Current news on 3d printing
BLOGS & the WEB Wed
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )Bringing a Game Character to Life with 3D Printing: Interview | i.materialise 3D Printing Service Blog - watch us make the future (feel free to join in) · Yui
Can 3D Printing Reshape Manufacturing In America? | D2P News · Mark Schmidt
"McCutcheon says changes in typical supply chain, due to a combination of structural changes in manufacturing and new forms of energy supply, can provide the spurs to lead an inshoring revolution"
EKOCYCLE Cube 3D Printer Prints in Recycled Plastic Bottles | Tom's Guide
Musician goes all maker with Ekocycle Cube 3D printer | TG Daily & Coke Launch “Re-making” with Recycled plastic for Cube 3D Printer | 3D Printer · Sarah Boisvert
3d printer test cube | Thingiverse - Newest Things · zach
Details on Another Revolution in the Making | 3D Printing Industry
"real high speed, real multi-material, multicolor custom manufacturing. "
Humans, robots and 3D printing | The EconomistMiniBuilders, Tiny 3D Printing Robots Can Construct Large Buildings | 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board
Bringing a Game Character to Life with 3D Printing: Interview with James W. Cain | I.Materialize - Materialise
van Straaten's 3D Print Accessibility Strategy | Fabbaloo
Ora.Tv 3D Printing - Sneak Peak | Ora.Tv
The 3D Printing Revolution | SCOPE Blog
"It is hard to know the best ways to prepare younger generations for a rapidly changing work world, but one sure-fire way is to embrace and teach technology"
Embedded 3D Printing of Strain Sensors within Highly Stretchable Elastomers | Jennifer Lewis
3d printing: a path to materialization |
"step process of their materialization from a digital 3D model"
Etsy Discussions | Etsy
RedEye 3D Printing | RedEye
Luxexcel Develops 3D Printing Process for Reading Glasses | The Voice of 3D Printing
First 3D Printed Electric Guitar Pick Launched iPrint Technologies | Makers of 3D Stuffmaker desktop 3D printer
Groupe Gorgé Has Created Prodways Entrepreneurs to Support the 3D Printing Revolution and ... | 4 Traders
Alan Meckler on the Future of 3D Printing |
"Some of the companies, he mentions, claim that they will takeover the entire market and none of those companies are on the radars of investors or 3D printing enthusiasts in the US"
Maxforums 3D Printing | Maxforums
3D Printing & World Cup Brazil | RepRap Forums -
BLOGS & the WEB Thurday
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )3D Printing Directly Onto Your iPad Screen | Hackaday · James Hobson
3D Printed Iron Man Cosplay Flexible Knee #3DThursday | adafruit industries blog · Noe Ruiz
"Printing flexible knee sections for my Iron Man Cosplay in Ninjaflex rubber on a Lulzbot TAZ 3D printer. Painted with Adhesion promoter an chrome paint."
Inspiring the Next Generation of Creators: Announcing Our Collaboration with Google | Shapeways
3D Printing at Ogden's WhiteClouds | Utah Stories · (Richard Markosian)Gabriela Ligenza's 3D Printed Hat Makes Royal Ascot Debut | After Nyne · clairemeadows
"Cutting-edge technology and avant-garde fashion design have been brought together by top milliner, Gabriela Ligenza, in order to create a stunning ladies’ hat on a 3D printer for this week’s Royal Ascot."
3 New Improvements to Polyamide to Get You Inspired! | i.materialise
"Starting today, we’re introducing two new polyamide colors: yellow and purple."
3D Printing Service Blog - watch us make the future (feel free to join in) | Yui
In Be-Tween: Introduction to 3D Printing | Guilford Free Library
3D Printers: A Must-Have Household Appliance or a Waste of Time and Money? | Newegg Unscrambled
3D Printed Soccer Ball Salutes World Cup | ThumbSketch
Smithsonian 3D Scans and Prints President Obama's Bust | 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board
"This undated handout image provided by the Smithsonian Institution shows the first presidential portrait created from 3-D scan data"
3D Printing for everyone | Indiegogo
Adobe Blogs 3D printing | Adobe Blogs
Reddit 3Dprinting | Reddit
3D-Printing of Lightweight Cellular Composites | Wiley Online Library
Designer Spotlight: Bryan Salt | Shapeways
3D Printing Planet | Pinterest
ThumbSketch MakerBot Z18 | ThumbSketch
3D Printing/Printed Explainer at the WSJ | Source - Knight-Mozilla OpenNews
"3d Printed planetary gear " -
3D Printing Daily update News at 9:00 am:
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )June 19, 2014 NEWS
New Design Strategy for 3D Printing Liquid Metals |
"Such an elastic technology could make possible robots that have sensory skin and stretchable garments that people might wear to interact with computers or for therapeutic purposes."
3DPrinterOS, One Secure 3D Printer Operating System to Rule Them All |
"Could one OS rule them all within the 3D printing space? It’s certainly a possibility."
3D Printing Visionaries | Personalize
3D Printing To Disrupt Heavy Industrial Manufacturing | Bidness Etc
3D printer 'a game changer' |
Analysts predict big consumer market for 3D printers |
Barack Obama Has Become the First President to be 3D Scanned and Printed |
"Could one OS rule them all within the 3D printing space? It’s certainly a possibility."
