolitan France."Final reminder about the facebook.com/griffithuniversity/posts/10152473439451005| Facebook
%(#008000)["Final reminder about the '3D Printing for Creatives' event, this Friday, 11 July at The Edge, Queensland, South Bank. Join us for a full day of demonstrations and seminars featuring Dr Terry Wohlers and QCA Gold Coast's Dr Jennifer Loy.
Ten minutes with the inventor of 3D printing | The Engineer
%(#008000)["Stuart Nathan spoke to him (and his wife) at the recent European Inventors’ Award ceremony in Berlin, where he won the Industrial Award
See a 3d printed grapefruit at (and get 10% off) inside 3d printing hong kong | Solidsmack.Com
"The event will be travelling to the China coast August 26-27, bringing along the brightest speakers in the industry as well as exhibitions from all the organizations that are helping move 3D printing technology forward"
3D printing on show at melbourne expo | 3D group
"The conference will feature two days of conference sessions bringing together leading entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, educators, and professionals to prepare you for the 3D printing boom. " -
3D Printing Trade Shows, Announcements and Upcoming Events
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )?Melbourne 3D printing expo attendance similar to Sao Paulo, less than Seoul: Mediabistro CEO | Ferret
"According to Alan Meckler, Mediabistro’s CEO, the attendance number was between 1,200 and 1,300."
How do you tell the stories of Singapore buildings through 3D printing? | Singapore Mini Maker Faire · megadolen
"Shafiq first learnt about the Singapore Mini Maker Faire last year when he first started on his 3D printing business."
Free Webinar – Introduction to 3D Printing | hk3dprinting.co.uk
"Dispell the myths and hype, find out the basic facts. HK 3D invite you to join us for a 40 minute web based presentation on Thursday 17th July at 10.00am"
Spartacus3D Actively Attends 3D Print Events | Farinia Group
"Spartacus3D was one of them to demonstrate its ambition of playing a significant role in the future development of the 3D printing industry"Freeformer wins prestigious design prize | 3D Printing Today
"“As well as quality and functionality, a machine’s design is becoming increasingly important in the purchasing decision,” insists Herbert Kraibühler."
R[eview: inside 3d printing melbourne, day 2 | 3D printing industry
"The day began with an informative keynote from Milan Brandt, Professor of Advanced Manufacturing at RMIT University, followed by Jennifer Loy from Griffith University who gave an interactive talk on design, illustrated by some very intricate 3D printed objects passed around the audience, which she and her students had made."3D printing tech and science center needs assistant director educator | Craigslist
"Dazzling Discoveries is a hands-on STEM program in New York City. We run after school classes, in-school programs and events. Our focus is science engineering, technology and some math. " -
3D Printing Trade Shows, Announcements and Upcoming Events
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )3D Printing Workshop in Indanapolis | thornburgthoughts
"On July 23, we will be doing a hand’s on workshop in Indianapolis introducing educators to both the software and hardware associated"
Hackforge Summer Event: 3D Printing | Windsor Hackforge
"This Saturday, July 19th experience the power "
Meet Your Makers: 3D Printing with Joe Kerman | Madison Public Library
"Sat, 07/19/2014 - 9:30am - 1:00pm "
UK's capabilities in additive manufacturing and 3D printing | FCO Bloggers
"Nottingham from July 07-08. More than 300 delegates from 22 countries attended the conference"Intro to 3D Printing mylpl.info | Livingston Parish Library
"learn basic 3D design skills. You’ll get to see Livingston Parish Library’s 3D printer in action and explore a free"
MakerBot Announces Big News for Chicago Makers | Chicago Inno - Streetwise Media
"will be available in 12 Home Depot locations across the country, with 3 in Chicago and 1 in Naperville. This collaboration between the DIY retail giant and MakerBot - the leader in desktop 3D printers "
Interview with young man about his 3D printed prosthetic hand boingboing.net| Boing Boing · Cory Doctorow
"prosthetic hands cost tens of thousands of dollars because of this kids don't get them until they are fully grown"
Fashion Conference SOURCING to Feature 3D Printing | 3D Printing Industry
"conference for fashion resources across the supply chain, held from August 17-20, 2014 at the Las Vegas "3D Printing | Winter Film Awards
"August 14 2015, 6:30-8:30pm" -
3D Printing Trade Shows, Announcements and Upcoming Events
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )3D Printed Tour de France Carousel | 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board
"artist from England named Nikki Firmin has used her 3Doodler pen to create a commemorative piece "
3D printing panel to feature at the SOURCING at MAGIC fashion conference | 3D Printing News
"annual conference that will hit the Las Vegas Convention Centre on August 17th this year"
Francis Bitonti Brings inspring 3D Printed Fashion Design Workshop to San Francisco August -15th | Motor E magazine
"My design process is a collaboration with artificial intelligence, begins fashion designer Francis Bitonti"
Photo Release -- 3D Systems Announces Latest Webinar on Direct Metal Printing | Wall Street Journal
"3D Systems Announces Latest Webinar on Direct Metal Printing"
New Webinar on Direct Metal Printing Azom.com | Azom.com
"3D printed it in 17-4 PH Stainless Steel, installed it on the vehicle's engine, and only 3 days later the vehicle was successful in track testing."
TCT + Personalize 201 Welcomes 3D Hubs Community | TCT Magazine
"Tomorrow, live from Google Campus in London, 3D Hubs will be hosting a '3D Printing in Architecture & Design' event complete with talks from the latest and greatest from one of 3D Printing's most burgeoning sectors."
