Bedroom Render
This is my last work - bedroom render
I use Sketchup 8 + Thea
Render time 1:35 for resolution 2500x1790 px
Medium settings for interior render
Athlon x6
8GB ramWIP:
Full Resolution: -
Living room.
I was saw that interior on homedesigning. I try create it -
Very nice!
THX Bryan K!
I have next one. Still work in progress
original image 2000x2000px -
Really NICE work mate! If I could make a small suggestion, to put in a very subtle dirt map in the specularity channel for flat surfaces, this I always find tends to enliven images as we aren't used to seeing such clean smooth surfaces and it plays weirdness with our eyes!
ok, thx.. i try create dirt map for this..
but this be my first timemaybe you have any axaple or good tutorial for this.. thx