AWESOME: You Can Now 3D Print with Nutella | FOODBEAST
Here's a Look at 3D Systems' High-Speed 3-D Printing Assembly Line for Google's Project | DailyFinance
3D Printing Demonstration | Colorado Technical UniversityJune 20, 2014 NEWS
3D Printing Your Royal Ascot Hat? The Future Is Here, And This Is What You Need | Marie
Consumer 3D Printing Near The Tipping Point | Seeking Alpha
'•Over the next three years, consumer 3D printing may break past the tipping point, and turn into a household appliance'
New Digital Fabrication Technique Creates Interlocking 3D-Printed | Product Design & Development
Researchers Create 3D Printed Interlocking Bricks Which Require no Mortar |
"The team concluded that they “have effectively designed a system for 3D printing mortar-less ceramic brick assemblies at scales and in materials well beyond existing constraints of additive manufacturing technology"
Researchers Use Microstereolithography 3D Printers to Print Objects 400X's Stronger | 3DPrint.comCE Week 2014 to Highlight Latest Trends in 3D Printing |
The%(#008000)["3D printing market continues to gain global momentum. In fact, research from the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA)predicts that sales of desktop 3D printers will more than double from 2012 to 2014 with the average wholesale price of a 3D printer reaching $1,233 in 2014."]
3D print an entire phone soon, inventor cracks liquid plastic and graphene 3D printing |
'That could be about to change after liquid plastic and graphene filament has been discovered meaning we could soon be printing conductive materials for an entire gadget like a phone in one go.'
Royal Ascot: 3D-printed hat from poetry and plastic |
Inside Shapeways, the 3D-Printing Factory of the Future | Gizmodo
Kickstarter's 3D Printing CrowdFunded Projects Shows A Diversity of Locations | Crowdfund Insider
This 3D-printed three-sided die is a work of modern art | CNET
"The Modern Art D3 can be ordered in a variety of materials. The most basic black or white plastic version runs $11.42. If you want to get fancy with it, you can move all the way up to premium sterling silver for $80.92"
Shapeways Collaborates With Google On Made With Code Initiative To Inspire | IT Business Net
Singapore needs IP awareness in 3D printing: William Hooi | e27
Tom's Guide It Prints What?! The Wildest 3D Printers | Tom's Guide
Slideshow: igus's 3D-Printable Bearings Material | Design News
The rise of the super-fast industrial 3D printer | GigaOM -
BLOGS & the WEB Friday
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )“Hammerspace” Helps Members to Flex Their Creative Skills | 3D Printer · Travis Starnes
3D Printing Company Helps Louisiana-Based Musicians to Bring Their Ideas to Life | 3D Printer · Travis Starnes
A Sports Opportunity for 3D Printing? | FabbalooPrinting Out Your Environment – Joel Rush's 3D Printlife | 3D Printer World
Dutch designer's analog 3D printer, completely manual, is 3D printing clay |
Skullgirls fanart 3D printing | Polycount
"I made the sculpt in Zbrush and then used Dynamesh to make it a single solid model using decimation master to bring it down to a tri count that can be handled by 3D printing services."
3D Printing: The Latest Trend in Fashion | 3D2printDreamer Mask: Breakthrough (3d printed + wearable mask) | 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board
"This mask is wearable and you can also easily see through the eyelids. It’s also a beautiful decorative piece for your office or home."
Book by 3D Print Sculpture Artist Nick Ervinck Hits the Shelves | Materialise
Smarty Cents 3D printing | Smarty Cents
About Us Revolution 3d Printers | Revolution Printers
The basics for turning your ideas into 3D prints | Sculpteo Blog
3D Printing Your Royal Ascot Hat? The Future Is Here, And This Is What You Need To Know | Marie print an entire phone soon, inventor cracks liquid plastic and graphene 3D printing |
Royal Ascot: 3D-printed hat from poetry and plastic |
This 3D-printed three-sided die is a work of modern art | CNET
Slideshow: igus's 3D-Printable Bearings Material | Design News
"The Tribo-Filament is compatible with any filament fusion printer that has a heated nozzle and print bed, and uses ABS filaments" -
BLOGS & the WEB Sat
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )3D Printing is Hot... Except When It's Not... | RapidMade
"Many 3D printing technologies involve heat in some way, for example, applying lasers to a powder to fuse the layers together."
Can 3D laser scanning be integrated with 3D printing? | SmartGeoMetrics
3D Printed Rubber Mold | Instructables
3d Printed Art | PD Models
Shitty3DPrinters | Reddit
Obama Becomes First 3D Printed President | AOL On
3d printing—how fast can it go? | Make Parts FastMaterials - Materialise -4 Essential Updates About the i.materialise Shop | Materials - Materialise
3D printed three-sided die | Boing Boing · Dean Putney
Ora.Tv Wrapping Our Heads Around 3D Printing | Ora.Tv
ESA Does 3D printing have the right stuff? | ESA
3D Printed Artifacts Cause Controversy: How Far Can We Go? | 3D Printing3D Printing Has Come of Age. So Too Must Your CDN. | Beyond Bandwidth - Level 3 Communications
3D Printing Becomes Accessible to Rural Communities | NetWork Kansas
"The cost is of a printer from OniTechnology that is ready to print is $1400, the printer filament costs around $30 per roll, then you need a computer to hook it up to. After the physical materials are acquired you need 3D software, which can range from free to hundreds of dollars to buy. The free software is a great place to learn as the expensive software is more advanced."