New study on personal 3D printing needs RepRap community input | reprap.org
"selling anything, we just want to hear from the community"
Inside 3D Printing Conference and Expo to Debut in Hong Kong on August 26-27 | The Gestalt
"traveling to Hong Kong on August 26-27, and bringing along the brightest speakers in the industry" -
3D Printing Trade Shows, Announcements and Upcoming Events
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )3D Printed Tour de France Carousel | 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board
"artist from England named Nikki Firmin has used her 3Doodler pen to create a commemorative piece "
3D printing panel to feature at the SOURCING at MAGIC fashion conference | 3D Printing News
"annual conference that will hit the Las Vegas Convention Centre on August 17th this year"
Francis Bitonti Brings inspring 3D Printed Fashion Design Workshop to San Francisco August -15th | Motor E magazine
"My design process is a collaboration with artificial intelligence, begins fashion designer Francis Bitonti"
Photo Release -- 3D Systems Announces Latest Webinar on Direct Metal Printing | Wall Street Journal
"3D Systems Announces Latest Webinar on Direct Metal Printing"
New Webinar on Direct Metal Printing | Azom.com
"3D printed it in 17-4 PH Stainless Steel, installed it on the vehicle's engine, and only 3 days later the vehicle was successful in track testing."
TCT + Personalize 201 Welcomes 3D Hubs Community | TCT Magazine
"Tomorrow, live from Google Campus in London, 3D Hubs will be hosting a '3D Printing in Architecture & Design' event complete with talks from the latest and greatest from one of 3D Printing's most burgeoning sectors." -
3D Printing Trade Shows, Announcements and Upcoming Events
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )Intro to 3D Printing | This was my very first presentation on 3D Printing. Sponsored | SanctionOne.com
"first presentation on 3D Printing. Sponsored by Technology Grows and held at the new Domi Station in Tallahassee"
BIF10 Workshop -Following the BIF10 Summit, engage with 3D printing exper | Business Innovation Factory
"Business Innovation Factory (BIF) is seeking a smart, passionate, quirky"
Upcoming Events - Optomec 3d Printing Events relating to additive manufacturing | optomec.com
"specific to additive manufacturing, rapid technologies, 3D printing and 3D scanning"
Purchase 3D Printers - For anyone who wants to take 3D Printing in-house, Potomac | Potomac Laser
"production, means we can help you choose the right 3D Printer for your own facility, plus we have our own in-house service department "
3D Printing on Larry King Now -3D Printing on Larry King Now: Larry King sat down with Jon | Proto3000
"received many broadcasting awards. He won the Peabody Award for Excellence in broadcasting "
A 3D Printing Legend is About to Retire | Proto3000
"years of feedback and improvements, these systems are some of the more reliable and repeatable "
3D print Toy Design Challenge -417282 Pinshape is happy to announce the 3D Printed | zbrushcentral
"give them access to a huge audience on Amazon.com , who Pinshape recently teamed up with, and most importantly, we'll donate 3D printed "
GE Announces the Launch of Mass 3D Printing Facility | 3dprintingevent.com
"Bentley said. “This is tomorrow’s technology, and we are proud to say it will be performed right here "
Videos - This is the video created for our Indiegogo campaign to bring the | IC3D Printers
"created by the supremely talented gentlemen at Graviton Entertainment"
Free 3D printing demo Saturday | Windsor Star (blog)
"ages 8-18, and their families are invited free to see the machine "Whitecaps to host first-ever 3D printed t-ball game | Sentinel-Standard
"process of 3-D printing uses computer-created digital models (CAD) to create real-world objects"
Mcor Technologies Continues to Improve Upon Their Amazing, Paper Based, Full-color 3D Printer | 3DPrint
"prices probably won’t be coming down all that soon"
3D Systems Corporation To Host Webinar On Direct Metal Printing | ValueWalk
"company was not able to test its cost-extensive and time-consuming casting engineering solution, which is why they went to MTI"
A world record for "3D Printing" Spiderman | 3D Printing Industry
"Ever wanted to own your own creature from a dystopian future "
A 3D Printer that Prints Ice Cream is Here! | TechFrag
"students at MIT have developed just the device you have been imagining "
3D Printing Meetup Boston - This is the second in a series of local 3D Printer | Greenhorn Connect
"meetup's meant for current or future users out there, as a chance to meet up and share knowledge "
How 3D Printing Will Change the Promotional Products Industry | Garrett Specialties
"plastic is melted through the machine then deposited on to a plate "
Larry King 3D Printed – and Impressed – by Stratasys | 3D Printing Plan
"3D printers and designs to Sudan in order to create prosthetics for those who had lost limbs in that country’s ongoing civil " -
Printing Trade Shows, Announcements and Upcoming Events
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )New study on personal 3D printing needs RepRap community input | reprap.org
"selling anything, we just want to hear from the community"
Inside 3D Printing Conference and Expo to Debut in Hong Kong on August 26-27 | The Gestalt
"traveling to Hong Kong on August 26-27, and bringing along the brightest speakers in the industry" -
3D Printing Trade Shows, Announcements and Upcoming Events
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )Solidoodle Lowers Price of All 3D Printers by $100 to $300; Upgrades Previous | Robotics Tomorrow
"price changes across the board will boost the value proposition"
3D printing design contest winners speaking Friday at New Orleans Museum of Art | The Times-Picayune
"3D printed bikini, will discuss their work at 6 p.m. in the museum's auditorium."
