3D Genetic Engineering to Organs & Body Parts
3D Printing in Medicine | YouTube
Researchers are using 3D printers to make blood vessels | Engadget
Scientists use 3D printing to make artificial blood vessels | Phys.Org
Scientists Can Now 3D Print Human Blood Vessels | 3D Printing Plan3D Printed Body Parts Are So In | Design & Trend
3D Printing the Body – Inside Out, Presentation by Jennifer Loy | 3D Printing Industry
3D Printing and Organ Transplants | SourceTech4113D printer used to create woman's new hip | KESQ
3D printing a Braille phone for the blind | Humans Invent
Osteoid - A 3D Printed Cast That Can Heal Up To 80% Faster | HUH.
3D Dental Technology Company Begins Operations In North Country | WAMC
FDA tackles opportunities, challenges of 3D-printed medical devices | Plastics Today
3D-printed, SA-designed Roboleg brings low cost Robohand tech to more amputees | htxt.africa
3D Bioprinting Could Speed Up Drug Development | Life Science Leader Magazine
3D Printing opens new frontiers in medical devices, confuses FDA | Beaker
"A statement detailing the FDA’s stance on the use of 3D printing to develop medical devices could be issued soon, FDA official Benita Dair said at a recent conference. “FDA is aware of a lot of new game-changing technologies. But FDA does want to ensure safety and efficacy for the public,” Dair said"Researches Find Way to 3D Print Blood Vessels – Could lead to transplatable tissue | 3D Bioprinting Conference
3D Printed Blood Vessels | dailymotion.com
Scientists Can Now 3D Print Human Blood Vessels | The Top Information Post
3D Printers Can Make Blood Vessels | MyScienceAcademy · adminDr Atala and 3D printing | susans.org
Chinese Doctors 3D Print and Implant Shoulder and Pelvic Bone Replacements | 3DPrint.com
Chinese Surgeons 3D Print Bone Replacements | 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board
3D Printed Titanium Hip Combined with Stem Cell Graft Implanted Into UK Patient | Medgadget.comServices | UC Davis Biomedical Engineering
"University of California, Davis College of Engineering
Feb 4, 2014 - "One of the great things about being a Biochemical Engineering major is that I study topics from many different disciplines,"3D Printing Hacker And Biotechnologist Corrie Van Sice Speaks Tuesday | The Chattanoogan
3D Bioprinting Regenerates Vincent van Gogh's Severed Ear from | International Business Times UK -
3D Genetic Engineering to Organs & Body Parts
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )ELI5: 3D printers used in hospitals | Reddit
Students – 3D Printing Hands | enablingthefuture.org
“Nurse, the new leg..” The 3D printing revolution in medicine | jobsite.co.uk
3D Printed Blood Vessels | AOL On
3D-printed blood vessels could be used for transplants | Fox NewsIn China, world's first successful 3D-printed shoulder and collar bone implants | 3ders.org
Chinese Doctors Perform Successful 3D Printed Shoulder and Collar Bone Implants | The Voice of 3D PrintingCutwel launches dedicated 3D printing arm Hawk3DProto | TCT Magazine
9 Year Old Boy Receives a 3D Printed Prosthetic Arm – Thanks to e-NABLE | 3DPrint.com3D Printing- Prosthetics for the Wounded? | Uncle Sams Misguided Children
3D Printed Body Parts To Become Medical Norm: Controversial Bioprinting | Design & Trend
How to make 3D Printed Xenomorph Hands | adafruit industries blog · Noe Ruiz
Organovo Teams Up With Australian Researchers to Develop 3D Printed Kidney | 3D Printer · Travis Starnes3D Printed Arms – Coming SOON! | E-nabling The Future
3D Genetic Engineering to Organs & Body Parts
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )FDA Forum Seeks Input on 3D Printing | Medical Dealer
Becoming a Human 3D Printer | Instructables
Ethan's 3D Printed Hand & A Letter From His Mom | E-nabling The FutureDo YOU want to be a 3d printer? Human 3d printer!? | DIY 3D Printing · Lav Radis
LayerWise 3D printing is capable of improving efficiencies in healthcare industries | Industrial Laser Solutions Magazine
Video: 3D printed titanium hip implant | Metal Powder ReportScientists Can Now 3D Print Blood Vessels | 3D Printing
3D Printed Bionic Exoskeleton to Aid in 2014 World Cup Kickoffs | 3D Printer · Travis Starnes -
3D Genetic Engineering to Organs & Body Parts
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )3D Printed Xenomorph Hand | 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board
Van Gogh Gets a 3D Printed Living Ear | 3D Printing
Regenerating Canine Jawbones with the Help of 3D Printers | American Animal Hospital Association