Printing & Design | Printme3D
3D-Printing of Lightweight Cellular Composites | Jennifer Lewis
Understanding Laser Sintering | 3D Printing Reports
Obama Gets First 3D-Printed Presidential Portrait | Yahoo News -
BLOGS & the WEB Sun
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )The Fundamentals of 3D Printing | 3D Printing Industry
"There's never been a better time to try 3D printing. This course draws a roadmap for getting started with 3D printing"
3D Printing on Larry King Now -3D Printing Industry| 3D Printing Industry
3D Printed Portraits at the White House | 3D Systems
"President Obama took part in Wednesday’s National Day of Making in more ways than one. As part of the Smithsonian X 3D program, the Smithsonian presented the first-ever 3D printed presidential portraits at the White House Maker Faire on June 18th"
Revolution Printers 3D printer Instructions | Revolution Printers
French Company is 3D Printing Furniture | 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board3D printing industry begins to boom |
3Dprinting | Reddit
"News, information, links and fun things related to 3D printing, 3D printers, rapid manufacturing, desktop fabrication etc."
Writer Town Bring 3D Printing Home | Writer Town
3D printing | NEXTpittsburgh
3D print casted ring | Kudo3D
3D Print Mini-Figurine – the Grenadier | Kudo3D
3D printing Writer | Writer Town
New Projection Lens for Rapid Manufacturing / 3D printing | Visitech
First 3D Printing Experience a resounding success | Matjador
"In the atmospheric setting of a retro-industrial hall with state of the art high-tech equipment people of all ages walked through each other, the curiosity chase. Many people seemed to have heard or read about 3D printing on blogs as and now they wanted to see and experience these innovations by themselves in real."
3D Printed Headphones for the Runway | Make Parts Fast
3D Printing in a Nutshell | sehrm - HubPages
"Since the advent of personal manufacturing technologies, innovators and tinkerers have relished their ability to create products in the comfort of their respective abodes."
Gulliver's Gate to bring greatest 3D printed miniature world to New York |
"Based on Jonathan Swift's 18th Century novel, Gulliver's Travels, Gulliver's Gate will tap into people's fascination and wonder with the miniature in 21st Century fashion."
Pickering Public Library 3D Printer | Pickering Public Library
Make-a-Thon| OutputLinks -
3D Printing Daily update News at 9:00 am:
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )June 21, 2014 NEWS
President Obama Takes a Liking to ZeGo Robotics' 5-in-1 3D Printer, Engraver, Pick/Place, |
"It is capable of acting as a 3D printer, a plotter, a wood burner, a pick & place machine, and an engraver/PCB mill. It features 5 separate heads that can be changed out for each other, depending on the operation you would like it to perform"
3D guitar hero from Invergordon strikes a chord with stunning copy | Ross-Shire Journal
"Michael Smith (21), who is currently studying Product Design at Gray’s School of Art in Aberdeen, has developed Rapidly Printed Guitars (RPG), a unique spin on the manufacturing of electric guitars, as part of his degree show project."
A different dimension | Regina Leader-Post
Make yourself a Mini-Me: 3D printing facility visits Dundee Asda | Evening TelegraphLet me take a 'Shelfie': Try world's first 'clone-maker' in Trafford and see 3D mini-me | Mancunian Matters
Will 3D Systems Transform Hasbro's "Transformers" Toys With 3-D Printing? | Motley Fool
3D Printing Tips and Tricks: Keeping Your Electronics Cool | TweakTown
"Just like PCs, 3D printers are subject to overheating, and precautions need to be taken"
Hands on ... 3D printing | Herald ScotlandJune 22, 2014 NEWS
Marxism and Chocolate: Ideas in 3D Printing |
"The miniature chocolate sculptures that Sedlacek has created are beautiful. Each one is a small figure of a societal outsider: "
'Printing Things: Visions and Essentials for 3D Printing' | Boston Globe
Chuck Hull: the father of 3D printing who shaped technology | The Guardian
"This is extremely difficult for surgeons, to figure out how they are going to separate the two twins"
This Army Of Robots Could Be Responsible For Building The Cities Of Tomorrow | Inventorspot
Three Canadian Crowdfunding Campaigns Worth Watching | Techvibes (blog)
The Problem With 3D Printing in Space | GizmodoJune 23, 2014 News
Does 3d printing have the right stuff? | Phys.Org
Researchers 3d print electrically conductive strain sensors | 3Dprint.Com3D printing biz in washington heights | New york daily news
"Jerry Castanos opened 3D Heights and his customers include doctors, architects and students. Customized bobblehead figures are among popular items sold at the shop."
Teams of 3d-printing robots can build large objects | Treehugger
What you need to know about 3d printing | Engadget
What's behind the boom in 3d printing? | Manufacturers' monthly
In nazareth, 'maker' competition attempts to help the disabled with 3d printing | Betabeat
Innovators to gather in israel to use 3d printers to help the disabled | 3Dprint.Com
"Each challenge will be to find a solution to an issue that people with a disability faces."