SOURCING at MAGIC's Fashion Trade Show Will Now Feature 3D Printing | 3DPrint.com
"Among its more than 50 seminars, led by more than 70 executive-level speakers, the event will only include one session on 3D printing "
Coming in 2015: A Faster, Sharper Way to 3D Print | Smithsonian
"object needs to lift off of the platform before the printer can move on to the next layer"
Meet the Not Impossible team behind Project Daniel who plan to set up more 3D printing | Daily Mail
"bedroom antics, admitting that he believed he is getting "better" "
3D printing helps internet-enabled wireless headphone design win award and recognition | Stockhouse
"manufactured a new generation of wireless headphones for technology "
Designbox public brownbag lunch: get scanned for free at nc state's 3d | The bear facts
"then receive a file which can be used for 3D printing " "
Lightning talk: esri's steve snow looks to the future of 3d | Spar point group
"decade's experience to give us some perspective on how far 3D has come"
Metalysis wins customer award - Metalysis says that it won the award because | Metal powder report
"titanium 3D printed parts in new industries such as automotive and aerospace"
ZecoTek announces New Metal Alloy 3D Printing Advances | 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board
"that they have been working on a new 3D printer capable of high speed metal 3D printing "
Visiting the Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing International Conference | RWTH-TIM Blog
"from all over the world. The conference topics had a broad spectrum, ranging"Armenian company to assemble new high-speed 3d printer | Armenian news by massispost · massispost
"high-speed 3D printer which will use high-performance metal alloys and offer technical"
US Army Looks Into 3D Printing Food – Could Provide Extra Potent Nutrients to Soldiers | 3DPrint.com
"ways that they can incorporate 3D food printers into their food processing "
How to get smooth 3d prints - Ever wanted to get rid of those layer rings on your | 3Dprinterprices
"I think this is a much easier and (most importantly) safer way to achieve equally great "
10 Things to see and do at maker faire detroit | I.Materialise 3d printing service blog
"Newtonian physics to create an incredible visually stunning work of engineering"Design team uses 3d printed parts piggybacking on existing products | 3D printer world
"cornerstones of the concept by combining those items with 3D printing "
Coming soon! Exclusive, free 3d printing class I element14 will offer its first exclusive | Element14 -
Printing Trade Shows, Announcements and Upcoming Events
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )Recharge Asia Brings 3D Printing Expo and Conference to the Southeast Asia Region | PR.com
"machine and its materials used in 3D printing has the same principles "
Media Supply Inc Announces Immediate Availability of the MakerBot | Consumer Electronics Net
"Replicator 3D Printers are award-winning 3D printers that set the standard "
Introducing the Pinup 2014 Winners: 3D-Printed Masks, Communal Living Designs| Core77.com
"entry guidelines are intentionally left vague, which added a nice element"
Battle of the Booths: 3D Systems vs Hasbro at Comic-Con | Inside3DP
"printing for entertainment, toys, collectibles and action figures relating ."
3D Printing Camp for Kids - They understand, we're not moving on to print | KAGS News
"prototypes are then printed out of a polylactic acid which is corn-oil based"
Recharge Asia Brings 3D Printing Expo and Conference to the Southeast | Consumer Electronics Net
"currently live in a world of putting toner down on paper with readable images"
"giant creature was designed by artists at the Stan Winston School"
Modio, the 3D Printing App Comes to Maker Faire Detroit | PR.com (press release)
" families to design and customize their own creatures and characters "
Stratasys creates 3D parts of 14-Foot tall giant creature | Fibre2fashion.com
"worked closely with Stratasys to build dozens of 3D-printed parts to create "
Seminar Informs on 3D Printing, Social Media, E-Commerce | KLAX-TV
"They’re providing information on 3D printing, building on-line businesses "3D Systems to put fans' heads on Walking Dead and Star Trek action figures at Comic-Con | Toy News
"Fans can then place their scanned head onto the body "
Archeologists Remix Famous Historical Works with 3D Printing | 3D Printing Industry
"showcase this new art form, archeologist Ashley Richter and computer"
3D Printing Meetup - Our monthly 3D printer meetup. If you have a 3D printer, | RockIT CoLabs
"He is currently working on a bicycle powered hat knitting machine made nearly "
Day One of 3D Printed SuperFanArt at Comicon 2014 in San Diego | Shapeways
"hat's right, instead of going all the way with a C&D"
3D printing with DAZ models? - Hey everyone,. I am just being cautious before I place any | Daz 3D
"I need to acquire a special license like with the indie video game "
Aug. 23rd “Zero To Plastic” 3D printing basics workshop | Deezmaker · Joan
"Bren Center on August 2nd. Come on out and play "
Cartridgesave's 2nd Annual 3D Print Cup Offers its Winners Unexpected Benefits | 3D Printing Industry
"overall winner received a brand new MakerBot Replicator,"
Audio: Charlie Crum from USPS OIG talk about 3d Printing | Ruralinfo Postal News - Ruralinfo.net
"Charlie Crum is a director at the Postal Service OIG. "
SketchUp Book for 3D Printing Available from TEC | Tech Ed Concepts, Inc.
