[Plugin] Eneroth Railroad System (v 0.1.21)
Dean: My names are both Julia and Christina but most people say Christina. And I don't understand what that image has to do with anything.
@eneroth3 said:
Dean: Unless this specific bug occurs to any of those developers I don't know what they can do about it. I's probably something that is fixed really easily once it's found but it can only be found on a computer it occurs on.
yes thats right.
ok what is now your right given name? julia,christina or julia-christina, or J.C. (jeysee).
<joke>ok in the month of july we say julia and in the wintertime (near x-mas we say chris..tina and all other month we say ene?
nice WE
@eneroth3 said:
Dean: Unless this specific bug occurs to any of those developers I don't know what they can do about it. I's probably something that is fixed really easily once it's found but it can only be found on a computer it occurs on.
Jon: That's the right place
. Did you activate the add track tool after adding this code?
On my macbook last night adding the "puts js" did absolutely nothing, as I mentioned in my last post.
The plugin did work on my macbook when I used it with your example file, so it seems to be acting in the same way as the Window version.
Now today I just tried adding the "puts js" on line 393 on my Win 7 computer and did get something to show on the console, see attached image.
- Jon
@jonb42 said:
Now today I just tried adding the "puts js" on line 393 on my Win 7 computer and did get something to show on the console, see attached image.
- Jon
do you use the same sketchup version and the same plugin version WIN/MAC?
the most developer use notepad++ for pc.
you can activate the compare plugin and compare the window and the mac version.
@jonb42 said:
Now today I just tried adding the "puts js" on line 393 on my Win 7 computer and did get something to show on the console, see attached image.
- Jon
do you use the same sketchup version and the same plugin version WIN/MAC?
the most developer use notepad++ for pc.
you can activate the compare plugin and compare the window and the mac version.
im not sure could be that the mac version need some lines different code, to solve the problem.
if Christina send you a small bugfix for your mac, this will not mean, that you bugfix the pc version.
i recommend that you deinstall the pc version and install the newest again.
if this doesn´t solve your problem, deactivate all plugins and let activated the railroad plugin. look what happend.
when you have no errors, switch on the plugins step by step (dont forget to restart sketchup.
here i have no problems with dialogue-windows.
@jonb42 said:
@eneroth3 said:
Dean: Unless this specific bug occurs to any of those developers I don't know what they can do about it. I's probably something that is fixed really easily once it's found but it can only be found on a computer it occurs on.
Jon: That's the right place
. Did you activate the add track tool after adding this code?
On my macbook last night adding the "puts js" did absolutely nothing, as I mentioned in my last post.
The plugin did work on my macbook when I used it with your example file, so it seems to be acting in the same way as the Window version.
Now today I just tried adding the "puts js" on line 393 on my Win 7 computer and did get something to show on the console, see attached image.
- Jon
This is exactly what I need
. Something in the javascript code in the console goes wrong at character 597 and it depends on the model file being open. I'll look in to it right away.
I think I've found it. When the plugin tries to write the currently used parallel distance (4,5 m written in whatever unit Sketchup is set to) to the input field. The code cannot be executed if it contains a ' sign since that's also used as quotes to define where the string starts and ends.
To the computer it becomes "this " is a quote" and it doesn't know how to read it. This also explains why my file works since it uses metric units that doesn't have the ' sign in them.
Found a fix!
If you replace
js << "document.getElementById('center_distance').value='#{@@center_distance.to_s}';"
js << "document.getElementById('center_distance').value=#{@@center_distance.to_s.inspect};"
it should work. Also you don't need to do any of the things Dean said.
Thanks for the help finding this
@eneroth3 said:
Found a fix!
If you replace
js << "document.getElementById('center_distance').value='#{@@center_distance.to_s}';"
js << "document.getElementById('center_distance').value=#{@@center_distance.to_s.inspect};"
it should work. Also you don't need to do any of the things Dean said.
Thanks for the help finding this
what i have written is for me the last option. temporair backup is sometimes helpful for me.
Thematic balise and animated components (in your plugin).
you have written in the Manual that i can insert code. can do this only a programer and what can the balise really.
ok on your tabletop (your own homepage)a train can change color, speed etc.
can a balise conected to a signal and a magnet? if i look at your tabletop i cant find the balise.
balise will be visible.
look here
dont read that all look at the pictures
in the german version of Indusi you can find some pictures more.
( Fahrzeugausrüstung ) and ( Streckenausrüstung )
actually i have not blueprints about balises to build this exactly in sketchup.
i can only use photos and a measure to find out how big is the object circa.
ok i dont want simulate a 100% railway situation however in renderings and movies this looks better if i see that the signal switch back to RED/YELLOW/GREEN/WHITE/BLUE etc.
a balise can change the color of the loco, or the headlight can switch to backlight etc, this could be possible for signals, too.
here a singnal book for the SJ (swensk)and here
a signal book for DB (tysk)http://fahrweg.dbnetze.com/file/3179912/data/rw_301_bekanntgabe_5.pdf
in germany we have 3 different signalsystems
HP origin western germany DB (Deutsche Bundesbahn old)
HL eastern germany Deutsche Reichsbahn (DDR-GDR)
KS is the newest system for DB Deutsche Bahn AG
Semaphores will be possible in East and West.