Is asia poised to take over the 3d printing industry? | Inside3dp
Coming soon: world's first humanitarian 3d printing make-a-thon | Inside3dp
Inside3dp exclusive: thinkerthing - bringing darwin into 3d printing | Inside3dp
Smithsonian institution unveils 3d-printed bust of president obama | Tweaktown -
BLOGS & the WEB Mon
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )Automation devices apply 3d printing to industrial feeder bowls | 3Dconnects
Automation devices apply 3d printing to industrial feeder bowls | 3D printing industry
3D printing resources list | 3Dprinterprices.Net andy
Pinterest 3D printing | Pinterest
Kudo3d logo jewelry | Kudo3d
5 Major uses you need to know about 3d printing | Linkedin
"It allowed designers & engineers to identify and correct design flaws quickly and cheaply, thereby speeding up the product development process"
Orange makers Download flyer | Orange makers
3D printing great inventionsfrom page to product | Science museum blog
3D printing industry booms in china ii | Cnc world3D printing technology develops in china | Cnc world
French startup 3d prints your furniture using large-scale 3d printer | 3Ders.Org
3D printing on larry king now 3d-printing-larry-king-now | 3D printing forums
Is 3d printing the next industrial revolution? | Fnxtreme
3D printed dovetail template Lumberjocks.Com 41527 | Lumberjocks.Com
"So I went with a different approach that gave me an opportunity to learn about designing for 3D printing. I used the free webbased software Tinkercad ( for the the design."
Meetup 3D printer training 189972862 | Meetup
Duty calculator 3D printer 3490 | Duty calculator
Exoskeleton- 3d printed shoes | Behance.Net
Stereonet 3D printing speaker drivers 67308-3d-printing-speaker-drivers | Stereonet
Objet24 The Power of 3D Printing on Your Desktop | Multiaxis3dprinting.Com
"Objet24 is ideal for designers and engineers looking to produce highly accurate models for visual aids, fit and assembly testing and functional applications. "
My mini factory - 3d printing platform 1396964840& | Facebook
Can 3d printing reshape manufacturing in america? | Company week
Cadtech solutions Scan image gallery scan_image_gallery | Cadtech solutions -
BLOGS & the WEB Tuesday
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )Users Rate Highest-Quality 3D Printers | Yahoo News
CVMR To Manufacture Industrial 3D Printers & New Feedstock Metals | 3D Printing Industry
"CVMR has researched extensivelyregarding new modes of metal powder based extrusion"
Another 3D Printing Project for the World Cup | 3D Printing
Flashforge Dreamer: In Full Detail - To Buy a 3D Printer | Darcie Nolan3D Printed Sensors to detect Strain | 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board
Moonrig: Creating a Cameraman's Ideal DSLR Camera Rig with 3D Printing | Materials - Materialise
"make your life more convenient by creating functional pieces suited perfectly to your daily needs.
How far could 3D printing go in China | CNC World
As 3D Printing Emerges, Researchers Working on 4D Printing | Enterra Solutions
3D printing the easy way What Design can do! |
"WiFi-Box allows anyone to make simple drawings on a computer, laptop, tablet or smart-phone and print them in 3D"
AskForOompa's 3D Printed Jewellery |
3D printing |
Designer Spotlight: Maikel Grootendorst | Shapeways Blog
"Don’t let learning how to 3D model scare you. Just grasp one of the many easy-to-learn 3D drawing tools (like Google, Sketchup, etc.) and create something"
Small Open Holes Test | -
3D Printing Daily update News at 9:00 am:
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )June 24, 2014 NEWS
Embedded 3D printing for soft robotics fabrication | Nanowerk
"required to maintain high-fidelity geometries throughout the embedded printing and curing process."
3D printed Cyvasse is Game of Thrones for the board game geek | CNET
Firms advocate faster development of 3D printing in China | WantChinaTimes
Kibaran partners with 3D printer | The West Australian
"Graphene is a one-atom thick, near transparent sheet of graphite which is stronger than diamonds or steel but also flexible. It is also a better conductor of electricity than copper"
Kibaran Resources inks MOU for graphene use in 3D printing | Proactive Investors Australia
China Creating Blueprint to a Major Plan to Develop Their 3D Printing Industry |
Engadget Daily: how to disappear, the deal with 3D printers and more! | Engadget
"3D printer prices have decreased and accessibility has increased, it seems like the possibilities are endless."
The Difference between Machined and 3D Printed Metal Injection Molds | Machine DesignLi Ka-shing invests in US 3D printed meat firm | WantChinaTimes
"Modern Meadow CEO Andras Forgacs said the biopsies used by the company to "brew" leather and meat were obtained from animals but the process does not hurt, injure or kill them."
Coke,'s EKOCYCLE Gets Printing with 3DSystems |
The Ultimate Selfie From | ForbesJune 25, 2014 NEWS
3D printing: Additive process lays it on thick | Financial Times
MadeSolid's New 3D Printing Material Is Meant To Be Burned Away | TechCrunch
"So you print your ring in plastic, then use that plastic prototype to create a mold which you’ll later fill with molten metal. But first, you’ve got to get that 3D print out of your mold, while leaving the mold itself intact. How do you do that? By burning the 3d print out."