"These models can be sent to any 3D printer; the only limit"
Join CREAT3D at a range of events this Autumn | CREAT3D
"Here’s a short overview of where you'll find " -
Printing Trade Shows, Announcements and Upcoming Events
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )Archaeologists Create Kickstarter for 3D Printed Art Exhibit | Inside 3D Printing
"3D printed statues of famous works"
Introduction to 3D Printing in Melbourne | Melbourne events - Eventful
"operate our 3D printers, explore 3D CAD and printing software and find ways to share and collaborate"
3D printers are creativity enablers: Stratasys | CIOL
"much colour as they fold in many qualms around issues like airborne emissions"
Amazon: Bringing 3D Printing to the Masses | Inside3DP
"world’s largest e-commerce powerhouse is getting into the 3D printed swing of things"
Comic-Con 2014 Exclusive: Alan Scott, Mastermind Behind 3D Printed Mega Creature | Benzinga
"Alan Scott, one of the owners of the animatronic makeup effects company Legacy"
3DRV: Driven by Design Road Tour Takes Nationwide Pulse on 3D Technologies | Wall Street Journal
"3D design, reality capture, and fabrication technologies to shape the world around "
Technology Has No Creative Limits In A City Like Sacramento | CBS Local
"meet-ups for tech groups, designers and game developers, it also rents space to startups"
3D Printing - The Future of Consumer 3D Printing · rswwwchannel. 1:34. Watch Later | YouTube
"RepRapPro talks about 3D Printing and the opportunities for this technology in the future"
3D printing is driving the new wave of innovation in India - 3D printer is a new wave | YourStory
"development bases of most of the manufacturing and engineering companies present"Printing in 3D: - The workshops were well attended and the youth were | Rossland News
"were well attended and the youth were very interested in learning about the 3D printer"
Stratasys, Ltd. (SSYS) Operating Normally Despite Tensions in Israel | Tech Insider
"talked on CNBC about the impact of the situation in Israel on their business, competition"
Executives bring 3D printers to PH | Manila Standard Today
"Center is 3D printing or additive manufacturing, which has captured the imagination"
Modio, the 3D Printing App Comes to Maker Faire Detroit | iPhone - SYS-CON Media
"design features of the App, see how Modio parts are printed on a 3D printer and even sit down"
ComicCon - Let's face it, masks are hot and never do look realistic. | 3D Printer
"Comic-Con in San Diego fans can get scanned complements"
3d printing - ….and hopefully the goons will learn something | FREEDOM FEENS talk radio show
"Garrett Fox, Michael W. Dean and self-schooled young yak farmer "
SUNY New Paltz hosts 3D printing workshops for local educators | Faculty Sites - New Paltz
"hands-on training on the college’s 3D printers and software, and discussions of interdisciplinary "
Made in Space, Autodesk Visionaries Deliver Keynote Addresses 3D Printer World Expo Seattle | expo
"supply chain problem by developing a microgravity-tested 3D printer that builds parts off-world" -
Printing Trade Shows, Announcements and Upcoming Events
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )3D printing funds needed to revive manufacturing in Australia | Sydney Morning Herald
"D printing to manufacturing to compensate for the decline in the traditional industry"
Stratasys Employs 3D Printing to Make Giant Comic-Con Creature | Computer Graphics World
"giant creature project was ambitious, including size, weight, delivery schedule "
3D-Printed Monster Invades Comic-Con 2014 | machinedesign.com
"Iron Man and RoboCop, working closely with Stratasys to build dozens of 3D-printed parts"
Designer Spotlight on Josh Azevedo: From Humble Beginnings to Running a Top 3D | i.materialise
"uses i.materialise to print orders, grow his business, and gain clients"Mediabistro Announces Inside 3D Printing Conference and Expo in Hong Kong | Robotics Tomorrow
"anyone wants to ride this upcoming economic boom, this conference and exposition "
3D Systems presents webinar on direct metal printing | Optics.org
"race car was successful in track testing at almost 200mph"
3D Printing Today podcast - I am the Producer | 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board
"podcast and I want to invite you to take a listen" -
Printing Trade Shows, Announcements and Upcoming Events
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )Come meet us at the 3D Print Show London | 3D Printing Plan
"a great opportunity to learn everything you wanted to know about 3D Printing"
3D printing - You are browsing the Blog for 3D printing | Republic Broadcasting Network
"You are browsing the Blog for 3D printing."
3d printing - Posts about 3d printing written by Ernest Chung Interview | Xsolla
"experiencing first-hand a virtual airspace given the freedom to explore wherever you desire "
“3D Printing Review Weekend” Begins in Ohio! | Make
"Manufacturing Innovation Institute) to conduct our review at their facilities"
The 3D Print Cup 2014 winners announced | 3D Total
"last year's competition, Cartridge Save's 3D Print Cup contest was a resounding success"3D Printing design software for MAC | Spark Community
"bootcamp for solid works. Does someone recommends a descent 3D modeling software for my"
3D Printing Workshop - The first ever 3D Printing workshop at Eusoff! IMPORTANT: Please | Facebook
"The first ever 3D Printing workshop at Eusoff!"
Conference on 3D Printing to Open in Schaumburg, IL Expo | Wall Street Journal
"Design & Manufacturing event are ATX Midwest formerly known as Assembly & Automation"
Materialise NV to Report Second Quarter 2014 Earnings on Thursday, August 14, 2014 | MarketWatch
"access the conference call, please dial in ten minutes prior to the start of the conference call"
Inside 3D Printing Conference and Expo Arrives in Hong Kong in Late August | 3DPrint.com
"Expo is Hong Kong’s first ‘significant’ 3D printing trade show to arrive in the city" -
Printing Trade Shows, Announcements and Upcoming Events
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )3D Printing Firms Pitch 11 Different Business Plans During GigTank's Demo Day | 3DPrint.com
"^potentially grow into game-changers in a number of industries – from medicine to fashion."
Art of 3D Printing Inaugural Meetup | Miami events, shows and things to do in Miami
"3D printing in SFLA, full bar, mixer, music RSVP requested "
VentureBeat - After making do with resellers to sell its 3D printers in | Facebook
"(If you like 3D printing and live in Europe)"
14th Annual Summer Meltdown: Casey Scalf –3D Printing and Recycled | The Bellingham Herald
"melted down, and transformed into printable material and “up-cycled” into many new creations"
Should your company buy a 3D Printer? In-House 3D Printing vs. Outsourcing... | Industry Tap
"Top management KNOWS how useful 3D printing is, yet most businesses still outsource 3D modeling"
3D Printing Has Arrived in Beverly! - Have you heard about 3D printing | Beverly Public Library
"Come to Lobster Fest day during Homecoming week at Lynch Park on Wednesday, August 6"
Conference on 3D Printing to Open in Schaumburg, IL | OTC Markets
"used in 3D printing, including metals, innovative uses of 3D printing in manufacturing"
3D Print Award - Hi all, I wanted to tell about the Wamungo 3D | 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board
"Hi all, I wanted to tell about the Wamungo 3D print award"
Unique products for sale at Queen City Ex | 650 CKOM News Talk Radio
" vintage-looking signs that are made out of metal. She enjoys coming to work at the Ex year after year"MAKE Magazine's Third Annual 3D Printer Shoot-out underway | 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board
"Ohio this weekend to set up and evaluate 23 Printers."