3D Systems Unveils 3D printed Bespoke
Braces for Chronic Condition Scoliosis | 3D Systems
3D Printed Bespoke Back Braces for Scoliosis Treatment | 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board
Cutwel Launches Dedicated 3D Printing Arm Hawk3DPronto | The Voice of 3D Printing
3D Printing & Our Health | Dela Buzz
Scientists say we are close to 3D printing brand new organs that generate electricity | 3Ders.org
3D Printing May Create Enhanced New Organs, Capable of Producing Electricity | 3DPrint.comBio-Printing Technology May Bring New Organ That Generates Electricity Inside The Body | Huffington Post
"For complicated organs -- for example, if the heart fails -- then you need a pacemaker. The pacemaker runs with batteries, and when the battery needs to be replaced, surgery is needed," he said. That procedure could be eliminated by creating "an organ that is going to be part of the human body and generate electricity that can run the heart."3D Printing Inventor 'Amazed' At Healthcare Applications | InformationWeek
3D Printing Inventor 'Amazed' At Healthcare Applications | American Nursing Informatics Association3D Printing Reconstructs a 12-Year-Old Boy's Skull After Grave Injury From Accident | Stratasys Blog
Design Conversation: 3D Printing & Its Uses in Medicine | Museum of Design
U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) launches a biomedical file-sharing site
NIH 3D Print Exchange -
3D Genetic Engineering to Organs & Body Parts
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )3D printing pioneer stunned by medical uses | 3D Bioprinting Conference
"Chuck Hull, who entered the US Inventors Hall of Fame last month and who is credited with pioneering 3D printing, has expressed surprise at the growth in medical uses for the technology"
Visual Wednesdays: The State of 3D Printing in Medicine | Rock Health3D Printing Advances in Shriners Hospitals for Children | Photizo Group
Frankie's New 3D Printed Hand | E-nabling The Future
"This is the kind of story that we hope to see more and more of."
3D Printing in Medicine | 360? view · Guest - our afternoon train reading
Will the human body be 3D printed soon?! | Jakajima, matchmaker for innovators
Advancements in Regenerative Medicine Have Made Artificial body Possibility
3D Print This: Prosthetic Hands & Couture Dresses | Huffington Post
DNA And 3d Printing Used to Recreate Van Gogh's Famous Missing Ear [PHOTO] | KpopStarz
New York Artist, Ion Popian, Records Brainwaves And Turns Them Into 3D Art | Medical Daily
“MakerNurses” — Patient-Focused Innovators Set To Become The Next| 3D Printing Industry -
3D Genetic Engineering to Organs & Body Parts
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )Are Dental Labs Over Now Because of 3D Printing? | 3D PRINTING DENTAL MARKET
“Dental labs won't go away, because personal copiers have not closed Kinko’s. ”Brazilian Researchers Used 3D Printing to Reconstruct Skull of 12-Year-Old | The Voice of 3D Printing
" Biocompatible prosthesis that would be inserted in the boy’s head during the surgery. Biomaterial prosthesis is a artificial bionic, bone, tissue or nerves replaement for the real lost organic structure."
3D Printed Skull of Taung Child (Australopithecus africanus) | Florida Tech Toybox, Inc.3D Printing Transhuman Super Organs | Future Timeline
"Bioprinting has advancing so quickly that scientists believe 3D printing an entire artificial human organ is a few years off. "
3D Printing Transhuman Super Organs | ForumsBespoke 3D printed back brace for Scoliosis patients | 3diot
3D-Printed Prosthetics Roll Off the Presses | American Institute of Chemical Engineers
1000 Volunteers, Making Free Prosthetic Limbs for Those Who Need Them | 3D UniverseSurveyMonkey 3D printing in medical fields | SurveyMonkey
Healthcare and 3D Printing Infograph | 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board
3D Printers Counsel Doc & Midwest Office Automations | counseldoc.com -
3D Genetic Engineering to Organs & Body Parts
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )Patient in Argentina Receives 3D Printed Titanium Skull Implant | 3DPrint.com
Argentinian patient received 3D printed skull implant made of titanium | 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board
The Squizmo: 3D Printing and Dental Hygiene | 3DPrint.com
Foot pain sufferers find relief from 3D printer | Nanowerk
"The foot support is then created using 3D printing. The technique, developed by the project, slashes both the cost and time to manufacture, says Woodburn."