Kibaran Resources inks MOU for graphene use in 3D printing | Proactive Investors USA & Canada
OwnPhones 3D Printed Custom-Fit Wireless Earbuds To Revolutionize How People Experience | Broadway World
A mini industrial revolution on the way with 3D printing | Brisbane Times
Practical 3D Printing Guide: Making a GoPro Camera Mount | TweakTown
"Anyone with a 3D printer, or access to one, can queue up this mount and have it sitting in their hand ready to use in about 25 minutes. "
Molecular Gastronomy and the art of Reaction-based 3D Printing |
Asda Launches £60 3D-Printed Selfie Service for UK Shoppers | International Business Times UK
Jewliebots Strives to Interest Girls in Programming and 3D Printing |
"The idea that girls’ interests may be different is often dismissed. This doesn’t mean that girls are never drawn to 3D because of their interest in robotics or video games, it simply means there are other attractors that could be utilized as well"
Spread the word… 3D printing in Nutella is now a thing | Free Malaysia Today
Spread the word... 3D printing in Nutella is now a thing | Yahoo Philippines News
Research into the use of different metals in 3D printing will be the focus of a new | Nanowerk
""3D printing is a revolutionary manufacturing technology used for making structural and/or functional metal components for all industries, including metal implants in human bodies "
It's no 'Myth': World's first 3D Printed Shoe Collection is here | Inside3DP
High Tech 3D Printing Meets Traditional at Royal Ascot | Inside3DP
We are a step closer to a smartphone that weighs less than a dime | BGR -
BLOGS & the WEB Wednesday
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )3D Printing Philanthropy: KXX Rings by Michiel Cornelisse shapeways.comn | Shapeways Blog
Luxexcel Develops 3D Printing Process for Reading Glasses | 3D Printing Insider · Sandra Helsel
Elephants, Supports, Rafts, Errors and MakerBot Apologies | 3D Print HQ · Jason King
A Beginner's 3D Printing Guide |
3d printing technology| E-nabling The Future
"Posts about 3d printing technology written by Warm Fuzzy Revolutionist"
Sweet 3D printing | Materia
"3D Printing adds technological spice to our food, using basic kitchen ingredients to transform sugar."
This is What a 3D Print of Barack Obama Looks Like | 3D PrintingIntroducing, Obama's 3D-Printed Presidential Portrait | Animal
3D Printing | Battleon Forums
3D Printed LED Knuckle Jewelry | Adafruit Learning System
"Bling out your swag with 3d printed LED knuckle jewelry"
3D Printing's Pathological Geometries | Fabbaloo
"If a cantilevered shape exceeds, say, 45 degrees or so, you may experience slumping or outright failure."
5 Things You Already Do That Mean You Can 3D Print | Shapeways
"it might seem like getting into rapid prototyping is too complicated for any beginner to tackle. Not so."
3D Printing Disruption And The Rise Of Mass Customisation | Close
"With 3D printing, the items can be programmed and created in a matter of hours, ready to be shipped or picked up from the store"
3D Printing Carries POWERADE to the World Cup | 3D Printing Forums
3D printing scales? |
MadeSolid's New 3D Printing Material Is Meant To Be Burned Away | LockerDome
VIDEO: Nutella Experiments With 3D Printing | Food Manufacturing
Engadget Daily: how to disappear, the deal with 3D printers and more! | 3D Printing Plan -
BLOGS & the WEB Thursday
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )New Industrial Age Being Built on Sensors, 3D Printing and The Cloud | Computerworld India
3D Printing Startup Teams with Amazon and Gives Toys to Sick Kids ... |
Spread the word – 3D printing in Nutella is now a thing | The Star Online
Intel Chips, 3D Printing Could Put a Robot in Every Home | eWeek-by Michelle Maisto
"been asking himself and others, as he considers what technology might look like in 10 to 15 years"
'Data bells' make music from climate change | CNET-by Leslie Katz
Open source 3D printing means freedom to improve technology | Plastics Today
"Users can customize the LulzBot to suit their needs because the company's "open build" allows users to modify the machine to print in a variety of materials."
Using 3D Printing And Design To Change The Way We Look At Disability | Tarun WadhwaUsing 3D Printing And Design To Change The Way We Look At ... | Forbes-by Tarun Wadhwa
Sound as a manufacturing tool | Investor's Business Daily
Retailers will need to focus on customer service to keep the lights on | PFhub-by Andrew Moran
CE Week Offered Lots of Tech Gadgets | Accounting Today-by Michael Cohn
"The combined CE Week and Showstoppers technology trade show in New York on Wednesday offered plenty of cool consumer electronics and tech gadgets on display"
3D-printed carbon composite inspired by balsa wood | Knovel
Harvard Researchers Combine Resin Inks and 3D Printing to Create ... | Inside3DP-by Dennis Mitzner
3D Printing on the Farm |
Drawn | adafruit industries blog · Matt
Akemake: the design gang | 3D Printshow · Faith Robinson
3D Printing Stone AgeTools | Likecool