Mosi 3d Printing - Find 3 Tampa mosi 3d printing events and show tickets and | Events
"Exhibition illustrates 3D printing's boundless and mind-blowing potential"
3D printing giants gathering for TCT Show 2014 | Exhibit City News
"This includes inspection, metrology and 3D scanning equipment."
MakerBot Launches MakerBot Europe - Make way for MakerBot Europe. Desktop 3D | 3D Printer World
"MakerBot Europe and this new organization to be led by Alexander Hafner, the general manager"
3D printing in South Africa: A ground-up revolution | ZDNet
" infant with 80 percent burns received one of the first skin grafts using tissue grown
Local 3D printing business holds open house | WYTV
"the 3D printing at America Makes, as he had the opportunity of a more hands on approach ."
Local 3D printing business holds open house | WKBN.com
"America Makes, as he had the opportunity of a more hands on approach to the company’s "
All-Day 3D Printing Conference at Design & Manufacturing Midwest Trade Event | Azom.com
" America Makes, as he had the opportunity of a more hands on approach to the company’s "
Stratasys opens 3D Printing Experience Centre to support Asia Pacific | Ferret
"new product design and testing and to build finished goods in low volume"
Photo Release 3D Systems Expands Successful Worldwide Manufacturing | Wall Street Journal
"3DS' newest technologies can benefit the full spectrum of high-end manufacturers prosumers"
3D Systems to Host Close to 300 'Manufacturing the Future' Seminars on 3D Printing Around | 3DPrint
"they would have integrated 3D printers into their businesses a long time ago -
Printing Trade Shows, Announcements and Upcoming Events
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )Inside3DP Exclusive Interview: Twikit - Customize and Make Your Unique 3D Printed Product | Inside3DP
"work with designers such as Anne Zellien for silver & gold customized jewels."
Chamber Report: Council ready to talk tech | Florida Today
" presentations from high-profile speakers in the technical community"New 'maker' space opens for business | Orlando Sentinel
"nonprofit organization, hasn't held a grand opening ceremony yet, but there are already 10 paying"
Professional and Desktop 3D Printing with a $400 Discount from MakerBot | 3D Printing Industry
"summer sales, the price for both systems together would drop to $8.998, they probably"
3D Systems Announces 300 New Seminars About 3D Printing | 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board
"seminars aim to educate the public about 3D printing, scanning, and the materials market"
Olaf Diegel reveals first prototype of 3D-printed alto saxophone | Gizmag
" I think this information can help entrepreneurs in the space grow their businesses"Art of 3D Printing Inaugural 9/5/14 | The Soul Of Miami
"Art of 3D Printing Inaugural"
3D printing panel highlights challenges and opportunities - Noted 3D printing expert | Teknovation
"Wohlers urged attendees to do their due diligence before making significant capital outlays."
Consumer 3D Printed Keepsakes: August's Mcor Model of the Month | Mcor Technologies
"kind uniquely provided by the Mcor IRIS 3D printer and is ideal for 3D printing service bureaus."
3D printing giants gathering for TCT Show 2014 | TheyNext
"More than 40 additive manufacturing machine makers will gather for this year’s TCT Show" -
Printing Trade Shows, Announcements and Upcoming Events
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )Are You 3D-Printing with Fair-Trade Filament? | Slice of MIT by the Alumni Association - MIT
" be low-cost, safe, and easy-to-use in order to better integrate with the waste pickers currnt chain"
AM/3D Printing - When do you think additive-manufacturing / 3D-printing | Design News
"additive-manufacturing / 3D-printing will become mainstream for making end-use parts"
Wounded veteran finds new way to serve by training for career in 3D printing | ECNmag.com
" generation engineers to prepare them to immediately enter the workforce"
3D printing and brand collaboration on the menu for technical dinner | Foodprocessing
"Speakers for the evening will be Dennis Choo, solution architect, Esko and Heath van der Waerden"
What the Chillingo founders did next: Byatte and Wee look to up dev revenue | The Mary Sue
" developers, fans, and publishers interact with a brand."
3DChef and Stv's Stunning 3D Printed Sugar Visuals at Extrema Outdoor Dance | 3D Printing Industry
" elements provided stunning backdrops for each set"
3D Systems and United Nude Launch Line of 3D-Printed Shoes & 3D Printing Retail Exper | 3D Systems
" United States, expanding on United Nude’s successful Regent Street,"3D Printing + Design | LinkedIn
"competitive pricing and at a resolution of up to 100 Microns"
Flexible Robotics Environment launches a VDK6000 robotic metal 3D | Metal Working World Magazine
" recently installed at a customer site with another delivery scheduled for Septemb"
Solidoodle aims for the mainstream with Press 3D printer | Connectedly
"third generation devices, which are being discontinued, and the Solidoodle 4"
Faster 3D Printing in Our Most Popular Materials | Shapeways
" increasing speed in the Strong and Flexible Family for our European and worldwide "
Join Our Newsletter - 3D Printed Goggles Go from Design to Field Test in Only | Inside 3D Printing
"August 6, 2014 11:50 amPublished by Sandra HelselComments Off "
Seattle 2014 Exhibit Floor Seattle 2014 Exhibit Floor. 3D Printer World Expo |3D Printer World Expo
" Exhibit Floor"Solidoodle Press - A revolution in consumer 3D printers, the Solidoodle Press printer | Solidoodle
" Special Presale Pricing: The first printers will be sold at tiered discounts from $349 to $499"
Black Magic 3D Branding Competition (3D Printing) | 99Designs
"Bronze Brand Identity Pack package "
NEO 3D Printer - NEO 3D Printer. customer reviews. Write a review. Price. Build Volume. | 3diot
" Sells for $935 OR €699"
Midwest Event Features 3D Printing Conference | PCBDesign007
"be in-depth, two-hour sessions on robotics applications, design innovation, and ideation"
Stratasys Opens 3D Printing Experience Centre in Singapore | Control Engineering Asia
"FDM thermoplastics, the most comprehensive 3D printing materials available in the industry."
