Modifying TIG's Archiver
Hi Devs,
I'm still spending time here and there trying to learn ruby, but I figured I'd just jump in and learn the hard doing things wrong for a while
. I'd like to modify a version of TIG's awesome Archiver.rb to fit my company office standards, so I'm going to take a stab at it.
Here's my Github link if you want to have a look: you see anything terrible or bad habits, don't hold back. It's the only way I'll learn! There's more info in the README.
You seem to have based yours on an older version that's not compatible with SketchUp v2014 ?
Get the latest Archiver version [v2.2] and see how it differs...
The latest version is backwardly compatible and has various glitches ironed out... -
@tig said: older version...
BLAST! Thanks TIG. Started a while ago and completely forgot about the updates. Starting over