3D Printed Torus Knot | Mr Honner · MrHonner
Thingaverse 3D Printing Files and OpenSCAD | The Teacher List
3D Printed Sugar Cubes are Here | TwistedSifter · twistedsifter
Organize Your Office with 3D Printed Nature | 3D Printing Industry -
3D Printing Daily update News at 9:00 am:
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )June 26, 2014 NEWS
How Does 3D Printing Work? | Labmate Online
Take a Look at This 3D Printed Bust of President Barack Obama |
Shapeways Launches Platinum, 18 Karat Gold, And Other Precious Metals For 3D Printing | Broadway World
"With these additions to its other jeweler-friendly materials, including 14k Gold, Sterling Silver and Castable Wax"
3D Printing's Pathological Geometries |
"3d printing, geometry, build, overhangs, support material As you become accustomed to making objects on your personal"
Ray Kurzweil Says We'll Be 3D Printing Our Clothes in Less Than 10 Years | Motherboard
"In less than ten years, you’re probably going to be able to print your own open source clothes for a few cents,"
Graphite, graphene could be used in 3D printing | The Australian Journal of Mining
"Graphene, the light, strong, malleable material formed from the mineral graphite"
Distributors Dish On 3D Printing: Is It Worth It? | CRN
A new industrial age is being built on sensors, 3D printing and the cloud | Australian Techworld
"Before the Revolutionary War, sheets of tin imported from England were fashioned by people working at home into plates, cups and candle holders"
Joris Laarman Designs 3D Printed Chairs For Your Living Room | Inside3DP
"The star of the exhibition was undoubtedly the Maker Chairs; designed with the help of crowdsourcing"Inside3DP Exclusive: These 3D Printed Objects Will Change Your Life | Inside3DP
Consumer-Grade 3D-Printable Metal Casting Resin | Design News
3D in Spanish? It's |
Itseez3D app puts ultra-realistic 'game changing' 3D scanning into the iPad | Digital Trends
Will 3D Printing Disrupt Ecommerce? | Practical Ecommerce
"For a fee or share of sales, designers are available to create templates for products"
3D Printing With Fungus – Artist Creates Chairs and Other Objects Out of Mushrooms |
"one of the few downsides to 3D printing is the plastic waste created by all the prints"
3D-printed carbon-fiber epoxy honeycombs mimic the material performance of balsa wood | Nanowerk
Airbus experiments with 3D printing | The Australian
Jeff Koons on 3D Printing, Selfies, and Cats | Elle
"What do you think of “the selfie” as a form of art? "June 27, 2014 NEWS
Top toy predicted for Christmas 2014 … a Wi-Fi doll that does ... | The Guardian
'Another top 10 toy is the £25 Doh Vinci vanity box, which allows children to become 3D designers, and the Kiddizoom Smart Watch, which shows the time but can also take and edit photos, record videos and play three built-in games. 3D printing is also being used in a new range of Makies dolls – retailing from £70 – which allow the owner to create a "mini me".'
3D printed quaichs: combining new tech with time honoured tradition | STV Aberdeen
Minibuilders: Fleet of robots works together as a roving 3D printer of ... | Equipment World Magazin
3D printing manufactures the future in CSU lab | Rocky Mountain Collegian
Shapeways Launches Platinum, 18 Karat Gold, And Other Precious ... | MCADCafe (press release)
Game of Thrones jeweller talks to HELLO! Online about the show's ... |
3D Printing is Fast Becoming a Hot Hobby Among Consumers | Maximum PC
""early technology adopters and hobbyists investing in relatively cheap 3D printers. As prices continue to fall, the technology improves and use cases are tested, this trend is set to continue.""
Should the industry be worried about digital disenfranchisement? | The Drum
Forget expensive diamonds, now you can PRINT engagement rings ... | Daily Mail
The New Curriculum: Reading, Writing, and 3D Printing | Businessweek
Sports Drone Set for Take-Off with Stratasys 3D Printing | Product Design & Development
"In this case, both our core 3D printing technologies have proved instrumental in producing a fully-functional drone and wrist device. With the exception of the advanced sensor technology, both parts have been created entirely using 3D printing."
Photos of the Day: The World's First Auto-Follow Sports Drone | Product Design & Developmen
Hamleys Top Ten Toys for Christmas 2014: In pictures |
NAED Foundation Releases Disruptive Technologies Research | Industrial Distribution
Proto Labs Inc.'s CEO on Finding Talent | Motley Fool-by Steve Heller
Grapevine: Italian empathy | Jerusalem Post -
BLOGS & the WEB Friday
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )Splash Lamp by Desmond Chan Beautifully Captures a Moment of Liquid Art | i.materialise
3D printing gives trash a second life | StopPress
3D Printing Products at Home: Manufacturer, Consumer, or Both? | LexisNexis
Most practical uses of 3D Printing | 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board
"I just made cool little Doo Dads, and never anything useful."