Text-to-911, 3D Printing and Privacy Policies Abroad This Week | Roll Call (blog)
"printing.The Wilson Center holds an event on privacy regulation in Japan and Australia "
MakerBot Brings its 3D Printing Business to Europe | SYS-CON Media (press release)
"taking over assets of Haftner’s Buro, a German partner with connections to MakerBot resellers."
Launch Your 3D Printing Career - Download and print this adorably lethal catapult | MakerBot
" load up the catapult with your choice of projectile (we recommend candy)"
“Manufacturing the Future” Seminar Series For Local Businesses, Entrepreneurs | 3D Systems
"do something that would have some-more longevity than party apps. So he incited to 3D printing." -
Printing Trade Shows, Announcements and Upcoming Events
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )Divide by Zero Shows Off its Made in India Accucraft i 250+ 3D Printer | 3D Printing Industry
"they are putting out 3D printers compete with most European and US manufactured"
3D Printing – Service - 3D printer 4. Makerbot Replicator 2. The Makerbot | Toronto Tool Library
" material are laid down under our computer control"
SOLS Systems Announces Nationwide Launch of 3D Printed Orthotics | 3D Printing Stocks
" The custom, corrective orthotics are one of the world’s first"
3D Printing Service - Makemendel offers 3D printing service at very affordable cost | Makemendel
" Time Required to Print the Object. Size of the Printable Object. Amount of PLA required."
September Meeting- The Tech and Business Behind 3D Printing | crabbyadmins.org · Crabby Admin
" founded Direct Dimensions after leaving the Aerospace field in 1995 "
3D Printing Company Stratasys Reports 67% Jump In Quarterly Revenue! | Industry Tap · Marshall Smith
" observe strong positive sales momentum for our higher-performance materials"
George Crowdsourcington: A 3D Printed, Community Built Statue | Hackaday · James Hobson
" shows in New York, mini-Maker Faires, art galleries, science centers "
New NIH 3D Print Exchange Offers Open Access To Three-Dimension| American Society for Cell Biology
" Dimensional Printing Tools "
JewelDistrict uses 3D printing and molding to make beautiful jewelry | 3Ders.org
"JewelDistrict offers also different options in terms of surface finishes, plating"
3D Printer World Expo - 3D Printer World Expo in Bellevue ,WA, August 22-23, | Netfabb
"netfabb is exhibiting together with our Californian reseller"
Bruvel, Harker, Grossman, Mack and Bulatov to Headline Art Gallery | 3D Printer World Expo
" Aug. 22-23. All expo and conference attendees"Research Series: 3D Printing - Innovation, Challenges and Opportunities | iNEMI
"This webinar is free and open to the industry"
3d printers prices in china | q102online.com
"project team is build by engineers from Germany and China"
Drop By And See Us at London's 3D Printshow 2014 | 3D Printing Plan
"gawk at dozens of spectacular 3D printed works of art"
Category Filter - Event takes place every Thursday through the month of August Visit | Pueblo Events
"ongoing workshop series focuses on using 3D printers"
Webinar on the Future of 3D Printing | Electronics Maker
"applications are causing the end-use market to increase in both depth "
3D Printer World Expo Seattle to Feature First 3D Printer Headed to Space, Lucky | DigitalJournal
"demonstrate the incredible potential for off-world manufacturing"
IDTechEx Holds "The Future of 3D Printing" Webinar | PCBDesign007
"new applications are causing the end-use market "
Hardware and Software Converge at the August New York Tech Meetup | Xconomy
"MyMiniFactory, which features 3D printing designs people "
Athens Maker Fest Encourages Creativity | Flagpole Magazine
"bring together artists, technology lovers and crafters to trade ideas "
10 Questions You should Ask Before Buying a Professional 3D printer | Inside3DP
"the incredible potential for off-world manufacturing, Made In Space"
Micro-Gravity Tested 3D Printer for the International Space Station to be Displayed at 3D | Azom.
