[Plugin] GKWare Stair Maker
you'll have to create and account to download and see the options.
Crash when opening sketchup 8 pro !
What OS are you running. What is your model set to? Are you saying that your entire sketchup session crashed when loading the plugin?
This is the first time I've heard this? There must be something else going on. Do you have rights to plugins folder or are you running virtual store? Do you use a loader.rb and put plugins in a public area?
How much does the Plugin cost after the trial period is over?
@garry k said:
What OS are you running. What is your model set to? Are you saying that your entire sketchup session crashed when loading the plugin?
This is the first time I've heard this? There must be something else going on. Do you have rights to plugins folder or are you running virtual store? Do you use a loader.rb and put plugins in a public area?
Windows 7 32 bits.
A bug splat is produced when sketchup starts.
After removing your plugin all is OK.
I have good rights on the plugin folder. I don't use a loader.rb and i don't put plugins in a public area.... Perhaps a conflict with another plugin ???
Best regards. -
I'm thinking there is a conflict with something else.
Running loader.rb really simplifies testing for me
I run SU7, SU8, SU2013 and SU2014 and I have just one location for my plugins.loader.rb has 2 lines:
require( 'sketchup.rb' )
require_all( 'C:/Users/Public/Documents/Sketchup' )I put a copy of loader.rb into each sketchup version plugins folder
I create a folder which is added to each sketchup version plugins folder.
I also create a quarantine folder
C:/Users/Public/Documents/quarantineI would then move all my plugins over to the quarantine location
Move gkware_stairmaker.rb and gkware_stairmaker folder over to C:/Users/Public/Documents/SketchupStartup Sketchup - I'm pretty confident that it will load.
Move 1 or 2 plugins at a time from quarantine over to C:/Users/Public/Documents/Sketchup
and try starting up sketchup.At some point you will get your crash - Move the plugin that has the conflict back to quarantine and keep going through all your plugins until just 1 or more plugins that has issue with Stair Maker exists in quarantine.
Tell me which plugin(s) these are.
Please note that not all plugins are designed to work outside original plugins folder.
StairMaker plugin, significantly slows
the importing of images and textures in SU2014 -
I have performed tests with SU7, SU8, SU2013 and SU2014 with windows 7 and stairmaker and cannot duplicate this issue.
However - If I load up alot of plugins (without stairmaker) I can produce a significant slowdown.
Roberto (micione) has contacted me via email and confirmed that if he unloads a couple of other plugins that his problem goes away.
Go ahead and name names... Plugins that slow other plugins should probably be named so that their creators can look into it.
Kristoff - I wasn't given the names.
It is also possible that if you add too many plugins and you have limited memory that you experience the same thing. Something like the straw that broke the camels back!!!
Regardless - it is up to Roberto to name names!
I'm adding a 2D to 3D stair converter to Stair Maker Suite.
The input box pops up when you press the 2D button. You adjust the total rise, number of risers etc. and click OK. The tread number resets to the first tread.
Then you select the edge at the front of the tread (or edges) and select the tread face and press the 3D button (or use a hot key - mine is set to Shift 'T').
Start at the bottom of the stair and work your way up to the top. The Tread number automatically increments and the 2D face reverses (to indicate that you have processed that tread).
Please note that the first and last tread/riser are handled differently than the middle ones.
You must temporarily add a few lines at the bottom and at the top of the stair. At the bottom this tells the 3D button which lines to use for the first nosing. This is especially needed for volutes etc. The plugin knows when you have reached the top of the stair as the tread number will equal the number of risers. The extra lines at the top of the stair tell the plugin how to finish off the top riser.
Here are some examples of different 2D stairs
I'm back to adding new features about once a month.
I'm hoping to add these features next version.- Add partial riser for open riser stair - so that the gap is no larger than 'Maximum Gap'
- Allow riser to sit on tread (marble etc).
- Modern Rake rail - second rail profile where there are no spindles and instead there are additional horizontal rails every 100 mm (or less)
- Modern Glass panel instead of spindles
We will use the new 'Maximum Gap' rule (defaults to 100mm or 4"), for opening of partial risers and spacing for rake rails and Modern Glass panels. Here is the new 'Codes and Rules' page
The new 'Stair Configuration' page contains 2 check boxes which are 'Partial Riser', and 'Risers Sit On Treads' as well as 2 drop downs which are 'Spindle Options' and 'Spinde Style'
Here is an example of a stair that is flared and has 'Open Riser' and 'Partial Riser' checked.
I have a requirement for a staircase that begins as a 180 degree spiral within a 10-12 foot space for the first 6 feet (approximate) of rise. The steps then continue as a straight run to the top--approximately another 5 feet. Is it possible to do this with Stair Maker?
Also, I haven't seen anything regarding pricing.
You can check out prices on my web site. CabMaker32.com
You must log in to see prices.The web dialog currently will not create a stair with curved and straight steps. A future version will add this capability.
There is a 2D to 3D stair conversion utility that will create treads and risers based on a 2D drawing. You could use the Stair Maker to create the curved portion of the stair and use the 2D to 3D utility to create the rest of the treads.
@garry k said:
There is a 2D to 3D stair conversion utility that will create treads and risers based on a 2D drawing. You could use the Stair Maker to create the curved portion of the stair and use the 2D to 3D utility to create the rest of the treads.
And it rocks...
I've finished testing version 1.0.20 of the Stair Maker plugin Suite.
I've fixed a number of issues and added new features.- Changed the web dialog
the enter key now acts like the OK button.
the escape key now acts like the cancel button. - Fixed first time registration bug.
- Web dialog is no longer resizeable
- Added ‘Open Style Sheet’ drop down. You can now store and retrieve style sheets.
- Changed ‘Save As Default’ check box to ‘Save Style Sheet’ drop down. You can now save current style as a named style sheet.
- Issue with first nosing. Fixed
- Added feature risers now have choice to sit on tread - stone risers etc...
- Added feature for partial risers with open riser stair
- Added featuer - you can now specifiy side nosing for tread independently from front of tread nosing.
- Back of tread was not bullnosed for open riser progressive flare. Fixed
- Added checks
Web Dialog data entry now pops up message for invalid data entry
Tread dado must be less than tread thickness
Tread bullnose cannot be negative
Tread nosing cannot be negative
Tread side nosing cannot be negative
Riser nosing cannot be greater than tread nosing
Riser nosing cannot be negative
Tread bullnose cannot be larger than tread nosing - Riser boards now work with progressive flare.
- Updated translation files
- Flared risers have stringer dado problem. Fixed
- Housed stringer at front of stair not calculating properly. Fixed
- Flared treads greater than 65mm had problems. You can now flare tight radius stairs up to around 150 mm.
- Changed the web dialog
You've been a busy bee... looks great.
Here is an interesting side effect that I didn't expect. Here I put in a -20 mm progressive flare on the last 8 treads and it works - providing you check "Flare Sawtooth Face".
Stair Maker version 1.0.20 is now available for download from my web site.
CabMaker32.comTesting would be appreciated. The new plugin will be uploaded to the Extension Warehouse and the Plugin Store later this week.
Anyone who wants to run the trial - but has timed out please email me and I will reset your accounts on my web site. gkernan@telus.net
I'll get the new version...