Trying to model/print a shell for a leg | Blender Stack Exchange
""I have high quality scans of my leg, I am trying to print a 1/4" thick shell for it. needs help.
3D Printed Robotic Exoskeleton Helps Paralyzed Man Kick Soccer Ball at World Cup | 3D Printing ChannelGriffith University Gold Coast Campus presented, May 29, 2014, 3D Printing the body | 3D Printing Today
"It was the starting point for finding shared interests, through an exploration of 3D Printing in relation to the body." -
3D Genetic Engineering to Organs & Body Parts
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )Genetic Engineering News 3D-Print a Brain with Free Government Library | Genetic Engineering News
"The site has files that can be used to create models of anything from a human brain to deadly viruses."
How 3D printed body parts are changing medicine | InformationWeek India
J&J early stage collaborations span 3D printing for orthopedics, brown fat, biosensors | MedCity NewsLarry King Now _ Will 3D Printing Change Cosmetic Surgery? | Dailymotion
"The panel answers social media questions and sets the record straight on the edibility of 3D printed foods"
Public website promotes health applications of 3D printing | Medical Dealer Magazine
3D Printing In Healthcare – An Exciting New Technology That Enhances Human Existence | Bidness Etc
NIH shares 3D printing data in effort to enhance medicine | FederalNewsRadio.com3D Systems to Spearhead 3D Printing in Medical Revolution at TCT Show + Personalize 2014 | TCT Magazine
National Institute of Health Offers Its Collection of 3D Print Files To The Public | 3DPrint.com
3D Genetic Engineering to Organs & Body Parts
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )Scientists Use Stem Cells and 3D Printing to Grow Living Human Cartilage on Lab Chip | Vault Stem Cell
"Creating artificial cartilage requires three main elements: stem cells, biological factors to make the cells grow into cartilage, and a scaffold to give the tissue its shape. "
Pushing the Limits of 3D Printing | Construction In Focus MagazineThe World of 3D Printed Organs | RealClearTechnology
What you need to know about 3D-printed organs | EngadgetMIT researchers building mini human livers with 3D printing | 3Ders.org
3D-Printed Mini Livers And Bionic Pancreases | Giant Freakin Robot · Joelle Renstrom
Bio-synthetic liver transplants, coming soon with the advance of 3d printing. | 3Dprinter.In3D-Printed Prosthetic Arms for the Children of Sudan | Popular Mechanics
3D Printing and Clinical Prosthetics | OandP.comNational Institutes of Health Genome... Featured in 3D Printing | NIH 3D Print Exchange
Kudo3d 3D dental model | Kudo3d
Fabbaloo NIH's 3D Print Exchange | Fabbaloo
The 3D Print 3Doodler Human Skeleton | 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board
3D Genetic Engineering to Organs & Body Parts
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )NewBorn Heart Rate Sensor: 3D Printing to Reduce Infant Mortality | Materialise
NIH launches 3D print exchange | GCN.com
NIH launches 3D Print Exchange for Researchers | Pharmaceutical Technology Magazine
"biomedical 3D print files that can be used to print custom laboratory equipment and models of bacteria and human anatomy "
RoboHand to Team With College of the Quachitas to Open Printer Farm and Mass Produce 3D ... | 3DPrint.com
"This could certainly be a huge stepping stone for Robohand, as they try to maximise their reach, creating prosthetics for those in need aound the globe. It will be interesting to see if they will open additional printer farms if this first farm proves to be a success"
3D Prosthesis Gives Little Girl Use Of Hand | MyFox Philadelphia
Learning about the new Derek arm | Born Just Right · Jen Lee Reeves
UNYQ Raises $1 Million and Begins Taking Pre-orders for Below Knee 3D Printed Prosthetic Covers | 3DPrint.com
3D-Printed Organs 101: Everything You Need to Know | SYS-CON Media (press release)
"In the United States alone, 78,837 patients are waiting for organ donations "
3D-Printing Could Boost Surgery Access In Low-Income Countries | 3DPrint.com
"It took around 90 minutes to print the retractor, using less than 50 cents-worth of PLA, and the team found that the freshly printed instrument was completely sterile."