A german Locodriver must know all signals in this signal book.
and a loco driver student must know the text,the names of the signals and the meaning like an actors the script for the movie.
this is a hard work for the old man like me.regards dean
I have no idea what you got the things about bug fixes not working on different platforms, comparing files, uninstall, deactivate plugins and all that from. Everything indicated it was the same bug on both platform and I've found a fix for it that should work unless there are more separate bugs in the code.
The balise is for now only a technical feature for running code and has nothing to do with the physical model. I chose that name because it best described something on the track that makes something happen when some train runs by it. I've thought about extending this feature to include something that is drawn to the model, either a signal or an actual balise, but that's for the future. In that case I also rename the feature "Balise/Signal" or something similar and it will still be possible to not show it at all because it doesn't make sense to have a balise on the track or a signal next to it that paints trains.
The documentation has lots of examples that can be used in balises without being a programmer. Just copy and paste it. You can also read the balise code in the example model by double clicking on a balise with the balise tool open.
here a nice feature, for the real model railroad.
german language (roco(R) is a austrian producer, a picture/movie tell more than 1000 word.
why i insert here a Model Railroad Movie?
ENEroth-RR could be a planning software/plugin for kids to planing the own Tabletop.
is only a idea.
at the top of the page you can switch to your languagedean
Since there isn't a word for an invisible, non-physical point that can make just about anything happen when a train passes it I chose the word that best describes it. I could have called it Invisible-wisard-that-can-only-stand-on-a-track-and-do-magic-once-hit-by-a-train but it makes less sense to the user. Since the feature was/is primarily used to control train speed I think the name suits it.
My dad is a model railroader. Mostly Märklin H0 and Z.
I've thought about implementing some sort of track library with different pre-defined tracks, e.g. for model railroads but there are other features that have higher priority now.
@eneroth3 said:
Found a fix!
If you replace
js << "document.getElementById('center_distance').value='#{@@center_distance.to_s}';"
js << "document.getElementById('center_distance').value=#{@@center_distance.to_s.inspect};"
it should work. Also you don't need to do any of the things Dean said.
Thanks for the help finding this
It works!
A look of blank amazement crossed Sophie's face when the track appeared right beside her... (see screenshot)
Thanks again for the great plugin! I also enjoyed touring your castle.
And yes, I held off on the install / uninstall process
- Jon
Speaking of model railways I'd appreciate the option to choose scale when placing track / stock. Model railways are for the most part scale models and therefore you shouldn't have to do anything that different for them except scale... At least for me:)
In specific I used to have model trains mostly of the Hornby 00 scale which is 1:76 according to Wikipedia though I also had a small set of 000 (1:152) and some O (1:43.5). For the animation I want to do I'd like to use something close to the 0 scale.
Simple enough to scale it myself after creation of course however easier to route track through an existing model if it is already a scale that makes sense therein.
- Jon
Hello Christina, hello ERS Fans (Eneroth Railroad System Fans)
what do you think about an IdeaPool for ERS?
my feeling is, that i overburden Christina with my ideas and wishes,
now i have find out that some features doesn´t work in 0.1.13 .have ruby the function to report what i do?
what is the best way for the developer to find out whats happend.
ruby analyser (?)?
error popup?
have sketchucation a project portal?
normally the developer is the project leader.
than could the developer invite some friendly other developer to look at the problem to help. some problems can´t solve one person alone.
next level for the project bugreports with ticket.
the user send the bugreport... the project portal make a timestamp with consecutive number like this [_2014.07.27_10h36m54s_015_00800]
i will say it again. ERS have a big potential.
the base is: move an object from A to B. A to C along a path etc.
change speed, direction, appearance etcobjects can be: all what you can build or import in sketchup.
locos (Engines), FreightCars, PassengerCars etc.
Aircraft/Airplane,Boats, Ships, Animals._2014.07.27_11h29m03s_018_00897.wmv
objects can have: subobjects, subobjects can be animated...
Extrusion Profiles can be: Track, Bridges,Channels (waterway), Airway, Streets, Highway, Elevators/Lifts etc.Objects and Extrusion Profiles must have lowpoly design. e.g. ("exempli gratia") default track. for more information look in the wounderful manual.
b.r. dean
@eneroth3 said:
I have no idea what you got the things about bug fixes not working on different platforms, comparing files, uninstall, deactivate plugins and all that from. Everything indicated it was the same bug on both platform and I've found a fix for it that should work unless there are more separate bugs in the code.
oh i have learn HTML 1996 and the big problem was the different OS (PC/MAC) and different Browsers. yes i know we have now 2014 and the globe have forward rotated ins this time. any bad feeling from this time, i can´t loose out of my head.