"Made In Space has developed the first micro-gravity tested 3D printer and"
3D printer firm gobbles up VAR as it eyes European expansion | CRN - UK
"MakerBot has marked its arrival in the European" -
Printing Trade Shows, Announcements and Upcoming Events
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )Quiz - Make Magazine has put together a video of 19 different 3D | 3D Printing Industry
"video of 19 different 3D printer extruders in the midst of printing"
colorFabb Contest Winners Reinterpret the 3D Printing Time Lapse Video | 3D Printing Industry
" aware of this iconic part of the 3DP world, posting about two time-lapse videos every week"
3D Printing Resources - Links to information and news revolving around the innovative | 3D Heights
"user created digital design files. This is a good resource for printers who wish to create"
What is 3D Printing? - What is 3D Printing?There are several different kinds of 3D | FirstBuild
"online and physical community dedicated to designing"
Sciaky announced first sale of giant metal 3D printer | 3D Printing from scratch
" large-scale metal parts production much quicker"
First Mike Sellars Award Produced by 3D Printing | Mercury Centre
"Small, ACS Nano, Chemical Communications, Journal of Materials Chemistry "
Webinar: 3D Printing in Orthopedics | Proto3000
"webinar to discover the impact, current uses "
Art, Drawing, 3D Models & 3D Printing - One Day "Sampler" Workshop | Zen Maker Lab
"tour of Zen Maker Lab and Zen Launchpad"
"Inside 3D Printing Conference And Expo" comes to Santa Clara, Oct. 21-23, | 3DPrintingStocks.com
" additive manufacturing event worldwide and this will be the west coast’s largest array"
Products - 3D printing is now for everyone. Thanks to our focus on | Standley Systems
" 3D printing is now for everyone"
Japanese 3D Printing Market Will Grow at a CAGR of 21% By 2018 | Inside 3D PrintingCREAT3D at 3D Printshow, London - September 2014 | CREAT3D
"show, including the brand new Fuel3D scanner, due for release"
colorFabb 3D printing Time-Lapse Contest Winners Announced | 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board
"Today they have announced the winners"
3D Printshow London 2014 - From a packed-out exhibitor show floor through to a | Tech City News
"that’s about to change the way we do everything"
BEETHEFIRST Appearing at Firbank Grammar Schools Oz Tech Expo | PRWire (press release)
"has an environmentally friendly element compared to other printers"
New CEO, Strategic Shift at Sprint | IT Business Edge (blog)
"CEO Jim Dolan seemed to harp on the importance of the wireless platform"
4 Technologies That Are Taking Customization To A New Level | Business 2 Community
"this can definitely make those trips away from home a whole lot easier"
PARC Researchers Move One Step Closer to 3D Printing Electronic Components With | 3DPrint.com
" always overestimate the change that will occur in the next two years"
Shapeways Adds New 'Beta' and 'First to Try' Options to 3D Printing Marketplace | 3DPrint.com
New Balance Pushes the Limits of Innovation with 3D Printing | New Balance
" Bolas, became the first ever track athlete to compete in customized"
Speaking Engagements - Past and future speaking engagements by Gary Anderson | 3DPrintingStocks.com
"available to speak at 3D printing events regarding private "
The Open Source 3D Printing BBQ | botbq.org
"request/suggestion on how to use/improve the BotBQ"
The First 3D Printing Company Wins the Top 100 SMEs in India Award | 3D Printing Magazine
"firm is also an official distributor of 3D modeling, printing" -
Printing Trade Shows, Announcements and Upcoming Events
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )Asheville center hosts talk on future of 3D printing | Asheville Citizen-Times
"just another tool in my workshop these days"
3D Printing Korea 2014 to Be Held Alongside 22nd KOSIGN at Coex, Seoul | DigitalJournal.com
"specialists for insights into this new generation of printing technology."
Can You Guess What RadioShack is 3D Printing Today? Possible $50 Prize For Those Who Can | 3DPrint
"12 hour contest which caters to pretty much anyone out there within the United States"
Stratasys Idea Series reseller partners running 3D printing showcase | LFR Wide Format Printing New
"printer range from Stratasys and consists of three models, the MoJo, uPrintSE and uPrintSE Plus"
3D printers in action at Basingstoke's Festival Place | Basingstoke Gazette
"Eiffel Tower to jewellery, tools, coffee mugs and cupcakes"
3D printers in action at Basingstoke's Festival Place - | Basingstoke Gazette
"selling Ultimaker printers,"
Video Interview with Management of Tinkerine Studios | ENGINEERING.com
"management will be a key driver for the company's success."
3D Systems to Present at Canaccord Genuity Conference | Ten Links
"Canaccord Genuity Growth Conference on Wednesday, August 13, 2014 at 1:00PM ET."
3D Systems to Present at the 34th Annual Canaccord Genuity Growth Conference | 3D Systems
"freeform modeling and inspection tools and an integrated 3D planning"
Jacqueline Baselier Shares Her Tips and Advice for Molding a Realistic | i.materialise
"implementation of 3D Printing in vocational education "
Shanghai - Since its inception in 2013, the Inside 3D Printing | Inside 3D Printing
"latest 3D printers and services,"
3D printers of the week: Blacksmith Genesis, UP Mini and the kit version | 3D Printing News
"understanding of how to harness the power of 3D printing. This event"
3d Printing and Construction Lecture | Eventfinder
"Wednesday 1 October 2014, 7:00pm – 8:00pm "
Rock Stars of 3D Printing - Industry-leading speakers will be sharing | IEEE Computer Society
"December 2, 2014,San Jose, California"
3D Printing - thethirddimensionpopup is an opportunity to learn about the | Sydney Mini Maker Faire
" including plastics, nylon, bronze, stainless steel, sterling silver and ceramics"Giveaway: Guess the 3D Print Number 1 | techspecs by RadioShack - Radio Shack
" Come back here at periodically today for more hints"3D Printed Raspberry Pi B+ Enclosure - In this project we're designing | adafruit.com
"inspired to design with style in mind, like why not put a face on it?"
Modio - Modio. Price: Free. Launched: May 16, 2014. Modio is | 3dprintshow.com
" You can modify any part in Modio with amazing surface textures"I'm Doing a 3D Printing Webinar | Bonnie's Blog: 3D design for K-12 and beyond · Bonnie Roskes
"honored to be taking part in their very first webinar"
3D Printing Fair - 26 Aug 3dhubs.com | 3dhubs.com
"happy to show off and chat about with other makers"
Webinar on UV Materials for 3D Printing | Reddit
"discuss how it came to be and where it’s going next"
3D printing build party - 3D printing build party. Posted on: August 11th, 2014 | coLAB
" build party"
3D printingTODAY Global news | 3D Printing Today
"3D PrintingTODAY website & newsletters provides news & information" -
Printing Trade Shows, Announcements and Upcoming Events
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )Fredericton Group Using 3D Printers To Make Prosthetics | Cbc.ca
"can no longer use her hand, after being badly burned"
Mcor Technologies Named Finalist For Three Prestigious 2014 3D Printshow Awards | Pr Newswire Uk
"Dr. Conor MacCormack, is a finalist for the Rising Star Award."
Five Things We Learned About Fashion, Technology And Sustainability | The Guardian (Blog)
" recent live chat, experts took questions on the marriage of technology and fashion "
Why Makerbot Makes Mobile Apps; How Tinybop Makes Learning Games | Technical.ly
" educational children’s app company that has two apps out now"
MecklerMedia's Inside 3D Printing Conference in Santa Clara to Feature 13 Ver | Wall Street Journal
"who will discuss the latest developments in 3D bioprinting."