3D printing technology used in surgery | Xinhua -
3D Genetic Engineering to Organs & Body Parts
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )Far East Leads as China Employs 3D Printing in Vascular Surgery And Japan 3D Prints Blood ... | Inside3DP
Hunan hospital uses 3D printing in surgery for the first time in China | Shanghaiist
Using 3D Printing And Design To Change The Way We Look At Disability | Forbes3D printing technology used in surgery in Hunan | WantChinaTimes
Researchers at Stanford Can See Your Heart - 3D Printing 3dprintingindustry.com |3dprintingindustryRoche Pharmaceuticals Confirms Organovo 3D Bioprinting Results | By Michael Molitch-Hou
3D Printing Billion Cell Organs | By Michael Molitch-Hou
3D organ printing youtube.com/watch?v=iDGQL47VbTk | Hanat_akordor
TechReads: Fabricated (The New World of 3D Printing igirltechnews.com | igirl tech news
Doctors have high hopes for 3D printing | MyFox Tampa Bay -
3D Genetic Engineering to Organs & Body Parts
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )Doctors have high hopes for 3D printing | MyFox Tampa Bay
"Dr. Joette Giovinco, FOX 13 Medical Reporter - bio Science and Industry is giving us a glimpse into the high-tech world of 3D printing. "
Monday's papers: Dentists bite into 3D printing, the view from Vuosaari, public transit changes and | YLE News
Finland Leads the Way in Dental 3D Printing | Inside3DPA 72 Hour Make-A-Thon Using 3D Printing to Help Those With Disabilities | Visual News
Using 3D Printing And Design To Change The Way We Look At Disability | Huffington Post
Forbes Using 3D Printing And Design To Change The Way We Look At Disability | Tarun Wadhwa
Company Uses 3D Printing and Design To Change the Way We Look At Prosthetics | Slashdot3D printing brings promise of printed prostheses, organ replacements to PHL | GMA News
"“The more people rely on the Internet, the demand to go digital progresses as well. People want to see and experience more personalized products, when they want it and where they want it,” Chin said."
Bringing Will.i.am and Back Braces Into 3D Printing | Businessweek
Roche Pharmaceuticals Confirms Organovo 3D Bioprinting Results | 3D Printing Industry
Not Impossible "Project Daniel": 3D Printing Prosthetic Arms for Children of War-Torn Sudan | SHOOTonline.com5 Things to Know About Johnson & Johnson's Growth Into 3D Printable Implants | Becker's Orthopedic & Spine
"Three-dimensional printing technology allows for customized and personalized structures generated in a more streamlined process. The technology is also capable of producing porous metal, according to a HealthPoint Capital report."
Do you want custom-fitted, 3D-printed, wireless earbuds? | TechnologyTell
For your ears only: Startup wants to 3D-print custom earbuds | CNET
Finally: 3D Printed Personalized Earbuds | FabbalooStunning 3D printed White matter model reveals beauty of brain | 3Ders.org
3D Printing Arms for Children of War-Torn Sudan | Tumotech
e-NABLING Evan With A 3D Printed Hand enablingthefuture.org | E-nabling The FutureHand Drawing Hand 3D Printed makershop.co | MakerShop
Healthcare and the State of 3D Printing | ScanSource POS and Barcode
NIH aiming to lower IT barriers to 3D printing in drug research | FierceBiotech IT
3D Genetic Engineering to Organs & Body Parts
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )3D printed human organs are finally possible after vascular printing breakthrough | Pocket-lint.com
Major Breakthrough With 3D Printing Organs | 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board
A Step Closer to Bio-Printing Tissues and Organs | Product Design & Development
"The ability to bio-print tissues and organs could one day allow us to create custom body parts that could be used for transplants. New research has brought that possibility one step closer to reality.]Engineers Use Muscle Cells To Create Improved, Controllable Bio-Bots | RedOrbit
3D Printer Aids in Ankle Replacement Surgery | ENGINEERING.com
"Arthritic ankles can make it nearly impossible for sufferers to walk. A 3D printer is taking the pain out of the joint and giving patients a much easier stride."
3D Printed Ankle Replacement Surgery a Success for Texas Woman | 3DPrint.com3D Printing Used to Successfully Remove Previously Inoperable Tumor in 5 Year Old Boy | 3DPrint.com
"The 3D printed replicas included a hard printed material in place of the blood vessels, arteries and organs. These were the areas that had to be left unaffected. The tumor was printed using a softer resin, that was translucent. The goal was to remove the tumor from the 3D printed models without harming the blood vessels or organs."