An Architecture have said to me, some times it´s faster and cheap/less expansive you begin on this point before the problem was appear.
make old building to a new building is cheaper than a new try.(some times)
i see what you will tell me between the line.Dean you have not the faintest idea.
could be you are right. "be or not to be this is the question"@eneroth3 said:
The balise is for now only a technical feature for running code and has nothing to do with the physical model. I chose that name because it best described something on the track that makes something happen when some train runs by it. I've thought about extending this feature to include something that is drawn to the model, either a signal or an actual balise, but that's for the future. In that case I also rename the feature "Balise/Signal" or something similar and it will still be possible to not show it at all because it doesn't make sense to have a balise on the track or a signal next to it that paints trains.
Ok i understand, Balise isn´t the right word for you.
here a dictionary for the right word and the right meaning (railroad related)at page 24 first word.
http://www.era.europa.eu/Document-Register/Documents/Glossary%20of%20railway%20terminology-selection-%20EN-FR-DE.pdf.pdf@eneroth3 said:
The documentation has lots of examples that can be used in balises without being a programmer. Just copy and paste it. You can also read the balise code in the example model by double clicking on a balise with the balise tool open.
yes i know christina, i have read your good manual 3-times. i have had hope the balise is this what it is. no problem, trigger or switcher could be the right word.
was/is your daddy a railroader or a modelrailroader? for me i see not a difference( some MRR have more knowledge than the RR).all clarity eleminated?
best regards dean
@eneroth3 said:
My dad is a model railroader. Mostly Märklin H0 and Z.
Ah ok, what do you think about contacting the producer to have the right measure for Models like märklin, roco, fleischmann, mehano, piko etc.
kids could be design the own tabletop and scale this down to the right scale.
an extra plugin or feature in this plugin could kids help to do this.
yes i know with the tape measure tool in sketchup you can do this, only a little problem
1435mm / 87 = 16,49425287356322 and the real gauge in mm is 16,5mm (this is round up
1435mm /220 = 6,522727272727273mm real gauge 6,5mm (this is round down)
many MRR (model rail roader)build the own buildings, and railroad infrastructure.
some have a 3d printer and make this. or have a 2d printer and print out a papercraft and gluing this. sometimes with texture,too or as painter with paint-brush etc.
you see your plugin have a big possiblity, for all railroader ( model, simulator or real)
@jonb42 said:
Speaking of model railways I'd appreciate the option to choose scale when placing track / stock. Model railways are for the most part scale models and therefore you shouldn't have to do anything that different for them except scale... At least for me:)
In specific I used to have model trains mostly of the Hornby 00 scale which is 1:76 according to Wikipedia though I also had a small set of 000 (1:152) and some O (1:43.5). For the animation I want to do I'd like to use something close to the 0 scale.
Simple enough to scale it myself after creation of course however easier to route track through an existing model if it is already a scale that makes sense therein.
- Jon
I think it would be quite complicated to implement. There would need to be either scale inputs in all drawing tools or a new dialog for model info to definite in for the whole model. Also if the tools scale what they add the other models containing track types and rolling stock always needs to be at full scale which isn't user intuitive when the railroad model isn't. Lastly a few values have been hard coded into the plugin such as the height of the coupling symbol over the track in coupling tool.
I think it would be easier to scale up the model railway and draw everything at full scale in SU. This also has the advantage that you don't need to rescale the whole model if you decide to have it in another scale in real life.
@deaneau said:
Hello Christina, hello ERS Fans (Eneroth Railroad System Fans)
what do you think about an IdeaPool for ERS?
my feeling is, that i overburden Christina with my ideas and wishes,
now i have find out that some features doesn´t work in 0.1.13 .
[---]I feel more burden by ideas to administrate everything
. Why not just write it directly in this thread and not make it more complicated than that?
okis simple:
build your loco 1:1
draw a line 1435mm
groop loco and line
use the tape measure toolpick the first point of the line
go to the second point and click
enter your targed gauge in measurements (left below)
this scale down the scene.
if you only want scale down the loco and other object 1:1
do this
build your loco 1:1
draw a line 1435mm
groop loco and line
go in the groop (double click)
use the tape measure tool
pick the first point of the line
go to the second point and click
enter your targed gauge in measurements (left below)
be happyif you need pictures or movie let me now
regards dean
@deaneau said:
okis simple:
build your loco 1:1
draw a line 1435mm
groop loco and line
use the tape measure toolpick the first point of the line
go to the second point and click
enter your targed gauge in measurements (left below)
this scale down the scene.
if you only want scale down the loco and other object 1:1
do this
build your loco 1:1
draw a line 1435mm
groop loco and line
go in the groop (double click)
use the tape measure tool
pick the first point of the line
go to the second point and click
enter your targed gauge in measurements (left below)
be happyif you need pictures or movie let me now
regards dean
This cannot be done on rolling stocks that are already initialized such as those in the rolling stock library. The scale would be reset when driving. Also it won't work on tracks. Scaling tracks with the scale tool changes the path they are drawn to and is used when you for instance want to change the radius or the length. The track is then redrawn with the same guage as before.