Check out our 3d printed 24k gold World Cup replica trophy! | Shootdigital
3D Printing Overview | Tactile Portraits
Intro To 3D Printing |
3D Printed Kids' Toys Design Challenge | Pinshape
The FBI's 3D Printer | Fabbaloo
3D printed Mini Tank | Kudo3D
3D printed Egyptian God – Anubis | Kudo3D3D printing guide| GitHub
3d print | E-nabling The Future
3D Printing, A new industrial revolution is on its way | Blog -'s 3D Printer Uses Plastic Bottles to Create Objects | 3D Printing
Price versus ??? What 3D printing users want now | Make Parts Fast
Featured | Revolution 3d Printers
Tikal temple pieces - Configurable models for 3D-printing | BoardGameGeek
"Beside the functions to print single temple layer pieces and several temple layers in one block, there are several layouts of pieces for you to choose from:"
Artisan's Asylum receives 3D printer | The Somerville Times
Tear-off Flyer - Liza Wallach Kloski (1).pdf | Meetup
Scientist develop ultra-tough, ultra-light 3D printed meta-material | Design Engineering
3D Printing from Minecraft: Build a Skyscraper | Midtown Patch
Nema 17 Stepper Motor | Revolution 3d Printers
Drawn: 3D Printed Furniture or Modern Art? | 3D Printing
"The group will soon start selling their furniture via an eShop, and they will also be organizing workshops to tell people how to 3D print their own furniture pieces"
J Group Robotics launches Vector PLA 3D printer for Indian market | Tech
KNOXzine KNOXzine: 3D Printing for Everyone | Vimeo
Sedation Monitoring, 3D Printing Get Attention From J&J | Pharma & Medtech Business Intelligence
3D Printers More Accessible, Useful | Paradigm Information Services
3D Printing MakerBot Replicator (5th Generation) Review. User Verdict: Not Ready | Nick Lievendag -
BLOGS & the WEB Satday
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )3D printing material is designed to melt away in a mould during casting [#3DPrinting] | rb.trends
3D Printing Poised to Alter the Manufacturing Landscape, are Automation Suppliers ready? | VDC Research: Industrial Sensing, Networking & Control Market Blog | Frank Bertini
Splash Lamp by Desmond Chan Beautifully Captures a Moment of Liquid Art | i.materialise3D Printing and the Coming Maker Era | RealClearTechnology
3D Printing of Lightweight Cellular Composites | 3D Printing Industry
3D Printing | Pflugerville - CivicPlus
PINHOL3D: 3D printing through a new lens | 123D Blog - Autodesk 123D
3D printing is bringing accessibility to your fingertips | MaRS Discovery District
3D Printing in Windows 8.1 | Labrigger
Learn the 5 Ws of 3D Printing Your Own Jigs & Fixtures | Stratasys Blog
"With additive manufacturing, jigs & fixtures, patterns and other assembly tools can be produced in just hours for a fraction of the cost of CNC produced tools"
3D Printing for creative industries | Griffith University
3D Printed Wooden Shoes 3D Printing Forum | 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board
3D Printing LGS | LGS
3D Printing Samples Tactile Portraits | Tactile Portraits
Walking in Style: Merging 3D Printing and Functional Robotic | YouTube
5 comments Reddit | Reddit
3D Printing Technology: Will it Save the World | 3D2print
3D Printer Reseller LulzBot | LulzBot
TechReads: Fabricated (The New World of 3D Printing) - Part 1 | iGirl Tech News
"Hello World! This 3D sugar printer gets tested by printing messages onto toast, a reminder that the virtual and physical worlds are becoming evermore combined thanks to 3D printing technology"
3D Printing Services Sales Craigslist | Craigslist
3D Print Lobster Girl Kudo3D | Kudo3D
3D Printing Robin de Jongh | Robin de Jongh
Create the Creator!! | Element14
Make: Ultimate Guide to 3D Printing - 2010kaiser | Neverware
Civil 3D Designer 3D Printing Alliance | 3D Printing Alliance
The Choc Creator Version 2 launches in China | 3D Printing News
3D Printed Pumps That You Might Actually Wear | Brit + Co.
3D Printing Chicago Artists Resource | Chicago Artists Resource -
BLOGS & the WEB Sunday
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )New Art Book on Artist Nick Ervinck's 3D Printed Masterpieces | 3D Printer · Sarah Boisvert
"The intricate design pushed the limits of 3D printing technology and clearly demonstrated the power of the process, both technically and aesthetically"
The Moore's Law of 3D Printing… Yes it Does Exist, And Could Have Staggering Implications | Medhacker · Medbonsai
"3D printing speeds have been following a path of progression which mimics that of Moore’s law, but will it continue?"
3D Printed Sugar "Cubes" Are A Stylish Way To Sweeten Your Whole Day | Distractify
Amazing 3D Printed White Matter Model Of The Brain | 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board
James Tanton's geometry problem and 3D Printing | mikesmathpage -
"just trying to understand the shape of this object proved to be a fascinating exercise. Again, using what I’ve learned from Taalman’s blog, I made a sequence of 5 shapes on Mathematica that help you build the shape up in your mind:"
Blossoms | Kickstarter
"With your help I will be able to photograph all eight of these metal pendants and update the photos on my website before I send them out to you"
Best paint for PLA 3d printers? | 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board
Createc 3D - Best 3d printer prices in EU and maybe WW | 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board
1 comment Why does this happen? Need help fixing prints | Reddit
Call for Papers Special Issue: 3D printing |
3D Printing Exhibition - Picture of Museum of Science and Industry, Tampa | TripAdvisor
Los Angeles 3d Printing |
Webstagram 3dprinting | Webstagram
3d printing | The Computer Guru Radio Show
MakerBot PrintShop Anyone Can Design 3D Printable Models | 3D Printing Plan
"ntroducing MakerBot PrintShop, a fun, easy, and free tablet application for creating and 3D printing all kinds of cool things on MakerBot Replicator 3D Printers."
Maker Faire 3D Printing Gives a New Spin on Ceiling Art Mark Leonard | Facebook
"joystick" for animation artists takes shape | 3D Printing Plan
Modeling - Hhow do I get rid of intersecting faces for 3D Printing | Blender Artists
Maker Tales: How to 3D print new frames for your glasses | 3D Hubs Blog
Coin Age 3D printed board |
Story Roundup This June From Tiny Robots that 3D Print to Smart Warming System | BEE inc.