Organovo (NYSE: ONVO) and the implementation of 3D printers in BioTechnology | Financialbuzz.comEvent Review: 3D Printing Meets Healthcare | NYC Health Business Leaders
3D Printing of Antibiotic Infused Implants – Patent Recently Published | 3DPrint.com
Thumbs up! 3D-printed finger cots support the assembly process at BMW | Plastics Today
3D Printing Materials that Resist Flaws, Fractures | Product Design & Development
%(#008000)[""The main idea is to look into nature," Dimas says, "specifically, investigating mineralized composites and trying to understand why they perform so well."
Brain white matter modelled with 3D printing | CNET\ -
3D Genetic Engineering to Organs & Body Parts
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )Researchers Now Able To 3D Print Working Blood Vessels | JEWSNEWS · Eliyokim Cohen
Blood, Sweat, and Tears: Researchers Say 3D Printing of Working Blood Vessels Possible | mHealthWatch
Bioprinted blood vessels pave way to organs-on-demand | Wired.co.ukVascular network bio-printing brings 3D-printed organs one step closer | Gizmag
3D Printing Vascular Networks | ScienceRoll · berci.mesko@gmail.com (Bertalan Mesk?)
3D Bioprinted Vascular Network Brings Us Closer to Push Button Organ Printing | 3D Printing Industry
Scientists Can Now 3D Print Vascular Networks | 3D Printing
Scientists print human circulatory system | ABC OnlineSurgeons Use 3D Printing to Remove Previously Inoperable Tumour From Child | International Business Times UK
3h Twitter 3D Printing Used to Successfully Remove Previously Inoperable Tumor in 5 Year Old Boy| Twitter
3D printing helps surgeons save 5-year-old's life | CNET
"Spanish surgeons frustrated by a young boy's seemingly inoperable tumor turn to 3D printing to tackle the challenging operation"Virtual Medical Library Lets You 3D Print Models Of Viruses And Organs | io9
Revealing the Mysteries of the Brain with the Help of 3D Printing | Inside3DP
Brain white matter modelled with 3D printing | 3D Printing Plan
Dutch Surgeon Successfully Implants 3D-Printed Skull | Techonomy3D printing shop brings 'next industrial revolution' to Newark | Newark Post
Researchers 3D Print Biological Robots | 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board
3D printed muscle-powered bio-bots walk on command | 3Ders.orgHuntington doctor among first to use 3D printing knee replacement surgery | WOWK
Photo Release -- 3D Systems Bespoke Technology Receives International Design Excellence ... | Wall Street Journal
If we figure out how to 3D print human organs, how can technology ever top that? | PandoDaily
A Family Comes Together To Create 3D Printed Hand | E-nabling The Future
Next Generation of 3D Printed Prosthetic Hands – The Flexy-Hand 2 – Looks and Feels | 3DPrint.com3D Printed Bio-Bots Use Mouse Muscle to Move | 3D Printing Industry
BMW Offers 3D Printed Thumbs To Its Assembly Line Workers | Ubergizmo
BMW 3D Prints Custom Orthotics for Assembly Workers | ENGINEERING.com
BMW 3D prints new thumbs for factory workers | The Guardian
BMW is 3D printing finger cots | Bits & Pieces from the Embedded Design World - WordPress.comTFDA tendering for Report on the regulating of 3D printing and HITU in medical devices in US and ... | Brandwood Biomedical
3D Printed splints help arthritis #3dthursday | AdafruitHow is 3D printing technology used in Architecture and Medicine | Countries House
Better Walk Uses 3D Printing to Redesign the Crutch | Inside3DP
Better Walk Uses 3D Printing to Accelerate Prototyping for a Better Crutch | 3DPrint.com
3D Printed Knees Officially a Hit with Patients | Inside3DP -
3D Genetic Engineering to Organs & Body Parts
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )BMW 3D Printing Augmented Thumbs To Make Their Workers Stronger | eTeknix · Peter Donnell
Better Walk Creates 3D Printed Crutches | 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board
3D printing aids in ankle replacement surgery, enables woman to walk again | 3Ders.org
3D printing wrist splints | Bits & Pieces from the Embedded Design World - WordPress.com
One Step Closer to 3D Bio Printing Organs | FileHippo News
3D Printing Aids Surgeons to Save Five Year Old Boys Life | eTeknix5-year-old boy has tumor removed thanks to 3D printing | TechSpy
3D printing helps surgeons save 5-year-old's life | 3D Printing Plan
3D printing helps surgeons save 5-year-old's life - CNET | LockerDome
