Help with IF function
I understand how to use the IF function, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to produce the required TRUE value for the first IF argument.
I need a formula that will return a TRUE value if the COPY attribute of a repeating subcomponent is equal to a certain number. Is there a function that will give me a TRUE value if two attributes are equivalent?
So for an attribute named "Value"
Value: =IF(COPY = 2, TRUE, FALSE)
will return TRUE if COPY i equal to 2 and FALSE otherwise. Have I misunderstood the question?
There is no
double-equal comparison operator in Dynamic Components. It is just=
(There should be
on the linked page.) -
@jim said:
There is no
double-equal comparison operator in Dynamic Components. It is just=
(There should be
on the linked page.)Answered too fast, without reading completely.... sorry..
@jim said:
So for an attribute named "Value"
Value: =IF(COPY = 2, TRUE, FALSE)
will return TRUE if COPY i equal to 2 and FALSE otherwise. Have I misunderstood the question?
Wrong answer :
%(#999999)[Maybee it should be (?):
Value=IF(COPY == 2, TRUE, FALSE)
But this will also work (shorter=better?) :
Value=(COPY == 2)]Correction : this is for ruby, not for dynamic components
Wrong answer :
value1==value2 will return TRUE or FALSECorrection : this was for ruby, not for dynamic components