3d printing a broken blinker support arm on my scooter | Neville's Financial Blog3D Printing SpaceRef: Search Results | SpaceRef: Search Results
Lost Wax Casting with 3D Printers | CNCCookbook! - CNC Cookbook
3D Printing – A game changer – and apparently prints bunnies too…| The Big Smoke -
Thanks again dukejazz.
3D Printed Turbo for Koenigsegg Engines
3D Printing Daily update News at 9:00 am:
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )June 28, 2014 NEWS
World Cup players get duffel bags showcasing Nike's 3D printing of parts | Plastics Today
A young and talented fashion designer, by the name of Chris van den Elzen, has teamed with another designer, Judith van Vliet, to take this knowledge, and create their very own collection of shoesDesigners 3D Print Colorfabb woodFill Platforms for New Shoe Collection, EXCIDIUM. |
A chair 3D printed with mushrooms | Nanowerk
3D Printing and the Coming Maker Era | Inside3DP
Third Person Perspective: No longer just in video games… Coming soon to real life, thanks|
“This unique field of view for VR is something that distinguishes this concept from others in Virtual Reality development,”
3D Carving Technology Emerging in Austin | KEYE TV
RYOBI Print Manager from Tokyo, Japan Tours Braintree Printing | What They Think
Create Your Own Snap-Together Plastic Models | GeekDad (blog)
"My test print of the little robot turned out okay, but once the nozzle reached about half-way up the chest and the shoulders, I started to get some sag as the curved shoulders began to build."June 29, 2014 NEWS
How Will 3D Printing Affect Chemistry? | Labmate Online
Billions To Soon Be Invested In 3D Printing Research and Development |
The Franklin Institute 3D Prints Incredibly Complicated White Matter Brain Model for New Exhibit |
3D Printing: New Innovations in Interior Design | Inside3DP
The Makies: 3D Printed Personalized Dolls |
“Makies are produced…by folks who believe in sustainability and local production. Their bodies are 3D printed in the UK and Amsterdam, and the process is highly efficient and waste-free. Their clothes are made by hand in MakieLab’s workshop, and even their packaging is sourced in the UK…We assemble all Makies by hand with love…Many of us in the Lab are parents and very picky toy shoppers ourselves, and we’re making toys that we’re very happy for our own kids to play with.”
From the Sustainable to the Flexible to the Edible, We Explore the Possibilities of 3-D Printing | EntrepreneurJune 30, 2014 NEWS
14 Ways 3D Printing Has Changed The Art World | Huffington Post
3D printer uses recycled plastic bottles (w/video) | Nanowerk
Flat is Boring Get Your Ideas Inflated |
Designers recreate stone age tools with space age technology | The Verge
3D Printed Brain Model Displays AM's Educational Potential |
Mmmm Chocolate Choc Edge Debuts Chocolate 3D Printer Choc Creator V2 |
"“Since we launched the original Choc Creator two years ago we’ve been constantly striving to develop the technology to make it even easier to use, so it can create ever-more stunning 3D and 2D designs in chocolate,” "
Nice Engine-"3D Printed Turbo for Koenigsegg Engines"
Thanks - Olishea for your post -
BLOGS & the WEB Monday
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )3D printed Princess Bubblegum crown | Boing Boing
"The Princess Bubblegum Crown, $30 from Etsy's Carry The What, is a pretty sweet fashion accessory for the Adventure Time fan who's got everything. You can download and print your own, if you've got a 3D printer"
New Start-Up Wants You to “Just Make” Anything You Want and 3D Print It | 3D Printing Industry
3D Printed Shoes Again Better 3D Printing Shoe Modifications | Association of 3D Printing
3D Printing Boom Beach! Fantastic!! | Supercell Community Forums
3D printing eyewear How to earn your profit from 3D printing eyewear? | Jeffrey Leung Eyewear Design
Download Handout From Revit to 3D Print in 75 minutes and under a grand! | Paul F. Aubin
3D printing 3D Printing: Everything You Need to Know in 2 Minutes | NightRooster
Starting 3D printing | 2D and 3D Printing Support
"I am about to start 3D printing. I need help about how the modeling of 3D printing is done"
This 3D Printed Keyboard Will teach You How to Play Guitar | 3D PrintiDemocratizing the Freedom of Mobility with 3D Printing | 3D Printing Magazine
"Now she works as the executive director for Bridging Bionics Foundation, and together with Scott Summit from 3D Systems, they appeared at the Aspen Ideas Festival to talk about how 3D printing and robotics will democratize the freedom of mobility"
3D Printing Has Progressed Faster Then We Thought |
3D Printing Technology | Scribd
"Complete model in a single process using 3D printing. The basic principles include materials cartridges, flexibility of output, and translation of code into a visible pattern."
autonomous-3d-printing MOUNTING BRACKETS | Airwolf 3d
Waking Zombie Mesh Bomb #YpsilantiMichigan | THRE3D
"My MeshBombs are created by taking objects from public locations, replicating them digitally, and discretely returning them to their original site with altered copies. Local establishments with frequent repeat customers are targeted in order to heighten the impact that the subtle and uncanny installations have on those that notice them."
How to Save Money with a 3D Printer | 3D printers - TopTenREVIEWS
Bits & Bytes 002: 3d Printing Fail, Wifi Adapters, Deep Cycle Batteries | 3D Printer
Art, Drawing, 3D Models, 3D Printing, Jewelry & Crafts | The Bellingham Herald
Dimension 3D Printer | TeacherTube
support material slic3r settings | SoliForum