These 3D-Printed Bio-Bots Are Powered By Real Muscle Cells | adafruit industries blog · Yarrow Maurer
3D-printed prosthetic arms rescue child victims of war | CBC.ca
Scientists Can Now 3D Print Working Blood Vessels | Guardian Liberty Voice -
3D Genetic Engineering to Organs & Body Parts
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )3D printed white matter tracts illustrate the beauty and complexity of the human brain | Embodi3D
"White matter tracts are the pathways that nerve cells use to connect to each other inside the brain, and are incredibly complex"
The Future of 3D Printing, The Creation of LIFE | Bitcoin Forum
3D printing helps Better Walk to design and build a better InternetMedicine.com| InternetMedicine
"In May 2013, the three formed a company called Better Walk to design a more effective crutch that removes force from a crutch user’s underarm area and reduces the amount of direct force through a user’s wrist"
3D printing helps surgeons save 5-year-old's life – CNET WordPress.com | The Wandering Poet
3D printed organs come a step closer | NEWS.am Medicine
""For years, scientists have been able to “print” types of human tissue using a 3D printer, but in a significant leap forward by US and Australian researchers they can now make that tissue survive on its own"
New bio-printing technique makes blood vessels in 3D-printed organs possible | Tech Times
Surgeons Save 5-Year Old Boy's Life Using 3D Printing | Chinatopix
IMTS 2014 Conference: Mass Finishing for 3D Printed Parts | Today's Medical Developments
3D Printing: Opportunity for Technicians? | OandP.com
Surgeons Use 3D Printing to Remove Previously Inoperable Tumour From Child | The Top Information Post3D Printing Objects and Books in Braille for People with Vision Disabilities | Disabled World
3D Genetic Engineering to Organs & Body Parts
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )The 3D Printing Revolution Meets Health Care | TheBeat @ CooleyHealth
3D Printing Kidney Models to Provide better information to Patients - 3D Print Board | 3D Printing Forum
Formlabs 3D Printing in Medicine formlabs.com/#company/blog/tags/3d-printing-medicine | Formlabs
Defeating Neuroblastoma With 3D Printing | 3D Printer World
"The patient, Marc, suffered from a childhood cancer, neuroblastoma. Though his course of treatments were effective in controlling the disease, he was plagued with a large tumor in his stomach which surgeons had twice failed to remove. A tangle of blood vessels and arteries encasing the tumor made further surgery difficult"
Innovators Build 3D-Printed Prosthetic Arm for 14-Year-Old War Victim in Sudan | Headlines & Global News
"3D printing has been used by a team of innovators called the Not Impossible group to create a prosthetic arm for children who have been victims of violent conflicts"
Surgeons Begin Using 3D Printing to Help Explain Patients' Conditions to Them | 3DPrint.com
"Kidney models were developed by using clear translucent resin with the tumors in a red hue. The vasculature (blood vessels) was included in the model and it was printed in red. The study team noted that, “Our method of constructing models with translucent resins allows us to visualize the tumor and appreciate the depth of the malignancy.” They indicate that in the future, this approach may potentially allow surgeons to preserve a great amount of healthy renal tissue"
Researchers successfully 3D print blood vessels, a 'game changer' | The Top Information Post
Diabetic Patients Aided with Doctor's 3D Printed Foot Models | 3D Bioprinting Conference
"And, so, the doctor has converted CT scans of foot and ankle deformities into 3D printable files, to help surgeons know what they’re getting into before operating" -
3D Genetic Engineering to Organs & Body Parts
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )e-NABLING Differences – With 3D Printed Hands | E-nabling The Future
3D Printing Prosthetics for Wounded Veterans | Materialise
Rep Rap 3D Prints Blood Vessels | 3diot
Future of Artificial Organs Promising with New Technology, Even 3D Printing | IT Business Net
3D printed prosthetics are fashion statements for amputees | KALWUniversity of Verona Hospital Uses 3D Printed Bone Replicas to Aid in Orthopedic & Trauma Surgery | 3DPrint.com
3D Printed Earbuds 'Normals' Are An Affordable, Customizable App-Based Solution To 'One Size ... | Gamenguide
Normals are 3D-printed earbuds made just for you | The Verge