MecklerMedia's Inside 3D Printing Conference in Santa Clara to Feature 13 Vertical | CNNMoney
"Chairman and CEO of Organovo Inc., who will discuss the latest developments"
GeekWire Calendar Picks: 3D World Printing Expo, Unite 2014, and more | GeekWire
"3D Printer World Expo events will be held at the Hyatt Regency"
Exhibition presents a timely opportunity to demystify 3D printing | Appliance Retailer
"consumers will be able to print and customise the product they desire at home"
Mcor Named Finalist for 2014 3D Printshow Awards | Ten Links
"Green Awards, and Mcor CEO, Dr. Conor MacCormack is a finalist for the Rising Star Award."
Tag: "3D Printing" in "Fusion 360" | Autodesk Community
"manufacturing by generating tool paths or using the 3D printing utility"
Gateros Plating 3D Prints Skyrim Swords That Look And Feel Like The Real Thing | 3Dprint.com
" remains of the balloon and ship your space-traveled figurine straight to your doorstep"Shapeways rolling out full color plastic material for 3D printing | 3ders.org
"high-resolution, pantone-like color with a nice surface finish, no post-processing or painting required"
Lightweight Wonders & 3d Printing Competition Announcement | Materia
"Black Onyx and premium finishes; Copper Patina or Brushed Stainless Steel"
Order Infinity Blade custom 3D printed figurines directly from the game | 3Ders.org
"Infinity Blade characters from the mobile game into the real world"
Inside 3D Printing Conference - Earn an Additional Entry For Answering This | 3D Printing Forum
"Which speaker or session at the upcoming Inside 3D Printing Conference "
From the Forums - The DIY 3D printing community has passion and dedication | Adafruit
"based “Fab Lab” which is open to the public."
3 clever uses for 3D printing you've never thought of | Klyp
"current state of 3D printing and a renewed excitement for its future in Australia"
3d printing uses in Oil and Gas Engineering | Oilpro
"several of the Oil and Gas companies I have worked for"
3D Systems to Host Webinar Series on Advanced Manufacturing and 3D Printing | Yahoo Finance
"competitive advantage and deliver real, bottom line "
Summer Camp Enhanced Through 3D Printing | 3dprinting-stocks.com
"different camp activities for maximum impact and real world application."
Worldwide 3Dprinting 2.0 Seminars | 3D Systems
"get a close look at the diversity and power of 3DPRINTING 2.0"
What Would You 3D Print? - Product Design & Development Is Challenging Your Most Creative | Element14
"creative design and engineering abilities... and giving away an Afinia H480 3D printer"
Graphene 3D Lab Inc. Commences Trading On The Tsx Venture | 3D Printing Stocks
"announced that it has completed a reverse takeover with Matnic Resources"
Win A New Fdm 3D Printer! | Element14.com
"Every Dream", the Vector PLA 3D - 3D Printer was developed" -
Printing Trade Shows, Announcements and Upcoming Events
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )Rock band 'linkin park' offers fans 3d printed figurines of themselves | 3Dprint.Com
"tremendous amount of media attention directed towards "
Mecklermedia's inside 3d printing conference in santa clara to feature 13 vertical |bussiness net
"medical, maker, manufacturing, software, and technical aspects of 3D printing"
Linkin park presents 3d figurines of themselves and fans during 'carnivores' tour | The inquisitr
"offering figurines of themselves made by state-of-the-art 3D printers"
Governor corbett awards grant to support university-led initiative to integrate tech| Marketwatch
"the deal is likely to be significantly beneficial to its business"
Notes from siggraph 2014: the fusion of compassion and technology | Betakit
"many prestigious universities to help our manufacturers remain leaders in the global economy.”"
Samsung sl-m2020w printer review: a bite-sized monochrome laser with nfc connectivity | Cnet
"Video discussion"
Epson celebrates the 50th anniversary of its first printer and the 25th anniversary | Allafrica.Com
"revolutionised the projector market, delivering vibrant and clear images"
Lecture, workshop focuses on 3D design as art | Fairbanks Daily News-Miner (blog)
"natural phenomena to create jewelry, lighting and industrial designs."
Spyder 3d world kicks off new community with sweepstakes for a 3d printer | Vizworld.Com
"corporation to sell their ideas,” said Joe Bloomfield, founder and CEO of Spyder 3D World"Push for Coastal 3D print group | The Advocate
"datasets and numbers, into three-dimensional visualisations"
3D Printing - The Next Big Thing Coming to the ASX | TheBull.com.au
"have made investors a bit sceptical about a new “next big thing” to come along."
Push for Coastal 3D print group | The Advocate
"datasets and numbers, into three-dimensional visualisations"
Hasbro & Shapeways Expand Partnership to New Properties Including Transformers | seibertron.com
"looking for basic company information or have a specific request"
My Mini Factory Announces 3D Printing Contest for Trojan Horse | 3D Printing Industry
"bring together 500 professional game designers, animation artists"
3d printing, additive and subtractive production methods | ouroboros design
"built machine tool and also multiple of these to produce machined finished pieces"
3D Printed Biking Accessories Challenge | 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board
"contest will run from now until October 8th, and feature a few pretty cool prize"
Last day with the @millennialtrain #hackerspace. | Travel Create Repeat
"Share this entry"
Sketchfab showcases 3D print ready models | 3diot
"web platforms for photography and videos and now it’s time for accessible 3D "
Cyclops visor for 3d printing and casting (I hope| | the RPF
"I'm hoping that I can get some answers to some questions."
Video interview with management of 3d printer manufacturer tinkerine studios | 3Dprintingstocks.Com